Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 31, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 33 New Normal

Sean awoke to the morning sun streaming in through the window in the dining area. He stretched and sat up. He gathered his wits about him and stood. Grabbing his stripped bathrobe he was just tiring it in place when Martha and Leon exited the bedroom.

"Morning Sean," Martha greeted him with a peck on the cheek and a tickle motion to his tummy. Leon shook his hand. He still looked sleepy. "I've got a busy day planned: breakfast, then shopping and afterwards, we're going to give this place a thorough Fall cleaning. After lunch, I'm going to cook up some meals to freeze for you boys. Then Father and I will hit the road around 3 to get back to Arcadia by 6."

"Gee whiz Mom; you don't have to go to all that trouble." Sean said. He caught `The Look' from Martha.

Leon added, "Her mind is made up. You won't change it."

"Well thank you both. I'll go in and check on Clay." He quietly opened the door. His boyfriend lay naked before him with his morning wood jutting out from his body. He had one hand tucked under his balls. He backed out of the room. "He's still asleep," Sean shared.

"Soon as he smells Mother's cooking, he'll come a running like a hog to the trough!" Leon laughed. Let's get coffee going while Mother starts cooking. Sean fixed them both 10 ounces of coffee from the Keurig. Leon took his black with two sweetener packs while Sean added Carmel Nutpod creamer and 1 sweetener pack to his before frothing it.

Martha has popped biscuits in the oven. She was busy now making scrambled eggs with ham, diced tomatoes and peppers. The aroma of the meal drew Clay from the room as his father had predicted.

"Leon Clayton Reed IV, cover that thing up!" Martha yelled. "You know better than to leave your room with your needle pointing the way!"

"Now Martha, it's not like we haven't seen him with morning wood before," Leon cajoled his wife.

"Oh, I know, dear. Still, just because all of us have seen it before does not mean it's appropriate," Martha concluded.

Sean stayed out of the discussion nursing his coffee.

Clay returned with his bathrobe tied round his body; his erection still tenting the front. "Better?" he quipped flashing his devilish grin. He sauntered over to his mother and kissed her cheek.

"Barely! Breakfast is almost ready. Let's get cracking. Table needs set, don't forget water and orange juice. Leon and Clay flew into action. Sean noted he would need to find out Martha's secret. She really had them well trained. Within a few minutes the table was set. The three men sat and waited as Martha brought the food to the table. She sat down and simply said, "Clay, please say grace."

Clay reached for his Dad's and Sean's hands. as Martha had done as well. Lowering his head he prayed, "I Jesu namn till bords vi gå, välsigna Gud den mat vi få. Gud till ära, oss till gagn, så få vi mat i Jesu namn. Amen"

"What language was that Clay?" Sean asked.

"Swedish, right Mom? My grandmother is from Malmo." Clay shared.

"Yes that's correct. All of my children have red or blond hair. We'll have to wait for grandkids to see if Leon's black hair made it through the gene pool." Martha chuckled. . The fresh biscuits were passed round and buttered while still hot. Then the scramble eggs and ham. "Mom another wonderful meal," Sean commented.

"My Mom is a whiz in the kitchen. She can make anything taste good!" Clay asserted.

Martha blushed. "Thank you, boys. Now today's plan. Father and I are going to Sam's Club to do a little grocery shopping, mostly canned goods. On the way back I want to stop at Walmart or Target and get one or two items for the kitchen." Sean started to say something, but Martha shot him the look. He realized how she ruled the roost was remarkably similar to Master Will and himself. "We'll also stop at Publix for a few things. Sean, I would like you to gather up all the laundry. I noted this building has a laundry area on each floor."

"Yes Ma'am, there are 4 washers and 4 dryers for 12 apartments."

" Please do the laundry while we're shopping."

"I have a class," he started.

"You've forgotten, both Clay and you are excused from classes the rest of the week. Coach Cross arranged it with Dr. Gambrelli. You will both be receiving, what was that word, oh yes, zoom recordings. When I get back, we'll start in the Locker Room as you call it. You men will wash down the walls, I'll deal with the floors, kitchens and baths. At lunch we will have tomato soup and grilled bacon and cheese sandwiches. Then I'll start making and freezing meals.

" What are ya making us Mom?" Clay managed between bites.

" Sean I hope you have better luck teaching him not to talk with his mouth full."

" I'll try Mom," Sean said while giving Clay a wicked grin and a little kick under the table.

"I thought I'd make stuffed peppers. I think I will do 3 batches of 4 one beef, one turkey and one pork."

" That will do for 3 meals for me Mom. What about Sean?" Clay quipped.

Martha laughed, "Keep eating like that and it will be your belly that's pointing the way rather than your needle. I also thought I'd prepare about a dozen chicken sausage burgers as well."

Clay looked at Sean, "Mom invented that one! You are going to love it. They're 2/3 chicken and 1/3 Italian sausage."

"While Mother cooks I want to hear details about the Calendar deal and this International exhibit," Leon stated.

No problem, Leon. I'll show you my contracts which I need to get reviewed by my attorney," Sean replied.

The doorbell rang. Leon on answered it. "Please come on in detectives." Detectives Gonzales and Torres entered. The boys stood and Sean grabbed Clay's hand.

Martha offered them coffee, which they accepted. Sean invited them to take seats at table. "To what do we owe this visit gentlemen?" Sean asked.

Detective Torres answered, "We wanted to bring you up to date on some developments overnight. First, your courageous press conference and the surrounding news coverage has resulted in a total so far of 105 victims coming forth. Sadly, we also learned of 7 men who committed suicide after their rapes. "

" God have mercy!" Martha exclaimed.

Torres continued, "Some of the rapes are outside the statute of limitations. The State's Attorney is reviewing all the information now. But it appears there will be additional charges.

"We need to talk to you guys and then the prosecutors about interview requests we've received," Clay notes.

"Happy to talk about that in a bit, first let us finish," Gonzales said. "The good news is you helped ID more victims. The other news concerns your attacker. As we had told you, Steele was the one who released your name through the jailhouse grapevine. When you confirmed it, the warden added 2 extra guards to his cell block. Then more people saw the news last evening and last night. Prison officials believed all appeared stable, so they went back to regular staffing with the morning shift. During his shower time this morning Steele was attacked by the uncle of one of his other victims. His penis was cut off then sliced into three pieces and each testicle was stabbed. He is now at Orlando Health having emergency surgery. We would suggest that should you receive any interview requests you simply state you are aware of the situation but have no comment at this time."

Torres suggested, "That should be your response as well with the producers trying to schedule you. In fact, Sean, I would suggest you shield Clay by handling those calls. Let him concentrate on getting better."

"Ain't Karma a bitch!" Sean stated.

Clay responded simply, "Indeed!" Martha and Leon simply nodded.

" Thank you for the coffee", Gonzales said. "Sean, may we have your phone number please. We'll provide you with updates." Sean got his wallet and handed them both his card as he walked them to the door.

"Have a great day detectives. Thank you for all your efforts and support, Sean commented as he closed the door. Clay and Leon cleared the table. Martha started loading the dishwasher. "I'll do that Mom. You and Dad need to get going."

"Alright Sean, thank you. Leon let's get a move on." Leon grabbed his wallet and keys. Martha grabbed her purse and followed Leon from the apartment.

As Sean finished loading the dishwasher and started it, Clay came up from behind him and kissed the nape of his neck. "I need my meds applied before do laundry Chief. Will you do that for me?"

Sean reaches his hand inside Clay's bathrobe and grabbed his turgid prick. "Mom called this your needle. You'll need to tell me about that sometime. We'll do your meds then I need to get down to the laundry room."

"When I first started getting erections that could produce seed, I was always popping wood. My sister is the one who started calling it a needle. It just caught on."

Sean pulled Clay into the Locker Room and got the meds from the mini fridge he moved from their room. Clay dropped the robe. He stood their hoping for a blow job like the night before. His hope was frustrated as Seam came out with two wash clothes. He pulled back Clay's foreskin and washed his cock head. Then he rubbed in the cream. Wiping his hand on the first wash cloth he ordered, "Clay get on the mattress and assume the position."

Clay lay back and as he reared his legs back with his arms holding his legs; his rosebud came into view. Sean places his fingers on either side as he had been trained and cleaned off the anus. He reported to Clay," I don't see a visible gap. It appears your hole returned to normal." He then applied the cream. Wiping his hands, he looked at Clay and said, "Get dressed."

Sean got their laundry cart from the storage area. He dumped the dirty laundry into it, grabbed empty hangers, soap, bleach and fabric softener. He grabbed his wallet and keys. "You want to walk with me?" Clay grabbed his hand and padded alongside of him to the laundry. "They were originally going to put elevators in this space. I think this worked out better. The laundry was empty when they arrived. Sean put all the towels and athletic socks in one washer, whites in another, light colors in a third and dark colors in the fourth. He put two soap pods in each washer and added softener to all but the towels and socks. He added some bleach to the whites. Using used his ATM card he started each washer and set his timer. "Laundry is started."

Back in the apartment Sean went to his desk in the Locker Room. There were indeed emails from his professors. He had through next Wednesday to turn in assignments. He then looked at Clay who was sitting on the air mattress deep in thought. "Farm Boy!" he barked. Close and lock the door and crawl your ass over here!" Sean spread his legs.

"Yes Sir Chief!" Clay dropped to all fours and crawled to the door, closed and locked it. He recalled his Dad catching him and friends in circle jerks back home. Leon thought it was just boys being boys. Farm Boy reached Sean who pointed down and said, "Get busy boy."

Clay went to use his hands which earned him a menacing growl. He switched to teeth. It was much harder to do but after 10 minutes of trying he pulled the short's elastic band under Sean's balls. He went down all the way on the 9 inches before him. His hands played with Sean's balls and ass. They played with his nipples. He heard Sean moan softly and he redoubled his efforts. He was so happy; he started humming to himself. The sensations on Sean's cock were building. Each time Clay pulled up he would use his tongue now to swirl around the head. Within 15 minutes Sean was holding Clay's curly hair and skull fucking him. Farm Boy stuck his finger into the Chief's ass. Sean pulled Clay's head all the way done and shot 7 volleys of cum into his throat, then lay back in his chair sated.

Clay smacked his lips, "Good to the last drop!"

Sean's timer went off. "Perfect timing Farm Boy! Let's get the laundry into the dryers." He pulled up his shorts. Unlocking the door, he stopped to hug Clay. "I'm so happy we met." Then turned and led the way to the laundry. The washers were done, and each load went into a separate dryer. Sean set his timer for 25 minutes. As they got back to the apartment Clay's parents were coming up the steps. Sean went down and took the box Martha was carrying. Clay unlocked the apartment and Sean and Leon carried things in. "Anything else in the car?"

" Two more boxes," Leon answered.

"Throw me the keys, Dad. I'll bring them up." Sean said. Leon didn't bat an eye and tossed the keys. Sean took off. Clay went to follow.

" Where do you think you're going young man?" Martha inquired.

"I was going to help," Clay replied.

His mother shook her head and pointed to the couch. "Entertain yourself. Leon lets organize these storage closets and pantry. We got a lot of stuff to fit." The two worked like a well-oiled machine. It was obvious they had worked well together over the years of their marriage.

Sean arrived with another cardboard box brimming with groceries. "You guys are too much. Is there anything left for others?" He laughed and placed the box on the table and went back down for the last box.

"What all did you buy Mom?" Clay asked.

" Stuff I know you'll eat," she answered.

"Mom, I eat just about anything!"

" Yeah, we know!" Leon laughed.

They had finished the first box and had started on the second when Sean got back. He kicked open the door. "What's in this thing? It's twice as heavy as the first two!" He dropped it on the counter and sat down on the floor.

" That must be the protein drinks, olive oil and gator aid." Leon answered. He peaked inside. "Yep, plus we bought you a tool kit for the apartment."

"Clay set the table with glasses, soup spoons and napkins. I'm start lunch about 11:30," Martha announced. A few minutes later cleaning supplies came out and Martha started directing the work. Leon and Sean started in the Locker Room. Sean did the bathroom walls while Leon washed the walls in the room itself. As Sean joined Leon, Martha started on the bath fixtures and floor. With three of them working they made short work of the Locker Room and started on the great room. Sean left to get the laundry and rolled it back. He assigned Clay hanger and folding duty while he went back to cleaning. Leon went on to the main bath while Sean started on the walls. Martha came in and did the bath fixtures. Then she returned to start lunch.

The Fall cleaning was finished shortly after noon. Leon and Sean put the cleaning supplies away. Clay put the clothes away. Martha told them to wash up and when they came to table, they found the soup and sandwiches waiting. After they were seated, Martha said the blessing, "Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen."

After the meal, Sean got out the contracts. He and Leon sat at the table and Clay went to the couch. "Clay, don't you want to see these as well?" Sean asked.

"I didn't know if you wanted me to see them now." Clay responded snappishly.

Sean rolled his eyes. "Boy!" he growled, "get your ass to the table now."

"Yes, Sir!" Clay responded recognizing the tone Sean used as meaning business. He sat at the table blushing in embarrassment at having been corrected in front of his parents.

"Leon please switch seats with me so I can point out things in Clay's contract while you review mine. Thank you. "

Sean pulled his chair close to Sean and started showing him the details of the `Bums Rush' calendar. He rested his left hand on his thigh, while pointing out the details. It was as Eddie had told them $500 had been paid to them for the sitting fee. They would each get $1000 for the image selected. They would each receive $0.025 per calendar sold. If prints were ordered of their image they would be paid 25% of the sale price. After the end of the calendar year they would receive 33% of the sale price for a print. After that one year the negatives would be destroyed.

Leon asked, "Do you know how many calendars sold last year?"

"275,000 worldwide was the number Eddie I think mentioned."

" That's a nice chunk of change. What to the prints sell for?"

"Post card size is $25, 5x7 for $75 8x10 for $200."

" I suggest you have it added to the contract."

" That's a good idea, Leon." Sean noted

" Clay, do you have any questions or concerns?" Sean asked trying to draw him out of his sulking.

" So if I don't sign this he can't use my image. What about the ones he printed of me so far? "

" Well I thought those were gifts for us. But it's a question to write down for the lawyer."

Martha had been listening. She knew her son was not getting his way and was pouting. She walked into the office with a wooden spoon in her apron pocket. "Clay honey, come help me a minute please."

Clay toddled into the office.

"What's that on the floor?" she asked.

He leaned over to see what she had pointed at when Martha pulled out the spoon and whaled his right glute 5 times. Clay shot bolt upright. "What did I do Mom?" he asked rubbing his ass cheek.

" You're acting like a spoiled brat. You know my opinions on spoiled brats."

" Yes Ma'am."

" Now you go mind your manners."

Clay returned to the table. Sean was explaining the travel schedule would vary as to which city hosted the show and when the Grand Opening was held.

Sean asked, "Want me to repeat any of that love?"

" Nah, I can read!" Clay responded.

Martha was standing behind him when he spoke. She didn't like his tone of voice. She placed the spoon in front of Sean, "Use this or a ping pong paddle if he keeps giving you attitude." Clay blushed bright red. He was mortified.

Sean glances at Clay, picked up the spoon and nodded at Martha saying, "Thanks Mom, I appreciate the tip!"

Leon laughed, "Mother knows how to keep us in check."

Sean wondered if she spanked Leon as well. He continued with the explanation. "We get our airfare and hotel as well as meals covered in addition to a $1000 appearance fee. If we personally sell one of the prints during the Grand Opening, we receive a 50% commission. Otherwise we receive 12.5% of print sales and 5% of book sales. There will be a limited number of posters available for us to autograph as well. We get $50 for each of those. Then if a patron wants an autographed print, we get a bonus 5%. Eddie told me his last four models made enough to outright purchase homes!"

Leon thought carefully, "Besides having your family attorney review the contracts, I suggest you talk with a tax attorney, a CPA and an investment advisor. When you get you checks you should always pay yourself first. Ten percent to savings and ten percent to a retirement account."

" That is good advice, Leon. Henry Bixley is our family attorney and Dean Dougherty is our family's CPA. I'll call them tomorrow to set up appointments." Touching Clay's arm, he continued, "I think it's time to apply the second dose. We'll use the Locker Room."

Clay got up and started for the room already reaching for his waist band. Sean entered behind him and closed the door. He saw that there was still a red mark on Farm Boy's right butt cheek. He went into the bath for the wash clothes and creams, sat in his desk chair and said, "Please stand here my man." Clay complied. Sean exposes the glans and carefully cleaned it before applying a thin layer of the ointment. Clay did not get hard. Sean knew then he was more upset than he was letting on. "Let us try something different. Just bend over the desk, then grab and spread your cheeks." Clay wordlessly complied. Sean cleaned the area and selected the second cream. He used one finger to apply it. Gently stroking Clay's sensitive bruised anus.

As Sean's finger stroked slowly down applying the ointment to the center, Clay rocked backwards and impaled himself about an inch onto Sean's index finger. Sean started to remove it when Clay begged in a husky voice, "Please leave it in Chief. Please!" Sean froze. Clay was pushing back, his ass swallowing his lover's finger. Sean angled his finger down and located Farm Boy's love button. Clay apparently had built up quite a load because at that one touch; he spewed semen on the side of the desk.

Sean withdrew his finger and washed up in the bathroom. Throwing the two washcloths at Clay he ordered, "Clean up your mess, unless you want your folks knowing." Patting him on the shoulder, he left the room closing the door behind him. Clay pulled up his shorts and began wiping up his cum. He rinsed the washcloths and hung them to dry and joined the family in the great room.

The apartment was filled with the wonderful odors of baking stuffed peppers and flowers. Martha was forming the chicken and sausage mix into burgers and wrapping them for freezing. By 3 o'clock she had prepared12 meals for them and placed them in the freezer. She cleaned up the kitchen and sat beside Leon on the couch. "You ready to hit the road, Old Man?" She asked.

" With you, always, just say the word!" Leon replied reaching for her hand.

"Boys," Martha began, "One of the things you'll need to figure out is how you're going to celebrate the holidays. You must be fair to both sets of parents. It's just another thing to work on." Leon had grabbed their suitcase. "We'll call when we get home." After another round of hugs and kisses, they left. Both boys felt their departure deeply.

Sean rounded on Clay, "Please have a seat." Clay picked the far side of the couch and Sean joined him. "Why did you get so snarky with me over the contracts? I didn't pick up on it, but your folks did. Your Mom even spanked you and you still presented an attitude."

" I have a lot of emotions plowing around my head. I feel guilty over putting myself in a situation where I was raped. Jealous you hit it off so well with the `rents. Being treated like an invalid. It's all too much!" he cried out before starting to sob.

Seam put his arm around him. "My dear Farm Boy. Let it all out. I can't nail it for a while, but I can listen. I can hold you. I can try to be more understanding. This is our new normal for a while. This drug is still messing with you. Just remember, when your feelings get to you, voice it to me. Now let's dress in team colors and go watch the Stallions practice for a bit."

Next: Chapter 34

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