Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 6, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

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Nailed It: Chapter 1 Remembering

Sean and Eddie sauntered along Park Avenue from Eddie's studio gallery toward his penthouse condo overlooking Lake Osceola. It was a balmy October night and the two were enjoying their stroll relaxing after the hot encounter they had just completed at Eddie's studio.

Sean commented, "Its so hard to believe how my life has changed in just 9 days! I've gone from a bachelor with a string of one night stands to moving in with the greatest stud muffin on the Golden Stallions football team!"

Eddie continued, Yes especially since until you nailed that sophomore ass he didn't even know he was gay!" They both chuckled and Sean thought back to that first day.

It was true. Sean liked to study on the 4th floor of the library building. It was one of the cruisiest johns on campus. He had discovered it his freshman year by accident having been propositioned by a senior from the College of Engineering. His 9" cut cock slid easily done that guy's throat. He remembered how he had to grab the stalk's walks to steady himself when he blew a load of thick juice down the guy's throat not once but 7 times.

Sean had been studying when he noticed the jock arrive and settle into a study carrol near the john. Every time anyone would go in this stud would follow a few minutes later. Yet he never seemed to stay long. Sean had smiled to himself as he watched him trying to hook up. After about 45 minutes the jock got up and went in the restroom himself. Sean wasted no time beating a path across to the door and walked in. He had looked good across the study area but up close he was gorgeous! But could it be? It was the new sophomore QB - Clayton Reed! Six feet tall, probably 220 pounds with Curly red hair and blue eyes that sparkled. With what Sean could see of the stud's body covered with the chinos and baggy t shirt, his muscles bulged in all the right places. Sean took the urinal next to him and looked down. There was a veiny 9" cock to rival his own but uncut with just the slightest nippling at its tip. Sean had shifted his gaze up as Clayton was just standing there not pissing staring down at Sean's own 9" which was starting to stiffen. Sean grabbed the boys cock and dragged him into the far stall. Once locked he pulled his head into a hard kiss snaking his tongue insistently into Clayton's mouth as his other hand jacked his dick. In just a few moments Clayton kissed back and as he touched Sean's cock, holding a dick other than his own for the first time shot a huge lead in 5 rapid fire shots.

"Dude! I'm so sorry!" He stammered flushing with embarrassment. "I never shoot that fast. Guess I've been beating off too much. It's been a dry spell for me since I got here from Arcadia."

Sean decided to take a chance. "Well how about coming back to my room, off campus, where we can explore this more and you can help me get off?"

"Fucking A! I'm Clayton Reed. But everyone calls me Clay."

"Sean Walls here," he responded after licking Clay's cum from his hand.

The guys left the restroom, packed up. Sean lived in an apartment complex just off campus within a 30 minute walk of the library. Clay commented he lived on the other side of the same complex with 3 roommates. Sean shared his 2 bedroom with a graphic design major. He himself was finishing his bachelors in interior designing before starting his Masters. Clay talked about football and becoming a teacher so he could coach.

Sean's apartment was a split plan. Each bedroom had a full shower bath combo. The common area separated the 2 bedrooms and was living room, dining area with a small galley kitchen. The main living area was rather plain. Sean's roommate didn't want to spend any money on it. So there was an old beige couch that looked like it had been World War 1 and 2, a kitchen table with 2 chairs, a floor lamp and nothing else.

When Sean opened his bedroom door Clay did a double take! Here was a stud's bedroom! Queen size bed with leather headboard, nightstands on either side, two chests of drawers and a full length mirror in a carve mahogany frame depicting naked athletes competing in various sports. On one night stand was a bowl with condoms, lube, dildos and rings of some kind. He saw Sean's bong on the other side. The sliding glass door opened onto a small patio which looked across the highway to the main campus. On the walls were posters of movies of which he'd never heard "Lock Him Up" by Eagle Studios featuring 4 studs in jocks straps. The other was "Slow Burn in a Florida Town".

Just as the door closed and Clay turned to his host, Sean jumped on him pushing him to the bed. He began snaking his tongue into Clay's mouth. Taken by surprise Clay's first instinct was to wrestle himself away but he soon gave way to the passion flowing from that kiss like a river of fire engorging his prick. When the pair came up for air, Sean told him the score was 0 - 1 and it was time for him to catch up. Clay nervously whispered, "This is my first time with anyone except my hand," and blushed. Holy Shit, Sean thought, a virgin QB! I'll have to make it his best.

"Just lay back stud. Sean's going to make you feel real good. Would you like a beer. I'm going to light a bowl of pot too," Sean commented as he stripped off his clothes revealing the hottest body Clay had ever seen. 6 feet tall 180 pounds with a swimmers build. His blond hair styled close so it framed his angelic face and hazel eyes. He displayed a great 6 pack. As his pants fell his 9" cock snapped up and hit his belly. Clay noticed he was shaved around the crotch with looked like a small T patch of hair above his cock. Naked he opened his closet and pulled two Coors from his bar fridge tossing one to Clay who popped it open and took a deep sip. Sean pulled open his night stand drawer and announced a change of plans. I forgot I rolled this this morning. He grabbed a lighter and took a drag on his reefer before passing it to Clay.

Clay started to kick off his shoes but Sean barked "Stop! Boy!" at him. "That's my job, this time." Sean straddled the QB's groin and started to pull up the jocks T-shirt revealing a chest of curly red hair matting his chest and armpits. Sean leaned over an lightly licked the nub of the right tit. Clay felt a jolt of energy run from his tit to his cock and strangely, he thought, to his ass which suddenly was itchy. Sean continued lapping at the jocks tits alternating between right and left. He paused to reposition themselves on the bed. Then he had Clay clasp his hands together and raise them above his head. Sean quickly lapped his right armpit and began working up Clays muscular arms. As he licked up the arm he inch his body ever closer up Clay's ripped torso.clay licked his lips as Sean's cut mushroom headed cock drew nearer. Suddenly Sean pulled a set of handcuffs from their hiding place at the top of the rich brown headboard and secured Clay's hands in place.

Clay yelled,"What the fuck do you think you're doing! Let me go you son of a bitch!"

Sean remained silent and went back to licking his way down the other arm before reaching the left pit and cleaned it as well as he had done the right. Then he moved back to nibbling on the jock's nips. Clay's mind was a whirl. His cock and ass were on fire but he was also slightly afraid of being restrained. Then Sean began lapping at his treasure trail. Who knew his navel was so sensitive. A light moan escaped his lips.

Sean shimmied down Clay's legs eventually unbuttoning his chinos and sliding them down. Sean now took aim at the jock strap and sucked the boy honey Clay had been producing from it tasting its salty sweetness. Clay was no longer worried about handcuffs he wanted to get off. Ever so slowly Sean reached the foot of the bed and stepped off. He pulled off the chinos. Next came the shoes and socks. Sean sucked each toe into his mouth eliciting further groans from the helpless jock. After he had licked both feet, Sean went back to the jock strap, grabbing it by his teeth and slowly pulling it back to reveal the carpets matched the drapes and upholstery. Soon the jock joined the other clothes on the floor.

Sean picked up Clays feet and pushed them back. He told the AB to use his muscles to help keep them back. Then he slid his hand down spread Clay's ass cheeks and dove into the red hairy rosebud. Starting with soft kisses followed by little licks he loved hearing the moaning and gasps for breath coming from his captive virgin. Clay had never dreamed his ass was so sensitive. His cocky leaked boy honey like never before. He felt like a steel beam had been lodged in his cock and that itch in his ass was demanding as hell.

After 15 minutes of slurping and probing the virgin hole Sean rolled on a magnum. He lifted Clay's legs upon his shoulders and positioned the mushroom head of his cock at the entrance to Clay's love tunnel and slowly pushed. He meant with resistance. This time he ordered Clay, "Push out like you're taking a shit!" Clay complied and Sean's head breached the sphincter. He held still giving the beautiful stud to adjust. After a few minutes of playing with his cock and balls as well as Clays tits, Sean continued to ply his 9" spear into its latest sheath. Clay felt very full. He was staring at this beautiful boy who had restrained him and dominated him and was now starting to fuck him with a new tenderness of feeling. This is what he had feared throughout middle and high school and his freshman year here in Orlando. He suddenly realized he was gay. All those sneaked glances at other boys in the locker room and shower. The JO sessions as he watch porn, not interested in the pussies, but concentrating on cocks. As Sean picked up speed, he was careful to hit Clay's love button with every long stroke; drawing sharp intakes of breath from the the ginger beauty. Staring into Clay's eyes, he could see the lust building in the jock. His chest was glowing a beautiful shade of red, setting off his red chest hair. His breathing was becoming heavier and heavier. His cock was leaking precum like a fountain. Sean's own cock had been straining for relief since he met Clay in the restroom. He suddenly felt his orgasm building in his balls.

Clay suddenly shot 4 huge ropes of cum. Seeing that cock erupt set of Sean, who unloaded 7 loads into the condom before he collapsed on top of Clay.

As he recovered, he kissed his way up Clay's chest, licking up the cum from where it had landed and matted in his hair. Sharing another deep kiss with Clay, he let him taste his own cum. Sean reached up and released the handcuffs. Clay immediately wrapped his arms around Sean and flipped him over on his back planting a hungry kiss into his mouth.

"Dude, that was amazing! I had no clue what I was missing! Is it always that hot? I can't get enough of your cock. But I'm still beating you 1-2!" He laughed as he rolled off Sean and played with his chest.

Sean too was feeling that this fuck was amazing. He also felt something else about this boy, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Clay continued, "Now it's my turn." With that he dove down and took Sean's 9 inches into his mouth.

Sean gasped. This virgin boy had almost half his cock in his mouth and was going to town. "Watch the teeth Clay!!" Sean barked.

Clay adjusted by opening his mouth wider and concentrated on leaving that gorgeous mushroom head with his talented tongue. As he laved and sucked he pumped Sean's cock at its base and used his other hand to play with his balls.

Even though he had just cum, Sean could feel another load building. As Clay was busy down below, Sean tweaked his nipples. Clay spotted what he was doing and started rotating his free hand between tits, balls and then he added touching Sean's asshole.

Sean smiled at what a quick learner this jock was in man to man sex. He wiggled his ass down onto Clay's finger until it hit his own love button. All it took was 3 pokes at Sean's prostate and the boy honey he's been leaking, churned into 4 more thick ropes of cum. Clay swallowed like a trooper. Pulling up off Sean's cock he crawled up and swapped cum with him as they tounged each other's mouths.

The boys hugged each other again and laid back onto the bed holding hands.

Clay turned toward Sean. He stared into those beautiful hazel eyes, he smiled and said, "I love you."

Next: Chapter 2

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