Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 6, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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Nailed It: Chapter 2 - Round 2

Sean stiffened and thought, "Why did he have to ruin this with the L word? He knew a response was needed. So he too turned toward Clay and said simply, "Aren't you sweet!"

Clay flopped back on the bed. "Dude, do you know how fantastic this is? I've been sexually frustrated for over 8 years. I can't wait to experience more."

Sean took that moment to add, "I'll always be special to you Clay, because I was your first."

Clay agreed but added, "Didn't you feel a little something happening between us that was more than just a fuck?"

Sean was now faced with a dilemma. Do I admit that I did feel something or do I lie. Well Momma said never to lie so, "Yes Clay, I felt this was different, but I don't know what that means yet."

"I knew it!" Clay hooted. He jumped on top of Sean straddling his chest letting his prepuce rest on Sean's lips. Sean gave a wicked smile and blew on the tantalizing cock before him.

"There's your blow job stud!" Sean smiled and winked at the ginger bear holding him in place.

"We'll get back to that smart ass. Right now I just want to look at you. I'm going to start with your eyes," He kissed them. "Then your cute nose." He kissed Sean's nose. "Your ears." Another kiss and so on down Sean's body all the way to his toes. Flipping him over he started with Sean's soles. And worked up to Sean's ass. Here he pulled Sean up on his knees before spreading his cheeks and staring at his pucker. It was beautiful, hairless and pink just like a rose bud. Clay leaned in and sniffed once before using his tongue to lick around the outside. Next he lapped at it like a dog. Then he smothered it with little kisses all the while soliciting moans from Sean. Finally stiffening his long tongue he dove in and Sean howled in joy! Clay was giving as good as he had gotten earlier when Sean ate his ass out.

Sean was in heaven panting and squealing his delight. He couldn't believe this guy was a virgin! He felt Clay reach under and play with his balls then his cock. Suddenly Sean was flipped onto his back and the QB straddled him. "Munching on your ass brought back a terrible itch in my hole. I aim to scratch it." That said he lined up Sean's spear and sat all the way down. He began to ride up and down with abandon.

Sean had a perfect view of Clays back as he rose and fell on his cock. Slowly at first but soon bucking quickly to keep that mushroom head hitting is joy spot. Then to Sean's continued amazement Clay did a 180 spinning around to face his baffled partner. Sean asked, "Where did you learn that move."

Clay winked at him, smiled and stated,,"I've watched a hell of a lot of straight porn." Then continued to rotate twice more on Sean's steel like cock.

Sean reached for those tempting nipples in the red fur of Clay's chest. Clay felt an electric current run to his ass and cock and he felt another load starting to churn up in his balls. Without warning he shot 7 long ropes of cum onto Sean's chest and face. The tightening of his ass muscles pulled an equal number of spurts from Sean into his ass. As he sighed in contentment he scooped up some of his cum and fed it to Sean. Then he collected the rest and lapped it down. It was only then he realized he hadn't put a condom on Sean for round 2. "Oh my God I forgot the condom!" he cried.

Sean reassured him it was ok. He tested regularly. Usually always wore a rubber and was on PReP. "Dude you have just been bred! Thank you for the gifts you given me this afternoon. Your cherry orally and anally. Then taking my seed into your body. You are amazing! Let's order in - pizza or Chinese?" Clay went with a garbage pizza.

"We've got about an hour before it's here. Shower?" Clay scrambled off the bed grabbing at Sean's ass he led the way into the bath. As he adjusted the water Sean relished the rough touch of Clay's hands as the QB tweaked his nipples and stroked his 6 pack. "You're the sexiest stud I've ever been with dawg," Clay whispered huskily in Sean's ear.

"I'm the only `dawg' you've been with sticky!" Sean retorted. He relished feeling that red fur brushing against his backside. He reached behind himself, grabbed Clay's cock and pulled him into the shower. They giggled and laughed as they soaped each other's bodies.

Clay asked, Why do you he have a T above your cock?"

Sean explained, "I did that so that others would know Ilike to Top. If I meet up with the right stud I'd bottom again as well.

Clay asked hesitantly, "Am I the right stud?"

In response Sean turned around wrapped his arms around Clays neck then jumped up wrapping his legs around him.saying, "Yeah, I think you are! Guide it in." Clay didn't have to be told twice. He guided his cock to Sean's eager ass lips and felt them grab his clock and pull it inside. Water swirled around their bodies as Clay pumped faster and faster into Sean's talented ass. Sean was showing how he could use his ass muscles to grip Clay's thick veined cock and milk it. Both boys were panting heavily as clay shot a hot load into Sean. That pushed Sean over the edge and he came a 3rd time.

They cooed and cuddled as the water washed their semen down the drain. After they toweled off they returned to the bedroom.

Sean's phone rang. The Pizza delivery guy was in the lot. Sean told him to come up as he'd just gotten out of the shower. He told him he give him a double tip. As he ended the call he told Sean to place the towel so it didn't cover his limp dick.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Sean sauntered nude to the door making sure Clay's muscle stud body could be seen from the door. Then he pulled it open.

"Twenty-four dol... holy fuck dude! You two are hot! Ah $24.50 stud."

"Come in dude. I don't have it on me." Sean winked and sauntered back into the bedroom followed closely by the delivery boy. "Will $30 be enough stud?" Sean inquired as he watch the kid's eyes swing between his cock and Clay's massive tool.

The boy licked his lips.

Clay jumped in asking, "Perhaps you'd be interested in an additional tip or two? If you catch our drift!"

The delivery stud pulled out his phone and called in, "Joey, Vic here. I just dropped off the garbage. Yeah, nice tip. I'm taking my dinner break. I'll call in about 45 minutes." As he ended the call he kicked off his shoes as Clay and Sean started to help strip him out of his clothes. He stood about 5'10" with light brown stringy hair pulled into a bun. His tight frame was well formed with a nice 4 pack of abs. A light dusting of hair covered his pecs with tiny areola and nips with a heavier treasure trail leading down to an average 6 inch uncut cock with sac that looked like it contained two tennis balls. He latched onto Sean's cock like a mad man while pulling his ass cheeks apart. Clay dove in and started munching away getting Vic's ass ready for his own dick. Within a few minutes Vic was begging for Clay's cock, wiggling his ass and pushing back on Clays penetrating tongue he huskily croaked, "Fuck me." Clay obliged, first rolling on a condom and plunging in to the hilt. Vic's eyes bulged as he felt the spear in his ass sink in. After just a slight pause he wriggled his ass and clenched his muscles to signal he was set. Clay set up his rhythm and Sean soon matched it skyll fucking Vic.

As they were fucking Vic, Sean's roommate, Albert, came home. He sneered at the scene reached in and closed the door muttering, "Fucking faggots," under his breath.

The three studs never heard or saw a thing as they were so focused on getting off. They plowed away at Vic for 20 minutes before Vic moaned and shot rope after rope of cum on the floor and onto Sean's shins and feet. That set off Sean who was shortly followed by Clay whose cock had been squeezed by Vic's orgasm. The three spent stud's collapsed on the nearby bed. Vic recovered first, checked his watch, grabbed his clothes and dressed.

"You guys are awesome! You really nailed it! I needed some cock. It's been a dry few weeks, Anytime you need a Pizza please ask for me. Hell I might bring you a free one just to enjoy those cocks!" He hugged each of them and left, dialing his boss to go back on the clock.

Clay looked at Sean and sheepishly asked, Dawg would you do me a solid?"

Sean smiled , "I've been doing you the last 5 hours. What ya need?"

"Uh, would you help me... ah. Shave my pubes and asshole?"

Sean grabbed the stud QB and planted a hungry sloppy kiss on his luscious pouty lips. "I'd be delighted. Let's go back in the bathroom." Once again grabbing Clay's cock and pulling him into the shower. Sean got out his clippers and trimmed down the fire red Bush above the base of his friend's shaft. Then he pulled out his one blade and carefully groomed a tight rectangular patch as wide as the shaft but only a half inch tall. Next re used the device to trim off some of the wild hairs along the shaft. Finally he started on the scrotum itself. Pulling the skin tight as red hair after hair fell to the tub floor. As he finished Sean ran his tongue over the newly shaved areas. "Turn around, lean over a bit and spread your cheeks." Clay complied. The one blade made quick work of the hair in the QB's crack, around his anus and his perineum. Once more Sean's tongue checked his work. Clay gasped as Sean's tongue hit his sensitive hole. It sent shock waves through his body. His cock once more rose to demand attention.

"Down big boy! You're still 1 up on me!"

"But Sean, you're so damn good at what you do! Please?" Clay pleaded.

Sean thought he could easily fall for this stud. Perhaps he needed to set some boundaries.

"Clay, I've had a fuckin great time. But I've got to finish this design spread for class tomorrow. How about you let me walk you home?"

Clay stared at him with his pouty face and sad puppy eyes,

"Not going to work study. Get your ass dressed and let's exchange phone and email info. Oh, what are you doing tomorrow between 12 and 3? I'm modeling for an art class. Provides a little spending money and has landed me some underwear modeling gigs as well. Maybe we can both model nude together!"

"Wait, nude in front of a class! I... I don't know. Can I think on it."

"Sure, no pressure. I've had friends sit in before without a problem."

"Ok, I'll come, but no promise I'll join in. But then you have to come watch me at practice from 4 to 6. Then, I'd like to take you out to get a bite to eat."

Sean was amazed! Today was this dude's first taste of man to man sex and he's asking me on a date. "Deal!" Sean replied excitedly.

As they left the bedroom to head out, Albert was in the kitchen. "You guys mind keeping it down? I also don't appreciate you leaving your door open when you're having an orgy."

Sean glared at him, "There's at least 12 feet between my room and yours. Deal with it. And If you don't want to see - don't look!" He opened the door and out he went holding Clay's hand. Outside he started to apologize as he let go of Clay's hand.

"Don't!" Clay stated. Sean stopped and shot the QB a quizzical look. "Don't stop holding my hand. I like it. It's like we're boyfriends." Sean got nervous again. He was trying to understand what he was feeling and how quickly the two were bonding.

Clay reached out and Sean took his hand as they walked to the other side of the complex. As they neared Clay's building Sean prepared to take his leave. Clay held onto his hand. "You said you were going to walk me home, Home is on the second floor." So Sean walked him up two flights of stairs and to his door. There Clay grabbed Sean and planted a hungry sloppy kiss on Sean's lips while grabbing his ass for one last squeeze. "I wish this wasn't goodnight, but I hope we can hang out again. See you at 12. Text me where you want to meet." Clay unlocked the door and stepped inside as Sean started back to his apartment. Both men wondering where their encounter was leading.

Next: Chapter 3

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