Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 14, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 50 `Rents 1.0

Eddie didn't call Sunday He didn't call all day Monday until late into the night. "Hello Sean, I'm sorry to call after business hours. I've been sobering up."

"Eddie, we're glad you called. Let me get Clay and put you on speaker phone." Sean walked into the Locker Room where Clay was working on assignments. "We're both on the call now Eddie. We have something to tell you. We are both very honored you've tried to build a show around us. However, we both feel that it's not going to work. We are exercising our right to cancel the contract and forfeit all monies owed to us."

Eddie did not respond. Clay inquired, "Eddie you still on the call?"

"I'm here guys. I'm sorry you made that decision. I'm hoping it's not final. Gordon did share with me this evening your thoughts about the shoot being forced. I've been reflecting on what you said about our first shoots together. I believe the they worked because you two were showing off for each other, flirting. Then the foreplay was just that. You let me into your moments of intimacy. I wasn't directing so much as I was documenting. That's what I'm proposing again; just the three of us at the ranch. I would like to start whenever you can get here Saturday after the game through Sunday evening. You'll bring your own clothes, including leather, athletic socks, jocks or whatever. It will involve interior and exterior shots and I've changed the theme to Intimate Moments."

It was the couples' turn to be silent. Sean and Clay looked at each other. Sean raised an eyebrow to inquire what Clay thought. Farm Boy nodded his assent. Sean held up 3 fingers and count down. "Yes, we'll do it," they both said at once.

"Excellent! Hopefully Clay's ass will be picture perfect by then. Talk to you later in the week. Have a good night."

"Wait!" Clay yelled.

"Yes Clay," Eddie answered.

"This is our off week. No game. So Friday, after class we're going to Arcadia to see Mom and Dad and Sean will meet my brother. My sisters aren't coming home as UF and FSU have home games. Saturday, I'm meeting Sean's whole family for cocktails at 5 with dinner at 6. We will be there right afterwards.

"Clay, that's fine. You forget I do some of my finest work at night." Eddie laughed. "Night guys! Hugs!"

Clay got up, walked to the mirror with his phone, posed and snapped a picture of his ass cheeks. He compared it to Friday and Saturday's pictures. It was greatly improved. He sent the images to Eddie's number with a Before' and Now' caption. He got a smiley face in return. "Guess we need to use that lotion every night this week Chief."

"I better buy more. Given your penchant for being a smart ass I think the paddles in this house are going to get used frequently."

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Clay inquired.

"Yes and No," Sean responded. "I'll listen to what they wish to say. Then I'll make up my own mind. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same as you. It's like I told you; I pushed our relationship early on. Now I'll wait for you to catch up. If and when you propose I have my answer ready. My folks have never really ever forbidden me to do anything, but they expect me to follow through on commitments and to accept responsibility if I screw up. I think you and Mom use the same definition of consequences." He bent over and grabbed his ankles making Sean laugh.

"Come here Farm Boy," Sean ordered. Clay turned around to show his needle was already stirring from the tone of his Chief's command. It took 3 steps to reach Sean and Clay's cock already had produced a drop of boy honey at its top. "Turn around and assume the position." Farm Boy knew from last night he was about to be rimmed. He grabbed his ankles and wiggled his legs apart so his Chief would have access. Sean's tongue attacked the sensitive rosebud at the same time his right hand reached between his boy's legs, grabbed Clay's prick and started short strokes retracting and restoring the foreskin over Farm Boy's glans.

Clay was moaning like a whore! He had expected the gentleness of the night before but he was getting the Dom Sir tonight. His moans grew louder and he started to pant for breath. Sean kept up his assault on his partner's ass. He was draining a constant stream of boy honey onto Clay's legs and feet.

Sean stood up and walked to the weight bench. He dropped the head board and snapped his fingers. Farm Boy was moving before the snap finished. He laid back and readied himself to be face fucked. Sean walked back to the closet and came back with the blindfold and a blue bag. He deftly put the blindfold on his boy and opened the bag. He extracted the toy and moved around to insert it in Clay's spit shined hole. Returning to his phone he pulled up the Lovense App and pulled up the program he had prepared. Coming around to Clay's head he said simply, "Open Up." Farm Boy smiled broadly and opened his mouth. As Sean eased into his partner's talented throat he anticipated the surprise that awaited Farm Boy.

The Chief began his slow thrusts to help Clay adjust to the cock in his throat. Clay was breathing through his nose and playing with his own cock and balls. Farm Boy was always happy to bring his Chief pleasure. Sean pushed the connect button and the "Hush" device sprang to life at its highest setting.

Farm Boy was surprised. His ass, particularly his prostate, was being worked while Sean was encased in his throat. Ultimately it didn't matter as whatever Sean was using was starting to drive him wild. He moaned sending vibrations through Sean's prick. The Chief watched as Clay started bucking his hips. The quarterback's hip action would correspond with the intensity of the Hush device. Sean felt his own balls begin to pull up. He increased his own thrusts. He switched the Hush from the program and set it to high. Clay's hips and moaning told the Chief they were both close.

Chief shot first, 5 heavy bursts of cum splashed into Clay's throat. Moments later Sean watched 6 blasts of cum rocket out of Farm Boy's cock splattering both of them as well as the floor. Sean didn't turn the Hush off.

Clay was trying to move off Sean's cock. The Chief would not allow it. He held Farm Boy's head. Clay thought he better get ready for piss, but the thing in his ass was driving his prostate wild. He humped his hips. He did Kegels. He moaned and groaned. Finally Sean pulled out as he turned off the device and closed the app.

Panting, Clay got out, "Thank you Sir, what the fuck did you stick in my ass?"

"It's your new classmate. You won't leave the apartment without it. No matter where you are I'll be able to remind you that you belong to me with just the tap of a button," Sean replied while removing the blindfold. "You may take it out now." Clay reaches down pulled it from his well worked hole.

"This little thing did all that to me!"

"Sure did. Now wash it off and let's get some sleep. We both have a really busy day ahead." Sean leaned over and kissed his lover's upside down mouth. "Now get a move on," he ordered. Clay got up and took the Hush to the bathroom sink and washed it carefully with soap and water. It buzzed once in his hand.

"Sean did you just turn this on?" Clay called.

"Yes, I was pairing it to your cell phone.

"You were serious about me not leaving the apartment with having it in me!"

"As serious as a heart attack!" Sean assured him.


"I'm heading to bed. See you there."

Clay finished cleaning the device. He took a quick shower to get the cum out of his chest hair before he joined Sean in bed.

Tuesday morning, Clay did his run. He inserted the Hush just before he pulled on his shorts. He had just made his turn under the 417 when he was brought to a sudden stop by the vibrations from the Hush. "Chief's up and wants to play," he thought. He continued his run in a constant state of embarrassment as his needle was clearly renting out his gym shorts.

Sean kept turning the device on and off as he fixed breakfast for Clay. He fried up ham steaks. Then he melted more butter into the skillet and opened a can of sliced white potatoes. He added some diced peppers and onions. Then he fried the potatoes. Setting those aside, he fried 2 eggs for himself and 4 for Clay. Setting the table, he poured the orange juice and brought the Keurig's pot all ready to pour..

As he finished up his very own quarterback burst through the door. Clay dropped his shorts and fisted his dick. After just 10 strokes he erupted, spraying 4 shots of cum onto the floor.

"Oh good you're back for breakfast," Sean managed with a straight face. "You can start with your own protein mix on the floor then come to table. I've made eggs, home fries, and ham steak for you as well as muffins I picked up yesterday."

Sean brought the plates and placed them on the table. He took his seat and waited as Clay licked his cum from the floor. Farm Boy took his seat.

Sean took his hand, bowed his head and said grace. "Creator, we thank you for the gift of love you have stirred between us. May we put all our gifts to the use you intend. Bless this food to our use. Amen."

"So you're going to do that to me in class?" Clay asked.

"I wouldn't put it past me," Sean answered.

After breakfast Clay cleaned up the dishes and kitchen. As Sean took off for class they wished each other well with their parents.

Sean was up first. After class he drove into Winter Park His parents' home was just off Temple. Sean parked in the drive way and entered through the back door. Ethel Rice has been with his folks since before, "You were a twinkle in your pappy's eye!"

"Where you think you're goin' without given old Ethel a smooch and a hug Smart Ass!" she playfully spanked his bottom before hugging him and getting her kiss.

"I'm sorry Ethel, you were busy with lunch."

"I'm never too busy for the handsomest, kindest and smartest of the bunch!" she reminded him. "Your Daddy is down in his wood shop making those fancy pens. Your Mama is doing laps in the pool. I expect they'll be up soon. I hear you found yourself a real keeper. I saw you two smoochin' at the press conference. When are we going to meets the lucky guy?"

"I'm hoping Mom and Dad will host cocktails and dinner Saturday evening with cocktails at 5:00 and dinner at 6?"

"Yes, your Mama told me to expect a crowd for Saturday. Guess the whole family will be here. Is your man up to facing the Wall of Walls?"

"About as ready as I am to meet at least his brother at his folks place Friday night. His sisters will happen another time."

"Meeting the folks! You two are serious! You're just like your Grandpa Lund. Well you remember to do it proper and bring him in the front door, not slinkin' in past my kitchen."

"Yes Ma'am," Sean answered with a wink.

"Well there is my baby boy!"

"Dad! I am so happy to see you!" Sean exclaimed as he hugged his father and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"You look none the worse for all the wear and tear you've been through this past month. Are you keeping up with your assignments and grades?"

"Now Dad! When have I ever let you down with grades? No don't answer you're going to throw that C in handwriting in 4th grade at me. But I can still write better than any doctor I know, except for one."

"And who might that be Smart Ass?"

"Mom!" He embraced her and kissed her on the lips. I'm glad you're both home! I've missed you both so much."

"We've missed you too. Ethel's been fussin making sure you had your favorite lunch. Are they about done Ethel!?"

"Yes Ma'am, y'all get yourself seated and I'll dish `em out."

"Ethel you made chicken pot pies! You're a sweetie for sure!" Sean cried giving her a kiss on both cheeks.

"You keep kissing me and you're gonna have to marry me Sean Walls!" she laughed.

"Why don't we eat here in the kitchen?" Dad offered.

"I've already set the main table. You got family business to discuss and I got to start planning for the Wall of Walls coming in here Saturday. Now scoot yourselves. Lordy you best not make me burn the pot pies."

The family walked through the butler's pantry into the dining room set for 3. They were no sooner seated than Ethel carried in 3 pot pies on a silver server. She had already poured each person their favorite drink, iced tea for Alex, iced coffee for Melissa and Barg's Root Beer for Sean. She placed a pie in front of each person. "Grab it and Growl," she said.

"You remember that?" Sean asked surprised.

"Yep, ain't a Thanksgiving go by I don't remember the first, and last time, you were asked to say grace at Thanksgiving Dinner." More laughter as Ethel went back to her kitchen.

"So Saturday, are we to expect you to announce your engagement?"

Sean swallowed the food he was chewing before answering. "No Mom, no announcement on Saturday. But an engagement is coming."

Alex said, "Son, you've never dated anyone that I know of more than twice before moving on. Your string of one night stands was notorious in high school and you upped your numbers since going to college. How many men and you had sex with in the last quarter?"


He watched his mother wince and his Dad raise his eyebrows.

"Can't say I expected that one," Alex said to his son.

Melissa inquired, "How can you be sure he's the one?"

"Mom & Dad, Morfar told me he knew on Day 1 that Mormor was the one. He said, `You'll know in your heart first, then in your gut and finally your brain will catch up!"

"That was Papa alright! He told me the same thing when I told him about your father."

"But I had to chase after you."

"You didn't have to run too hard dear. We moved in together after just 3 months. Yes, the wedding waited till later but we settled in rather quickly."

"Thought we were supposed to ixnay on the rushing part?"

"Alex, every time we say `slow down' Sean speeds up. He's already told us the engagement is coming."

"Yes dear. I will tell you Sean you don't need to worry about Clay being after your money. His family helped settle Florida. They're invested in a number of profitable ventures. Is he a business major?"

"No, Education currently. You hire a private eye?"

"No I asked a friend of mine that's in town for the Citrus Commission meeting."

"So your concerns about him being a gold digger are satisfied?"

"Yes son, I'm satisfied. Are you sure in your heart, gut and mind he's the one?"



"He makes me feel complete."

"Sean, your father and I simply want to make sure you're not going to get hurt. We both know you're going to do what you're going to do. You've been like that since you were a youngster. We want you to be sure before you pop the question."

"Mom and Dad, that's why I'm here. What other concerns do you have other than the financial one?"

Melissa answered, "Truthfully, besides the finances were concerned neither of you have finished your degrees."

"I can understand that concern. Let me share with you that our desks are in the same room. We spend 2 to 3 hours together studying Sunday night thru Thursday night. If we go out it may be for an hour. Partying is Saturday night. We're focused on doing what we need to do to be successful."

"Then were really anxious to meet your young man and future husband," Alex stated. "Have you warned him about the Wall of Walls?"

"Not yet Dad, I'll do it over dinner tonight. He holds his own against me with his comebacks. I'll prep him to be ready to give no quarter!" Sean laughed.

Ethel came into the dining room. "Good to see y'all cleaned your plates. We've got to do some business then I'll bring you the pecan pie I made this morning. I need to make a menu. I know Jason will be the barkeeper. Mr. Sean, I'll be sure the makings for your Aperol spritz are in there. What hors d'oeuvre y'all want?"

Sean said, "Ethel can we just go with a meze platter with Olives, Feta cheese chunks, Hummus dip, Greek eggplant dip, Pita bread wedges, Stuffed grape leaves and Spanakopita?"

"You know your brothers will want to show off with fancier items," Melissa commented.

"Well they're not here to impress; they're coming to meet a potential brother-in-law," Sean replied.

"Moving on," Ethel said, "How many courses?"

Melissa and Sean both said, "Three."

"Three it is. For the first course do you want soup or salad?"

"Greek salad please," Sean said.

"Main Course of Lamb Souvlaki with tzatziki sauce with meatless moussaka work for everyone?" Alex asked.

"Sounds great Dad. For dessert, I want Mormor's chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce."

"My last question is body count, 12 or 14?"

"Do you think Yaya and Papu will come down Dad?"

"You know you'll get the whole gay lecture. How about we plan on them? Sean do you want to invite them to meet your boyfriend or do you want me to do it?"

Ethel said, "I'll get to figuring. Always better to plan for more and have left overs." She went back to her kitchen.

Sean took out his phone, pulled up his grandparents' number and dialed it. It was answered on the third ring. "Yaya this is Andreas! How are and Papu doing?"

"Andreas! Mikroúli mou, my little one! We are fine for old people. Papu, mikroúli mou, is on the phone. I put you on the speaker. Can you hear us?"

"Yes Yaya, hello Papu I hope you are well?"

"Like Yaya say, I'm old but doing OK. Your father yells at me all the time about not smoking. I tell him to go to hell. I have to die if something."

Yaya asked, "Are my Alex and Andrea back from Africa? I worry so much violence we hear on news."

"We're fine Mama," Melissa answered. We are both on the speaker too."

Papu interjected, "It sounds like a family conference was held? Alex you have something to say?"

"Just hello Bampás and Mama. We're glad to be home. Melissa and I are retiring from Doctors without Borders. But Sean has something to ask you."

"So speak up young man!"

"Yaya and Papu would you come to Mom and Dad's house Saturday for dinner to meet my boyfriend?" Sean held his breath.

Yaya said, "We talked about this old man. Tell mikroúli mou what we decided."

"Yaya and I will come to meet your boyfriend. I promise to lecture you no more. Alexander, may we come to your place Friday and stay until Sunday?"

"Of course Bampás! We'll go to St George's Sunday."

"It may fall down!" Yaya started laughing.

Bampás asked, "Will there be Greek food and beer?"

"Yes Papu, all but the dessert. We go to Norway for chocolate pudding and vanilla sauce," Sean answered.

"See you on Saturday! Se agapó!"

"See you on Saturday! Se agapó!" Sean said and ended the call.

"I have one last thing," Sean said, "No dressing up. No suits, just casual wear. I've gotta run some errands then get back for practice."

Ethel came back in carrying the pecan pie and fresh whipped cream. "You set yourself down Sean Andreas Walls. I didn't bake this pie for your folks. I made it for you. So sit down and eat."

Sean did as he was told and said, "Yes ma'am!"

Alex offered, "We'll ask Nicholas to tend bar. He loves showing of making cocktails. Xander will want to talk sports and sports medicine. Andrea will be talking about her pregnancy and the nursery. Alexa will bring up politics."

"Crystal and Isabel have both asked if they can say a few words at dinner. I think we're going to become Farmor and Farfar a couple more times. Or will be a Papu?" Melissa added.

"Just remember this is Sean's occasion. Tell them they can announce their news after dessert is served." Alex stated

"Yes dear."

"Thanks Dad! I was starting to feel pushed aside. I'm going to arrive late to my own party. That way Alexa can't spoil my show with her late arrival. He laughed."

"You'll surprise her for sure. You're the punctual one," Melissa stated.

Sean stood. He hugged his Dad then his Mom. "I've got to get back. I love you and can't wait until you meet Clay. Thank you for lunch."

"You best be thanking Ethel too," his father reminded him. Sean's parents followed him through the butler's pantry to the kitchen.

"Ethel you made us a marvelous and delicious lunch. If I weren't gay I'd marry you for sure!" Sean teased.

Ethel beamed. "If you weren't gay the world wouldn't be as sparkly as it is. You are what God intended you to be. Now I made two extra pot pies and there's the rest of the pecan pie. You tell your man Old Ethel is looking forward to meeting and cooking for him."

Sean gave her a hug and kissed her on both cheeks. He grabbed his care package and headed back to Clay.

Next: Chapter 51

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