Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Nov 1, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 65 Lickity Split

Saturday morning breakfast was later than usual. The two sisters were fixing it as a treat for their Mom. Sean took the opportunity to truss up Clay using the jock's own clothing as the ties. He stuffed a dirty sock into Farm Boy's mouth. With his man tied up like a turkey Sean began licking Clay's neck. He slowly licked down the athletic back, over his buttocks, thighs, calves until he reach the sensitive soles. Farm Boy giggled and wiggled.

Sean spit on Clay's tender asshole and slowly circled it with his finger eliciting moans for an increasingly horny Farm Boy. He was just going to insert his finger when there was a knock on the door downstairs. A moment later, Martha called upstairs, "Breakfast in 5 minutes guys! Are you up?"

"I am," Sean answered, "I'll wake Clay."

"Tell him not to dawdle," she replied as she left the house closing the door behind her.

Sean stuck his finger in Clay's ass and hit his prostate once. "I plan on doing that with something bigger tonight at home." He untied his lover and pulled on a pair of shorts.

"Damn," Farm Boy said as he pulled his socks out of his mouth. "I was getting into it. Next time we're here that door is getting locked."

"You will feel better after your belly is full," Chief commented.

"I would have felt a lot better if my ass was full too," the horny jock shot back.

"You coming or not?"

"Apparently not! I have to go to breakfast first!" Clay quipped. He pulled on a pair of gym shorts. The couple headed to the main house for breakfast.

The two sisters had prepared a large spread. Everyone had at least two eggs in a hole, sausage patties, bacon, ham and cheese grits. Fresh orange juice and coffee rounded out the meal. Everyone raved about the meal and thanked MaryLiz and Hannah for their efforts. The two girls beamed.

RJ wolfed down his breakfast. "May I be excused?" he asked his mother. "I want to start setting up the files for scanning."

"You May, however I wouldn't start scanning until your father tells you more about the way things are set up." RJ headed to the office. "Finally, he has something besides Connie to occupy his mind."

The rest of breakfast was filled with discussion of the wedding plans, the two away games and the possibility of bowl invites for the Stallions, Noles and Gators. Sean and Clay cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen. When they finished they went back to pack. They didn't shower. They threw on tee shirts and flip flops. Clay stripped the bed and started washing the sheets in the laundry area off the kitchen. Sean remade the bed for their next visit. Grabbing their bags they turned off all the lights and went to say their goodbyes.

No one was in the kitchen or family room. They found Leon and RJ in the office. RJ had already separated the rest of the stacked files into years. There were six stacks. RJ was busy creating file folders on the PC into which the scans would go. The two stopped and walked with the boys to the front door. "Mother, MaryLiz, Hannah Jane the boys are leaving," Leon called. All three women came out of their bedrooms and headed downstairs. After numerous hugs, kisses and goodbyes Sean and Clay left the house and began their drive home.

Sean recognized the route. They took a left on to 769 then a right onto 72. He was expecting another right on 70 to go to Arcadia. Instead Clay made a left and a quick right onto 661. "Where are we going Farm Boy?" Chief asked.

"You'll see in a little bit," was all Clay would say. Route 661 turned into Hardee County 663. After they crossed a set of railroad tracks Clay made a right onto a dirt road. About a mile down the road he pulled onto a dirt road which led to a gate. Stopping he grabbed a set of keys from the glove compartment and unlocked the gate. He pulled into the property and drove about 1/4 mile before pulling up to another gate. He turned off the ignition. He pulled Sean into a kiss while groping the Chief's cock and balls. "You got work to do Chief, I need plowed!" He tossed Sean a small packet of lube.

Clay got out of the car and headed to the gate. He climbed through the gate, pulled his shorts down and stuck his ass back through the gate resting his body on the second bar. Sean walked up behind him, squeezed some of the lube onto his cock. Then he squeezed the rest onto his fingers and fingered it into Clay's twitching hole.

Chief positioned his cock at Farm Boy's asshole and eased on in. A contented sigh escaped Clay's lips. "Oh yeah! I've needed that all morning. Fuck me hard Chief!" Sean started pounding into His jock fiancé's ass.

As he fucked, Sean grabbed hold of the gate rail above Farm Boy's shoulders. He slipped out of his flip flops and moved one foot at a time onto the bottom rail of the metal gate. He was so absorbed in fucking he failed to notice the approach of young black man.

"Howdy Clay! Haven't seen you since High School graduation! Wish I knew then you was into man to man. We could have had a good time!"

Sean froze and Clay's eyes flew open. He too had been absorbed in being fucked. "Hank Palmer what the fuck you doing out here on my property?"

"Hiding out but right now I'm gonna suck that dick I lusted after in the showers." He sank to his knees, skinned back Clay's foreskin and swirled his tongue around the glans. Sean picked up his fuck and Clay closed his eyes in bliss.

"Work that hole Chief! Hank, swallow it! Fuck your face on my prick!" Farm Boy urged. Both men went to town; Sean worked on the ass and Hank on the cock and balls. Farm Boy squeezed his ass muscles to milk Sean's prick. He did small thrusts onto Hank's mouth. He could feel his balls churning. The jock started playing with his tits. Within a few minutes he unloaded three huge loads into Hank's greedy mouth. His orgasm clenched his ass muscles and pulled six burst of cum from Sean's dick.

Hank stood up as Sean stepped down, backing out of Clay's ass. The quarterback got up off the gate. After pulling up his shorts Farm Boy asked, "Who you hiding from Hank."

"My boyfriend Julius. He's drunk again. He lost his job at the juice plant."

"Damn man, sorry to hear your troubles. Why do you stay with him?"

"I love him. I just can't be around him when he's in his cups. So I come up here and swim or fish in the creek."

"Well feel free to do it. If anyone gives you shit you tell them I gave you permission. I want you to meet my fiancé, Sean Walls." Sean stepped up to shake Hank's hand.

"Pleased to meet you Hank," Sean stated.

"Same here," Hank replied. "Clay, I appreciate you letting use your old farmland. I'm going to get back to my motorcycle and head home."

"Take care man and thanks for the blow job."

"My pleasure. I'm going home to give another."

"We got to get going too Clay," Sean said as he headed back to the car. Clay bid his classmate farewell and got back into the Mustang. He turned the car around and headed back out. He stopped long enough to lock the main gate before continuing the drive home.

Back at their apartment complex Sean retrieved the mail and Clay carried the bags upstairs. He opened the apartment and dropped the luggage. He put their care package from Thanksgiving in the fridge. When Sean came in he gave Clay his mail.

"Chief. I'm going to take a nap. You want to join me?"

"Go ahead Clay, you've done the driving. I'm going to check emails and pay bills." He kissed Clay and headed for the Locker Room.

After checking his email, Sean paid pending bills. He walked quietly across the apartment. A naked Clay lay in the middle of their bed. The light from the patio window illuminated his muscular frame and causing the red hair to glow. His left leg was pulled up revealing his heavy ball each and the tip of his uncut penis. Sean used his phone to snap a picture of his Adonis.

Sean reached for Farm Boy's right foot and rubbed the sole. His boy didn't move. So he tickled his foot and Clay jumped.

"Chief! What are you doing?"

"Waking your beautiful ass up! We need to get to Eddie's for dinner. Did you forget?"

"No, but I was just about to get fucked."

Sean interrupted, "You've been fucked today already in real life. Now you got to dream about it too! You're making up for lost time lover! I had better have been the one fucking you too."

"Ah no comment." Clay grinned.

"Get your ass moving before I spank it."

The quarterback got out of bed and asked, "Does Sir have anything special he wishes this boy to wear?"

Chief thought a moment, "Yeah, white socks, the white tennis shoes with rainbow laces. the short white running shorts, white tee shirt. Oh and put the hush in."

Clay swallowed hard. He knew his ass was going to get a work out with the Hush inserted. His cock was at half-mast at just getting the order. As he inserted the plug into his rectum his prick went solid and started to throb. By the time he finished dressing he had a wet spot clearly visible at the top of his shorts.

"Let's go boy. Grab the albums. I'll walk behind you so I can appreciate that tight ass moving in the shorts. We might even fuck a time or three tonight." Farm Boy wiggled his ass at his Chief. Sean responded by turning on the hush and setting it on high for the trip to the car.

As they reached the Mustang Clay was flushing bright red. Sean turned off the Hush. "Thank you Sir. I would have nutted if it stayed on any longer."

"Good to know boy, gives me an idea for later," Sean replied.

Clay put the top down and they sped along to Eduardo's condo. Eddie greeted them at his door dressed in a pair of gossamer lounge pants and matching vest. The shimmering light gold fabric glowed against his skin tone.

"Welcome, welcome my friends, I do hope you brought you appetites. I think you know everyone here," the photographer stated as he waved his hand towards his other guests. He kissed both men on their cheeks in the European fashion and ushered them into the room.

The other guests were from the failed shoot at Oak Haven. All were dressed to the nines. The young couple felt under dressed but Eddie ushered them into the group. "Aperol Spritz for you Sean. Clay you prefer Black Russians?"

"Yes, thank you," he replied. Sean took him to the open love seat and settled in together. "Terry, did I hear you opened a salon in Baldwin Park?" Sean inquired.

"Yes, it's my first solo. I've been partners in others but this place reflects me. I have four chairs, two massage therapists, four nana irises and two Aestheticians.

"Wow, you went all in!" Sean effused. "Romeo do you work there too?"

"No, I've stayed put with my clients in Maitland. They love my work and tip very well. I hear your second shoot went much better than the first."

"Yes, we had a better experience. We've brought back the proofs for Eddie."

Gordon asked, "May we see them?"

"That would be up to Eddie," Clay stated. "Speak of the devil." Eddie glided into the room. Everyone looked his way.

"What?" he inquired.

Ronnie responded, "They brought back the proofs. May we see them?"

"That would be a no," Castillo responded. "That's for another time. Dinner is ready so I'd like to invite you to the table."

Geo and Jeff were the first ones to get to the table. Ronnie and Gordon were next followed by Terry, Romeo, Simone and Marian. Clay, Sean and Eddie were seated last. Eddie rang a silver bell at his place. Two ripped and nude servers brought in the appetizer course. One was a black stud in his early twenties with a chocolate skin tone. His flaccid 5" penis rested on an oversized set of testicles. The white server was in the same age range. He had close cropped red hair with a mustache. His cock was about 7" and slightly plumped. His testicles were smaller. Both men had silver clover nipple clamps attached to their nipples. A silver chain linked the two clamps. Simone and Marian blushed as they ogled the naked flesh on display.

As the second course was served the two servers had leather parachute ball stretchers attached with a one pound weight attached. The white server was fully erect as he served the soup course. The black server was engorged but not erect. As Eddie was served by the white male he stroked the guy's cock eliciting a moan.

The main course was next. Each server was gagged and a weight had been added to both the clamps and the parachutes. Both men were erect and leaking. This time Eddie licked the precum flowing from the black waiter.

After the waiters had cleared the dishes they placed a covered serving dish near Eddie. They served coffee and the dessert course. After each guest had received their dessert the two men went to either side of Eddie and spread their ass cheeks. Eddie uncovered the dish. There were two jeweled metal butt plugs and a container of lube. Eduardo picked up the first plug, dipped it in lube and shoved it, none too gently, into the black man's ass. He did the same with the white male. Both stood, bowed and exited the dining room.

For the cheese course the two servers entered on all fours with the serving trays secured to their backs. Each person served themselves. The two men went back to the kitchen.

They emerged a few minutes later with a single cup of coffee and placing the cup in front of Eddie. Castillo slid his chair back and touched the black servers arm. The man started jacking his cock wildly. Within moments he shot his cum into the coffee. As he finished the white waiter started jacking off. He too emptied his load into Eduardo's coffee. As he finished the tabled erupted into applause.

"You are one kinky bastard," Terry said to his host.

Eddie smiled, "Well thank you. But the entertainment is not over." Castillo nodded to both men who retreated to the bedroom. "You each get 10 minutes with the male of your choosing. You can do whatever you wish to or with them. I would suggest though that you make use of their very talented tongues.

"Marion and I want to get eaten out at the same time," Simone commented as she stood and took Marian's hand and headed to the bedroom. The remainder of the group settled into the living room. Terry and Clay fixed drinks for others.

Geo and Jeff followed after the first two women. When they came out Ronnie went back by herself. She planned on having her ass and pussy eaten at the same time. Her orgasm was heard by everyone in the living room. Gordon went next. Romeo followed afterwards. When he returned Clay and Sean stood to go back but Eddie stopped them.

"I hope you've enjoyed our evening together. I need to review the proof books with these two so I'll bid you all a good night." Eddie hugged and kissed his guests goodbye as he showed them out. Sean picked up the proof book bag and spread the books out on the dining table.

When Eddie returned he said, "We will deal with these later. It's orgy time!" He started for the bedroom dropping his clothes as he walked. "Come along." Sean and Clay followed stripping out of their clothes as they joined Castillo at the entrance to the bedroom. Both servants were kneeling in submission awaiting orders.

"Eddie lay on the bed. "Come to Daddy boys. I'm very pleased with your performance." The two men joined Castillo on the bed where they hugged and kissed each other. "Sean and Clay meet Darius aka Mr. November, he nodded to the black male, "and Patrick aka Mr. December nodding at the red haired while male. "They got laid off last week at the water park. So I'm giving them a place to stay."

Darius held out his hand and the guys shook it. "Pleased to meet you two. Daddy talks about you two often."

"Two to three times and hour," Patrick added in a definite Irish brogue. "I'm happy to make your acquaintance."

"Oh you're going to meet more than their acquaintance." Castillo leered at the assembled boys. He crossed over to a newly installed fuck table and lay down so his ass was at one end and his head hung off the other. "I had this built for me. Sean you and Clay kneel on the bench over me so the boys can suck on you before you fuck them. Darius it's your turn to fuck me while Patrick face fucks me. Who do you want to fuck Clay?"

Farm Boy looked at Sean, "I've been sucked off by a black dude earlier today so I think I'll let Patrick get me hard and wet them I'll fuck Darius. That work for you Chief?"

"Sounds like a plan man let's make it happen."

Patrick eased his prick into Eddie's mouth while Darius lubed up his ass before sliding his dick into his Daddy. Sean and Clay position themselves on the table so the boys could suck them. While the boys worked on the 9" cocks before them, Eddie was playing with the couples balls.

Both Sean and Clay jumped off the table to prevent a quick orgasm. They each took a minute to kiss the guy who had blown them. The two switched partners. They had to pull the jeweled butt plugs out first. Clay was ready to fuck and he replaced Darius' plug with his cock quickly. Sean took his time. He pulled the plug out part way and then pushed it in. He did that several times before pulling it out. He slid his uncut cock into Patrick who let out a howl as Sean's dick slid deep within him.

The five men fucked hard. Eddie was sucking Patrick when his first orgasm flew out covering his belly in cum. He rubbed it into his chest as he continued to be face fucked by Patrick.

Darius was fucking with abandon and Clay was letting him to most of the work on his cock as well. He would reach around and play with man's dark nipples.

Patrick was enjoying being fucked. Darius was wide but only 7 inches. The cock in him now was thick and long with a large mushroom head. He felt his rectum being reamed as Sean plowed in and out. He felt Sean's hands move to his nipples and howled again in ecstasy. Sean dropped one hand down to play with Patrick's balls.

That touch sent Pat over the edge and he shot his wad down Eduardo's gullet. As he shot, his ass clamped down on Sean's cock. A few thrusts later, Sean unloaded 5 huge blasts into the condom he was wearing.

Clay saw the two men opposite him orgasm. Then Eddie shot his second load of the night which caused Darius to shoot. That was followed by Clay unloading 3 blasts of his own into his condom.

The five men stumbled over to the bed and lay together. Hands touched, small kisses were exchanged. It was a much needed cool down.

Eddie suddenly jumped up, clapped his hands and stated, "Back to work. Patrick, clean up in here then help Darius finish cleaning up from dinner. Sean and Clay let's move to the office." Eddie sashayed butt ass naked to the conference table in his home office.

As the guys sat down Eddie started going through the proof books. As he pulled out the eliminated images he would tear them and set them aside. He never argued about what was eliminated but would occasional say, "Oh I'm sorry to see that one go. "

Forty minutes later, he closed the last book. He went to his desk and pulled out two envelopes. Here's the $20k each minus taxes. Please come back later in the week. I'll give you the negatives to these images. I'll also have your payment for the images you've selected."

Sean said, "I forgot the per image fees."

"We get a per image fee? That's awesome."

""I told you, I'm going to make a mint. You guys could each buy a house. Since you're getting married you can afford whatever you want. Now I hate to rush you but I want to get fucked again by my boys before I lock their cocks away till Christmas."

Chief and Farm Boy retrieved their clothes which had been folded and stacked on a lounge in the bedroom. They bid everyone good night and headed out for home.

As Clay reached for his car keys he found a small business card in his pocket. Call us anytime. P&D was written on the back and each of their cell phones was listed on the card's front. "Guess we did a pretty good job," Clay stated handing the card to Sean.

"They were fun. I think Pat's prick may be the right one to pair with mine to double fuck you."

"You think?"

"Yes I do and now we've got his number."

When they got home, they covered the Mustang and headed upstairs. On the way up Clay asked, "Chief, you want to fuck some more before bed?"

"Farm Boy, I nailed it this morning and you got off less than 2 hours ago. You beat me upstairs, strip and have your legs behind you head on the weight bench I'll fuck with you. Now move lickity split!"

Farm Boy ran the rest of the way while Sean walked up by himself. As Chief entered the apartment he saw the jock's shoes and clothes lying on the floor leading to the locker room. Clay was in position and he had lubed his ass too.

Sean slowly removed his clothing. Folded it and placed it on his desk. He went to the closet and selected some rope. Then he tied Farm Boy to the frame of the weight bench. Going back into the living room he retried the hush from Clay's shorts. He walked up to Farm Boy and shoved it in. Then he turned it on and set it to high.

"Chief, I wanted..." Sean pulled his head back and stuck his cock down his throat. He let his cock sit there while he played with his lover's nipples. Clay bucked his hips as the hush stimulated his prostate. Chief changed the setting so that it did a slow build to full vibrate then drop off. Then he started a slow face fuck. Farm Boy tried to concentrate on the blow job but his ass was being teased mercilessly. Sean noted the sexual flushing spreading across Clays face, neck and chest. He picked up his pace of fucking his Boy's face.

After a few minutes he shot a load into Clay's throat and mouth. As he recovered from his orgasm he turned the Hush back to high. He untied Clay's left hand and sat down as he watched the jock work his cock with his left hand while his ass was worked over by the Hush. It didn't take long. Farm Boy's shot 4 massive loads all over his body and the floor.

Sean stood up and looked at Clay and smiled. "I'm going to bed. Get yourself loose, clean up your mess and join me in bed. I'll turn the hush off when you come to bed. Not before." He smiled again and left for the bedroom taking his clothes and shoes with him. Fifteen minutes later Farm Boy joined him. As he pulled up the sheet, Sean picked up his phone and turned off the app. He kissed Clay saying, "Sleep well and leave the hush in. I love you."

"I love you too Sir." The lights were turned off and they slept soundly until Sean woke up around 4 AM and reached for his phone.

Next: Chapter 66

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