
By ten.yawetag@albubhagiT

Published on Jul 15, 2001


Ok this is my first installment on my first story i'm going to submit here. I don't think its going to have any sex or anything like that so if thats what you are looking for... umm.. i'm sure you can find something else. if you still want to read it i hope you like it. if you wanna tell me you love it or hate it and to never submit anything again just tell me and i'll think about taking your advice. i'm tigahbubla on aim and e-mail me at if you want to do that instead. enjoy


"You know what we are gonna have to do tonight?" Sean said to me with a sly grin, "Find you a cute guy."

"C'mon you know that's so not what I'm gonna be looking for," I replied raising an eyebrow.

"I was gonna say or GIRL!"

"Yeah sure," I laughed.

Sean and I have been pretty close friends for about a year even though we use to see each other around everyone once in a while when we were little kids. My name is Valerie Minson and I am kinda gayish. Sean knows I'm bi and has since our first date. He says he doesn't have a problem with it but his constant flirting and attempts to get in my pants tell me a little differently.

Since the time I told Sean about myself I have changed a whole lot. I doubt more and more everyday that I like guys at all, in fact. How sad would I seem to some? I'm 18 years old and still a virgin. No I don't think I had to have sex to prove to myself that girls are much more my type. It's just always been something I've known deep down... and denied and pushed deeper down at some points in my life.

I've tried dating guys and my most recent failure is why I decided to go club hopping with my, oh so understanding (and attached) buddy Sean.

"Why don't you take me to Kix so I can meet some cute chicks who might actually like me back?" I asked sweetly. Kix is the local gay club that I have been dying to go to.

"Like I told you before, all that you'll see are gay girls hanging all over eachother."

"And the problem would be...?"

"Maybe we'll go there later, k?"

"Sounds great," I replied, hoping he was serious.

Walking into my first poolbar of the night does the same to me everytime. A calm excitement (if that's possible) takes over and a slight twinge of nervousness hit my stomach.

Everywhere I looked I could see extremely cute girls playing pool with friends and guys I'm assuming are their boyfriends.

After a few seconds of scanning I saw two girls flirting majorly and wondered as they pulled each other close to whisper and laugh if something could be going on between them. Watching them I wondered if I could hit it off like that with anyone here tonight. Sean walking into my line of view and made me fly back into the real world.

"Yeah your looking at what we are," he laughed, looking back at the two girls.

Realizing he said we, I looked to my side and discovered a guy I didn't know was standing next to me.

"Hey, I'm Paul. I work with Sean," the large man yelled over the music.

"Hey I'm Val," I yelled back.

"You two want something to drink?" he asked good-naturedly.

I declined and looked around again as I somewhat heard Sean trying to decide what he wanted. My eyes found the right spot at the right moment as a guy who just took his shot in his pool game stepped away to reveal a beautiful blonde sitting in a chair against the wall on the other side of the bar. About five seconds after I spotted her, the blonde who seemed to be scanning the crowd also, locked eyes with me. She must have been 25 or 30 feet away but we both just stared into each other. Nothing else in that big noisy room existed to me anymore. The only thing there was the steady stare of the eyes of this gorgeous blonde woman. It must have been two or three minutes of us holding the gaze before Sean interrupted it by tapping my shoulder.

"Hey you wanna sit down?" he asked as Paul walked to the bar to get his drinks.

Before answering, I looked back across the room at the blonde. "DAMMIT" I thought when I saw the girl was looking away now. Turning back I took a stool a couple of feet away and glared at Sean a second as he took the one next to me.

"So did you find any cute guys yet?" he joked.

"Nope but that girl over there," I said pointing and unconsciously hoping she would catch me, "I think she was looking at me a minute ago."

"Oh really? Lets go say hi," he said overenthusiastically as he got up.

"No!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to his stool. "She is probably straight and I would just embarrass myself."

He just shook his head and quickly changed the subject because he knew he couldn't get me to be less shy than I am. As he was talking I just nodded and gave automatic answers as my eyes drifted back to the mystery blonde. She wasn't sitting in the chair she was in anymore, which made my heart stop for a split second until I saw her at a pool table.

"Whoa," was the only thought that came to my mind for the first few seconds after seeing the body of this beauty. She was at least 5'8 and had a perfectly proportioned body. Her tight red button up shirt and tight black dress pants looked like they were made for her. The girl being only 10 feet away now because of her movement to the table only proved that she was twice as beautiful as I assumed from far away. As she leaned over the table a bit to take a long shot her shirt pulled up a bit and from where I was sitting behind her I could see the creamy white skin of her lower back. One thing about me... I have a back fetish. They are one of the most beautiful parts of the female body along with the tummy and eyes. I savored every second of her leaning over before she stood up.

I looked over to see if Sean saw the beauty who I was quickly getting a major crush on and I realized I was sitting by myself. I then remembered something about him waiting for a table and after a quick look around saw him just a few feet away looking annoyed as the guy he was playing sunk a ball easily.

Looking back to see what my mystery girl was doing I was completely stunned to see her about three feet away looking straight into my eyes walking toward me. I was completely breathless. Was she going to talk to me? What would I say? Would I be able to speak?

When she was standing right in front of me she looked down and grabbed a poolstick from the rach that was attached to the bar I was sitting at. After grabbing the stick she looked back into my eyes a couple of seconds before turning around and walking back to the table she was at.

"Ohmigod" I breathed to myself as I realized I completely forgot to smile. "I must have looked like a freakin deer in the headlights," I thought angrily. Still looking at her I realized what had just happened. A beautiful woman just openly looked straight into my eyes and practically made it completely clear, to me at least, that she was interested!

Risking missing another eye lock I glanced toward the table that Sean had been playing at. He was walking toward me with a smile. At first I thought he saw the my mystery girl come so close but I soon found out he just wanted to look like he didn't care he just lost his butt off in pool. Feeling restless and confused about my close encounter I asked if he wanted to go to a club and get our dance on. Having two clubs right across the highway from the pool bar is quite convenient.

"Did you see her!?!" I asked when we were almost to the highway.

"Which one? There were a hellova lota hers in there yah," he said like the smart ass he can so gracefully be.

"The blonde man the blooonde!" I said like it should be obvious but looking at his face I could see he didn't know what I was talking about. "The one who I locked eyes with. She came like a foot in front of me and looked at me in the eyes!"

"She didn't say anything?"

"No but she probably thinks I'm a bitch cuz I didn't smile," I said with a frown.

"Well what kind of look was it?"

"I dunno.. it was kinda intense to me. Just like a deep stare and I completely forgot to smile or have any expression."

"Oh but no we have to go back. She wants you," he said grabbing my arm to turn me around.

As I struggled to not turn back and looked at the door I could see through the glass that she had moved and was actually very close to the door by then.

"No I think she is leaving anyway," I said as I turned around and pulled him along with me.

"Ok but you are never gonna get you any play acting like this," he said looking at me in mock disgust.

As we walked up to the line at the first club I wondered what I could be ending before it could start by just not even trying to talk to her. My thoughts were cut short though as we were allowed into the doors and my mind went to the eye candy around me. And this time I do not mean the cute girls. I love the whole atmosphere and look of a club. The smokiness, the strobe lights, the black lights, the glow sticks and so loud it makes your whole body throb music. As he pushed through the people to get to the dance floor I had to hold onto his shirt to make sure he didn't get away from me because of the semi rude people pushing each other around. As we reached the floor we looked out and there were only about 20 people actually dancing. And they were scattered around. Everyone else was just standing around looking around at everyone else. As we looked around to see if we knew anyone we danced against each other a few minutes. When I turned around to ask if he wanted to go to the adjoining techno club, who's beautiful blues do I see behind him than my mystery. Right THERE. Maybe two feet away, she was standing with some guy. Automatically my eyes traveled to there hands... the hands that were NOT holding each other's. Good sign. She was looking into the crowd and NOT at me. Bad sign.

"Hey do you wanna go to Visions?" he yelled into my ear.

"Sure... lets go," I said as I stepped in front of him to lead the way to the doors.

As I walked past my mystery I was maybe a foot from her when she started walking past me and we brushed arms, ever so slightly. It felt like electricity went through me. Just having her touch my arm made my heart jump. I couldn't even believe she had gone to the club when we did much less stayed right behind us.

Walking into the other club was a slight disappointment. Though the lights were much more for the eye to play with, there were only about five people on the dance floor getting their groove on to the techno sounds.

"This seems kinda boring. Got any suggestions?" I said looking at Sean.

"Hey! We can go to ghost town!"

"Ummm... new club?"

"No, you remember when I was gonna take you to those old slave houses and stuff and see if we saw anything cool?"

"Oh yeah! That will be wicked. Lets go," I said when I remembered the creepy place Sean had described.

As we walked out I told him how the blonde had been right in the club before and in my head bid her a goodbye. I assumed that I wouldn't ever see her again since I hadn't seen her before tonight. How sweet can being wrong be?

When we were almost to his truck I could hear someone walking on the gravel behind us and looking over my shoulder I discovered my mystery! Maybe 10 feet behind us with the guy I had seen her with before... still not touching. She glanced at me and then looked back at the ground as we reached Sean's truck and they passed us.

I grabbed Sean's shoulder and started laughing.

"OHMIGOD!" I whispered loudly, "She was SO right behind us! Do you think she heard me talking about her?"

"I don't know but I'm sure she wouldn't be disappointed."

I grinned and let him unlock my door for me. That night and for a couple of weeks after that I wondered, at least once in a while, if I would ever see her again along with many other things I didn't know. What's her name? How old is she? Does she like girls? Would she ever like me?

thats it for the first part. hope you liked it.


Next: Chapter 2

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