Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 17, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 16 Balancing Act

Clay unlocked the door and led his lover into the dark apartment. They crossed the commons to his bedroom. As the entered Sean took charge.

"Farm Boy" he barked. Clay's cock started to bulge. "Kneel with your back to me." Sean ordered. Clay knelt trying to imagine what was next. Sean moved around him, circling him twice. Standing behind the quarterback, who was quivering with excitement, Sean raised Clay's hands up and placed them together behind his neck. Then he very slowly began lifting the shirt. As he lifted it he also lightly touched Clay's skin. His light touch had Clay squirming as the maddening slow assault continued. When he reached Clay's nipples, he slowly circled and rubbed each one, which prompted Clay to moan in desire for more. Sean continued to gather the shirt higher and higher until he straightened Clay's arms and pulled it free. Clay placed his hands behind his neck once more without having to be told.

Sean went to his bag to retried one of the toys he had packed. "Put your hands down but behind your back," he ordered. Clay complied. Then using a leather thong, Sean secured his lover's wrists. "Stand up!" Clay rose. "Now face me." Again Farm Boy complied.

Sean licked each nipple before gently biting them. As he did that he undid Clay's belt. Sean let his fingers lightly tickle Clay's torso until he reached his pants. There they danced around his waist causing him to squirm. Farm Boy's breathing was growing heavy. His face, neck and upper chest became flushed. Slowly the maddening fingers danced around the boy's waist until his pants fell to the floor. Clay's gaze was fixed on Sean's face. The Chief's fingers began their dance around the jock strap. Sean had knelt so his dancing fingers could continue their journey. Clay began hoping he'd be getting a blow job. The maddening slow pace of being strip continued.

Clay's cock was being pulled down and away from his body by his jock. When the jock strap finally released it, his cock sprung back hitting his abs hard. Precum spewed on Farm Boys 6 pack abs. Yet Sean didn't hurry his pace. His fingers tickled Clay's legs to his ankles.

In one quick action Sean jumped up and pushed Clay backward onto the bed. The surprise move startled Clay; his eyes growing wide. Sean pulled off Clay's shoes. Then his fingers continued their maddening work on Clay's legs until his pants were on the floor followed by his jock. Then Clay's torture began in earnest. His sensitive feet were the focus of his lover's talents.

"Oh that really tickles, Chief!' is how Clay started. As the intensity of the fingers increased so did the laughing. "Sir, ha ha ha ha, Sir Please sir." As the socks dropped to the floor, Sean turned around and sat on Clay's legs. He used the discarded belt to secure them together then in dug in on Clay's feet..

"SIR! Oh God, Please no, ha, ha, howl hhhaaa. I'm gonna piss myself. SIR, Oh SIR!" Sean abruptly stopped.

"Alright Farm Boy, it's time for another lesson. Get back on your knees. For every second it takes you to kneel before me you will be involved in the lesson. Start! 1 one thousand , 2 one thousand...." Sean counted. Clay struggled to the end of the bed. He felt his knees bend and hit the floor. Then he used his abs to do a sit up. Clay struggled to stand. Realizing that wouldn't work to go a direct kneeling position, He sat back down and rolled onto his stomach. Then he back off the bed. He was kneeling but not facing Sean. He struggled to turn his body and just managed to get in position as Sean said, "123 one thousand."

"Very good boy, it took you 2 minutes and 3 seconds. I think this is going to be a very interesting lesson. I've set my timer on the phone for that amount of time. In a moment I'm going to place my clock in your mouth. When I start to piss you will drink and swallow. If any of my piss spills out I will then spank you for two minutes and 3 seconds. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

Sean placed his cock in Clay's mouth and began to piss slowly starting the timer as he did so.

Clay was surprised by the saltiness of the urine. He swallowed as ordered wanting nothing more than to make Sean happy

Sean controlled his stream so as not to overwhelm Clay his first time of drinking piss. As the buzzer went off he withdrew his cock, pulled Clay up and fell into a passionate kiss tasting his piss in Clay's mouth. "Oh you special, special man!" He hugged him tightly.

Sean released the belt and the leather thong. Clay rubbed his wrists but had no real marks.

"Farm Boy how are feeling? Are you enjoying our night together so far?"

"Chief, I have to answer yes and no." Sean sat down on the floor and looked at Clay dumbfounded.

"Please explain."

"Chief, I loved the stripping. I didn't even mind the piss. But you were coming to my room, my bed and I thought, for tonight, it would be me calling the shots."

Sean hung his head. He hadn't considered Clay at all. Hehad made it all about him.

"Clay, I am so very sorry. I was being selfish and only thinking about what I was going to do to you, not with you. I've been careless with your feelings. Please forgive me." Sean swallowed hard.

Clay lifted Sean up, then picked him up and laid him on the bed. "Sweet man, we've both had a week of ups and downs. I'm still madly in love with you. I too am at fault because I never shared my thoughts about tonight. What I really want is to make love with and to you. "Clay began kissing Sean. He started on his forehead and moved his down his face, licking at the tears that had rolled from Sean's eyes. Within minutes the two were kissing each other and exploring with their hands and mouths. Their hard cocks were rubbing against each other. Clay straddled Sean and positioned his cock at his own hole.

"Clay we need to lube up."

"I want to try this," Clay responded. He slowly began working his lover's 9" cock into his chute. It was harder than he thought. He grabbed the lube he had bought to help him JO and squirted it on Sean's cock. He then lubed his finger and worked it into his ass. Crouching this time he lowered his bubble butt slowly impaling himself on Sean's prick. He stopped and smiled at Sean. Then he began riding. Sean played with Clay's nipples, balls and jacked at hi Farm Boy's cock. Clay loved it. He then tried spinning on Sean's cock working himself all the way around the world. He paused just a moment to prevent an early orgasm. Pulled off his lover's prick and laid beside him. He pulled his legs back over his head and begged, "Please Sean, long dick me."

Sean positioned himself and thrust inside Clay. His thrust was met with an "Humph," from Farm Boy. Sean pulled all the way out then plow in. The "Humph" always followed the in stroke every time. Sean was feeling his orgasm grow. His pace was quickening as were the sounds emanating from Clay. It was like a constant moaning. Finally Sean's cock exploded in 5 toe curling volleys into Clay's ass. He collapsed and rolled off of Clay. They smiled at each and then they heard clapping.

They startled pair looked up to see a naked Steve standing in the bathroom door. "Man you nailed it! May I join in?" he asked as he took a step into the room.

Clay looked to Sean.

Sean whispered, "It's your room, your call."

Clay rolled to Sean's right and patted the left side of the bed. Steve practically flew to it.

Once there Clay directed the freshman's head to Sean's cock. "Clean it up," he ordered. Steve was on it in an instant. Clay thought he was starting to understand the thrill of power Sean must feel when a command was followed.

Sean clipped Steve's head, "Watch the teeth."

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir." Steve managed before returning to his task.

Clay turned his attention to Sean. He bent his left leg over Sean's right leg. He used his left hand to caress the side of his face and turn it toward him. The two began by kissing parts of each other's faces before beginning the dance of tongues.

Steve slurped, licked and suckled the ramrod before him until it started rising to its full height and beauty.

Sean whispered to Clay, "Would you like to try something different with your buddy?" Clay raised an eyebrow. "Two cocks one hole - it's known as DP or `Double Penetration." Clay's eyes grew wide and he nodded. "Top or bottom?"

Clay was confused so he said, "Why switch now? Bottom,"

Sean smiled! "Hey Steve! You're doing a great job. You into being fucked?

"I thought you'd never ask!" Steve blurred.

"So here's the deal. I'm going to work you open. Then Clay is going to cowboy you letting you ride him. I'll still have my hand working your hole as well. Then I'll mount you from the top."

"Oh wow I've watched those in porn shots. Yeah let's do it." Steve was stoked. Clay and he got in a 69 position to start. Clay watched as Sean lubed up his hand and Steve's asshole. It was hot watching his lover work. As Sean started in, Steve pushed out and his hole opened wide. Sean exclaimed, "You've been fucked before or have been working this hole with something."

"To be honest, my first fuck was my head coach sophomore year of high school. Then I was gang banged after screwing up and costing us the championship junior year. But since I've been here it's been Rosie Palm and a baseball bat."

Sean and Clay both looked at each other and laughed.

"Man you led me to believe that 69 we shared was a new thing!" Clay noted.

"I wasn't ready to out myself, but now that you're the talk of the campus I'll be just another gay jock."

Sean announced, "This boy hole is ready. But we're changing it up. Get off the bed Steve. Make room for the Chief, Farm Boy." Sean position himself so that his left leg went over Clay's right leg and his right leg went under Clay's leg. Then he scooted up so they were balls to balls and cock to cock. "Stephen in my bag are condoms, throw us 2 man."

Steve gave them each a magnum. Foil was ripped and condoms rolled down. Sean asked, "You ready?"

Steve didn't answer but moved to position himself over the two huge cocks. He started to squat. The tips of both cocks were moving inside more easily than Steve thought could happen. Then he slipped. He came crashing down and both cocks went to the hilt. Steve's eyes bugged out of his head as he saw stars. Sean and Clay moved to disengage when Steve yelled, "Stay Put!"

He took deep breaths and let his ass adjust. When he was ready he regained his footing and started fucking himself on the two cocks. His hands would reach down and fondle balls them move to nipples. Clay started fucking, he needed the release. Sean set up an alternating rhythm -- Sean thrust In Clay pulled out. Soon the three of them were moaning loudly. The bedroom door opened and Larry and Antonio walked in.

Clay shouted, "Welcome guys, want to join in?"

"Why the fuck not," Larry and Antonio walked to the group. Steve grabbed their dicks and started pulling on them. When they were both leaking precum he directed Antonio to Clay's mouth and Larry to Sean's. It wasn't long before Steve shot his loads, which tightened his ass and caused Sean and Clay to unload in the freshman. That sent the other 2 over as they blasted pent up frustration into Sean's and Clay's mouths. Neither lost a drop but swallowed and licked their lips

After a group hug, Larry said, "Game starts in 11 hrs. Thanks for including us. Now get some rest."

The other 3 quarterbacks went to their rooms. Sean spooned into Clay who pulled up the covers.

"Sean, thank you."

"For what Clay?"

"For loving me."

"I'm just returning the love you've given me."

Clay breathed deeply, "And for treating me as a partner tonight. You showed me you respected me. Love and respect are important to me. You're always going to be my one and only Chief!"

"And you're going to be my one and only Farm Boy." He kissed the back of Clay's head and squeezed him tight. "Good night, my love, peasant dreams."

Next: Chapter 17

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