Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Feb 15, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 69 Separate But Equal

Between studying, finals and practice the rest of the week flew by quickly. Friday morning found Sean and Clay standing outside the team bus just prior to its departure for Tennessee. They hugged each other tightly and kissed a final time before Farm Boy boarded bus 2 for the trip. A small group of FWBs waved goodbye before going their own way.

The apartment felt especially empty to Sean as he entered and stripped down. This was going to be their first nights apart since Clay's hospitalization. Sean put on some music and started gathering the laundry. Donning his running shorts he rolled the laundry cart down the hall. He separated everything into four loads and started all four washers. His phone rang. It was Bixley's office.

"Hello Mr. Walls this is Cameron from Mr. Bixley's office."

"Yes Cameron, is there an issue with the closing?"

"No Sir, none of which I am aware. Mr. Bixley's closing the office at noon today. He's flying up to Memphis for the game. He suggested you may wish help packing."

"At the moment I'm doing laundry. I hadn't thought about packing."

"Well I've been told to be at your disposal. May I text you my cell number should you need my services?"

"Yes, you may send me your info. You can also plan on reporting here at 1pm. Dress in white running shorts, white Tee shirt and flip flops, nothing else."

"Yes Sir. Anything else?"

"I'll see you then boy. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Sir." Cameron was glad he was seated at his desk as he cock was rock hard. He also noted his ass was twitching. He realized he wanted fucked.

Sean thought about what he would do with Cameron when he arrived. His cock jumped in his shorts. He walked back to the apartment and entered the Locker Room. He pulled out restraints, rope, nip clamps, speculum, vampire parachute, several 8 ounce weights, and his flog.

He sent a text to Clay. "Hello my love! Missing you already. The apartment feels empty. I am letting you know Cameron is coming over to help pack. Not sure he will have time as I plan to make use of him in others ways first. I look forward to hearing about your game tomorrow. XOXOXOX. Chief"

The team bus was on I75 North bound when the text arrived. Farm Boy smiled as he read it. He too was missing Sean. It would be the first game he had missed since they got together. He responded, "I'm missing you too Chief! You're my lucky charm. I play better when you're watching me. Glad you're going to have "help" packing. Be sure to nail it down good. Perhaps keep him tied up for the weekend. I'll be home early Sunday morning. Perhaps he can help me unpack. Lol Love you greatly FB"

Sean laughed at Clay's suggestion but he sent Cameron a text. "Plan on being here through Sunday afternoon."

After a few minutes the law clerk replied, "Yes Sir."

Sean went back to the laundry and moved his loads to the dryers. He put in his ear buds and listened to music while he explored Recon and his Twitter feeds. He had Recon messages from October which were still unread. There were a total of 55 messages and 123 cruises. He responded to the couple of locals who had approached him before returning the cruises. His Twitter feed had long been neglected as well. He scanned his favorites. He was still reviewing the tweets when the first dryer went off. Sean turned his attention to folding and hanging the clothes, towels, and linens before heading back to put everything away.

At 1pm the doorbell did not ring. Nor was there a knock at the door. Sean retrieved his frat paddle from the office. He laid the paddle on the end table unlocked and opened the door. Then he made himself comfortable on the couch.

At 1:23 Cam arrived at the open door. He saw Sean seated on the couch and the paddle on the end table. He started, "Sor...." Sean held up his hand, stood up and walked to the door. Cam backed up into the hall.

Sean held out his hand. "Wallet and keys." Horton handed them over and the Dom placed them on the end table. "Flip flops." Cam slipped them off and handed them to the Dom glaring at him. "Shirt." Was the next order as the flip flops were deposited by the door. Sean folded the shirt and placed it on Cam's flip flops. "Shorts."

"But Sir I'm in the hall."

Sean held out his hand. Cameron took off the shorts and handed them to the Dom who folded them and placed them on the other clothing. When he stood up Cam had covered his penis and balls with his hands.

"You kept me waiting 23 minutes so you're going to be punished. I am going to spank you 23 times. After the first swat you will run naked to the end of the hall and back. Assume the position for the first swat by grabbing you ankles. Understand bitch?"

"Yes Sir."

"Bend over and count,"

"One Sir!" Sean swung the frat paddle swatting the clerk's buttocks squarely. Cameron ran down the hall past the laundry and the other 6 apartments on the 4th floor before running back. He covered his genitals with his hands as he ran.

"Hands at your sides and don't cover your junk while you run."

"Two Sir," the paddle swung and Cam took off, his cock and balls flopping around. He returned and took his third. The punishment laps continued for another 20 minutes.

"23 Sir!" Sean swung hard as he sent the paddle flying into Cam's bright scarlet red ass.

Sean watched the boy run to the end of the hall. On Cam's way back Sean stepped into his apartment and closed and locked the door. Cameron panicked. When he got to the door he knocked and begged, "Please let me in Sir. I won't be late again. Please Sir!"

Sean unlocked and opened the door. "No you won't be or you can figure out how to get home nude. Now get your ass in here and kiss my feet as a proper greeting to your superior." The sub entered and closed the door knelt, kissed and licked the tops of Sean's feet. Sean locked the door, turned and walked into the Locker Room, "Follow me on all fours."

As Cam entered the room he found Sean reclined on the futon. "It's time for my tongue bath. Start with my soles, avoid my cock and balls and stop when you reach my neck."

"Yes Sir," Cam said and began licking the sole of the Dom's left foot. He carefully avoided the cock and balls as he advanced up the lithe and muscular body. After he played with each nipple he advanced to the neck. Sean lifted his arms and Cam started in the right arm pit sniffing the funk of the stud before him. He suckled each finger swirling his tongue around each as if they were individual cocks. Finally finishing Sean's second arm the junior turned over.

"Start at my neck and work to my heels. Avoid my asshole until I tell you to rim it." Cameron began his task. He did his best knowing he was going to be rewarded with a glimpse of Sean's manhole. He was enjoying the silky feel of the blond hair as his hands caressed the top's body. The slight saltiness of his skin reminded him of Sean's cum earlier in the week. His own prick was rock hard in anticipation of what might happen. 35 minutes after starting the tongue bath he reached Sean's heels.

Sean repositioned himself on the futon so that one knee was on the floor and the other leg bent on the seat opening up the pathway to his taint. Cam brought his face toward his Dom's ass and gazed at the pink puckered posy framed with tuffs of silky blond hair. He tentatively touched the area just above the rosebud with the tip of his tongue. The saltiness of the skin was the same but the mixture of funk and musk were heavier.

The prone Dom reached back with his right hand and grabbed Cameron's hair and held him in place. "Start by kissing my asshole, then lick it, the probe it with you tongue."

Cameron did as instructed. He wandered to himself where his desire to please this man was rooted. He thought about the men he had fucked, some very masculine while others were effeminate, if they too had this overwhelming desire to please. He returned to his task realizing he had worked his tongue deep into the rosebud before him.

Releasing Cam's hair Sean praised the sub, "You're a real natural boy. How long have you been rimming assholes?" He turned over revealing his balls and cock.

"Sir, yours is my first."

"Well thank you for doing a great job. So I took your cherry ass and now your cherry rim. You may now clean my balls and then my cock." Cam responded instantly. He was like a man thirsting for water as he slavered up the heavy balls and nine inch prick before him. Cameron attempted to deep throat the giant cock but gagged on the first three attempts. He remembered to breathe through his nose and was successful on his fourth try.

Sean could have permitted the boy to take his load but he had other plans. He tapped the clerk's head and ordered, "Be on your back on the weight bench when I return." He left the Locker Room and went to the bedroom to check Clay's gym bag. As he thought he found a sweaty set of shorts, shirt jock and really ripe socks and trainers. He carried the bag back to the Locker Room.

Cameron had scampered into position as soon as Sean had given the order. As he waited he eyed the various implements and gear Sean had laid out on the table. He was filled with awe, fear and anticipation. His cock was rock hard and leaking. His attention switched to Sean as he came back into the Locker Room.

Sean advanced on the desk. He grabbed the wrist leather restraints and tossed them to Cameron, "Put them on." The new sub bottom put on the wrist restraints. He held them out toward his Dom who put a padlock on each. The ankle restraints were next. Once again Cameron had to put them on before Sean inserted the padlocks through the posts.

Sean tossed the clerk the leather blindfold, "Put it on and lay back on the bench." As Cameron positioned the blindfold his view of the blond Adonis ceased and he had to rely on his other senses. He felt the Dom's hand stroke his body as Sean lifted the left arm into position and tie it into position. The soft caressing of the Sean's hands as the deftly moved across Cameron's body and up the right arm to secure the wrist restraint sent electrical jolts from the clerk's brain to his cock and balls. Boy juice flowed from the prick of the restrained sub.

Once more the Dom's hands traced along the clerk's torso toward his groin, right thigh and calf. Sean took in each reaction from his subject developing a plan to torment the hapless man. The right ankle was tied into place securely followed by the left.

Taking one of Clay's foul smelling socks he grabbed Cameron's jaw, "Open your mouth." Cam obeyed and Sean stuffed the sock into the sub's mouth. "Gives new meaning to `put a sock in it," he quipped. His hapless subject was overwhelmed by the odors and the salty taste of the cotton fabric. His dick throbbed and leaked cock snot onto his belly.

Sean picked up his flog. He brandished it in the air. As he stopped he flipped the handle around in his hand so the weighted ball at the end was ready for use. "Twenty-three minutes," was all he said as the first of 23 strikes to the restrained subs balls landed. The muffled scream emitted by Cameron brought a wicked smile to Sean's lips.

Sean was in no hurry. After smashing the flog handle into Cam's balls he pinched each of the hapless sub's tits and jacked the sub's cock. As Cameron's breathing returned to normal the second whack at the balls was made again followed by the tit twisters and the cock being jacked. So it went for 45 minutes. Cameron's body was covered in sweat and cock snot still leaked from a very erect cock.

Setting aside his flogger, Sean picked up the vampire parachute and attached it to Cam's balls. The small needles dug into the sub's scrotal skin as Sean added an 8 ounce weight on the parachute's chains. Cam moaned as his cock bounced.

Sean lowered the head support and Cameron's head rolled back. The sock gag was replaced by Sean's balls. "Suck them clean boy," the Dom ordered. The law clerk moved his tongue to lick the lightly furred balls filling his mouth. "You're doing such a good job bitch I am going to reward you. First let's add more weight."

Sean moved his balls from Cam's mouth, walked to the other end and added 8 more ounces. "Thank you Sir," Cam moaned.

Sean laughed to himself and returned to the head board. Adjusting his stance to line up his cock he guided his prick into the clerk's mouth. He moved into the sub's throat until his 9 inches were buried inside his subject and his balls rested on the blindfold covering Cam's eyes.

The big dicked collegian slowly face fucked the law clerk a few minutes before withdrawing his prick. He grabbed the Japanese clover nipple clamps and applied them to Cameron's nipples. Once again Cam's moans brought a wry smile to the Dom's face.

Picking up his flogger, Sean positioned himself once more at the head of the weight bench. He swung the flogger through the air and brought it down on Cam's torso. The sub's head flew back opening his mouth to cry out in pain. Sean shoved his cock into the now open mouth and into Cameron's throat.

Cameron was experiencing agony, pain and lust. His balls and nipples were numb, his abs and chest smarted from the sting of the leather thongs, his jaw and throat were stretched and he fought to breathe through his nose while he aches to be fucked.

Sean continued to flog the sub's legs, abs, chest and arms as he slowly face fucked him. Noticing the throbbing dick leaking cock snot copiously he concentrated on it with his flog. The first strike hitting his groin sent a shockwave through Cam's body as a new pain flowed from his balls and cock. His scream of pain reverberated on Sean's cock.

Sean rotated his flog between the restrained law clerk's cock and balls and his nipples. For an hour he tortured his sub slowing building his own orgasm. When he stopped flogging the sweat was running from both of their bodies. Farm Boy pulled his cock from the soft warm throat and mouth in which it had been encased. He removed the Japanese Clover clips causing Cam to moan loudly in pain as blood flowed back into his tortured nipples. Next Walls removed the vampire parachute from an extremely sore scrotum.

Sean released the ropes from the ankle restraints. He then scooped up some of Cam's cock snot rubbing it onto the sub's asshole. The next scoop he rubbed onto the condom he had rolled onto his own cock. The Dom pushed Cameron's legs back positioning him to be fucked.

"Tell me what you want whore."

"I want your cock in me Sir." Not waiting for more Sean sank balls deep in one thrust into the ass before him. Cam moaned his eyes rolling back in his eyes. The fuck Cam had been hoping for had begun. He spread his legs wider trying to get the full nine inches into his quivering ass.

Sean was not being gentle. He was ready to get off. He plowed deeply in and out of the tight tunnel not caring if his sub was enjoying it or not. After 15 minutes of plunging away rapidly in the clerk's shit chute Cam's ass spammed as the bottom's cock exploded in one huge gush. Sean followed suit sending 8 pulsing bursts of his cum into the condom. He collapsed on top of the restrained submissive under him.

Sean finally began to recover. He pulled out of Cam's ass, "Fuck!"

"Is something wrong Sir?"

"The damn condom broke at the tip. I'm afraid I bred you."

"No worries Sir. I'm on PrEP and tested negative last month."

"Still, I've never had this happen." He shook his head. He loosened the ropes on the wrist restraints. "Get down on the floor on all fours." Cam sat up and rubbed his wrists. He stood and then got on all fours. "Keep your ass up and your head down." Cameron assumed the position.

Sean picked up the speculum and got a tube of KY gel. Getting on his knees behind the clerk he squeezed a dollop onto the recently plowed anus. After coating the surgical steel with lube Sean inserted it into the steaming hole. Cam took in a sharp breath as the cold steel sank into him.

Seam used the speculum to spread open the anus and locked it so the hole would stay open. Ripping off the busted condom he took aim at the open hole and let a loose with a strong and steady stream of piss into the ass he had just bred. Cam sighed. It was another first for him - a piss enema.

Sean finished pissing. "Don't lose a drop." Walls ordered as he undid the set screw, closed the speculum and withdrew it. "Clamp down, stand up, take the speculum into the bathroom and clean it. After its clean you may lift the toilet seat. Straddle the toilet facing the wall. You may sit and release the piss into the toilet. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"After you clean up come and find me. You'll be preparing dinner tonight."

"Yes Sir," was all the subjugated law clerk responded. Inside he was thrilled to be serving someone he now considered his better and a true man's man.

In Tennessee the Team Bus was still 2 hours out from Memphis. Clay was napping when they stopped at a rest area so everyone could stretch their legs. Farm Boy didn't want to wait in the line for the urinals so he walked to the tree line where he whipped out his 9 inches and let his stream of piss flow against a tree.

"Don't waste it there. Let me have it please," a voice called from behind the tree. An older man emerged from the shadows. His red plaid shirt hanging open revealing a well formed chest covered in silver hair with the slightest bit of belly bulge. His jeans were splayed open and his in 3" cock hung semi hard above a huge pair of balls. He knelt before the quarterback and opened his mouth.

Clay resumed emptying his bladder: the piss faggot drinking it down as quickly as possible. What didn't get swallowed flowed down his chest matting the silver hairs and lubricating the cock now being jacked to a its pull 5 inches. As Clay finished and shook off the last drops the trucker leaned forward and kissed the tip.

"Got time to get a blowjob?"

"Don't think so. Bus is waiting."

"Damn shame I'd like to feel that in my throat."

Clay tucked his dick into his jeans, zipped up and walked back toward the bus. As he neared the rest rooms ne noticed the line of players still extended out the men's room door.

"Where you been Clay?" Larry called.

"Draining the lizard down at the oak tree out by the tree line."

"That's a great idea!" Larry yelled as he headed toward the tree line. Fourteen other players followed him. Clay smiled broadly thinking about how happy that trucker was going to be drenched in Stallion piss. Fifteen minutes later Coach blew his whistle and the guys got back on the busses.

As Joey Davis passed Clay in his seat he pushed in for a minute. "Thanks man! It was so damn hot! All 15 of us pissing on that old fag then doing a circle jerk covering him with our cum. Thanks again man!" Joey continued on to his seat as few others high fived their thanks to Clayton.

Clay leaned back in his seat, inserted his air pods and listened to his Spotify playlist. Two hours later they pulled up to the Westin on Beale. The team grabbed their overnight bags and disembarked from their bus.

Coach Jones came out of the hotel and paired up team members with their roommates. Toward the end of the list Clay found himself paired with Coach Lee! He shook his head in disbelief but then saw that the other coaches all had their spouses with them. He took his key and headed to the room. As he rode up to eighth floor he wondered if he and coach would share a bed. His prick swelled in his pants. He walked down the hall finally locating their room. He inserted his key and walked into the beautifully appointed room. He dropped his bag and stared at the single king sized bed dominating the room. He was still staring at the bed when the security card opened the door and Marshall walked in behind him.

Placing his harms around Clay, Marshall asked. "You want to shower before or after?"

Turning around and shooting Marshall a smile. He smiled, kissed his coach and said, "Before."

The duo made their way into the bathroom. It had both a tub and a separate shower.

"Bathtub or shower?" Coach asked.

"You think we could both fit in the shower?"

"Let's go for it."

Clay turned on the shower while Coach Lee stripped. Then the sophomore stripped off his clothes. The two squeezed into the shower stall. Their hands began running soap all over each other's bodies as they kissed swapping tongues. After they had rinsed, Kurt turned off the water and stepped from the shower stall. They playfully dried each other before moving to the bedroom.

Clay pulled back the bedding and hopped on the mattress. Kurt knelt beside the bed and kissed the young man's right sole before starting to nibble and kiss his toes, sucking each into his mouth.

"You are one well-made man!" Coach Lee gushed. "Perfect toes," he moved to the left foot to nibble and kiss it. "Perfect feet," Lee kissed the tops of each foot before slowly kissing his way up each leg completing the perfectly formed calves and thighs. Spreading Clay's legs wide he pronounced his balls perfect too before kissing and sucking them into his mouth. Kurt gently let the perfect balls from his mouth before kissing and licking his way up Clay's stiff prick.

The head coach straddled his sophomore quarterback's thighs and knelt over him. He shuffled forward. Reaching back he positioned the solid 9 inch dick at his hole. "I've been looking forward to this since my husband told me he couldn't come on this trip. How do you feel about breeding me?"

"Ah coach, you're a great fuck but I'd prefer to use a rubber."

"As you wish," Lee climbed off the bed and retrieved his overnight bag. He grabbed a condom and returned to the bed. He spit on Clay's prick then opened the foil packet before rolling the rubber down. Spinning around Kurt straddled his player's body and lowered his asshole to rest against the cockhead. The coach rotated his hip and began lowering his body. He loved the feeling of being pierced. He sighed as his ass reached the cock's base.

Coach started to fuck himself on the erect prick in his ass. He leaned back and propped himself up with his arms. As he bounced his ass up and down his cock flopped back and forth slapping between his own abs and those of Clay.

Changing his position, Kurt leaned forward and grabbed Clayton's tits. The electrical charge exploded from his tits to his cock to his brain. The quarterback sat up pushing coach over onto the bed. Clay repositioned himself and started a missionary fuck. He was pounding into his coach so hard he kept moving him down the bed. After a few minutes The Coach slid from the bed with his ass propped against the edge of the mattress. Clay kept fucking the warm, moist hole gripping his cock by propping himself up with his arms.

The room was filled with moans from both men. Coach Lee kept urging Clayton on. "Oh fuck! Fuck me harder! Harder! Your cock is so deep!" Clay moaned loudly and unloaded deep in his coach's ass in 7 bursts of semen into the condom. He collapsed onto the floor beside Kurt.

"That was hot!" Clay got out panting. "Not bad for an old man."

"Watch the old shit boy. I can still put your ass on the bench." Kurt laughed. His cell rang. Motioning to Clay to be silent he answered, "Hi honey, how's your conference going?" There was a pause. "Oh that good huh. Well it will be over tomorrow." There was another pause. "Oh! Your flight arrives here at midnight! That's great. Just come up to the room." He listened a few more minutes. "Room 815. See you later."

"Fuck! My husband is flying in." Coach called the desk. D you have another room available tonight?" He listened to the response. "Book it and bring me the key. I'll also need fresh towels."

"Guess of better pack up," Clay said.

"Clay I'm really sorry about this. He was supposed to be in Atlanta all weekend. I was looking forward to at least being fucked twice." There was a knock at the door. Kurt pulled o his shorts and answered it.

"Mr. Lee, I'm Thomasina from the Front Desk staff. Here is the key to the room next door. Please write the name of the team member who will be occupying it and then sign here." Kurt did so and handed the key to Clay. "Housekeeping will bring you the fresh towels shortly. Have a good night."

"Let me help you make the bed. I'll take the dirty towels to my room. Which one is it?"

"817 Right next door."

"Awesome! I can listen you get pounded by George."

"Yeah, most likely." The two quietly straightened up the room. Clay made sure he had all his clothes and took the key to his room and headed out to spend the rest of the night alone.

Back in Orlando, Sean had finished an evening of flogging, flagellation and fisting. Now he was tightening the restraints on the leather sleep sack. He pulled Cams cock up and out of the sleep sack before closing the zipper. He rummaged through a box of medical toys and pulled out a box of catheters.

"Decisions, decisions, decisions. Do I use a Foley or Texas on you tonight?"

"Mmmmmm," was the only response could over through Cam's gag.

"Foley it is! Thanks for your input."

Sean selected the French 14 Foley. He laid out the materials he would need. First he gloved up. The Dom grasped the erect penis in his left hand and squirted rubbing alcohol onto the head. He smiled as Cam reacted to the burning pain he was feeling. Next he placed a water-based lubricating jelly on the first 10 inches of the catheter.

With his left hand he positioned Cam's prick straight out from his body. With your right hand, Sean slowly put the catheter into the piss slit. And pushed the catheter about 10 to 12 inches into the clerk's cock until urine began to come out and collect in the catch bag. He pushed the catheter up 1 inch more. With his left hand he held everything in place as he pushed the saline syringes plunger to inflate the balloon.

"That should keep you for the night bitch. You can drink your output in the morning." Sean turned off the Locker Room light and left the room. He laid down in his bed and sent a text to Clay of images from his day of play. He ended the text with, "I love and miss you. Chief"

Clay responded with a text of his own. "Miss you too. Lots to share when I get home. I fucked the Coach again. Love you FB"

Both men were in bed and asleep when George Mead entered Room 815 to be with his husband. Only Clay heard the yelps from Coach as his husband spanked him before fucking him. The head board indeed bouncing off the way for about 30 minutes before all was quiet. Clay thought to himself, "Coach did want fucked twice tonight. He got his wisih."

Next: Chapter 70

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