Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 6, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 41 A New Week

Monday saw Clay making his daily 4 to 5-mile run. He would return home and have coffee and breakfast ready for Sean, greeting him each morning by kissing his feet lovingly. After breakfast they had each gone their separate ways to classes, workouts and studying. They met on campus for lunch then home to study. After dinner Sean started sharing more of the protocols.

Their day to day lives were governed by no protocols. To the outside world they were simply partners. Once they were in the bedroom though he introduced Clay to leather restraints which kept his head down and his wrists and ankles in line with other. Sean spent an hour rimming Farm Boy's ass and playing with his balls. He edged Clay's cock throughout the rim job as well. Hearing the moans building, Sean's noted his red-haired lover flushing with sexual excitement and desire. He brought out a stainless-steel dildo called Njoy with which he planned to plow Clay's ass. Its girth and weight would open the boy's hole. Sean had selected the smaller head to utilize Monday night as it had 3 ribs near the head. He recalled how Clay had enjoyed the ribs on the condom.

At first things appeared to go well, but as the dildo entered further into Clay, he screamed, "Uncle!"

Sean withdrew it immediately as Clay convulsed and broke into sobbing. The restraints were undone, and Clay fell into his lover's arms still sobbing, "Chief, I'm," sniffleing, "I'm sorry!" Clay had tears flowing down his cheeks. Snot ran from his nose. "It, it reminded me of HIM!" Sean grabbed the tissue box and started cleaning up Farm Boy's snot, drying his tears and blowing his nose.

"My poor love! I am sorry. I had no idea. We will go see Christine tomorrow and find out about repressed memories. For now, no more play, we'll just cuddle. Give me a second to arrange this pillow behind me." Clay released his grasp on Sean who propped a pillow behind himself. He noticed Clay was shaking. He pulled the top sheet back and crawled under. "Get in here with me." Clay did so. Sean reached for the duvet and pulled it onto the bed. Then he put his arms back around Clay. He held his shivering boy as they both fell asleep.

Tuesday morning's sunrise found both men in the same positions, Sean propped against the leather of the headboard and Clay clinging to him with his right ear pressed against Sean's chest as if listening to his heartbeat.

Clay woke first. He became aware of his own morning wood. He slid his hand down to find Sean in an equal state of hardness. A grin crossed his face as he slipped under the covers to take his Chief's cock into his mouth. He licked at the head, slowly circling it with his tongue.

Sean awoke to his cock head being slowly washed. He smiled at Clay's eagerness to please him. He spread his legs a bit to give access to his balls, a move Clay noticed but did not realize indicated Sean was awake. The Chief grabbed his head and pushed lightly. Clay took the hint and deep throated his lover's cock. It seemed as it took no time at all before Sean grabbed his head and unloaded 3 quick jets of sperm into Clay's gullet. Clay tried to pull off Sean's cock, but his lover held him in place and a slow steady stream of hot morning piss flowed into Farm Boy's mouth. He swallowed quickly as the piss moved from a slow stream to river of piss. Some escaped his mouth and Sean halted his flow. "Are you alright there Farm Boy? There's more to come." Clay nodded in the affirmative and Sean let loose again. This time the quarterback didn't spill a drop. Sean released Farm Boy's head. Clay kissed the tip of Chief's cock before uncovering himself and kissing Sean aggressively on his mouth. Sean smiled at him, "You nailed it this morning. It's the perfect way to wake a Dom!"

Clay fixed the coffee and started poaching eggs for breakfast. When Sean came out of the bedroom, he was already showered and dressed. They ate breakfast together. Clay showered and dressed while Sean packed what he needed for the day. Clay entered the Locker Room and packed as well. They caught a campus shuttle tram and got off at Student Health Services. Clay signed in. There were 4 ahead of him. They sat and watched the national news. Suddenly the local channel broke into the national program with a Breaking News Bulletin.

"We're coming to you live from outside the Orange County Jail. Sheriff Oscar Rosetta is about to address the overnight murder of an inmate." The Sheriff walked through the prison gate to a podium that had been set up. It was surrounded with microphones.

"Good morning. I regret to inform the public that an inmate was found dead in our medical wing at the 3 AM bed check. We are currently investigating the circumstances which led to this murder. We are unable to release a name currently pending notification of the next of kin.

We strive to operate a secure facility," he paused as he read a note passed to him by his Communications Officer. He nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been informed that the Winter Park Police have made the death notification to the next of kin. The deceased was Everett Steele being held on charges of rape utilizing an illicit drug...."

Clay burst into tears and grabbed Sean. Gabby came out and took them back into an exam room and went for Christine. Dr. Velez came in and put her arm around Clay.

"Let it out Clay, he can never hurt you or anyone else ever again. Try to drink some water and I'll be back in just a few minutes."

She quickly dispatched the 5 students in the exam rooms who were hung over or simply skipping a class. She stepped into the waiting room and said to the now 6 students. "If you're not running a temp and are just wanting to skip a class leave now." Five of the 6 patients left. The remaining woman said, "I think I'm pregnant."

" Gabby put her in 3 and ask Janice to run a pregnancy test on her urine." She went back to Clay.

Sean explained what had happened last night during their sex play. They had come in because they wanted to know about repressed memories.

Christine pulled a chair so she could face Clay. Holding both his hands, she spoke calmly, "Clay look up at me. That's right let me see those gorgeous eyes and that goofy grin." Clay smiled weakly at the compliments. "That's right. Now take a deep breath and hold it till the count of ten. Ready breath in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, breathe out." She repeated six times.

Clay sat up in his chair. "I feel calmer. Thank you."

"Christine opened Clay's file on her PC. "I have the full report now on your trauma. Typically, rohypnol makes it impossible for someone to remember. You did not get a full dose. So, you may experience triggers that set off a memory as you experienced last night. I could prescribe an anti-anxiety medication, but I am reluctant to do so until I can document how badly your PTSD is affecting you. The breathing exercise we just did is a stress released. Start by using that as an intervention. Do you think you can handle class today?"

" Yes, I can handle it. I am supposed to start practice again today. That news report just brought it all back."

"I'm going to email your Dean and your coach. You will be late to class and practice. They will instruct your classmates and teammates not to bring it up. I'll let Campus Security know to refer all media coming on campus to go directly to Public Relations. We will also put an officer in your classroom building. He'll escort you home or wherever you are going today. You Sean, I cannot protect. I suggest you refer any question to campus PR or say no comment."

" Thank you doctor, I'll call my attorney as well. Clay honey, I need to scoot to my 9 o'clock class. I'm not modeling today so I'll see you at home." He kissed him lovingly on the lips and eyes then left for his class.

Dr. Velez called security and explained the situation. An officer was dispatched to cover Clay. She then emailed the Dean of Education and Coach Lee. The Dean pulled up Clay's schedule and forwarded the doctor's email to his instructors with a note to `Follow through on this!' Coach Lee sent out a team blast essentially telling everyone to not mention today's events anywhere near Clay.

Campus security arrived. Clay thanked the doctor. She handed him a card with her personal cell number. "Sean has it as well for emergencies. You take care." Clay left the exam room and walked into reception.

"Clay, I'm Colton Meyers. I'm you're shadow for the day." Colton could not be anyone's shadow. He was 6'4" with muscles bursting out of ebony skin.

"Pleased to meet you," Clay offered his hand which Colton grabbed and shook forcefully.

" Where we heading Clay?" the officer inquired.

" Math building, then home."

" Let's go. If anyone approaches us, you let me talk first. If they are just waving and saying hi. Wave and say hi." More than that I do the talking. Got it."

" Thanks Colton."

The pair got more stares than Clay and Sean did when they held hands on campus. A few students did venture hellos or Go Stallions. No one said anything about Steele. At the Math Building Colton escorted Clay to the security office where he met the officer assigned to the building. The officer was monitoring hallways on a video feed. At 10:00 Colton took Clay to his classroom He entered and took a seat. The professor nodded and began her lecture. Colton pulled up a chair and sat outside the door.

After class, a security van was waiting outside. As they walked toward it a reporter for a local news station and her cameraman came running toward Clay. Colton stepped in front and yelled, "Freeze! Campus Security!" The reporter stopped running but took two steps forward. Colton pulled his taser. "Back Off lady!" he shouted.

The security van called for backup and within minutes two cars arrived. The officers escorted the reporter and her cameraman back to their TV van.

Colton guided Clay into the van's front seat, hopped in the back and they headed to the apartment. "SSO you're Clay Reed," the driver said, "that play two weeks ago was awesome man. You're a hell of a quarterback!"

" Thank you, I try my best."

"We're not going in the front of your complex. We are going in from the shopping center behind it. It's how the garbage gets collected. I'll get you right to your building. There are officers posted at each stairwell. There is a press conference at Noon by your partner. He has gotta have a pair of balls on him. He has filed a restraining order against every news outlet. His attorney is at the courthouse now trying to convince a judge to sign it. When the van got to Alafaya and University Clay saw the media circus at his complex. It looked bigger than the one at the hospital. He started taking deep breaths. The van pulled into the strip mall and drove to the back. They turned onto the access road to the complex's dumpsters. The driver pulled right up to Building One. Clay and Colton got out.

"I didn't catch your name."

" Jesus Orontes, at your service!" he smiled.

" Thank you Jesus, you've been very kind. Wait till I tell my Mom that Jesus drove me home!" They all laughed.

Colton let the way to the back steps. Within just a few minutes Clay was unlocking the door and stepping into the apartment. "Please come in Colton. This is my partner, Sean Walls." Sean turned off the TV.

"Pleased to meet you Sean," the officer said offering his hand.

Shaking Colton's hand, Sean said, "Likewise. I cannot thank you enough for taking such good care of Clay. I just saw the reporter you stopped. She's bitching about strong arm tactics. Wait till she hears what I've got planned. Henry Bixley just texted me that he's on his way with 50 certified copies of the restraining order Judge Keaton Logan signed. His office is faxing copies to Security and Administration as we speak."

"What restraining order?" Clay asked.

"Ours, Clay. Those vultures out there are vicious. When I got home and tried to get to the stairs, one guy grabbed my shirt and pulled. He held up his yellow oxford. "It's ruined. "

The doorbell rang. Colton answered, "Henry Bixley Officer, I represent Sean and Clay."

" Henry I didn't expect you for another 15 minutes." Sean stated.

"I'm sorry I was changing clothes for the cameras and failed to tell you I was at the office. I've left two law students downstairs who will hand out the restraining orders. They're supposedly getting names and station IDs so we'll know who is getting the release here. "

" What did the judge say?" Sean asked as he motioned for everyone to sit down."

" More than we asked for in our petition! Judge Logan pulled the actual case. He has been dealing with Pretrial motions for a week. So he is very familiar with what you went through Clay. He ordered that no reporters may approach the complex you reside in nor search its trash receptacles. We only asked to keep them away from your building and parking spots. We asked for a 500 foot perimeter from your person. We got 750 feet with an exemption for cameras and reporters covering football games. Any pre or post-game interviews must be approved by the Head Coach and reporters may not ask any questions related to your rape or Steele's death. He further enjoined the university to apply the ruling to the campus."

Sean and Clay were speechless.

"Shall we go feed and tame the beasts?" Henry asked.

Sean donned his torn shirt. He kissed Clay and handed him the remote. "Watch if you think you can handle it. Otherwise I made lunch for you and Colton. They're just sandwiches, they're in the fridge"

" Thank you Chief, I'll be ok to watch."

"Thanks for lunch Sean. Exceedingly kind of you," Colton said.

Clay opened the door and started downstairs. Clay switched to the news station Sean had been watching. The reporter who had tried to interview him was commenting.

"We see two, yes two people coming downstairs. We are assuming Mr. Walls is one of them. Yes, I can see him clearly now. Mr. Walls is at the microphone now.

Sean faced the microphones and cameras. After a half smirk he began, "Ladies and gentlemen of Central Florida who have been following this case as well as the gaggle of reporters and camera technicians before me, good afternoon. I called this news conference to provide all of you with Clay's and my response to the tragedy which occurred at the Orange County Jail. However, as I arrived home at 10:15 from my class, I was accosted by a reporter from this very group of the members of the 4th estate while simply trying to get to my home. You can see the results for yourself." Sean slowly turned to show his torn and ripped shirt. He then showed them the bruise that had bloomed on his right bicep. "As a result of that assault I have decided not to comment on the event any further. Rather, Mr. Henry Bixley will speak for Clay and me. " Sean stepped back.

" Good afternoon, my name is Henry Bixley, I have been retained to represent Mr. Reed and his partner Mr. Walls. At 10:25 this morning, Mr. Walls called me to inform me he was assaulted by a member of the media. We immediately notified the Orange County Sheriff and Campus Police of the assault. We further prepared a restraining order to protect my clients. Judge Keaton Logan signed the order of protection at 10: 55 AM in his Chambers. A copy of that order is available to you here by signing for it with my associates to my right."

Just then OCSD patrol cars pulled up and blocked the exits from the complex.

"I'm confident all of you will assist the authorities in locating Mr. Walls' assailant. As to the death of Mr. Steele my clients have no comment. Good afternoon."

Henry turned away from the cameras ignoring the numerous shouted questions. He joined Sean in walking back up to the apartment. They could hear the megaphone being used by a Deputy. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you will be free to leave as soon as we have your contact information. Our detectives will be in touch to arrange an interview. Our goal is to clear this area quickly so that you will be in compliance with Judge Logan's Order."

One of the free-lance camera techs walked up to the deputy with the megaphone. "I think you should see this deputy," he said. He showed the deputy the view screen. He had captured the attack on Sean perfectly.

"May I have that?" the deputy inquired.

"Let me make a copy for you in my van. Give me five minutes."

"Do you know where he's at now?"

" Yeah, he's over on the other side of the CNN van."

" The deputy put out a text to his group. Slow down the lines. Possible suspect identified." Four lines collapsed into two.

Five minutes later the tech came back with the duplicate DVD. He also handed the deputy a print image of the man's face and his own business card. "You'll need this for the source information."

"Thank you. I'll make sure they know upstairs we've got him thanks to you."

" Thank you, please give them my card as well," he stated as he handed the deputy a second card.

The deputy nodded. "Donny, Grace, Johnnie on me," he called as he led them around to the other side of the CNN van. They casually walked up to a group chatting amiably. The deputy introduced himself, "I'm Deputy Wilson Korn," he said extending a hand to the suspect.

"Jerry Urbani," the reporter responded shaking hands.

The deputy did not end the handshake, "Jerry Urbani you are under arrest for the assault and battery upon the person of Sean Walls." Two deputies flanked Urbani. Deputy Grace Harris will read you your rights. Deputy Korn clicked his shoulder radio, Central, suspect apprehended. Please signal the release of the rest of the media. " Lifting the megaphone he announced, "The suspect has been apprehended. You are all free to leave."

He mounted the stairs to the 4th floor. Sean answered the door. "Mr. Walls, we've apprehended your assailant. One of the independent guys filmed it. Here is his card should you wish a copy. He has provided us with a copy already."

" Great work Deputy, please convey my thanks to the other deputies. Let me get you my shirt as evidence," He placed it in a shopping bag and handed it to the deputy. They shook hands and Sean closed the door. He handed the card to Henry, "Get a copy and sue the network the guy works for please."

Henry smiled, "You've got your grandfather Lund's ruthlessness Sean. That's how he built his business- took no crap from anyone."

" Mom says that as well. My Norwegian crops out every so often. This is one of those cases.

Henry added, "A very justifiable case. I'll take my leave now."

" I'll walk down with you," Colton remarked. "I'll be back at 3:30 to escort you to practice."

" You think it will be necessary?" Clay queried.

" For today, let the word spread through the media grapevine, Colton answered and closed the door on his way out.

"You know Chief, I'm not stupid!" Clay stated as he sat on the floor and stared up at his partner.

" Never said you were Clay. What's got your goat now?"

" You're not an everyday Joe are you?"

Sean got flippant, "No, I'm not a regular anything. I'm FABULOUS!"

" Cut the shit, first it was the valet at the hospital, the hospital staff `s deference to you when I was in as well. You have a fucking family attorney on retainer and speed dial. You pulled off a restraining order in less than an hour. Now I learn your grandfather's a businessman. Your family either has money or power or both."

Sean scooted off the couch and sat knee to knee with Clay. He offered him his upturned hands. Clay put his on top of Sean's. Sean stared into his lover's eyes for a long moment.

"Yes, to both. My mother is Dr. Melissa Andrea Lund and my father is Doctor Alexander Gaither Walls. My late grandparents were highly successful. Grandma Lund owned and ran Lund Bakery which is now Lund International. Grandpa founded Lund Industries which marketed Norwegian Furniture styles here in the United States."

"Are you happier now that you know? Do you think it changes the relationship between us? Do you think I look down on you because your family is in agriculture or because you have a scholarship and I don't?"

Clay realized he had touched a nerve. He knew he had to tread very carefully as he responded to Sean's questions.

" Sean, I'm happy that you trust me enough to share more about yourself. I think it makes us stronger the more we know about one another. I find your last question totally asinine. I do not believe for a second you look down on me. For your information, I chose to go to school here on a scholarship. I come from a family of Old Florida Crackers dating back to the Seminole Wars. We are in citrus, cattle, land development and God knows what else. Dad is a hands-on manager. He is out there supervising everything. We're not much different at all.

They continued to simply hold hands and look at each other for the longest time. Clay spoke first. "Sean are we OK?"

Sean smiled, "Yes, we're OK. More than OK! We're closer together than ever before."

Next: Chapter 42

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