Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 8, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 6 The Date

"Ok, where are we going stud man?" Sean inquired.

"Can't I surprise you?" Clay replied.

"Well I don't want to under or over dress," Sean admitted.

"I usually wear a pair of jeans and a t shirt. Like I told you, just a first date nothin fancy."

"OK man." Sean said as he got out of the shuttle on his end of the complex. I'll need 30 minutes as I have to shower. "

"I'll come to your door." Clay remarked as the tram headed for the other side of the complex.

As he entered his apartment Albert was sitting on the couch. That was unusual. "Sean, you got a minute?" he asked meekly.

"Not really Albert. I've got a date picking me up in 30. I think you wrote enough this morning. We'll talk in front of the Review Board on Thursday." Sean said as he unlocked his bedroom door and closed it behind him.

Inside he quickly stripped and threw his clothes in a hamper. Turning on the water he relieved his bladder and bowels before hopping in the shower. After a quick wash, he grabbed the one shot attachment and douched himself just in case Clay wanted to go there.

After toweling off, he gelled his hair, brushed his teeth and did a quick shave with the one blade. He selected Burberry Touch, sprayed two squirts above his head and let the mist fall onto his body. "What to wear?" he thought to himself. Jeans were easy. He pulled out his black Ollie Moto low riding skinny jeans. He paired it with a black Ultrasoft T-shirt with a v-neck. Black socks and a leather half boot completed his look.

At 7 PM the doorbell rang. Sean came out of his bedroom to an empty common area. As he opened the door there was Clay dressed in blue denim jeans, a dark blue T-shirt and cowboy boots. In his hand were a bouquet of yellow roses. Sean's heart skipped a beat. This man WAS a romantic. Asking him in, Sean placed the roses in water. Then going to his room he grabbed his wallet, keys and phone. Locking his door, he kissed his man and they headed out.

"Where are we going and how are we getting there?" Sean inquired.

"You'll see soon enough," was the only response Clay gave him.

As they reached the parking lot, Clay steered Sean to the passenger door of a 2015 Mustang Convertible. Sean was impressed. The car was in mint condition.

Clay got in, started the ignition and put the top down. ""Seatbelt please. Dawg," giving Sean that grin.

Sean belted up. "Whose car are we in?" he asked.


"I haven't seen it in the complex. Wait the tarpped car outside your building!"

"Yes. You got it. This here is my pride and joy. Daddy won it in a church raffle and titled it to me when I turned 18. It's a 50th anniversary model. It has a 2. 3 liter turbo-4 engine. It handles real well on the road. Its rear suspension helped eliminate the braking issues of previous Mustangs.

Sean was impressed. Clay turned onto Alafaya Trail and headed toward Avalon. Within a few minutes they pulled into Geno's Restaurant. Clay parked away from other cars, put the top up and looked at Sean. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you how HOT you look. You took my breath away when you opened the door." He leaned in for a deep heartfelt kiss. It was a kiss which Sean eagerly returned.

Clay popped out of the car and hopped around to open the door for Sean. Then he reached for his hand as they walked to the door.

An older woman greeted them. "Clayton how are you this evening?"

"Well Mama G. How are you and your family?"

"Ah we are well. The boys all think they know more than Papa G and me cause they have college degrees. But they can't cook as good as us! Is this the special friend you told me about this morning?"

"Yes it is Mama. This is my boyfriend Sean Walls. Sean this is Mama G."

Mama G pulled Sean into a big hug. "You are welcome here anytime. You ask for me. You get the best. Come we have a special table for you." She guided the couple through the crowded dining room to a small alcove with seating for two. "This is for lovers!"

Clay pulled the chair out for Sean before seating himself beside him. Their table was sort of hidden behind a fountain. Kristin was their server. "With Mama G's compliments as she place a bottle of Chianti on the table placing two glasses on it as well. "May I pour?" she inquired.

"Please Kristin. We appreciate it," Clay responded.

After the wine was poured, Kristin informed them that their meal would start shortly. Sean looked confused. So Clay explained, "Mama G only serves I meal each day. Today we'll be having Pasta Carbonara an Italian pasta dish from Rome made with egg, hard cheese, cured pork, and black pepper. The cheese is usually Pecorino Romano, Parmigiano-Reggiano, or sometimes combination of the two."

"Freshly baked garlic knots," Kristin announced.

"Tell me about your day Dwag."

Sean demurred. "If I do it will ruin this absolutely wonderful evening."

Clay nodded and changed the subject. "What should we do tomorrow??

"I don't know yet. But I know what I want to do tonight." as he leered at Clay and laid his hand on his knee. Slowly, he began making little circles on Clay's thigh as he moved up toward his crotch.

"All I know for sure is that tongue," he touched Sean's lips, "has a 1 hour appointment with a certain quarterback's rosebud," leering back at Sean.

Kristin approached the table with two plates loaded with Pasta Carbonara. As the meal continued Clay and Sean talked about everything and nothing. When the tiramisu arrived they both felt the night was truly magical.

Sean asked, "Will you be able to spend the night or are you on curfew like the sports dorm?"

"I packed a bag. I was hoping to be asked," Clay admitted.

Sean squeezed his boyfriend's hand. "Let's finish this delightful meal and head back. "

After asking to express their compliments to the chef, Papa G came out to thank them. They toasted him with the last of the Chianti. The guys asked for the bill. Mama G came to the table. She pinched their cheeks and said, "Today there is no charge for you lovers! I see stars in your eyes. You are meant for each other. I am happy to see its beginning!"

The two beamed at her. Sean jumped up and hugged her kissing her on both cheeks. Clay followed suit. But he laid $25 on the table for Kristin. Mama G nodded her approval.

As they walked quickly to the car Sean's hand slipped down the back of Clay's pants; a promise of what was to come.

As they arrived back, Clay parked his car in his assigned spot and put the top up. He opened Sean's door and helped him. Which earned Clay a quick kiss. Then Clay popped the trunk and tossed his bag to Sean. "Please hold that till I get the tarp on."

Sean watched Clay's body move to cover the car. Once the tarp was secured, he grabbed his bag and shouted, "Race you!"

They dashed across the parking lot toward Sean's building. Clay passed the turn which led to a shortcut. Sean took the short cut. He got to his building first and called out to Clay. "Last one upstairs gets pissed on!" Then he bolted up to the 4th floor.

Sean opened the door to his apartment and turned on the lights. The roses were slowly opening. Clay was a few minutes behind him. "How?" he panted.

Sean smiled. "You do know this is my 3rd year living here, right?. By the way the roses are beautiful. Now get your ass in there and stand at the foot of my bed boy." Clay raised his eyebrow but complied quickly.

Sean made sure his door was closed and locked. He walked around Clay and took his bag. "Don't move a muscle." Sean continued to move around the room lighting incense and putting on bedside lamps. He pulled off his duvet, folded it and laid it aside.

He then sat on his leather wing back chair and stared at Clay. "Take of your left boot. " Clay went to sit on the bed. "Stop! I didn't tell you to sit." Clay struggled to get the boot off while standing, but did it. "Now the sock." It came off. "Now sniff it." Clay wasn't sure what was going on but he was getting into it. "Set it on the bed and to the same with the right foot." Clay got the right boot off more easily and pulled off that sock. He held it up to his nose then placed it on the bed.

Sean smiled. He thought to himself, "He thinks is just a game. I wonder how he will feel when he discovers all my kinks." He continued, "Remove your shirt and fold it. Place it with your boots." Clay liked being told what to do. It was if Sean was his coach.

"Now for your pants. Fold them as well and put them with the boots." As he returned to his spot on the floor his cock was straining against the fabric of the pouch. Sean could see the mesh was wet. "Now the jock. Hold onto it." Clay again complied. "You're being such a good boy I'm going to let you suck that boy honey out of your jock. Now!"

Clay brought the jock up to his mouth. He could smell his funk. He sucked his precum, piss and sweat from the fabric as he kept his eyes focused on Sean. He watched as Sean unzipped and removed his half boots. He noted Sean's socks were black as well. Clay gazed at his lover as each sock was removed exposing perfectly form feet. Next was the shirt which was folded and set aside. Finally the pants. Sean folded them and placed them on top of the t-shirt. He had gone commando tonight. Sean was aware of Clay's eyes following every move. He walked to his closet behind his naked lover and retrieved a leather jock from the shelf. Then he donned his harness, placed his cover on his head and donned leather gloves.

Walking up behind Clay he ordered, "Hand me that jock without turning around." Clay tossed it over his head toward Sean. Sean took his hand and struck Clays right glute hard. "You failed in that task boy. Now hand me your socks without turning around."

Clay stepped to the bed, picked up the socks. Stepping back to his place he placed his hands behind him handing the socks to Sean. "Good boy! You're learning fast. Do you trust me Clay?"

"Yes Sean." Another slap time his right butt cheek. "Yes, Sir."

"Good boy. Kneel for me." Clay knelt.

Sean places a leather blindfold on him and cinched it tight. Then he knotted Clay's sweaty socks. "Open your mouth." The knitted sock was placed in his mouth and tied behind Clay's head. "Good boy! Sean rubbed his leather clad hands over Clay's body. Clay was quivering as Sean stroked his cock one hand, while the other played with his balls, tweaked his nipples and caressed his skin.

"Stand up! I'm going to place you where I want you." He brought Clay to the foot of the bed. Kneel on the bed." Sean helped position him. Then he attached ankle and wrists restraints. He pulled his pillows down and brought over his duvet piling them in front of Clay. Sean laid a couple of towels on them. Then he pushed Clay over so his ass was in the air and his body supported by the bedding. He attached ropes to the restraints holding his boyfriend in place.

Clay remained silent. He had both loved and hated those swats to his ass cheek. He trusted Sean was going to set up a great sex scene. Yet he thought, "Where is this coming from in Sean? Why am I so turned on by it?" Sean had observed the rigidness in Clay's cock. It had grown and was leaking copious amounts of boy honey.

Without saying a word, Sean removes the sock gag before he set a timer on his cell phone for 1 hour then leaned in and licked from Clay's perineum up across his rosebud to the top of his ass crack. Clay moaned. His hour of ass eating had begun. Sean was very good at rimming. He licked, he nibbled, he sucked, he prodded in no particular order. Clay's moans increased, he panted, he sighed, he howled in delight. Then he forgot the rule on no talking as he bedded, "Please let me cum?"

Sean pulled back and slapped each ass cheek 5 times. "Break the rule and punishment doubles each time boy! Do you understand?"

"Yessss... Sir!"

Sean resumes his rim job. Anytime he noticed Clay's balls moving up, he would slow the pace by licking the crack or kissing this muscle stud's glutes. When the hour was up the alarm sounded, Sean adjusted Clays position to his own groin level. He tightened the ropes to hold him in the new position. He walked up to the moaning QB and sank his 9" cock in to the hilt. "You may speak freely now boy," Sean ordered.

"Ah fuck! You are amazing! My ass is on fire! Use that cock on me Sean, I mean Sir. Throw this boy's bottom an awesome fuck!" Spewed from Clay.

Sean smiled as he long dicked his boyfriend. He began very slowly pulling back until his glans was held by Clay's ass lips. Then Sean plowed in again drawing a "Humph" from Clay. He played like that for about 10 minutes. When his own lust and need to get off took over, he picked up his pace. The fire building in Clay's ass was coursing through his body. In just a few minutes of the rapid fire thrusting Sean was giving his ass, Clay shot 12 ropes of cum into the waiting towels. The power of his orgasm shattering his control and he collapsed on the bed. The strong spasms of those 12 shot orgasm milked Sean's organ and he blasted his own seed deep into Clay's body. He laid motionless on Clay's back until his softening dick slipped from the well fucked hole followed by cum running down his boyfriend's perineum and pooling on his balls before dripping down onto the towels. Sean slipped onto the bed and presented his cock to Clay, "Clean it!" He ordered. Clay lifted himself up and began licking and sucking Sean's cock clean of his cum and his own ass juices. Sean smiled and thought, "So far, so good. I've nailed it again! And the night is still young!"

Next: Chapter 7

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