Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Mar 5, 2023


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story has reached its close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel hopefully in the summer of 2022. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It -- Epilogue - You are Invited.

The invitations went out on January 2. They read

"The parents of Leon Clayton Reed IV & Sean Andreas Walls request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their Sons on Sunday, February 7 at 4 pm The Cloisters Cloisters Drive Howey in the Hills, Florida

Reception to Follow RSVP by January 30"

The couple and their immediate families checked in on Saturday afternoon. Teresa Banner, the wedding coordinator, met with them at 5 pm and introduced them to Bishop Williams. Clay handed him their marriage license. Teresa did a walkthrough of the ceremony. Each man would be escorted to the front by their parents who would then be seated. There would be a hymn, two readings from scripture as well as a gospel. The bishop would give a homily and then the couple would exchange vows. After the marriage, there would be a blessing. The couple would exit.

"Bishop could we just do a reading from a poem we both like? It's called "Hands."

"I know that piece, Leon. Yes, we can do it instead of the scriptures if you wish. I still get to talk afterward though." The bishop laughed.

The Rehearsal Dinner was family only. Even then it involved 35 people. Teresa had arranged the seating chart, so the families were well mixed. Sean and Clay sat at separate tables with their future in-laws. They had selected salmon or chicken for the meal selections. The couple also insisted on no speeches. Dinner conversations were lively and good-natured. After dinner, the parents each escorted their own son to their separate rooms for the night.

Martha kissed her son, "Junior, you get some rest tonight. The two of you have been going gangbusters between renovating your home and schoolwork. Not to mention planning this shindig."

"Your mother is right, son. I remember I was a nervous wreck the night before. But when I saw your mother and her father at the end of the aisle I calmed right down. It's been a wonderful life." He kissed his wife's cheek. Martha giggled.

"Yes, it has been and continues to be." She smiled at her husband before turning back to her second child. Sean is a lovely man. You two are well matched. Get to bed early, though I doubt you'll sleep. If you need anything knock on the adjoining door and we'll unlock our door." They had a group hug and Clay closed and locked his door.

At the opposite end of the hall, Sean was bidding his parents a good night. "I promise Mom I won't venture out till tomorrow."

"Just remember Andreas you have your brothers and sisters as well as your grandparents between you and Clay," Andrea stated.

"As well as his brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents on their end of the hall," his father commented with a wink.

"We don't like being apart. We've only spent 2 nights apart since we moved in together."

"Be that as it may tonight you sleep alone," Alexander reasserted. "We're next door. Just knock on the adjoining door if you need to talk or anything," Andrea smiled and kissed her son good night. Alexander hugged and his youngest before following his wife to their room.

Sean closed and locked his door and stripped before jumping on the bed. He grabbed his phone and dialed Clay. He answered on the second ring. "What kept you Farm Boy? I am missing you already."

"I just kissed you goodnight 5 minutes ago at the elevator," he chuckled.

"Your folks still there?"

"No sirree!"

"Great! You naked yet?"

"No should I be?"

"Follow orders boy, take off your shoes and sniff them before you put them away. Put the phone on speaker. I want to hear you taking in those deep breathes of your foot stank!"

"Sir. Yes, Sir!" Farm Boy placed his phone on speaker. He sat on the bed, leaned over, and untied both shoes. He slipped off the left shoe and lifted it to his face. He inhaled and exhaled deeply several times before dropping the shoe and retrieving its match. He repeated the sniffing with the right shoe noting the mixture of his foot odors with the leather of his dress shoes. "Done Sir."

"Good boy, now kiss each shoe and put them away." Clay picked up his shoes, smooched them loudly, and placed them in their shoe bag."

"Done Sir."

"Now take off the polo shirt, bring the two underarm areas together, and smell them." Once more Farm Boy complied smelling the mix of his body odor and the deodorant he had applied earlier. "Put the short in the laundry bag. Then stand in front of the mirror." The quarterback stuffed the shirt into his laundry bag and stood facing the mirror.

"Done Sir."

"Tell me what you see."

"Sir, I see your Farm Boy, Sir."

"More details boy!"

"Sir! yes, Sir! I see a white, non-Hispanic male, a little over 21 years of age. He is standing at akimbo. He is six foot one and 1/4 inches tall, weighs 218 pounds with curly red hair cut in the Roman style with a full red beard and mustache, blue eyes that sparkle in this lighting. His biceps, chest, and abs are ripped. His nipples are perked. He sports a full eight pack, and his Adonis belt is hinted at just above the navy-blue trousers he is wearing. The slacks are held up with a black belt with a cowboy belt buckle from his high school 4 H Competition. A heavy bulge is pushing at the crotch of the trousers. Not reflected in the mirror are his dark blue dress socks covering his size 13 feet.

"Very good boy. Now remove the belt and await instructions."

Clayton wondered briefly if he was going to have to beat himself with the belt. Then he released the belt buckle and slid the belt through the belt loops of the trouser. "Sir, awaiting orders."

"Such a good boy. Now start on the front of the belt near the buckle and lick the leather all the way to the tip. Then do the same to the backside of the belt."

The quarterback's mind whirled trying to figure up what new game his Chief was playing. He brought the belt up to his face and the leather odor filled his nostrils. He licked the leather feeling the pattern of the Celtic knots Sean had etched into the surface. Farm Boy probed at each knot with the tip of his tongue feeling the intricacies of the etchings. As he reached the buckle his Sir barked.

"Are you done yet?"

"Sir, Sorry Sir! I got caught up in the texture of the knots. Starting the back now." Clayton flipped the belt over and started licking the smooth undercoat. The leather odor was identical, but the texture was less interesting and within minutes he reported, "Sir, finished Sir!"

"Finally! Now start with the tip of the belt's backside at your right nipple. Keep tension on the belt but slide the belt across your pecs nipple to nipple until the buckle crosses the left nipple. Then flip it over and do the same with the front of the belt."

"Sir, yes Sir!" Reed brought the belt tip to his right nip. Both of his nipples were erect from the sex game he was playing with Sean. The dampness of the leather made it harder to slide along his skin, but Clay finally managed to move the belt while keeping it taut. He thought about the rope harness Chief had used on him so many times now, positioning his sensitive nipples he tween strands of the rope. Reed was lost in that thought when the buckle hit his right nipple and the cool metal brought him out of his trance. He finished the back of the belt and flipped it over. The front of the belt started out the same, but only momentarily. The etchings leading up to the first knot caught on his nipple and pinched it ever so slightly. The quarterback's cock pulsed, and he gasped. He rubbed the belt back and forth a little relishing the way it teased his nipple.

"Move it along Farm Boy, I heard you gasp. I know you love having those nipples worked so work them while I fist my meat."

"Sir, yes Sir!" Clay had not thought about what Sean was doing. Now he was both feeling the erotic sensations generated by the belt while imagining his Chief naked and jacking his 9-inch cock. His own cock pulsed several times and he knew he was leaking cock snot. He was lost in a mix of what he imagined Sean doing and the feeling of both his nipples being teased by the etched leather when once more his right nipple encountered the belt buckle. "Sir. Finished Sir. Thank you, Sir!"

"Hang the belt around your neck and take off your pants."

"Sir. Yes Sir!" The quarterback draped the belt around his neck. He reached for the clasp on his waistband and unhooked it. Then he unfastened the inner button before unzipping the trousers and letting them fall to the floor. His cock was finally free to bounce back against his abs slinging a little cock snot on the dresser and mirror. Reed picked up his pants and folded them, Setting them on the dresser. "Sir. Ready for orders, Sir."

"Good boy. I could hear you folding your pants. Very pleased you've learned that lesson. Now get on the bed and sit up near the headboard. Next, remove your socks and tie them together before putting the knot in your mouth."

Farm Boy followed his orders. As he brought the dress socks to his mouth, he could smell his foot funk. He tasted the saltiness of his sweat as the nylon soaked up his saliva. "Sssr, resrrr," was the best he could manage to mumble into the phone.

"Jack off Farm Boy! You must shoot by 100. One, (pauses) two, (pause) three...."

Clay knew this game quite well. He grabbed his cock and started pounding away. He could hear Chief jacking his own meat. Sometimes Sean counted down from 100 and sometimes, like tonight, he simply counted to 100. In either case, that was all the time he'd have to get off a load until his Sir gave him permission to shoot again.

The slow count continued, "56, (pause) 57, (pause) 58..." Sean's own orgasm was approaching. He had been edging himself while giving Clayton his orders. He could feel the tingle as the base of his balls.

The quarterback could hear the huskiness in his lover's voice. He had learned a lot about him Chief's orgasms too and knew he was close by the sound of his voice, He increased his pace so he could cum as close to Sean's orgasm as possible.

"71, (pause) 72222...." Chief's gasp, as his load spewed from his cock onto his chest, was audible on the phone to Clay. He kept jacking his cock as he listened to Sean recover and continue, "73, (pause) 74, (pause) 75..."

Farm Boy's fist was moving up and down. With his free hand, he pinched his nipples then would play with his balls. He was close but not quite there. He scooted down on the bed and rubbed his asshole with his index finger. That's all it took! He shot his load over his chest and face as Sean said ninety-nine.

Reed could hear the grunts and gasps coming from his boy over the phone. He knew it had been a good orgasm by the sounds. Clay's tell was just an, "ugh" if he had cum. However, if he followed "ugh" with "ahhhh" he had cum hard. He came hard a lot.

"Take out the sock Farm Boy."

"Sir, yes Sir! Thank you, Sir!"

"You're welcome, Farm Boy. I love you. Get some rest."

"Love you too Chief. Night." The couple ended their call and snuggled under their respective covers still drenched in the cum from their phone sec.

Sunday morning found both men under their families' control. Breakfast had been served in their parent's respective rooms. After breakfast, the ladies were getting their hair and makeup done professionally during a buffet luncheon Teresa had arranged. Sean's brothers insisted they play golf. Clay's father, brother, and uncles spent time at the pool before heading inside to play billiards. They were keeping both grooms busy. The two fathers had even arranged separate lunchtimes to keep their sons from meeting before the start of the wedding.

When they arrived for their lunch, Clay thought he saw the back of Sean's head as Alexander whisked his son out of the restaurant through the patio doors. They had arranged massages father & son massages prior to the stylists arriving to groom the two grooms. In the end, the two families were successful in keeping the love birds apart up to the start of the wedding. Each groom even had their own ready room.

Eddie Castillo ran back and forth between the golf course, pool, billiards room, and suites rooms taking pictures of the grooms in various states of readiness. He even got a few shots of the naked men being massaged. He also took pictures of the women being prepared by the stylists.

At 3:30 they reported to their ready rooms. Both grooms were preened and outfitted in their tuxedos. Eddie took pictures of each man placing the wrist corsage on his mother. Roses and iris adorned Andrea's wrist and Martha received roses and orange blossoms from Clay.

Each father received a matching boutonniere to his wife's corsage. All the groomsmen wore single yellow rose. The grooms' boutonnieres matched. They consisted of a sprig of myrtle, a sprig of lavender, and two tea roses wrapped with grass. Teresa sent two assistants to give them the 5-minute warning.

Clay was to be first down the aisle with his parents on either side. When he got into position all Sean saw was Clay's back. When the quarterback did try to turn around his mother snapped, "Junior!," and that was the end of his efforts.

The processional began. The couple walked down the aisle to "Morgan Megan" played on fiddle, dulcimer, and flutes. At the end of the aisle, the Reed family stood to the left and the Walls took up position on the right. The two grooms stood staring at each other with wide grins on their faces and love in their eyes.

Bishop Williams, vested in a gold cope and mitre, asked, "Who gives these men to be joined in Holy Matrimony?"

All four parents said in well-practiced unison, "We do." and gently pushed their sons to stand finally hand in hand before the bishop.

The ceremony was had simplified as they requested. The only reading was the poem entitled "Hands." The bishop spoke about marriage as a daily sacrament and called upon the 400 guests to be there for Leon and Sean in good times as well as bad. The men exchanged traditional vows. The bishop pronounced them as spouses for life, gave them a blessing, and introduced them as Mr. & Mr. Reed Walls. The couple kissed and headed back down the aisle to Charpentier's "Te Deum." They were married.

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