
By ten.yawetag@albubhagiT

Published on Jul 15, 2001


Ok this is the second installment! i'm fast no? ok i already had it written but i wanted to take it slow. so here is the rest of what i have so far... i will keep writting on this story if someone asks me to but if i don't get any feedback i'll just assume no one wants to hear anymore. so umm.. here ya go


I realize I am a bit paranoid and over obsessive about a lot of things, at least until I realize it and make a mindful effort to stop. After telling about six people in the first two days about my close mystery encounter is when I realized I might need to shut up before someone gets mad.

I shut up about her to just about everyone and thought about her less and less. That is until I saw her again. Ok picture this.. A big arena type building... a good five thousand people and me with my little gotta-do-something-to-stand-out-without-talking self sitting with my friends on a far side of the building. Ok picturing that? Can't see me? I'm like the only girl with a jean floppy hat on. Oh see me now? Good ok lets go on. Lets work out the math... five thousand people.. and two who weren't even looking for each other finding seats less than 10 feet apart? Pretty slim chances right? Umm.. that would be like.. one or two in five thousand. Ok I suck at math.

So I'm sitting here talking and laughing with my friends (who all at least seem to think I'm straight) just looking at the crowd. Who do I spot walking up the bleacher steps on our row but mystery herself. I'm sure my eyes turned into basketballs when I first saw her and I even thought no way that can't be her. But as she got closer it was definitely her. As I watched she kept going up farther and farther and closer to our row. I knew there were no seats around me but I wondered still where she would go. I wouldn't mind having a good seat to watch her the whole night instead of the play.

When she was about two rows from us she was obviously looking for a seat and then her eyes found me. I don't mean glanced over me.. and that is what shocks me the most. She was quickly scanning the crowd and her eyes completely stopped on me. And the next shock, a little smile. She so smiled at me. I thank god I was smiling this time. I was smiling already because of the fact she was there and I smiled even more when she looked at me. I just kept looking straight in her eyes and her into mine. She looked down and about four rows ahead of ours were two empty seats. She looked at them, looked at me, looked at a woman she had been walking up the steps with and apparently told her about the seats, looked at me again and kept looking at me with a smile even in her eyes until the woman sat and she had to look away to sit also.

"Do you see him?"

"Him? I mean no... wait who?" I asked my best friend Renee who apparently had been talking to me for the last couple of minutes without me having a clue.

"The Brad dude! You know the actor I liked the last time we saw this play?" She said in a 'well duh' voice.

"Oh umm let me look," I said as I smirked to myself about the fact she thought I was looking for a dude. Soon enough I spotted him walking across the arena with another actor I had told Renee I liked from the last time we saw the play.

"Oh! That's him right there walking with Armondo or Roberto or what ever his name was," I said pointing.

"Augh! Look how cute he is," she exclaimed.

I just nodded and laughed. Now that she was distracted I was free to look at my mystery chick without as much worry. As I looked to the chair she was so supposed to be sitting in I got a major disappointment. She wasn't there! Then I spotted her on the floor of the arena walking towards the food stand. Perfect. "Maybe I can go talk to her!" I thought excitedly to myself. I knew I had missed the opportunity before and I hoped I wouldn't miss this one.

"Hey I'll be right back. I am gonna go to the bathroom," I said knowing that Renee knows I'm one of those people who don't need a bathroom buddy just to go.

As I walked carefully down the bleachers making sure I didn't fall on my face and make a bigger dork of myself than I possibly was already I kept glancing back up to follow mystery's movements so I didn't lose her in the crowd. Squeezing through the crowd and trying not to bump into anyone I as quickly as possible made my way to the row of food vendors and mystery. When I finally got behind her in the line to an ice cream stand I froze up. I couldn't think of anything to say to her or do to get her attention. As she looked around the crowd and started to turn around I quickly took my money out of my pocket and started acting like I was counting it to make sure I had enough for the ice cream. After a second of her facing me apparently looking over my shoulder at the bleachers I could see her take a quick step back and looked up to see why she had jumped like that.

She was looking at me with an expression of what seemed to be happy shock. She was smiling but seemed a tiny bit scared or nervous anyway.

"Hey," I said smiling as best as I could even though I was scared as hell.

"Hey, its you," she said and blushed, " I mean.. haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

"Wow you remember me?" I said. It was my turn to be shocked.

"Umm, yeah. I think I saw you out a couple of weeks ago didn't I? You seemed... nice," she said blushing again.

"That was SO me! I was out with my friend Sean," I said excitedly.

"Yeah I saw your 'friend' too. I thought he must have been your boyfriend though," she said relaxing into the conversation a little as well as I was.

"No," I laughed, "I.. umm..he's not my type." I couldn't decide if I should be too obvious that I don't like guys before she really knows me. I could feel some kind of electricity between us though and I was eating it up.

"Well that's cool then. I was gonna talk to you that night but when I walked up to you, I thought you looked mad so I just went back to my game. Then I felt bad b/c I had looked at you like that and you might have thought I was mean or something."

"Yeah I remember you walking up to me. But I.. forgot to smile. I'm sorry I just do that sometimes. I thought you would think the same thing about me. I mean the mean thing," I said thinking about everything she was telling me. I realized she had felt the same way I had felt and that is just too weird to me.

"I was going to apologize later and saw you go to The Abyss but you just kept leaving everywhere and then I saw you leaving with that guy and didn't think I would see you again."

"Hey! Yeah I remember seeing you at the other places. I didn't think you were gonna talk to ME though," I said, not having to act surprised.

We laughed as we reached the counter and ordered our ice cream. I found out her name is Isabelle and told her my name and we decided to exchange numbers before we went back to our seats. I could feel the sexual tension around us and wondered if she could feel it too. I kept glancing at her through out the play and wondered if we would talk after the play but a few minutes before it was over I saw her and the older woman she was with leave early. As she was walking I saw her look over her shoulder though and I wondered if she would call me or if I would even call her. It's hard for me to call someone for the first time and I definitely didn't want her to think I am boring.

After the play was over and I got home I still couldn't stop think about Isabelle as I tried to go to sleep. I finally did and what seemed like five minutes later the phone rang and woke me up. I threw off my covers and squinted my eyes to the sunlight shinning through my window as I realized I must have slept a good bit more than five minutes. I picked up my shorts and in my attempt to put them on while jogging to the phone fell on my face. By this time the phone had rang three times and I knew I had to hurry to answer it since I don't have caller id. I jerked on my shorts and reached the phone right after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" I said still laughing at myself a little.

"Hi, is Val there," I heard a sexy female voice say.

"This is me," I said still laughing to myself slightly at my dorkiness, "Who is this?"

"This is Isabelle."

ohhh the suspense killing you yet? you should go to the doctor for that nods more to come if you want it tigah

Next: Chapter 3

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