
By Ike Fan

Published on Apr 14, 2004



First, the usual disclaimer; None of this is true, it's my complete imagination, I check for ID's when young guys hit on me, don't break the law, if you're too young to read this don't read, etc. etc. etc.

My Young Studs

This is a story of how lucky I've been in my life, and the freaky things that keep happening to me as regards to dudes. First a little about where I live; I live in Las Vegas, and because there ain't a lot of parental supervision around here, boys grow up real quick. Most guys around here are pounding pussy by the time they're thirteen, and girls are already running all the games on them they usually do on older guys. That means there are an awful lot of young dudes around here that have had some sex, enough to know how good it is, but aren't getting any right now. Then two there are one helluva lotta churches in this town, so there are tons (and I mean thousands) of young goodlooking married guys who's wives won't suck or get freaky. Now me, I'm nothing hot to look at. I look around 28, 30 years old although I'm a bit older, and I've always been , well, fat. When I was younger people were always saying I had a cute face, but that just meant I didn't look like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. But I have always been completely unable to say "no" or "no thanks" to a guy in need, and I will do everything and anything he might want. I also get really nervous around younger guys, they don't even have to be goodlooking, hell, I think all guys younger than me are goodlooking, and I think they can tell somehow. At least they sure are able to figure me out just minutes after meeting me, or seeing me on a bus, at the store, whatever. Maybe it's my long hair; I have really long hair and most guys today don't. But I don't act feminine or anyting; actually, I look and act pretty masculine. I don't know how they pick up on me. Another thing about the guys that "have my number"; they always seem to know exactly what they're doing, no matter how young they are!

Here's an example; a month ago I had to take the bus from the airport to my condo, and it's about an hour long ride, right through a major part of town next to a mall. And it was late Friday night. I could not believe all the young guys getting on and off that bus! When I was their age I could never be out that late, but there they were, some skaterbois with boards. Anyway, this one group of guys gets on the bus, and this teen dude with blond hair, of all the empty seats on the bus (and there were plenty at that time), sits apart from the guys he got on with (I knew they were his friends 'cause he kept yelling to them) and sits next to me. And I mean next to me, he's facing the aisle but his butt is against my thigh about as hard as he could press it. And he kept moving, and I'm practically sweating out of my skin at this point. One by one his friends get off and we're almost the only ones on the bus except for some old folks. And I catch him sneaking looks at me out of the corner of his eye. And of course I've been checking him out the whole time, his wiry small tight frame (oh, I'm 6'2" and enormous, he was about 5'7" and thin) and I'm almost shaking. It's stupid, but I get like that around guys. Especially if I think they might be interested. So it comes time for my stop, and I get up and say "My stop" and push past him, because he ain't moving too much to make room. And of course my front presses right against his shoulder as I go past, and I could swear his hand cupped my ass, but I couldn't be sure, ya know. I'm climbing out of my skin because he is so fine (actually he was pretty average but like I said I have weird perceptions when it comes to guys; I've gone nuts over guys my friends said were butt-ugly, so I guess almost all guys are incredibly hot to me.) Anyway, I'm right at the door, the driver opens it, and I jump out, kicking myself for not saying something to him. And suddenly before the driver can shut the door, the kid is up in a flash and out the door and standing right in front of me, with this shit eating knowing grin on his face. Without a word (I swear I am not making this up) I start walking to my house, and he falls in step beside me as if we've known each other forever. Without a word. Every now and then I look at him and he would grin back, looking deeply into my eyes. Freaky.

And so was the sex. We got into my condo and he was on me like a wild animal, scaring the hell out of me at first, I thought "Shit what have I gotten into, he's gonna kill me" but then I realized he was pulling off my shirt and forcing me to my knees (well, at least trying to) at the same time!! He was wearing shorts and his crotch and an enormous bulge was in my face, and before I knew what was happening I was sucking him through his shorts while he pulled off his shirt, revealing that tight taut little body. He pushed me back and was out of his shorts in a flash, around his ankles, and a nice thick 6.5-7 incher that looked like 10 on his small frame popped me in the face and I was down on it in the blink of an eye, to the root. He was horny, young, hot, and not drunk at all, so he came in a minute, groaning thrusting and swearing, almost bent over double by the intensity. That was the first session. By the next morning, I'd sucked two more loads out of him and he put at least three in my ass. We talked in between, so gradually I learned all about him. And get this; he'd never been with a guy before. I asked him "How the hell did you know you wanted to do all this? With me?" and he said it just popped into his mind when he saw me, and got stronger and stronger when he sat next to me. Freaky, huh? We ended up getting together a ton more times until his Mom moved and he had to move with her. Sucks. He had four girlfriends during that time too!

Hispanic dudes especially pick up on me quick. More than a bunch have told me I remind them of their uncles, and one helluva lot of hispanic uncles are introducing their young nephews to sex, I have to tell ya. And they go nuts over me, because I'm basically a bottom, and topping is what they want to try the most, because most of them have to bottom for their uncles and older bros and older bros' friends. Their gaydar is amazing, I once had a whole gang of five of 'em spend the night taking turns at my house once, I couldn't move that morning. I asked one of 'em (his name was Eddie, Eduardo) during a quiet time early that morning and the rest were asleep "Why do you like fucking me so much?" and he explained simply "You're safe, man. We can find younger boys to fuck, and take the chance of going to prison, or we can hookup with the rare older guy like you that will let us fuck and fuck and fuck! You're gold, Dude! Some of the bitches who'll let us fuck, they just lie there like rags. You really fuck back, and that gets me going!" I never forgot that, made me feel good. He also happened to be the biggest one, one of the largest hung teens (or men, for that matter) I'd ever been with, almost 10 inches, and he said "And you're the first bitch I've found that can deep throat this motherfucker, or let me slam it deep as hard as I can!" And with that, he rolled me over (because I really could NOT move) and proceeded to demonstrate. He took a long time too because it was his fourth cum that session, and I never thought i could cum that many times; he unloaded when my ass clenched down on him like a boa constrictor as I shot what had to be my sixth load of that evening that had become the morning. And then the others woke up, of course, and wanted another turn! Ay!

Now don't get the idea that I'm a size queen; I ain't, I've made full-grown men that had 4" erections feel pretty damn good, and had a great time myself doing it. I'm actually average myself, about 6.5", but as one guy said "I don't care how pick you are because I ain't doin' nothing to your dick!" It just happened that the first two I remembered today were on the large side. In fact, the majority of the guys who pick up on me seem to be on the large side, don't know if it's they start having sex earlier and know what they're doing and recognize me, or maybe starting earlier makes 'em bigger, or maybe because I'm big bodied they figure I can take them easier, I dunno. It's all good, wish I could bottle it and sell it; I'd make a billion!! Only once I was with one guy that really liked big guys, and for the first time I felt what I'd been giving dudes my whole life; I will never forget that awesome blow job, the best of my life. But it also made me realize why guys liked me so much! LOL But I always get off from getting the other guy off, so I never expect or even think about getting some head myself. Sometimes I come without touching myself when I'm really into it and the guy is really into what I'm doing. Many times we've come together, which is cool when it happens.

Right now I'm seeing about nine guys, and four of 'em are married, early 20's. I asked them what they like about the setup, and they say it's because I never call them and make questions they have to answer to the wives. Same with the others who have girlfriends. They always call me, tell me what they want and when they want it, and if I ain't working, we're good. I'm always there for 'em. In fact, it's weird, none of my guys is out gay, all consider themselves straight and experimenting, or slightly bi. Gay guys don't like fat guys, I know that better than anyone. But the straight guys and bi ones don't have a problem with it, they see it as just getting off and don't really sexualize the other guy as a partner. Thank God for that!!! LOL And I'm always trying to work another into my schedule, some of these guys tell friends, and they tell friends, and then I'm out all the time and even more guys are picking up on me. Pretty wild, it might take a couple of months for me to finally hookup with a guy who wants some, but eventually I do get around to everyone. I like to make the world a better place, and that's what the world needs; more orgasms. Every guy in the world should get as much oral sex as he wants, at least, and definitely as much anal. I can't do much about vaginal sex; guys, you're on your own there. I'd offer my own horny girlfriend, but she left years ago. I made her happy too, she loved my tongue Dude! But she wanted to get married, and I said "No way" so she went off and did. To someone else! LOL. But most of my studs have no problem in the pussy department, except when they piss their girlfriends or wives off. And having me around makes it easier for them to run the roost, because they aren't afraid of pissing her off, because they'll be getting what they need from me!! No whipped boys in that bunch!! And because there's no relationship or anything ever happening (other than really great friendships that have developed) they don't have to be afraid of screwing up their marriages, like they would if they were seeing other women. They know I ain't gonna be falling in love and making life miserable for them. How? I dunno. They just know. They can tell, like they could tell I'd do anything they wanted. So it's great all around.

I am really lucky!!! That's all I can write now, because someone is at the door now. It sucks too, 'cause I was just about to tell you about my adventure visiting an online friend on the Air Force base. Was THAT an adventure!

But I gotta go and answer the door. A new guy. He's been wanting to come over for two months now, and I am looking forward to this! Later Dudes, play safe and have a great life!

Oh, e-mail me if you live in Vegas and liked my story!

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