Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 3, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 36 Bumps in the Road

Sean parked in Student Parking near the stadium. He was happy to have time to walk with Clay. Life had been a whirlwind of events the past 12 days. They were finally nailing it down and getting it together. It looked like clear sailing lay ahead.

The couple entered through the players' gate with Clay signing Sean in. At precisely 3 o'clock, Clay knocked on the door to the coaching office. Coach Billy Higgenbothan answered their knock. "Welcome Clay, Sean we're in the conference room. " He led the way. The coaches gave a polite round of applause as Clay entered.

"Welcome Clay, we're glad you accepted our offer," Cross said. "I'm afraid Sean needs to sit in the reception area."

"First, I haven't accepted anything. I came to `learn more about it,' as Coach Lee said. Also, why can't Sean stay? He helps keep what little rohypnol still in my system at bay."

Coach Lee offered, "Sean certainly saved my ass last night."

Cross was having none of it, "We'd be happy to explain how you could help us from the box. However, Sean is not on the team. He can't travel with us. It's that simple."

Clay took a moment to compose his thoughts and words. "Coach Cross, I understand your position. Now please understand mine. As you know, I'm not medically cleared until Monday morning at 12:01. So I'm sorry, I can't accept your proposal to travel away from my safety net. I appreciate your time. Gentlemen, See you at practice Tuesday." With that said he turned, took Sean's hand, left the conference room and the coaches' offices.

"Clay, are you sure you want to turn the chance down?"

"Sean, They are right about one thing. I do see the big picture. Cross is used to getting his own way. His contract is coming up and he needs a better season. He wanted to use me to ensure a better chance at victory. His unwillingness to even discuss permitting you to accompany me smacks of the shit he did to Antonio and Gina last year. He made Antonio drop her or he'd drop Antonio. So our friend caved in. I'm a better quarterback but I'll wait my turn to shine. With you by my side I'll be the brightest sombitch they ever saw."

Sean added, "Let's go home."

Coach Lee exploded, "You pig headed son of a bitch! You better NEVER bring your wife or kids to another away game on the team bus! If we lose tomorrow just look in a fucking mirror to see who is responsible."

"We can't have a fucking sophomore telling us what to do. We start that shit and he'll be running the show his senior year!" Cross hollered back.

The three senior coaches for offense, defense and special teams stood up and walked out. Cross was furious; he had a fucking revolt on his hands. "I'll see you at the Pep Rally at 7," he said to the three remaining associate coaches while walking to his own office and slammed the door. No one noticed Tina Wynn, a sports reporter for Channel 15, had shown up early for her 4 pm interview with Cross. She had seen Clay and Sean leave the office. She heard most of what Coach Lee was yelling as she sat in the outer office. She witnessed the senior ranked coaching staff walk out. She watched as Cross went to his own office and slammed his door. Wynn called the Athletic Director. "Mr. Merch, Tina from Channel 15. I just witnessed a major disagreement between the members of the football coaching staff. The 3 senior coaches left the meeting and Coach Cross has slammed his office door. Care to comment on the situation?"

She was not surprised when Merch said, "No comment at this time."

Back at the apartment, the guys had stripped down and were relaxing on the couch. Clay had his head in Sean's lap. Sean ran his fingers through Clay's curly red locks. They were listening to some of Tom Robinson's songs on Spotify. Clay opened his eyes and smiled up at Sean. "Chief, I love the feeling of your fingers running through my hair. I could lay here forever."

" But?" Sean grinned.

"I feel bad for Eddie. I was thinking."

"I thought I smelled smoke," Sean quipped. Clay rolled his eyes, "Leon Clayton Reed IV! Don't you roll those eyes at me!" Sean teased. They laughed.

"Yes Chief! Anyway let's take Eddie out to eat. No place too fancy, but very public. Let everyone know we don't blame him for his husband's actions."

Sean picked up his phone and dialed. This time Eddie answered quickly. "Hi Sean what's up?"

Clay and I were discussing dinner plans. If you're free, we both want you to join us."

"Are you sure man. I'm kind of a social pariah at the mo."

"Yeah, were sure. We're going to clean up and be at your place in about an hour. We're thinking outdoor seating on Park. We'll come to your condo. "

"Thanks guys, you don't know what this means to me. Ciao!"

As Chief hung up his phone rang. "Sean Walls, May I help you?"

"Sean, glad I caught you. This is Henry Bixley."

"Henry, I didn't think I'd hear from you till next week. Give me a sec." He covered the phone and told Clay, "Go shower. OK Henry, I'm all ears."

"I've got a heavy court calendar next week, so I went through the contracts. They're fine as they are but I've made some suggested changes for you to negotiate. I'm here till midnight with an associate. Can you stop by later say 9 to go over them?"

"I can do better than that; we'll bring Eddie along and firm it all up tonight. 9 PM."

"Wonderful! See you then."

Clay was stepping out of the shower when Sean came in. "I see you don't waste water. Don't dress. I want to pick your clothes tonight." He stepped into the shower as Clay brushed his teeth and applied deodorant. A few minutes later, as he stepped into the bedroom, he was startled to see Farm Boy kneeling by the bed, hands behind his back and head down.

"Oh, my precious boy! How did you know to assume that position?" Sean asked.

"Sir, this boy observed others in this position at Frank's and The Code. Sir! This boy hoped that it would make you happy Sir!"

"Oh it has impressed me very much Farm Boy. Look!"

Clay raised his eyes to see Sean's prick at full mast. He licked his lips. Sean pointed to his cock and Farm Boy walked on his knees to his Chief and planted a kiss on the tip of his dick. He could taste boy honey already. He smiled inwardly knowing he knew a for sure method of getting Sean going. He licked the head like an ice cream cone for a few minutes before covering it with his mouth. The moans coming from Sean assured him he was doing a good job. Clay dove down on the cock taking it into his throat. He hummed as he deep throated it twice before concentrating on the head. Farm Boy brought his hands up Sean's legs slowly, his right hand fondling the Chief's balls while his left hand stroked the perineum and anus.

Sean had been horny most of the day. He was glad of the release he knew was coming. It built much faster with the action of Clay's hands. He grabbed Clay's head and held his cock in his mouth. Without warning, the Chief unloaded four huge shots of cum onto his boy's tongue. Clay swallowed every drop.

Sean pulled Farm Boy up to stand before him. He kissed Clay tasting his own cum still lingering a bit in Clay's mouth. Sean grabbed Clay's own nine inches he and said, "Well deal with this later."

" Promise Sir?"

"Oh, I guarantee it!"

Sean pulled out the red shorts Tina had altered and the white polo. He selected anklets with a pair of black trainers for Clay. For himself he chose black shorts with a red polo. White anklets and dark blue trainers completed his look. Then he went to his jewelry box. He took out a gold necklace and placed it around his neck. Then he searched in the box again and brought out a small black bag. Turning to Clay, he ordered, "Kneel down and close your eyes."

Clay dropped like a stone saying, "Yes Sir!"

Sean walked up behind him and placed a silver linked necklace around his neck. Luckily, it fit. "Master Will gave me this as he trained me as a Dom. He suggested I keep it and use it for my boy. I hope you like it and what it represents."

Clay touched it. He stood and glanced at it in the mirror. Then he lifted Sean in a bear hug which ended in a kiss. "Let's get our asses moving so we can get back here and fuck." Sean grabbed his wallet, phone and keys. He didn't notice Clay had left his phone on the charger.

At 4 PM Tina Wynn knocked on Coach Cross' door. He was just getting off the phone with Thad Merch who had called to summon him to his office. "We have an appointment Coach Cross, Tina Wynn, Channel 15."

"I'm sorry MS Wynn, I've been called to the Admin building. We'll need to reschedule." He walked out of the office and got in a golf cart and headed to the center of the campus.

Coach Cross arrived at the AD's Office. Normally he would have been escorted in at once. Instead he had to cool his heels. The receptionist answered her intercom. She announced, "Mr. Merch will see you now."

As Cross entered Merch instructed, "Close the door Coach and have a seat." Cross did so. Without any preamble Merch started, "Let me hear your side?"

"I made a decision for the overall good of the team and the coaching staff. We don't need a sophomore quarterback running the show. Apparently, my staff disagreed."

Thad nodded. Thought a few moments then he asked, "Your staff you say? You hired and pay them yourself?"

"No, you know what I mean."

"What I hear is a head coach who has forgotten he was brought in to work with an existing coaching staff. A staff he was able to work with effectively to get us one championship and 3 bowl invitations within his first 4 seasons. Then the last two weren't as great. This year showed promise of at least a descent bowl invite. Now I've got a sports reporter going on air at 6 o'clock with word of divisions in the damn coaching staff!"

"I can't help what's she's reporting. She wasn't even supposed to be in the damn office until 4," Cross stated."

"No but you completely screwed up your relationship with the 3 best assistant coaches we could afford. We've watched you hammer your beliefs about the game into them so much so they second guess themselves. In the past 20 minutes, all three have submitted their resignations, effective immediately. "

"Wait! They quit because I wouldn't let Clay's boyfriend accompany him to the game."

"No, they quit because, let me quote," he picked up a print out on his desk, "I can no longer sit back and see my opinions ignored pertaining to management of the team in such a unilateral manner." Putting down the email he looked at Cross. "We're wanted upstairs." He stood, grabbed the print outs from his desk and led the way to the elevator.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Merch led the way to the President's Office. The receptionist buzzed the secretary, "They're here."

A few moments later Molly Murphy entered reception, "The President will see you now. Please follow me." Thad preceded a very concerned Cross into the Presidential suite and into the office looking out upon the reflecting pool. Cross noted President Clarke was seated at his desk surrounded by Dr. Asher Lee VP for Student Affairs, Dr. Gordon Lowe, President of the Faculty Board, and a woman Cross didn't recognize.

"Welcome gentlemen, please have a seat," the President began. He waited till all were seated. "Gentlemen, in the past days there have been a number of bumps in the road, with regard to our football program. Now we're confronted with a major problem less than 24 hours prior to our game with our in state rival. I'm not going to sugar coat this Coach Cross; I've had thousands of emails since last Friday and the Student Senate resolution from alumni demanding your head. Now we've got all three senior assistant coaches resigning in one afternoon. There is also the matter of TV reporter. We've been chatting of ways to weather this storm for the past half hour. Here are the options we've come up with so far.

  1. Back you 100% and accept the resignations. 2. Reject the resignations and reprimand you publicly. 3. Accept the resignations and reprimand you publicly. 4. Suspend you and accept the resignations. 5. Suspend you and reject the resignations. 6. Give you the option of resigning. 7. Fire you

Coach Cross sat stoically in his chair. He had only been fired once and he got picked up right afterwards by a college where he stayed 8 years before accepting this position.

"If you were in my position what would you do?" the President asked.

Cross took a moment to organize his response. "My preferences would be 2, 4 or 6 in that order."

"I'm sorry it has come to this but Coach Cross you are fired effective immediately. Campus security is waiting to escort you to your office where you are to pack up your belongings. You will surrender your campus ID and keys to the security team. We've detailed two custodians to assist you. We wish you well Coach." Clarke stood and extended his hand. The shell shocked coach stood up, shook the President's hand and walked out to find two officers waiting for him. They escorted him to his former office.

Inside the Presidential Suite Clarke called in Molly to take notes as he was giving orders. "Lady and Gentlemen, here's how I think we make it happen.

  1. Issue a press release announcing Coach Cross' firing. Give it first to the reporter, Tina Wynn, who called us. Then 10 minutes later as a general release.

  2. Call each of the coaches and email them that I rejected their resignations and that I'm appointing Coach Lee as acting Head Coach while we search for a replacement.

  3. Call a team meeting for 6:30 before the Pep Rally.

  4. Post the vacancy.

Let's make it happen!" Clarke directed. His team sprang into action.

Next: Chapter 37

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