By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Sep 5, 2011




34 yr old Milton Howard couldn't believe his predicament. He'd gone to Temple University to confront his dicksucker (Marcus) for recording them having sex Online, and ended up getting butt fucked by Marcus' sexy straight roommate Gerald, then getting caught red handed with his ass in the air by campus security and a hall full of nosey college students (chap-8).

Milton had never been more embarrassed as security walked in and demanded he show ID. Milt had to wait until Gerald finished his orgasm and removed his pulsating dick before he could stand up (getting smirks and disgusted looks from some of the guards). The guards studied his ID as Milt got dressed, pulling up his pants while security discussed turning him over to police.

"That's not necessary..." said Gerald, coming to Milt's rescue. "...he was a guest of mine, obviously...!"

"We had reports that he broke in here and started attacking one of the students..." argued security, looking to have Milt arrested.

"I was the one who had a fight with my roommate..." lied Gerald, "...I wanted some privacy...!"

"So you two could FUCK...?" asked one of the guards, looking at Milt suspiciously.

"Yeah..." answered Gerald, " there some LAW against that...?"

"He's not authorized to be on campus at this time of night..." informed the guard.

"Even as MY guest...?" asked Gerald, "I pay a lot of money to go to school here..., you telling me I can't FUCK when I want to...?"

"This is getting nowhere..." said one of the guards, handing Milt back his ID. "...I'm out of here..., yall wait for the police if you want to..." he said to his coworkers. The other guards looked around, telling the students to go back to their rooms...

"There's nothing to see here..." they said, turning them away.

Milt was allowed to leave, but not without a warning from security, and some dirty looks from Marcus. Milt had to dash through the hallway, even as students still lingered around, whispering and laughing at his ordeal. He rushed out to his car which had been parked on a side street, feeling Gerald's load starting to drip from his anus.

"Hey...! Hey, wait up...!" called Gerald from behind (having slipped on some jeans and a sweat shirt), running up behind Milt as he unlocked the door to his car. "Here's my name and number..." he said, passing Milt a piece of paper. " me if you wanna hookup again...!"

"Are you kidding...?" asked Milt, looking horrified. "I'm never coming back here again!"

"We could meet up somewhere else..." said Gerald, starting to back back up towards campus. " me, we'll talk...!"

Milt stuffed Gerald's number in his pocket and took off, wanting nothing more than to put this night behind him.

Now, several days later, some of the embarrassment had subsided, as memories of he and Gerald began to fill his fantasies. Milt hadn't been fucked anally since he stopped visiting Marlon and his lover Curtis some years ago. All of his Online experiences had solely been for oral gratification, it never occurred to him to search for anything more. But now that Gerald had reawakened his anal fascinations, he found himself thinking more and more about fucking and getting fucked.


Life as a closeted bisexual wasn't easy. Milt found himself having to stifle most of his feelings, capping them to honor his family and husband obligations first. With work taking up most of his day, most of his off time was spent helping his wife and children shop and socialize. Demeece always had some important event forthcoming that needed the family to go shopping for new items. Milt would act as the taxi, while Deme and the children ran from store to store, buying up items, trying on clothes, purchasing toys, or visiting family and friends.

Still astringed with her brother, Demeece refused to visit Marlon's home, so she would pick Crystal and Rachelle up outside, then take them over to her house (or Charmaine's) to allow the children time to play. It was then that she and Milt would be updated with what's going on in Marlon's life, through Crystal.

"So what's up with this NEW MAN in your life, girl...?" asked Deme over coffee with Crystal and Charmaine, while their children played quietly together in the living room. "Has he opened those clogged pipes you've been carrying around with you for the past few years...?!"

"Oh, HAS he...!" gasped Crystal, fanning herself with her open hand and causing Charmaine and Deme to holler out loud. "He's so wonderful..." she continued, "...I've never met a quite man like him before...! I can't believe he was single! Thanks for hooking a girl up, Char'...!"

"You're welcome..." smiled Charmaine. "...he always seemed like a nice, clean cut, well spoken kind of guy..., I just KNEW you two would hit it off!"

"Have yall fucked yet...?" asked Deme bluntly, getting an amusing groan from the girls.

"I don't want to hear this...!" said Charmaine, covering her ears.

"Yes..." said Crystal, blushing.

"Is he HUNG...?" asked Deme, curiously.

Again Crystal blushed...


Deme and Charmaine burst out into laughter.

"How BIG is he...?!"

"Deme!" yelled Charmaine, shocked that she would get so personal.

"What...? Like YOU didn't wanna know!"

"I don't...!" insisted Charmaine, laughing at Deme's rudeness. "Some things just ought to be kept private!"

"Whatever...!" frowned Deme, knowing she needed to get Crystal alone. "So..., is Marlon jealous that you have another MAN in your life...?"

"Why would he...?" asked Crystal, sampling one of Charmaine's snacks. "He's got Curtis...!"

"That don't mean he likes seeing another man playing with his daughter...!" said Deme, giving her `you don't know' face as she turned her coffee cup up to her lips.

"Dan doesn't interact that much with Rachelle..." said Crystal, "...besides, she's old enough to know her dad is her dad, and that Dan is just mommy's boyfriend..., there isn't any confusion over who's who and where they stand in her life!"

"That's good." said Charmaine, patting the back of Crystal's hand on the table.

"And how does DAN feel about you living with two men...?" asked Deme, probing for dirt.

"He had concerns at first..." admitted Crystal.

"What man wouldn't...?" said Charmaine, sipping her coffee.

"...but that's because he didn't KNOW Marlon and Curtis that well..." continued Crys, "...but since he found out that they're a gay couple, he's cool with it...!"

"Cool with it...?" asked Deme, skeptically. "Did he SAY that...?" she asked.

"Well...yeah..." answered Crystal, unsure. "...he doesn't complain about it anymore...! In fact, I think he's impressed with how well our household runs with 3 adults and 2 parents in it...!"

"Hmmmm..." said Deme, biting her tongue.

"uh-oh..." said Charmaine, recognizing that look. "...what's wrong, girl...? Spit it out!"

"It's nothing..." said Deme, trying to hold her tongue. "...but if your man isn't put off by sleeping over your place with two known homosexuals sleeping in the basement..., then maybe he's not as straight as you think!"

Crystal's mouth dropped...

"Now come-on, Dee..." reasoned Charmaine, "...Marlon lived with you and Milton for MORE than a few months..." she reminded, "...does THAT mean we should suspect Milt also...?"

"First of all, WE didn't know Marlon was gay when he stayed with us..." explained Deme, "...Marlon was still STRAIGHT back then..."

Charmaine laughed...

"Right..., about as STRAIGHT as my husband was...!" she chuckled (referring to her ex-husband Carl, --Milt's brother).

"...and we kicked him out as soon as we found out!" added Deme.

"That's SO wrong..." responded Crystal.

"What is...?" asked Deme.

"Marlon's your brother..., and you haven't spoken more than a few words to him since he came out...!"

"He TRIED to sleep with my husband...!" reminded Deme (referring to events which happened in My Wife's Brother-12).

"They were DRUNK!" explained Crystal.

"Milt was drunk..., Marlon knew exactly what he was up to when he crept into MY bed...!" argued Deme.

"It was a LONG time ago..." reasoned Crystal, "...can't you get over it...? He's your BROTHER...!"

"Which makes it all the worse...!" argued Deme. "How would YOU feel if he went after your new boyfriend DAN...?"

"I don't think he will..." said Crystal, "...besides, he has Curtis..."

"But what if he didn't have Curtis...? What if you came home from work one day and found the two of them in bed...? What if Dan was drunk and Marlon wasn't...? Wouldn't you feel like he had taken advantage of your man then...?!"

"Maybe..." thought Crystal, "...but I'd be more concerned over WHY he felt the need to do something like that, rather than explode and cast him out of mine and my daughter's lives...!" she reasoned, getting a smirk from Deme. "Marlon's not some evil deviant who goes around stealing women's husbands..."

"Tell that to Charmaine...!" snapped Deme.

Charmaine stared down into her empty coffee cup as she thought about the past...

"It wasn't Marlon's fault..." she said, without looking up. "...I blame CARL for that disaster! HE abused his position over Marlon, knowing Marlon really needed a job to help support his daughter after just getting out of jail..., and took advantage of him, making him do all the weird perverted things I wouldn't do in the bedroom!"

Charmaine looked up at Demeece. "Marlon was the victim, NOT Carl...!"

"Well we all know Carl was proven gay when Linda found videotape of him fucking her husband Kendall...!" countered Deme (bringing up more past from Between Bruthas).

"I STILL can't believe she played that video at a sports bar for all their friends to see...!" laughed Charmaine, completely embarrassed.

"It was priceless!" laughed Deme, remembering the looks on Kendall's and Carl's faces.

"Will you EVER forgive Carl...?" asked Crystal, knowing they'd gone through a bitter divorce.

"For cheating on me...? Maybe..." answered Charmaine, honestly. "For lying about our relationship...? Never!"

"A woman scorned, eh..." stated Crystal, shaking her head.

"I don't keep Charlie from seeing his dad..." reasoned Charmaine, "...anymore...! Carl is MORE than welcomed to stop by to pick up and drop off his son..., I'd just prefer not to be here when he does...! I still get SO angry when I think about all the years we spent together, building a life..., and for what...?"

"You don't think Carl would've stayed with you...?" asked Crystal, curiously.

"Oh I KNOW he would have..." said Charmaine, undoubtedly. "...if only to keep up the charade that he's heterosexual...! You know, he's STILL duping women into thinking he's straight...?!"

"Disgusting!" said Deme.

"You don't believe Carl could be bisexual...?" asked Crystal, straight forward.

"I don't believe in bisexuality..." said Charmaine, frankly. "...there's either GAY or straight...! I think men who claim to be bisexual are just trying to gain some respectability from the rest of us...!"

"I don't know about that..." said Crystal, "...Marlon's obviously bisexual..., and his boyfriend Curtis is definitely bisexual...! I've met some of the girls they bring to the house for sex...!"

Deme and Charmaine looked at Crystal as if she'd just stepped out of a spaceship...


"Yes..." laughed Crystal, "...don't YOU and Milton have sex in the same house you raise YOUR children in...?"

"That's different..." fought Deme, "...we're MARRIED..., AND straight...!"

"So only married straight people can have sex in a house where there's children...?" asked Crystal, "This isn't 1955..., the world has evolved..., why don't you...?!"

"Excuse me...??" asked Deme, getting insulted. "It's bad enough that you allow Rachelle to know that YOU'RE sleeping with a man and letting him spent the night and you're NOT married..., but ON TOP OF THAT you have your daughter's father downstairs in the basement sleeping with his MALE lover..., AND NOW you tell me that they also include WOMEN in their unnatural cesspool of perversions, and that you're okay with it...?!! And you have the nerve to tell ME I need to evolve because YOU ALL done lost y'all minds...??! Bitch please! Y'all need CHURCH!"

"Hallelujah!" joked Charmaine, laughing at Deme's rant.

"You HAVE to agree, Crystal..., that's a lot to take in..." reasoned Charmaine, trying to bridge the gap.

"I don't know..." said Crystal, seeing no problem with it. "...maybe I've been hanging around Marlon and Curtis too long..., but I don't see a problem with people expressing themselves sexually..., so long as they're not hurting anyone...!"

"How do YOU KNOW what this's doing to your daughter...?!" asked Deme. "You could be raising her to believe homosexuality is okay...! That's it's something SHE should be!"

"I don't think you can raise a child to be gay..., no more than you can raise one NOT to be!" countered Crystal. "They are what they are...! You can only teach them to tolerate other people's decisions on how they live their lives...! I'd rather her experiment and choose for herself, than to go through life believing she's something she's not!"

"Oh I wanna slap some sense into this bitch's head...!" said Deme, looking directly at Charmaine. Crystal looked put off by the comment. "Didn't you learn ANYTHING by the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah...?!"

"You're comparing MY household to Sodom And Gomorrah...??" asked Crystal, flabbergasted.

"Can you think of a better place...??" asked Deme. "Sounds like you're living in a BARN YARD! I'm surprised you're not fucking ANIMALS in there as well!"

"That's enough, Deme...!" shouted Crystal, unable to stomach any more. "Marlon always said you were judgmental, as if you don't sin yourself...! What happens in MY HOUSE isn't any of your business..."

"It is when you're trying to shove your sex lived down my throat and expecting me to condone it!" argued Demeece.

"You ASKED how everyone was, and I told you...!" yelled Crystal.

"Told me too much..." countered Deme, "...I didn't need to know all that shit...!"

"You know what..." said Crystal, standing up. "...I'm out of here...!"

"No Crys..., don't go...!" called Charmaine, calling her back.

"No..." said Crystal, storming into the living room to retrieve her child. "...I won't sit there and be judged by my so called friends...!" she yelled, grabbing her daughter up from the floor as she played with her cousins: Jannetta, Aaron, and Charlie.

"Things got a little heated..." reasoned Charmaine, following Crystal as he picked out Rachelle's winter coat and began putting it on her. "...but it was all coming from a place of concern...! You know who spirited Demeece can be...!"

"It's ONE thing to voice your opinion on something..., we ALL have opinions..., but it's something completely different to condemn my family and our entire household because it doesn't equal up to your holier than thou religious beliefs!" explained Crystal, peeved. "There's a WHOLE LOT of things I could've said about HER and her household, but I didn't...! What happens in her house is HER business! I would never intrude my thoughts on how she should live!"

"I understand..." said Charmaine, watching as Crystal roughly stuffed her daughter's arms into her coat. "...but she's your ride, Crys..., how're you going to get home...?"

"Transit!" yelled Crystal, grabbing her own coat before heading for the door.

"Bye Rachelle...bye..." said the children, standing in wonder as Rachelle's mom dragged her out the door.

Charmaine took a deep breath, then turned to find Demeece standing in the kitchen doorway, watching...

"Truth hurts, eh...?" she said.


Milton found himself parked outside Temple University once again, sitting in his car with the motor running, waiting for the 19 year old male college student he spoke to over the phone to run out and meet him.

He watched several people walk by, bundled in their overcoats, fighting the cold air as they made their ways to their destinations. Just then the passenger door to his car opened, and in got Marcus' roommate Gerald. "Hey..." he said, blowing hot breath into his cupped hands for warmth. "...thanks for calling...!"

"You said you might have a place we could go...?" asked Milt, sitting behind the wheel.

"Yeah..." said Gerald, getting comfortable. "...I have a friend who has an off campus apartment...! He said we could use his spot...!"

"Where to...?" asked Milt, putting the car in drive.

10 minutes later they were knocking on the buddy's door. Milt stood on the bottom step, feeling subconscious about even being in the school's vicinity again after being embarrassed last time. When he hears some girls laughing as they walked by, he wondered if they recognized him from the hall, standing there with his pants down in front of security?

"Hey man, wussup...?" said the friend, opening the door and allowing his company in.

"What's going on, man...?" asked Gerald, stepping aside. "This my boi, Milt..., Milt, this my hommie Austin..., it's HIS apartment we'll be using...!"

"Hey...!" said Milt, shaking hands with the new guy.

"Hi..." said Austin (a 19 yr old, 6'0", caucasian jock). "...this way...!" he added after closing the door, heading upstairs. " kinda surprised me with this request, man..." said Austin, showing the men into his apt. "...I didn't know you got down THAT way...!"

"Well..." said Gerald, walking into Austin's apartment. "...when YOU told me you did..., I hadn't started fucking around like that yet...!"

"Oh, okay..." said Austin, showing Milt in before closing the door behind them.

"My roommate, --Marcus, started sucking my dick right after that...!" continued Gerald. "That's how I met, Milt..., Marcus was doing HIM too...!"

"You go to Temple...?" asked Austin, looking Milt over.

"No..." answered the older man. "...I met Marcus Online."

"Cool..." said Austin, pulling out a sofa bed. "...this is where I sleep..., don't mess it up too much!"

"No problem." laughed Gerald, taking off his jacket.

"You SURE this's cool...?" asked Milt, as Austin stepped into the kitchen to give them privacy.

"YOU the one didn't wanna use the dorm...!" said Gerald, unbuckling his pants.

Milt shrugged his shoulders as he started to undress.

"How do you know this guy...?" he asked curiously.

"Class..." said Gerald, "...we're on the same basketball team!"

Milt was impressed, and finally understood why Gerald was so vocal about having the video erased from Marcus' computer. He began staring at Gerald's body in a different light, knowing (now) that he was a celebrated athlete. Standing at 6'3", Milt never noticed why he hadn't linked Gerald's height to basketball? Looking at him now, he totally looked like he belonged on the court.

Stripping naked (except for his socks and t-shirt), Gerald walked over and began helping Milt undress, sensing his apprehension. Milt allowed the teen to help him, never taking his eyes off Gerald's bobbing erection. Taking it in his hand, Milt started to slowly stroke it back and forth, feeling the heat in the palm of his hand as Gerald led him over towards the bed.

Gerald lay back on Austin's sofa bed, spreading his long hairy legs as Milt climbed aboard with him. With Gerald's dick still in hand, Milt guided it to his mouth and began sucking. Gerald groaned aloud as he tossed his head back into Austin's pillows, enjoying the hot mouth enveloping him.

"Shit man..." he moaned, looking down over his chest as Milt bobbed his head, getting more and more of the dick wet with spit. He watched for awhile as the masculine UPS worker worked over his manhood, pulling off to lick the shaft, painting it up and down with his tongue before taking it back into his hot mouth.

Gerald held off for as long as he could. Pulling Milt up off of his wood, he pushed the older man face down in Austin's bed. Milt got into position on his stomach as Gerald reached back and began molesting his ass with his huge hands, grabbing, squeezing, molding, holding the round globes, massaging the firm cheeks as if kneading dough in an Italian Pizzeria.

Grabbing some lubricant off Austin's bedside table, he pulled Milt's taut cheeks apart and squirted a generous amount between the cheeks before rubbing it in with his fingers. Finding the tight butt-hole, he pushed his finger(s) inside, penetrating Milt's anal ring and stretching the pucker wider. Milt bit his lower lip as the fingers drilled through him, ripping through the tightly sealed ring to bury inside. He could feel Gerald's fingers wiggling around in his rectum, stretching his sphincter muscles. Then after greasing his own erection, Gerald got into position over Milt, aiming his dick down between the older man's muscled ass. Milt waited with bated breath as Gerald pushed forward, sliding in...

"UHHH..." grunted Milt, feeling the dick pry through him, wedging his hole wider.

Gerald wasn't exactly the most patient of souls as the tightness of Milt's strong hold made him slightly over zealous, causing him to shove his dick in much faster than Milt was expecting (or hoping). "AARRRRRHHH...!!" grunted the older man, as Gerald pressed his pelvic bone into his ass, sheathing all 7 inches in one shove. When Milt bolted (feeling the sudden pain shoot through his rectum), Gerald reached his forearm around and locked him in a headlock, holding him down as he ground his pelvic bone home.

Austin came in from the kitchen, unsure what the struggle was over? But stopped short when he saw the two naked black men in his bed, one atop the other, holding him down with his dick lodged well up his ass. Austin felt his own dick harden instantly as he watched 19 yr old Gerald Grant fuck the masculine looking older man.

After a few minutes of struggle, the pain in Milt's ass started to die down, as his body began to mold and adjust to the invader inside him. Gerald felt the asshole gripping and squeezing him, attacking his dick like the enemy, pushing to try to force him out. But Gerald held his position, refusing to give up the sweet hole he just opened. He held on until he felt Milt's struggling cease. Then (and only then) did he relax his own hold and start fucking, humping his hips up and down as he pushed and pulled his dick in and out of Milt's ass.

Milt could feel the dick starting to move through him, sliding back and forth. Gerald lay on his back, covering Milt's 6 foot frame completely, moving about on top of him as he drove his dick straight through his parted cheeks.

Milt wasn't used to bottoming, having spent most of his life as a hetero-top. His experiences were limited to what he faced 3 years ago (when he was enthralled with his brother in-law Marlon and his boyfriend Curtis). Being on the bottom of a new man was daunting to say the least, swallowing his male pride and allowing himself to be dicked down like a female was definitely humiliating (especially since Gerald made NO attempts to reciprocate). But deep down inside Milt knew what he wanted. His body craved the experiences from years ago, when he was more open-minded and willing to experiment. He often wondered what would have happened to him had he gone through with the plan and stayed with Marlon, rather than his pregnant wife?

Gerald loved the way Milt's asshole gripped and sucked his plunging shaft while he fucked. He slapped his pelvic bone into the older man's ass with every forward thrust, burying every inch of his manhood up the man's bare asshole. He never knew what he'd been missing when he turned down earlier offers from admiring gay boys willing to service his every need for simple friendship. He could often kick himself when he think of all the blow jobs and butt fucks he wasted, chasing girls who only played hard to get so they could tie him into relationships. Or whores that gave it up too quickly, hoping to get pregnant from a broken or sabotaged condom, looking for an easy payday if he ever made it into the pros.

Fucking gay men (men who didn't fit into the typical feminine `fag' category anyway) was much easier. They knew the deal from the door. Milt didn't even bat an eye once it was understood that he would bottom. Gerald had been hoping he'd hear from him again, after that first time together (chap-8). When he finally got that phone call from Milt (asking if he was available tonight), his dick instantly bricked rock hard, as memories of Milt's tight muscled ass filled his brain. He'd have found a place for them to fuck if he had to lay out the cash for a hotel room himself, from his own pocket.

Thrusting through Milt's ass, Gerald could already feel his climax building. Unable to hold off much longer, he began to pound Milt with all his might, slamming his pelvic bone into Milt's backside and driving his 7 inch dick in and out of him with a mind of its own. Milt grunted and groaned under the anal assault, his asshole feeling the full brunt of the pounding as Gerald went wild on top of him. "AAARRRRRRHHHH...!!" yelled the teenager, as the cum boiled up from his churning ball sac, then rocketed from his pulsing dick, exploding straight into Milt's ass like a scud missile, shooting semen into the married man's heated bowels.

Milt felt Gerald's heavy orgasm as he pressed in tight against his backside, keeping his dick sheathed as he emptied his balls into his gut. Milt's asshole automatically tightened and flexed, milking the spurting dick of all its seed. Gerald fell weakly against Milt's back, his dying dick quickly shrinking before falling limply from Milt's hole.

Getting up, Gerald immediately began to dress, leaving Milt in bed to recover (his anus throbbed sorely). "You okay...?" asked Gerald, as Milt finally began to move.

"Yeah..." said the older man, rolling onto his side and revealing his large hard erection.

Austin slowly approached, nursing the stiff erection sticking out of the zipper of his faded jeans. Gerald absentmindedly reached up and scratched the back of his head...

"Oh yeah, uh..., I kinda promised Austin he could have seconds if he let us use his place..." said Gerald nonchalantly, expecting Milt to put out. " don't mind, do you...?"

Milt was stunned. Not only was he going against his nature by letting this young upstart basketball player top him, but NOW he wanted him to give up his booty to one of his friends, as if he were some gay trollop!

Looking Austin over, Milt saw nothing remotely appealing about the young 19 yr old pale faced Caucasian as he stood there before him (6', 160 lbs, w/a smooth clean face and a dusty brown curly top). Then Milt's eyes slowly traveled down Austin's torso, resting on the 8" tool he was nursing... "He's really cool peeps...!" encouraged Gerald, knowing he might need Austin's pad again sometime soon.

"Okay..." said Milt, feeling indifferent about it as he re-rolled onto his stomach.

Austin wasted no time shedding his clothes and climbing onto the bed, rubbing his steely dickhead along Milton's creamy ass crack for lube.

"Check ya later..." said Gerald (leaving the scene before it got too gay), leaving Milt to pay the piper.

Milt felt Austin slowly press forward, sinking his pale white dick between his glistening dark brown ass cheeks. Austin closed his eyes as he slowly sank through, feeling the buttery grip of Milton's tight anus squeeze and caress his iron phallus as he pressed his pubic hairs into Milton's buttock. Milt felt Austin's soft wiry crotch hairs rest against his ass, and knew he had successfully taken the white boy's dick entirely. Austin rested for a moment, enjoying the tight pulsating grip Milt's anus provided as the black man waited to be fucked.

Started off slowly, Austin began to pull back and push forth timidly, intimidated by Milt's age, demeanor, and muscular masculinity. Looking down, his eyes gazed over the black man's sexy dark back, trailing down to his muscular ass as his pale white dick slid in-between. Helped by the buttery cream of Gerald's nut, Austin found his dick beginning to slide smoothly in and out of Milt's gripping rectum. Picking up speed and pace, Austin began to feel less and less intimidated as Milt began to moan and groan under his assault. Fucking harder, he began slicing his dick through the tight buns, gaining more control and confidence with each stroke, stretching the rectum as his slightly longer dick began to dig deeper.

Milt noticed the extra inch or so Austin had over Gerald, feeling the white boy's dick hitting a deeper spot as he began slapping his pelvic bone against his ass. Milt's own dick remained rock hard underneath him, rubbing precariously back and forth against the bed sheets, leaking precious ball drool as Milt spread his legs to open his buttock for deeper probing.

Austin caught Milt's slight ass hike as the black man raised his buttock for deeper access. Using the hike to his advantage, Austin (already in pushup position) began slamming his hips into Milt's ass even harder, driving his dick deeper with every stroke. Milt began groaning louder, arching his back as Austin beat his pubic bone against his ass with force.

"Shit man..." moaned Milton (having underestimated Austin's worth) reaching down under his waist to stroke his dick. His mind (still reeling from the first fuck) was going into overdrive as he succumb to the feeling of total domination, giving his ass up to two different men for fucking.

Milt couldn't believe how far he'd come with just a few chance choice decisions. Only a few months ago did he start to meet and mess around with men Online, looking solely for submissive men who liked to suck dick with no strings attached (NSA). Now not only had he allowed Gerald to butt fuck him (twice), but he was now giving ass to Gerald's friends. The idea of allowing his body to be used in such a manner by two horny college athletes, had Milt's hard dick pulsing in his hand as he stroked himself back and forth...

"OH SHIT..." he gasped surprised, as the cum started pulsing out of his flaring dick in thick groves. "...OH SHIT...OH SHIT, I'M...AAARRRRRHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!"

Austin could feel Milt jacking his dick profusely while they fucked. He felt Milt's body stiffen as his orgasm began to hit unexpectedly. Then he felt his asshole grip, then flex wildly as he came all over the bed sheets beneath them.

Milt's sexy screams were enough to send Austin over the edge. The mild unassuming teenager pounded Milt's ass harder once he felt his asshole lock down on him, then started to hose the married man's innards with another dose of heavy cum, adding to the mass already shot inside earlier by Gerald Grant.

The two men lay together quietly, basking in the warmth of their collected union as Austin slowly sank down against Milton's muscular back and ground his throbbing dick home in his gut, filling his manly colon with a heaping helping of teenage seed...

________________________________________ Written by NPhillydogg (aka) Eugene Marvin. Hit me up at for questions, comments, and suggestions, or, join me on Facebook for a list of updates.

Next: Chapter 55: Bruthaly Luv 13

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