Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Oct 19, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 64 Black Friday

Friday morning everyone slept in. Leon came over to the small house to get RJ for chores. Clay heard his father talking to his brother. He sat up in bed and stared at Sean sleeping beside him. He recalled how hot and satisfying their sexual trysts had been the night before. He chuckled remembering how he had howled as Sean nailed it. Sean accused him of being a werewolf in quarterback clothing.

Sean rolled over onto his back and his legs splayed apart. Clay stood up, walked to the foot of the bed and crawled between his Chief's legs. He gently took his lover's flaccid penis into his mouth. Sean stirred but didn't wake. Clay swirled his tongue sound the head and sucked it further into his mouth. The dick began to engorge and become former. Farm Boy concentrated on getting Sean off. He didn't notice Sean wake up until Chief grabbed him by the ears.

The athletic young couple were so engrossed with each other and didn't hear the door open downstairs. "Suck it Farm Boy work my cock," Sean cried. "You are really getting good at sucking cock. Oh yeah tease the head. Swallow it Clay! Oh nice deep throat, boy keep it up. Face fuck yourself."

Farm Boy loved the encouragement. He redoubled his efforts face fucking himself on his lovers prick. Sean grabbed Farm Boy's head and thrust deep into his throat as he shit 4 massive loads of cum into his lover's gullet.

They were startled as RJ exclaimed, "Junior you're an honest to god cock sucker! Awesome!" Clay lunged for his little brother as the teen scampered down the stairs. "Mom says breakfast is ready," he yelled as he escaped out the door.

"I'll be back," Clay said as he bounded down the stairs and out the door. As he entered the main house he exploded, "Robert Joseph Reed if you ever invade our privacy again I'll beat the shit out of you."

Martha intervened, "Calm down Junior! Watch your mouth in this house. RJ what did you do?"

"I caught Junior sucking..."

"Enough!" Leon bellowed. He stood up and grabbed RJ's arm and pulled him through the house and into his office. There was no doubt RJ was being paddled when a few minutes later everyone could hear as he yelped with each swat from his Dad's paddle.

"Mom, thank you for cooking breakfast, I am going to fix plates and go back to the house to eat. I don't wish to sit at table with my brother at the moment."

"I understand son. Is Sean upset?"

"I don't know. I lit out after RJ. I was so angry. By the way you guys know about his porn stash right?"

"No, we don't."

"He hides it behind the air return panel."

"So that's why he has been changing the filter himself the last two years. Good to know."

"Thanks again for breakfast. I love you." He took the two plates of food and headed to the small house.

RJ and his father returned from the office. "Are Clay and Sean ok?" Leon asked his wife.

"He's upset and has taken breakfast back to check on Sean. Father, I know we were going to clean the family room and living room today, but I think I want to work on the small house instead. RJ you will work with your sisters in the main house. In fact you're not to leave it without your father's or my permission. Oh you can sleep on the floor in our bedroom tonight."

Leon wasn't sure what was up but knew Martha was on a mission.

"Father would you please get two air filters for the small house. I think we'll change them early." RJ blanched.

Hannah came into the breakfast nook. "I thought I heard Clay hollering."

"You did dear. Your father has dealt with the issue."

MaryLiz entered the room. "What did RJ do now? I heard Dad land his paddle a number of times."

"Your brother has become a peeping Tom!" Leon exclaimed. He may wind up in a military school yet."

Back in the small house Clay had made coffee and warmed up the breakfast his mother had prepared. "Breakfast is ready Chief." Sean came down stairs dressed in a tee shirt and jeans but was barefoot. "I'm sorry about my brother Sean. Dad took care of him."

"Clay he's just curious," Sean commented.

"Mom made breakfast for us. I told her we would eat here this morning. Why did you dress?"

"I guess I am a bit embarrassed. Its one thing for an adult to watch us like Eddie did. Having a kid catch us is another."

Clay's phone rang upstairs. He ran up the steps. "Hi Mom, yes we're descent. We just sat down to eat." He listened to his mother a moment and responded, "Sure Mom you know you can come over anytime."

Five minutes later Martha arrived in a house coat and Leon had on shorts and a tee shirt. He was carrying two filters. "Morning Sean, I'm sorry RJ disturbed you this morning. Father took care of him."

"Thanks Mom. It was embarrassing."

"We're going to clean so we can deck the halls. The girls and RJ are starting in the big house. I thought we could start here," she said as she walked to a storage closet in the kitchen area and took out the vacuum, a mop and bucket. "Would you two mind helping?"

"Of course not, as soon as we finish breakfast," Sean agreed. He didn't notice the look Martha gave Clay.

Clay swallowed his toast. He knew his mother was going to bust RJ for bringing porn into the house. He felt bad but also felt RJ deserved what he got.

Leon went upstairs to change the filter in the air return in Clay's room. He could smell cum on his son's bedding. He moved quickly to change the filter and carried the dirty one downstairs. Martha had wiped down the kitchen cabinets. She saw her husband place the dirty filter by the door. She grabbed the vacuum and wheeled it into RJ's room. Leon followed with the new filter.

Five minutes later Leon bellowed, "How dare he disobey us! Booze and Boob magazines!"

Martha called, "Junior, please go to the house and tell your brother and sisters to come here."

"Yes, Mom." Clay hurried off. A few minutes later he returned leading RJ and his sisters into the small house.

"Robert Joseph Reed explain to your family why you have disrespected us by breaking our trust by bringing pornography and booze into our home!" Martha orderd. Leon was beside his wife and was clearly ready to explode.

RJ hung his head. He had no response.

"We have always set the same rules for each of our children. Under our roof you obey our rules. No drinking unless we let you taste something and no pornography. Look at me when I'm speaking to you. If your brother and sisters could do it you could as well. Yet here is the proof of your total disregard for us, fourteen porn magazines with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of rum. Add to that what you did to your brother this morning, I'm extremely disappointed in you."

"I'm selling your car," Leon began. "Starting tonight you'll be sleeping in our bedroom on the travel cot. Your mother and I will be discussing where you will be going to school the next two years, but I can guarantee you young man it won't be DeSoto High."

Martha stated, "Clay I'll let MaryLiz, Sean and you finish in here. Father and I will be in the main house with Hannah and Robert. Please join us when you finish cleaning." Without another word she led RJ and Hannah back to the house. Leon cleaned out RJs porn stash. He took it to the fireplace and was going to start burning the magazines.

"Junior get the booze and pour it down the sink."

"Leon, if I can make a suggestion," Sean interjected. Someone sold those mags and booze to RJ. They contributed to the delinquency of a minor. Do you want to get the police involved?"

Leon sat on the floor. "If I could be sure Robert didn't get into more trouble I would."

"Dad," MaryLiz said, "you went to school with the Sheriff and the State's Attorney. It can't hurt to pose a hypothetical to them." She rested her hand on her father's shoulder.

Leon pulled out his cellphone and dialed Drew Holbrook the State's Attorney.

"Leon how are you on this Black Friday?" he said greeting his longtime friend.

"Drew, I called you for advice. I found a bunch of porn magazines and booze hidden in my youngest boy's bedroom. Somebody sold the stuff to him. I don't know what to do besides send him off to military school. "

"Leon my friend, I'm so sorry. We're having a problem with that here and in the surrounding counties as well. May I come over and talk with RJ with Martha and you present?"

Twenty minutes later Holbrook arrived on his Harley. Leon met him at the door. Together with Martha and RJ they went to the small house while Sean and Clay joined the two sisters in finishing cleaning the entrance way.

Drew began the discussion by staring into RJ face until the boy looked away. "Robert your father and mother are concerned about your behaviors. Specifically your possession of pornography and alcohol at the age of 16 which is illegal. I going to be honest, you most likely would be taken from your parents and sentenced to the juvenile detention center. What would be worse for me is the fact I'd have to prosecute my best friend's son."

RJ swallowed hard. He knew Drew from hunting and fishing trips. He was not one that screwed around. He said what he meant and meant what he said.

"My concern as the State's Attorney is to find out who is supplying minors with these items. I'm going to ask you just once to tell me who supplied you with the contraband."

All three adults stared quietly at the teen. RJ knew if he didn't answer he would be in custody by nightfall. He also knew his father was serious about military school. "Grayson Hall up in Una sold me the booze. Chadwick Stiles from Lake Suzy sold me the porn."

"Thank you son. You will have to testify in court but we'll build the case further before that occurs. Leon may I have the evidence please?" Leon brought a paper bag containing the materials and handed it to Drew. "Monday please go down to the Sheriff's office. I'll arrange to have all three of you fingerprinted so we can eliminate yours from those that may be on the evidence." He stood and walked up to RJ and offered his hand. "You're a lucky boy to have the parents you do."

"Thank you Drew. We'll deal with RJ here. We will ensure he is available to testify," Martha said as she hugged him. Leon walked Drew back to his Harley.

"We'll go down to do the fingerprints Monday at 9. Then we're heading up to St Petersburg to the Admiralty Military Prepatory School. I hate to admit I can't control him. Hopefully they can."

"He doesn't impress me as a runner Leon. He owned up to where he bought this shit right away. Martha and you have done well. Every kid screws up somehow growing up. Some are far more serious than booze and boob magazine."

"Well he's going to pay the price none the less. I'm tired of talking," Leon admitted.

"Sleep on it Leon. Don't make any decisions until Monday." He started his motorcycle and headed home.

Back in the small house Martha and RJ had fastened an evergreen swag to the mantle above the fireplace. They had placed a single electric hurricane style candle in each window. An Advent wreath sat on the dining table.

In the main house Sean, Clay, MaryLiz and Hannah had "greened" the house in a similar fashion. "When do you put up the tree?" Sean asked.

"Not until the 3rd Sunday of Advent," MaryLiz replied. "We will decorate it but not light it until Christmas Eve."

Hannah continued, "We keep our tree up through January 6 the Feast of Epiphany. We get presents December 25 and January 6."

Clay said, "I'm going to start the leftover lunch. Anyone wanna help?"

"Sean you help me set the table while Hannah helps Clay," MaryLiz ordered.

"Sure Sis!" he replied.

Leon came in the house to see lunch was almost ready. He was about to get his wife when she and RJ came in the kitchen door.

"Looks like this lunch under control," Martha stated. "Let's wash up." Five minutes later the family sat down to lunch. Martha said the blessing and the meal began.

Table talk covered all sorts of topics from the weather to school subject, wedding plans, everything but the elephant in the room. It was Hannah who broke the silence on the topic when she asked, "Dad are you really going to send RJ away to military school?"

Martha was about to squash the topic when Leon raised his hand slightly to signal her not to do so.

"I honestly don't know what to do with your brother Hannah. What worked with the first three doesn't work for him. I know he has talked with Pehr a lot about military life and has an interest there." RJ was surprised by his Dad's knowledge. "I know he has no interest in what we're doing here. Monday we have to be fingerprinted down at the Sheriff's. Afterwards your Mother and I are taking him up to the Admiralty in St. Petersburg. We'll make a decision after that visit."

"How long have you known that I planned to enlist?" RJ asked.

Martha answered, "Shortly after you started writing to Pehr two years ago. Your Aunt Becky told me how wonderful it was of you to take such an interest in Pehr's military training."

"You're not interested in anything the high school here offers from sports to clubs. Military School would at least give you the skills you'll need to be successful in a military career."

RJ responded, "It's really not so much a punishment it's more like giving me a head start."

"The punishment is losing the freedom you have here and the things you have come to expect," Martha stated. "No car, very limited cash, limited wardrobe."

RJ simple said, "Yes Ma'am."

"Junior, would you and Sean take RJ back to the small house so he can get dressed. He's going shopping with his sisters and me."

"Sure thing Mom. Come on bro."

Leon said, "Boys I'll be in the office doing paperwork if you need me."

"Thanks Dad, we are going to work on the wedding," Clay informed his family.

The three boys headed for their wing. RJ tried to close his door but Clay pushed in and sat on his brother's bed. "Mom said not to leave you alone."

"Fuck you." RJ hollered.

"I think you're the one who is fucked RJ," Clay jibed at his brother.

Sean entered the fray, "Knock it off you two. RJ for a smart kid you're really stupid. You know you're in trouble and you keep pushing the wrong buttons. Please get dressed."

RJ put on his clothes and slipped on his cowboy boots. Sean walked with him back to the house before returning to Clay.

"Thanks for dealing with him. He's always gotten away with shit. You want to work upstairs or down here?"

"Down here because upstairs we'll get distracted." Sean ran up and got the wedding folder. When he came back they started through the list he had made. After an hour they had decided the wedding cake would be layers of vanilla cake with each layer a color of the rainbow. It would be covered in chocolate with strawberry filling. They would each wear a tuxedo based off their eye color; blue for Clay and green for Sean. Best men: Clay would ask RJ first followed by Erik. Sean would ask Xander first then Nicholas. Flowers would reflect their birth flowers - lilies of the valley and asters for their boutonnieres. Irises would be the backdrop for the ceremony. Water candles would form the centerpieces for the tables at dinner. Roses would be worn by the best men, mothers, fathers and grandparents.

After the hour was up Sean said, "We've decided quite a bit. I think we need to go check on your Dad. Perhaps ask him to explain what he's doing with the paperwork."

"Yeah, he'd like that. It might take his mind off RJ. Still would be nice if you scratched my itch first," Farm Boy said to Sean as he flashed his fiancé a smile.

"Drop your pants and bend over the table." Clay quickly obeyed. Sean walked up behind him. Using his left hand to spread Farm Boy's cheeks apart, using his right index finger Chief scratched the jock's itchy hole 3 times. Sean walked to the sink, started washing his hands and said, "I scratched it."

"Humph! You know that's not what I meant or needed!" Clay stated emphatically.

"But it's all you're going to get for now. Let's go see Dad."

Clay pulled up his pants and sauntered toward the main house. Sean waited for him to catch up. When Farm Boy joined Sean at the door, Chief reach out, grabbed the jock's right nipple and twisted it.

"Aargh! Why did you do that Chief?"

"You were dragging your feet. Now come on or I'll do both tits in front of your Dad."

Clay led the way to his Dad's home office. Leon was looking at reports and entering data into the computer. "You guys OK?"

"Yeah Dad, we just came to see if we could help," Clay stated.

"That's great. I am entering info on projected citrus yields for next year. If one of you wants to type the other can read and I can work on figuring employee bonuses." Clay sat at the keyboard as Leon showed Sean which columns to read off.

The two made short work of it and asked for their next project. "How about filing all those folders on the side table," Leon suggested.

The guys looked at several mounds of files; many of the files had only a single page report. "Leon, may I make a suggestion?" Sean began.

"Of course you can Sean."

"I would recommend scanning these paper files into an electronic filing system. They can be stored electronically and backed up so there is always a saved copy archived."

"I'm not that tech savvy," Leon noted.

"You have an in-house expert," Sean ventured, "RJ is a computer wizard. Clay and I could do it as well and most likely MaryLiz and Hannah. It also may give RJ a better appreciation of the family business."

The phone rang and Leon answered it. He listened a few minutes then answered, "Alright. We can handle it. Have a good dinner. Love you."

Sean and Clay had started organizing the files by years. "Dad, so far we've found files covering the last three, no make that four years."

"Junior, I'm a hands-on manager. The paperwork gets to me. Mother runs the house and you lot. So stuff builds up. Putting RJ to work on this does sound like an idea we should consider. By the way we're on our own for dinner."

"I'll whip us up something," Clay stated and headed for the kitchen.

"Dad," Sean began, "with your permission may I have RJ pick out some technology to help get the business better organized? They could possibly even get it today."

"Very well, this old PC has seen better days. I'll call Mother and tell I want RJ to pick up some things. You get the list together please."

Sean spent a few minutes on his cell phone and developed the list. "Dad, I recommend the following: Snapscan IX1500 for scanning documents, HP Business Tower PC to replace this old one, 24" Flat screen monitor, and an Epson EcoTank ET-4760 printer. RJ should be able to find those. If not they can be ordered online. The one thing he won't be able to get is a backup server; we will need to order it. I also recommend you consider a 3-2-1 backup system. First will one be local to your office, second to the backup server and last to the cloud."

"Send a text of the list to Martha please. We will discuss the storage issue over dinner with Junior."

Sean sent the text and Martha acknowledged it. A few minutes later RJ called his Dad. As the two talked Sean left the room joining Clay in the kitchen.

Clay had set the table for three. He had toasted 6 pieces of Texas Toast, sliced some of the turkey and heated it in gravy and microwaved the yams and green bean casserole. "Dad," he hollered, "Soups on!"

"Let me wash up." A few minutes later, Leon joined the two men at the table. "Let us thank the Lord silently for the blessings of this day." After a moment of silence he said, "Amen," which the two guys echoed.

The meal was filling and the conversation light hearted. Besides making a decision on file storage Leon shared stories from his youth. He also told stories about Junior's growing up much to Clay's embarrassment.

Sean cleaned the table and kitchen before joining Leon and Clay in the hot tub beside the pool. The bug lights were on as dusk settled into night. The three men moved to the pool. Junior ran into the house and brought back three beers.

"I'm turning into a prune," Leon commented. Best be getting out.

"I think that's a great idea," Sean said.

Clay added, "Yeah it's been almost two hours. But it was nice just hanging out."

"Yeah it's always good to have downtime with family," Leon mused. He briefly thought of his father who had died suddenly 16 years before. They had been hunting just the day before. His Dad had just returned from church when he had a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

Leon headed to the main house and the boys went to the annex. Clay tossed Sean a container, "We call this bug butter. It moisturizes your skin and keeps no see ums and mosquitos away. You don't need much." Clay demonstrated. The two men greased up and help do each other's backs. Then they headed to the main house where Leon was watching a program about emus.

Just as the boys settled into their seats, they heard a car pull into the drive. Leon paused the program and the three naked men went to help unload. The trunk was full and some packages were squeezed between RJ and Hannah Jane in the back seat.

"Dad, we got all the things you'll need for the office. All at 40% off the sale price because I had their coupon saved in my email. Mom let me use her phone to pull it up to show the guy. He started to say it had to be printed and I did what you told me. I started to walk away. It worked. Guess he figure a sale is better than no sale. Can we set it up tonight?"

Leon smiled at his youngest. "RJ let's help mother and your sisters unload the car. Then if Mother doesn't object and Junior and Sean are willing to help we can start tonight."

Martha kissed her husband, "He's done nothing but talk about how great it is we're updating the business equipment. He's been throwing around all sorts of words from Cloud to mobile applications, back up servers, 3-2-1 backups. The girls at least have a clue. I feel like Granny must have felt when we first started using computers."

"Sean suggested it. He says we have our very own tech expert right here."

"Well if it keeps him out of trouble I'm all for it. By the way, I'm thinking we move RJ into the guest room in the house. We can keep a better eye on him and reduce energy costs by not using the annex."

"Sounds like a plan mother. We can switch him over tomorrow."

The four men disconnected the old computer system and set up the new one. By midnight everything was linked and formatted. RJ and Leon retired to the Master bedroom where a sleeping bag and pillow had been placed on the floor for RJ. Sean and Clay returned to the small house. Everyone slept well that night.

Next: Chapter 65

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