
By ten.yawetag@albubhagiT

Published on May 27, 2002


Hey I'm really sorry it took so long to get this chapter out here. I had some serious writers block and i'm moving in five days, about to graduate... just alota stuff to be thinkin about. Once again there is no sex in this chapter but i hope you can make it through it anyway hehe. Thanks for reading.

"Then you are SO mine," I said grinning.

"Really," Isabelle asked, searching my eyes.

"I swear, everything you felt... everything is exactly how I've felt for you. For more than two weeks after I saw you at that club I couldn't stop thinking about you. I only stopped because I forced myself for the sake of my own happiness. When I saw you again though... and I saw you smile at me... I knew I would be mad at myself for a long time if I didn't find a way to talk to you."

"Wow," she said before laughing a little.

"What's so funny," I asked beginning to think everything was too good to be real.

Isabelle looked at me, realized I was scared and slid her hand over the seat do mine.

"No, no! It's nothing bad! It's just that when I made this date I thought it would take at least a week to get anything to happen. I'm just so happy it didn't," Isabelle said squeezing my hand.

Suddenly behind us we heard Sirens start screaming and saw blue lights start flashing.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

"Crap! I'm gonna get killed," said Isabelle with a look of shock on her face.

We parted hands after pulling over but I still smiled at her reassuringly as the cop strolled up to her window.

"Do you realize you were going 85 in a 65?"


In our kind of exciting moment we both hadn't been watching the road all that closely. I could see Isabelle was really scared and the cop looking at her like she just robbed a bank or something wasn't helping. He pulled out his tablet as I leaned over to get her registration out. As I handed it to her I let my hand drop to her leg and squeeze it gently before putting it back in my own lap.

"Whoa..." Isabelle said as the cop walked back to his patrol car to do whatever cops do when they do that.

"I know..." I said then started giggling.

"What's so funny?" she asked looking at me like I had two heads.

"Talk about anticlimactic," I said and we both started laughing. I think I might have even seen her blush a little.

Just then the cop came back and handed her back her things and the ticket he wrote.

"I'm not going to take you in this time but I can't say the same if I catch you going that fast again. Your court date is on May 26th and you should call this number to find out how much it is. If you want to see if you can get it out of the way without going to court call this number," he said pointing at the numbers. He handed Isabelle her ticket and went back to his patrol car and drove off.

After discovering we couldn't find out how much the ticket was for we started driving again.

"My parents are gonna chop up my license and sell my car I swear. Sonovabitch, man."

"They can't be that bad."

"You have NO idea," she replied.

As she sat there cursing at other drivers who were passing us up I was brainstorming.

"Maybe we won't have to let them know..." I said slowly.

"And how are we going to do that when I can't pay for the ticket?"

"Get the money to pay for the ticket."

She looked at me like I better have the idea since she had none.

"Turn left at the next red light."

"Hmmmm.... I think that mischievousness look is cute and everything but am I gonna like where this is going?"

"I dunno, I guess we'll find out soon enough, huh?" I said with a smirk.

She looked at me suspiciously but smiled a little just the same.

"Turn right at the next driveway..."

"What? How is Kix going to get me money?"

"I might have an idea. But maybe I'll be able to think better after a dance..."

"You're so lucky I like you," she laughed.

"I'm glad you like me. Maybe I can take your mind off of your problems," I said sincerely.

As I started to open my door I felt her fingers on my chin then her lips on mine. Then they were gone. I was sitting there in a daze a few seconds before I realized she was out of the car and standing by my door already.

"..Looked over to the left. Mmm I was looking so good I couldn't reject myself.."

I could feel the thumping music as we walked into the club and took in the sights. This being my first time in this club I was in awe of all the rainbow things. Including a huge moral on one wall showing a bunch of anime girls and guys draping their arms over each other. Each of their shirts was a different color of the rainbow and in the Rainbow bubble letters over their heads was "PRIDE!" I loved it.

I pointed it out to Isabelle and she showed me the Sobe bottles with different color markers inside that had lights shining through them.

"This place is so awesome looking," I exclaimed.

"Haven't you been here before?" Isabelle asked, looking surprised.

"No, You?"

"Maybe," she replied with a mischievous expression on her face.

Just then a flamboyant looking guy, about 23, walked up and gave Val a hug.

"Hey sweetie! How are you?" He asked but before waiting for her reply he had turned to me. "And who is your 'friend'?"

"This is Val. Val this is James," Isabelle said.

"How you doin?" I asked with a grin.

Suddenly I felt someone's presence next to me and a female voice say "How you doin?"

I turned my head quickly and there was Mickey. I am pretty sure I squeaked when I saw her and turned to jump on/hug her. After calming down I noticed Isabelle was looking at me like "tell".

"Hey this is Superwoman! Superwoman this is Isabelle and .. umm.. James!"

"You can call me Mickey," she said laughing.

"I can't decide which one of you is joking or if you both are," Isabelle laughed.

"You can call me what ever you want," Mickey said looking her up and down.

"Hey now, I am tryin to mack with her right now. I don't think I could compete with superwoman. I should call you superpimp."

"Oh yeah, you could compete. It might be interesting," Isabelle said winking.

"Hold up! What about your-beggin-to-be-played-with boy toy," James asked, looking at Isabelle suspiciously.

"Oh yeah. I guess no one can mack yet," I said pouting.

Isabelle put a finger on my bottom lip and said, "Nobody said YOU couldn't get a head start."

"Hey now. I think I'm the one who can't compete after all! You two are going to be really cute together," said Mickey.

"That is if we ever get to be together," Isabelle said frowning.

"Why couldn't you," asked James.

"After my mom finds out I got a ticket for 20 miles over the speed limit I doubt I'll get to do anything for a long time."

"Why are you gonna tell her," asked Mickey.

"She thinks that we won't be able to find the money for the ticket so we will have to ask them for it," I said.

"Come on! Twenty over? That is nothing. We can so get that together. It shouldn't be more than like 200. When do you need it?" asked Mickey.

"Umm, you don't have to help me..."

"What? What kind of 'family' would we be if we didn't help the cause," asked James.

"What cause," asked Isabelle.

"The one where you get money 'cause you to deserve to be together! A lot," said James grinning.

"How are any of us going to get the money? I mean, I know I don't have a job," she said.

"You think you need to have a job to get money," asked Mickey raising an eyebrow slyly.

"Oh no another mischievous face," said Isabelle.

"No really. I have an idea."

Just then Mickey ran up to the DJ and yelled something in his ear. He handed Mickey the microphone and lowered the volume of the music a little bit.

"Hello all you beautiful people! Hope your having fun dancing around with your smooth, sweaty bodies..." Mickey said before acting like she was looking off into space and clearing her throat. "Hehe. Anyway! I think a lot of you know me but for those of you who don't I'm superwoman for tonight. I got two chicks that need to be "saved" tonight. You two come up here real quick."

After we walked up in front of the DJ stand and kind of waved at all the people, completely embarrassed, Mickey went on.

"Ok these two hotties need a little money tonight so they can actually be together. Long story. But anyway, I was thinking of just asking for donations but I think they should have to work for it don't you?" She nodded along with the crowd. "What does everyone think of a little karaoke duet? Can't be anything to easy or innocent though!"

Even though we were both completely mortified, we grabbed each other's hands and climbed up on the DJ stage. He said we would be on after the next song so we went to his big book of songs to find a good one with Mickey. After selecting the perfect one (so at least Mickey thought) we told it to the DJ and grabbed two microphones.

"You know we should totally have fun with this. We don't want to have to ever do it again." I said laughing.

She smiled and nodded and kissed me on the cheek just before the song ended.

"Ok and now for what has become our main attraction...hehe.. here are Isabelle and Val with a cute little numba. Remember the cause lovelies," the DJ said and then started the song.

The music started coming out of the speakers and we started singing at the perfect time.

"She has a girlfriend now! She has a girlfriend now! She has a girlfriend now. Guys don't do no more for me!"

After the first lines we started singing the separate parts of the song with her doing the girl parts (you never loved me. like I wanted you too), and me doing the guy parts ( you never loved me nooo). We got a whole lot of energy from somewhere and were bouncing all over the stage. At the part where we sang "She found someone who's gonna hold her hand" I grabbed hers and we started bouncing around together.

When the song ended we were laughing and hugging each other. Then we looked out at everyone. They were actually cheering for us and for the first time we noticed the money all over the stage. We thanked the crowd and after gathering our money found Mickey and James grinning at the bar.

"So were we good or was the crowd just being extra nice tonight?" I asked.

"You were so hot for a minute I wished I was a lesbian! Oh wait. I am... but you were REALLY good! I would have paid to see you even if there wasn't a good cause," said Mickey excitedly. Then showed me James' floppy hat full of money.

After putting all the money we collected and counting it we found we had at least 300 dollars! Way more than it should take for the Speeding ticket. We convinced Mickey and James to each take 50 for helping us out and we got James to buy us some drinks since we couldn't. Isabelle only got a virgin strawberry daiquiri though because, well, she was scared shitless she would get caught on the road after. I think she will be convinced every cop is out to get her for a while.

After our drinks I made sure I got James' and Mickey's numbers before we departed.

"I still can't believe we did that," said Isabelle looking up at the stars on the way to the car.

"I know. I never sing in front of people. And I would say that most of the people made it through the song without their ears bleeding."

"Hehe. Yeah at least 98% made it through without breaking something too," Isabelle laughed.

"No no you're wrong. Almost everyone broke their wallets open!"

We were still giggling when we climbed into her car.

"So where to now," I asked.

"Oh crap. It's 2:30!"

"Wow! I've only known you less than 48 hours and I've already had more excitement than I've had in my entire life. I think I might just turn up the Mack a little more to make sure you don't forget about me while your sleeping," I said nodding.

"I think the chances of me forgetting about you within this lifetime are slim-to-none, hun."

"Are you sure?" I asked looking in her eyes.

"Completely," she replied and kissed me softly before starting the engine and pulling back on the road.

"So does this mean I have to go home and be deprived of you now," I asked with a frown.

"Yeah. Just for now though. Trust me. I'll be calling you soon enough," she said smiling.

When she dropped me off she sent me to bed with a kiss and a promise of a call. Once in my room I was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about my day and night when the phone rang.

"Hi!" Isabelle said before I could even say hello.

"Well hello there. What do you live across the street and forgot to tell me?"

"No but I'm still leaving your neighborhood. I promised I would call. Miss me yet?"

"Hell ya! Wanna come back over?"

"Want to? Yes. Can I? No. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. When can I see you again?"

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Waiting for your phone call?"

"Good answer. Sweet dreams, Hun."

"Wait," I started to protest but I heard the click. As I lay in my bed grinning, I drifted into a happy sleep.

Hope it didn't disappoint you ;) Tigah

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