Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 12, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 49 Photo Shoot Disaster

Clay and Sean arrived at Castillo's studio promptly at 9AM. Clay was surprised to see 4 other people in the studio. "Sean, I thought this was just Eddie and us."

"Clay, this is a big deal. When this is over, we're going to be A-Listers."

"I don't understand."

"A-Listers are people with whom you want to socialize. So just relax like you did for O'Connall's students. Focus on me and Eddie."

Eddie noticed them by the door. "Gather round everyone our models have arrived! Welcome Sean and Clay!" He hugged them and kissed the couple on both cheeks as 8 people gathered around them. "Let's get there introductions out of the way shall we. Staff, permit me to introduce Sean Andreas Walls and Leon Clayton Reed IV. Sean and Clay these are my trusted staff. First we have Terry Lambeth and his assistant Romeo Rivera. They are in charge of your hair styles." The two men came forward and hugged and kissed both models. "Next we have Veronica Saxon and her assistant Simone Rue. They are responsible for your make up." The two women hugged and kissed them as well. "Our Lighting techs are Geoffrey "Geo" Sligh and Jeff Burke." These two simply shook hands with Sean and Clay. "Last, but certainly not least, is my Executive Assistant Gordon Burke and his assistant Denise Mitchell." The final pair hugged them and kissed them as Eddie had in the beginning.

"Now I need to meet with our models to brief them on my change in concept. Please make sure that everything is packed and loaded for the location shots. Sean, Clay would you come into my office please?" Eddie led the way. Sean noted the futon was open. Eddie blushed, glanced at Sean, and then closed the futon. The couple sat in the two chairs opposite Eduardo's desk.

Eddie swiveled his monitor so they could see his concept board. "As you know, I am known for my nude photography both classic and erotic. My original concept was to play off the palpable sexual attraction between the two of you then utilize Sean's pubic hair as the string to tie it all together. Marcel in Paris pointed out the flaw in the original concept. It couldn't be T for 2 it would have to be T for 1."

Clay and Sean nodded their understanding.

"Gordon, Denise and I brainstormed ideas to build on T for Two. As you may know almost all of my work is now studio based. Only my earlier work got me outside. I intend to return to nature with this project - Trees for Two. All of the shots are going to be done outdoors. We've rented a 100 acre ranch out in Christmas from two very close friends. It has numerous trees that will be perfect for the shots I have planned. Are you ready to see what you two will be doing?"

Sean grasped Clay's hand, "You doing ok there Farm Boy?"

""Yes Chief, we could have gone down home and shot pictures."

"I picked up off the fore play concept from our first joint shoot. So here's the list of what I'm looking to do." He hit a button on the lap top and the display monitor flashed to life.

Underwear shots Felatio Analingus FF White Chair Tea Time T bag Jeans C/UC Fucking Kissing Leather Nipples Feet pets - horses, dogs, Dildo NJoy Erections Tongues Pissing napping hammock

There may be more as we go along. So today I'm figuring we'll only get 6 shoots in today. So that's $3000 apiece. We'll see how much we can cover in that time. Are you ready?"

"Sure, how do we get there?" Clay asked.

"In a limo of course," Eddie answered.

Clay squeezed Sean's tightly as they walked downstairs. The limo took up two spots along the Avenue. They got inside and had a few minutes to themselves. Clay burst out $3000 each for today? Oh my God Sean! And the stuff we're going to be doing! I'm nervous as all get out!"

"You're going to do fine. You're with me and I'm with you. Just shut out the rest of them."

There was a knock on the door as Denise opened it. "I'm so sorry; I forget to set out the breakfast buffet in here for the ride out. There are eggs, bacon, sausage and fruit. Coffee is in these thermoses and creamer in this smaller one. Sweeteners are in this small bag. Eddie will be here in a minute. See you at the ranch."

Eddie entered their limo. "Not eating guys? I am. I've been looking forward to today!" Eddie started serving himself. Clay fixed plates for Seam and himself.

Sean broached a major concern, "Eddie a lot of what's on that list of topics is extremely sexual. I need you to really explain how this is going to stay art and not become porn."

"Pic a topic," Eddie requested.

"T-Bagging," Sean replied.

So there will be three final images. First one shot down from above you getting Clay's face and open mouth as you squat above him. Second pic will be looking up catching cock, balls and your body. Final shot you lowering your balls down to Clay but not yet touching his lips. The suggestion is there but not the act."

"Fisting," Clay said.

"I understand your concern. Clay I'm not sure which position your body will be in. We'll play with a bunch of angles. Sean's picture will have the fingers and thumbs positioned and probably dripping a lubricant. Then the 3rd print just before penetration."

"Not doggie!" Clay informed him.

"Very well, not doggie."

"Change of subject guys. I've been saddled with all of my late husband's stuff. To be honest, I paid for it all. Anyhow, I'd like you guys to go through it this week and take whatever you want. There is a lot of exercise equipment, weights, leather clothing, clothing, sex toys, the stereo equipment, lap tops, and God knows what else. The rest is being sold."

Sean said, "If you're sure you don't want the stereo, we'll take it. We'll also look at the other stuff. Not sure, given who used it, whether we'll want the reminders around."

"I understand. The fact of what happened will never go away for any of us, but especially you Clay. The stuff is there. Here are the keys, go by whenever. Once you've gone through it. Give me the keys back."

The trio finished their breakfast plates and coffee. They talked about football, upcoming concerts, and the classes the guys were taking.

"Eddie, how was the funeral?" Clay asked out of nowhere. Sean and Eddie were surprised by the question and its poser.

"Well it was very private," Eddie began. "I picked up the cremains, went into the rest room at the funeral home and flushed them down the toilet. Then I carried the empty box out to the car."

Clay laughed hysterically. Sean put his hand on Clay's thigh and said, "That's enough." Clay giggled once more and apologized.

The limo pulled up to two rock edged posts that rose about 15 feet high. An oak slab suspended between them had the name burned into it - Oak Haven established 1923. They had arrived.

"I shot some of my early work here. I've remained friends with the owners. They rented me the place until Thanksgiving. We're going to base out the barn. It's this way.

As they entered the barn Clay nudged Sean and pointed at the floor. Sean nodded in agreement. They were in the same barn as the one in their Castillo print. Eddie's staff was unloading clothing, lighting gear, cameras and a few props into the barn.

Terry walked up and tapped Sean's shoulder, "Come along sweet cheeks I'm starting on your hair."

"Terry, my name is Sean, please use it."

"Got it Sean, please come with me and strip so I can manscape if necessary.

"You're with me sugar britches," Romeo called pointing at Clay.

"Same deal Romeo, please use my name, Clay."

"Sugar britches it is."

"Hey Eddie, I'm calling an Uber. I don't feel like be called names by your staff."

Eddie ran over, "What are you talking about Clay?"

"I thought the purpose of our introductions was to learn with whom we would be working. I'm not putting up with nick names from anyone but Sean. I asked Romeo to call me Clay. He insists on Sugar britches."

"Terry get you boy on board!" Eddie hollered.

"Rivera, get it together and get Clay shaved and his hair styled. We have 15 minutes before makeup needs them!" Lambeth called.

"Please come with me Clay," Romeo requested.

Two canvas bar-chairs had been set up, Sean sat nude in one while Terry touched up his pubic hair so the T was pronounced. Sean's beard was already gone.

Romeo asked, "Mr. Reed, please strip and put you clothes next to Mr. Walls. Then have a seat." Clay moves quickly to strip so Romeo could do his job. He sat in the chair and Romeo began ridding him if his beard first with a one blade and then a straight razor. He trimmed up the small patch of red hair over his cock's shaft.

Make-up arrived to start their tasks.

"Hi Clay, you may call me Ronnie, You skin looks to be in great condition. We're only doing a light pancake so things don't shine."

"Whatever you say Ronnie," Clay said, "This is all new to me."

Simone was working on Sean.

Gordon arrived and reported to Eduardo, "Sir, I've set the high tea on the patio on a table in front of the robellini palms. Is that where you want to start?"

"Thank you, yes we'll start with them clothed. Sean gets dress blue jeans with leather braces and Clay wears the smart white jeans with leather braces.

"Hey Eddie, come here," Ronnie called.

He saw Ronnie standing behind Clay. He groaned inwardly wondering, "This kid and his drama!"

When he got close he asked, "What's wrong Clay?"

"Ask Ronnie," was his reply.

Ronnie said, "Clay, please show Eddie you bottom." Clay turned around.

Eddie let out a long low whistle. "Sean did you do this?"

Clay answered, "Sean never hurts me! This was my punishment for cursing him by his friends."

Sean walked over. "Hell this is nothing compared to Friday night."

"Tell me how I'm supposed to shoot that? That takes ass shots and back shots off the table for today. You were supposed to be ready to work."

Gordon walked over. "The day is not wasted. Do the clothing shots. Sean you're dressed for tea we'll start with you. Add Clay for the couple at Tea shots and finish with Clay while Sean changes into leather." Sean, Gordon and Eddie headed to the house and pool.

Ronnie continued to work on Clay. "So his friends did that to you. I'd hate to see what his enemies would do!"

"His enemy raped me." Clay spit out. "His friends punished me for cursing him after all that he had done for me and the other quarterbacks. I deserved it."

"Finished!" she announced. "Denise, Clay is ready for wardrobe! Clay, I'm sorry you were raped. I look forward to doing additional makeup with you in the future." She shook his hand. Denise collected him and showed the clothes he'd be wearing.

Meanwhile at the pool Eddie was being a creative bitch. No matter how he posed Sean, he didn't care for the result. Sean on his part was doing everything Eddie asked. He was getting a little frustrated by all the nuances Eddie kept throwing at him.

Clay arrived with Denise. Romeo and Terry took a moment to style the models' hair. Eddie explain what's he was hoping to achieve. Both Sean and Clay tried to give Eddie what he wanted. They weren't feeling it. It was too staged. Eddie was rattling on in Spanish and finally handed the camera to Gordon. "We're done for the day. 1/2 wages for everybody!" he announced and stormed off to into the house.

Gordon came over to Sean and Clay. "I don't know what he wants. I thought you guys were great. If you'll change into your clothes, I'll take you back to your car."

"Thanks Gordon, we regret we couldn't have nailed it down today. See you at the car." Sean stated.

Fifteen minutes later the three men were in the car. The chauffeur started the drive back to Winter Park.

"Gordon," Sean began, "was he trying to create the same look as in his studio 2 weeks ago?"

"When the boss talked to me about this shoot he kept saying, `Wait to you see the chemistry between these two guys. It's so palpable you can cut it with a knife.' He obviously didn't see what he wanted this morning."

"How can anyone expect to see, sexual energy during a hokey, trumped up tea party?" Clay blurted out. "What he captured before was just fore play between us."

"Clay is right Gordon. I know he has this grand idea built around the shape of my pubic patch; I just don't see how he can try to tie in Trees and costumes."

They rode in silence after that back to the city. As they left the limo Sean asked, "If Eddie calms down this afternoon, ask him to call me please? Thank you for everything Gordon." They all shook hands and went their separate ways.

Next: Chapter 50

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