Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 18, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 55 Wall of Walls

The drive back to Orlando was uneventful. Clay was more relaxed as his part of the weekend had been a triumph. It was Sean's turn to be nervous. At the apartment they showered and changed into their outfits for the evening. They loaded their things for Eddie's shoot into Sean's Supra. Got the clothes from their morning ride from the Mustang then covered it with the tarp.

"Just as a reminder, my family members are called by their middle names at home. So when the say Andreas they are talking about me," Sean told him.

At 5 pm they pulled onto Alafaya Trail. Sean turned left onto University and took it Hall Road. At Aloma he turned left. As they drove he told Clay, "Master Will lives back in that development we are passing." At Lakemont they turned right; then took a left onto Palmer. At Temple Sean turned right. He turned left onto Via Lugano. Sean pulled into the brick paved drive way and through the gate with its queen palms and parked besides his brother's Lincoln. He had his card and his family's tickets in his back pocket. Taking Clay's hand he led him to the front door. He rang the bell.

Moments later Ethel opened the door. "Welcome home Andreas. Please come in."

"Miss Ethel, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Clay Reed."

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance young man. I saw you on television. Please permit me to show you in. The family is gathered in the music room."

Sean thought, "What's up with that. We should be in the family room."

As Ethel led the way Sean grew more perturbed. He relaxed briefly as he heard Richard leading the family in a sing along for `Sto Pyrathyri Provale'. As they entered he joined in with the chorus. Richard stopped playing and the family turned.

Yaya cried, "Andreas!" She came forward and kissed him on both cheeks. Pandemonium reigned for a moment until Papu voice echoed around the room, "Arketá!" The room fell silent Sean's parents came forward.

"Welcome to our home! I'm Melissa and this is my husband Alex. We're so pleased to meet you Clay."

"Thank you," Clay managed.

Andreas ordered, "Parakaló kathíste káto!"

Xander responded, "Show off," but took a seat none the less.

Andreas continued. "You all know my reputation."

"Yeah if it has a hole you've probably nailed it!" Nicole smirked

"Ah she who is knocked up speaks," Andreas threw back. His sister shot him a bird.

"I'd like to introduce you to the man who has captured my attention and my heart, Leon Clayton Reed IV or more simply Clay.

"Clay, permit me to introduce to you formally my parents, Dr. Melissa Andrea Lund and Dr. Alexander Gaither Walls. Clay walked up to them hugged and kissed them both. These are my grandparents, Cora Penelope Andrianakis (Yaya) and Constantine Alexander Walls (Papu). Clay embraced them both and kissed both cheeks. My oldest brother and his good wife who usually keeps him in line, Dr. Lucas Xander and Crystal Melonie Walls, they came forward and hugged and kissed Clay then Andreas. This is my older brother and his good wife, Dr Jason Nicholas and Isabella Sophia Walls."

"So pleased to welcome you," Nicholas said. "Can I get you both something to drink? Andreas, you will want an Aperol Spritz. What about you Clay?"

"I'll take a Black Russian please." Isabella came forward then and hugged and kissed him as well.

Andreas continued, "My oldest sister and her stud husband, Dr. Andrea Nicole Walls and David Stewart. More hugs and kisses. Last but not least my older sister Alexandra Helene Walls and her talented boyfriend Richard Lionel."

Nicholas came back with their drinks. "Everybody I propose a toast! To Clay the man who captured our mikroúli mou`s heart."

"To Clay, who captured mikroúli mou's heart!"

Ethel came in and announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is served."

As guests of honor Clay and Sean followed Ethel to the dining room which had set for a buffet. At each place was a small meze platter with olives, feta cheese chunks, hummus dip Greek eggplant dip pita bread wedges, stuffed grape leaves and Spanakopita.

Alexander took his place at the head of the table and Melissa took her place opposite. Clay was to Alex's right with Andreas next to him. Yaya and Papu sat to Alex's left. Richard and Helene were next to them and David and Nicole completed that side. Xander sat next to his mother with Crystal then Nicholas and Isabella. All remained standing.

Alex turned to his father, "Bampás will you say the blessing?"

Constantine began, "The poor shall eat and be satisfied, and they who seek the Lord shall praise him; their hearts shall live to the ages of ages. " He made the sign of the cross on the Greek fashion as he continued, "Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ our God, bless the food and drink of your servants, for you are holy always, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen."

The family seated themselves and began nibbling at the meze platter before them. A whirlwind of talk filled the table. Clay was bombarded with questions about football, his family, his major. How he had met Andreas.

Ethel brought out the Greek Salad and set it on the buffet, Clay was invited to start the line. After everyone had served themselves Ethel brought out the Lamb Souvlaki with tzatziki sauce and meatless moussaka. As the diners finished their salads they served themselves the main course.

As they finished the main course Ethel removed their plates; she served coffee for them to enjoy. When all had finished, Ethel began bringing out the dessert, chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce. As Ethel made her way around the table Andreas slipped his Dad the envelope. Alex opened, read it, took his spoon and wrapped the table three times. The family turned their attention to Alex.

"I have a note to read to you all from mikroúli mou.

"My dearest family,

Since my earliest years you have always had my back. You have supported and loved me. Today you have included my boyfriend into our family as his has accepted me into theirs.

As a thank you, I've arranged for all of you to join us at homecoming next Saturday. Your tickets and VIP parking passes are enclosed.

Your very own, Smart Ass'

Applause broke out all round the table.

Alex continued, "Andreas there at 15 tickets here."

"Yes, for Ethel, George and Tom." They'll need to ride with Mom and you.

Alex pushed the button under the table and Ethel came in. "Yes Sir?"

"Ethel, next Saturday you, your husband and son are joining us to watch Clay during the Homecoming game!"

"Blessed be, my Tom will be so excited. Thank you Mr. Walls. "

"its all Andreas' doing."

Ethel came around and kissed Sean on the top of his head. "Thank you."

The family moved to the family room. Nicholas started mixing drinks and handing them out. He skipped Crystal and Isabella. The sisters in law stood up and asked for everyone's attention.

Crystal started "Our husbands have always done everything together. While Nicholas and Isabelle beat us to the altar by a year Xander and I going to be beat them to the nursery. I'm due April 11."

Isabella continued, "Nicholas and I are due May 17."

They joined hands and said in unison, "We haven't shared this part with them yet. We're both having TWINS!"

All the women were hugging and kissing. The two brothers were looking at each other and mouthing, "Twins."

"This has been a fantastic day!" Papu said, "Nicole gives us our first great grandchild in March. Then we add 2 more in April and 1 more in May. We are blessed."

Nicole looked at David. He nodded to his wife. "Make that TWINS all around." More kisses and hugs were exchanged.

Thirty minutes later Andreas said, "Clay and I have been up since 6. We're going to say our goodbyes." It took another 30 minutes to hug and kiss each person including Ethel who gave them the left overs.

"We'll see you Saturday at the Stadium," Andreas said as he led Clay out the front door.

Sean pulled out of the driveway as Clay entered the address for the ranch into his Waze program. They headed for Christmas.

Shortly after 9:45 they pulled up in front of the ranch house. Eddie walked out to greet them naked as a jay bird!

"Welcome my friends! I'm so glad to see you!" He hugged and kissed both men. He helped them move their things into the main house. "Let me see what you've brought with you."

They laid out everything for Eddie to consider. He got very excited by the overalls and straw hats. His mind was working. "Let's start with these. Grab them and come with me." He led the way to the barn.

Next: Chapter 56

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