Naked Scott

By Timothy Cassen

Published on May 25, 2020


I went to the refrigerator and got myself another bottle of water.

The liquid was wonderfully cold as it ran through me. I felt it refreshing and restoring my body after so much intense action.

I finished it off with a satisfactory "ahh" and tossed it in the garbage. Then I took another ice cold bottle from the fridge and brought it to Scott in the living room.

Poor Scott was on his knees, sitting in the middle of the floor, drawing in long, fatigued breaths. I loved the way his naked, oiled body shown gold in the overhead light. His eyes were still covered by the black blindfold and his mouth hung open. He looked completely spent.

I got down next to him on the floor. Wrapping my big arm around him, I pulled him toward me and put the bottle to his lips. "Drink, Scott."

As he drank, I could see the restorative power of the icy water work its magic. With renewed vigor, he gulped it hard until it was spilling out the edges of his mouth. "Good, Scott, drink it all the way down."

He heaved in satisfaction as I pulled the empty bottle away. He slouched forward, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. I heard him sniff.

"Are you alright, Scott?" I asked, holding him to me. The edges of his mouth turned downward. Another hot tear fell from under his blindfold. I wiped it away before he could do it himself.

"Are you alright?" I whispered it this time, rubbing his shoulder affectionately.

"I'm alright, sir," he said quietly.

"You cry nicely, Scott," I said, wiping a tear from his other eye. He grimaced and started to blush. "You've done a very good job tonight, Scott...very good."

"Thank you, sir."

"Tell me...repeat what I said."

"I've done...I've done a very good job tonight..."

"And you're a good boy, aren't you, Scott? You're my good boy."

Scott swallowed hard. "Yes, sir...I'm a good boy."

I kissed his temple. With one hand still rubbing his arm, my other hand reached between his legs and cupped his penis. He made another hard swallow as I began stroking. "Please," he began, trying to lean away from me, "Please, sir..."

"Easy, Scott," I whispered in his ear, "You're okay. We need to keep you nice and hard...I want you to always be hard while you're here, Scott."

He drew in a great sigh and relented. His penis grew and thickened in my hand as I stroked.

"That's right, Scott, deep breaths. Take big, deep breaths, nice and slow..." He did as I asked. His hairy chest expanded and his lungs filled to capacity before he let everything out.

After inhaling deeply three times or so, I saw his miserable expression change. He was beginning to enjoy the stimulation on his cock.

Before long, his deep breaths were coming naturally through his open mouth. His penis was completely erect as I stroked. The spongy, mushroom cap swollen and ready for action.

He flinched once or twice at the sensation. The abuse I'd given his manhood throughout the evening had probably left a few sore spots here and there.

I was pleased to see him hard and aroused, the way I liked him. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "That's my boy."

I stood up now. I undid my belt buckle and lowered the zipper of my jeans. After a bit of awkward fumbling inside my boxer shorts, I managed to liberate my hard, sweaty member and pull it free from my pants.

This was more of a relief than I thought it would be. With all the manipulation and light abuse I'd given Scott's cock throughout the night, my own had been trapped and straining all the while, pleading in its way to be freed. As much as I loved having Scott for my nude plaything, it was becoming more of a challenge to keep my own clothes on.

For the first time in either of our encounters, my cock was unleashed and ready for action. I guided Scott's hand to my sweaty, moist shaft and wrapped his fingers around it. He began to stroke me.

"Ohh," I breathed, "oh, goddamn." My poor tool had been so starved for stimulation I was almost startled by how good it felt.

Scott and I stroked each other. "How does it feel, Scott?" I asked, wanting his honest opinion.

Scott thought for a minute. "'s big, sir..." I could hear the apprehension in his voice. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I'm about eight inches long. That isn't enormous, but I'm also pretty thick.

I reached down between his cheeks and found his hole. "You've never had a cock up here, have you, Scott? You're an anal virgin."

His face reddened. He turned away in shame. "It's alright, Scott," I said, putting a hand under his chin and bringing it back toward me. My other hand stroked his oily hole with two fingers. "You can tell can say it."

"Yes, sir," he swallowed, blushing hard, "I'm an anal virgin..."

I already basically knew this, but the question of "why" burned in my mind. Why had Scott never allowed himself to be fucked? With his looks, his build, not to mention that magnum opus of an ass he had behind him, he must have been fighting off the guys on a daily basis.

Did he consider himself a complete top before this? It seemed hard to believe. Though he'd been somewhat uptight during our first encounter, the anal play quickly revealed what a natural-born bottom he was.

I decided to save these questions for later. I felt his anus muscles loosening as I rubbed him. He released and opened beneath me like a flower.

"As you mentioned before, I am big. I'm big enough to hurt a guy when a fuck him, especially when its his first time. So, we're going to have to work up to it. We have to loosen you up so you can accept me. We both know you can take one finger, a thumb even. But I'm bigger than that and you're still tight. So, we're going to have to do more."

Scott's entire body erupted in goose flesh. I felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. I put my arm around him to warm him. I knew he was scared.

"We'll do it nice and slow, like I said, Scott, and you're going to like it. We both know you love to get fingered, right?"

He blushed red again, but his cock bobbed upward at the very thought of it. I chuckled and gave it a good squeeze.

His erection flexed in my grip. It drooled a nice, big dew drop of pre-cum, which I scooped up and held to his lips. He licked it off obediently, even as the taste made him cringe. "Good boy, Scott, now bend down, please, head against the carpet."

"Yes, sir."

He bent over and pressed his head to the carpet and positioned his arms at either side like a sphinx. Still on his knees, he thrust his oiled-up backside into the air. I reached between his cheeks and stroked his pink rosebud once more.

"What do we need to do now?" I asked.

He sighed, taking in the sensation of being stroked, "we need (GULP) to loosen my hole I'm not so tight when you fuck me."

"That's right, and we're going to open you up nice and slow, because we want you to enjoy it, don't we?"

"Yes, sir...nice and slow."

I leaned forward and applied my warm tongue to his burgeoning anus. I buried my face in the heat between his fleshy cheeks, an experience I enjoyed last time and had been yearning to repeat all night.

Scott pushed back into me and I smothered myself in him, my tongue finding its way into his sphincter. He moaned into the carpet. Scott loved being rimmed, that much I knew. The heat of him was amazing. His buns were hot on my face from the spankings I'd given them. His hole was sizzling as I pushed my tongue in, forcing it in the way I'd forced it down his throat.

I could hear Scott's moans of satisfaction. I reached forward and gave his cock a slap to test its hardness. "UMF," he said.

As I suspected, his iron hardon barely moved at all, so powerful was his excitement at that moment. "Ohh..." he said as I pleased his hole, "oh yes, God yes..."

I tapped his thigh and obediently he started to sway. The walls of his cheeks slapped against my face. His anus was dilated and accepting of my tongue. He began to moan harder for I was sliding in and out as he moved, his blushing cheeks red hot against me.

My face was moist with sweat from his heat, wet with oil from his body. He went back and forth against me in wonderful, sloppy movements until I tapped his thigh once more, commanding him to stop.

I pushed my tongue in even deeper, pressing hard into his secret opening. I squeezed his cheeks together around me like sleak, spongy cushions, suffocating myself between them.

After a few amazing minutes I pulled out, feeling dazed and lightheaded. It was time to go in deeper still. His hole was far too demanding. It needed more exploration than what my tongue could give it.

With one big paw, I pressed into one of his sore cheeks like dough. He sucked in his breath. "Ah, easy...easy, please."

I reached in, trailing the shape of his quarter-sized anus with the tip of my finger and tickling lightly. A strange combination of pain and laughter came from Scott as his buns began to spasm and dance around it. I knew how ticklish he was there.

"Ha ha, please, ha, ha, OOF, please, sir, please don't tickle my hole (GULP)."

I liked watching his backside wiggle around uncomfortably, "Just want to bring a smile to your face, Scott, that's all."

My finger continued to tease his sensitive flesh until he was again begging me to stop.

I reached down and gave his raging hardon a squeeze. I could feel his heartbeat thundering in it. "Okay, Scott, here we go."

I slid my finger into him, nice and slow this time but all the way up, almost to my knuckle.

I watched his belly expand beneath him as I slid in the second digit with almost no trouble. His cock was flexing and oozing from the attention his anus was getting.

"Very good, Scott, just keep breathing. Here comes another one, okay?"

He felt me put a third finger to his anus. "Wait, wait," his head rose from the carpet and he tried to look back in his blindness. His face conflicted. "I'm sorry, sir, please just..."

I stopped what I was doing and drew my fingers out of him. I reached forward and tapped his shoulder, "sit up, Scott..." He lifted his head from the carpet and I leaned him back against me. I wrapped my sleeved arm around his oily belly.

I clasped his hand in mine and drew up one of his fingers. "Nice and slow, Scott, like I said. You guide me this time."

I felt his belly rising and falling beneath my arm. He swallowed. "Yes, sir." Our hands moved together. His with one finger atop two of mine. I let him take charge, positioning them against his waiting entrance.

In we went. He accepted it with little resistance, though we were plugging him up pretty good. I felt him spasm and he made an uncomfortable, "UNK" sound.

"Easy, Scott...easy, boy," I whispered in his ear, "nice and slow."

We moved together inside him, our well-oiled fingers sliding in and out with no friction or difficulty.

I watched his face carefully. Watched his mouth relax and go slightly ajar as he began to enjoy the sensation.

Before long he could not stop moaning. He was reaching porn-star levels again as he had on Wednesday. His penis clenching with a mind of its own. Our fingers moved in him as one thick digit.

"There we go, Scott, I knew you'd enjoy it. Now one more, okay?"

He was already so deep in the throngs of pleasure he barely had time to protest. I took control now.

He bared his teeth in discomfort as I drew our fingers out of him. I positioned his hand so that it was now two fingers pressed against two, back to back.

"Wait," he gasped, but there was no apprehension in his voice this time, only a husky desire for more. I waited just the same. Waited for him to guide our hands back to his pulsating secret mouth.

"Push out, Scott," I said, patting his stomach. "Make your tummy good and tight. Pushing will make them go in easier."

His stomach muscles went taut beneath my arm. He set his jaw tight. He groaned as all four fingers entered him. Even greased up with all that oil he felt very tight and I knew it was a challenge.

I saw his face going red. "Push your ass back, spread your legs a little more." He did as I asked, pushing his buns against my stomach as we forced our fingers in deeper.

His face clenched up. "RRRF," he protested. I saw his cock droop a bit. His moans now had the tone of a whimper within them. He thrust his hips forward and backward as I supported him, sliding up and down the thick member made from our fingers. He gasped and hissed in his breath.

He spasmed desperately. I saw another tear run down from beneath the blindfold.

"Keep pushing, Scott, keep your stomach muscles tight. Let's let you get used to the size okay? In and out, nice and slow."

He moved his thighs, sliding up and down the thickness that impaled him.

After a while I took charge again. I started moving our fingers in and out as we fucked his ass together. I saw him tense up and grit his teeth as the probing grew faster. In time though, his sounds of discomfort became agreeable, crescendoing into "ah...ah...ah," as he rode on top of me.

Gently as I could, I worked our fingers out of him. We'd gotten them up there pretty far. It was a perfect time to substitute them for my cock.

His hole clenched and winked after being plugged up so tightly. His legs almost buckled as I helped him to his feet.

"You ready for this, Scott?" I asked. I positioned his hands against the opposite wall and spread his legs wide like an arrestee.

"Yes, sir."

"Legs wider, and stick out your ass so I can see your tight, pink sphincter...all the way out."

"Yes, sir." Scott stuck his ass out as far as he could. His beautiful man pussy trembled, clearly fearing I might give him another spanking.

I let him wait there, spread-eagled, hole winking, bubble buns quivering as I peeled off my green sweatshirt. I slid out of my tennis shoes and undid my belt. I pushed my jeans to the floor.

Now I was wearing only a maroon-colored t-shirt, socks and boxers. The cool air on my bare limbs felt wonderful. It was getting hot and steamy in the living room and wearing clothes was becoming restrictive.

I folded my garments with care and placed them on the sofa.

"Don't move a muscle, I'll be with you in a minute."

"Yes, sir."

"You know what happens to your naked, round man buns if you move, don't you?"

Scott swallowed nervously. His oiled up buns quivered and flexed together at the very thought of it. "Y-yes, sir. I know..."

Even so, his raging cock betrayed his excitement, the way it so often did.

I went back into the bedroom to get a Trojan. I left Scott there pressing his hands against the wall. Naked, blindfolded, and waiting to be fucked. We'd given his ass a great warmup and now it was time for the actual workout.

He shuddered as I approached him. Trojan in hand, I pulled his blindfold off his sweaty head. He looked around wildly. His eyes blinked in the overhead light.

I put a hand under his chin and guided his face toward me. I held up the condom. "Now, I am going to put this on, okay? We're going to be safe about this. I'm going to let you watch me put it on."

He gave a nod, "Yes, sir." His eyes studied mine, a bit befuddled. They were such a lovely shade of blue. For a moment, I nearly regretted ever covering them up.

I understood how much power Scott was handing over to me, which was exciting, but rather naive on his part.

He probably would have believed me if I simply told him I was going to put the condom on. He may have even let me fuck him bareback, but that didn't interest me. I can be mean at times, but I'm not a monster.

"Now Scott, I know it's your first time and your ass is ready and warmed up. But if it gets to be too much while I'm fucking you, I want you to tell me. If you need me to ease up or even stop altogether, you need to let me know."

He lowered his eyes, blushing, "yes, okay, sir...thank you..." I lifted his chin once more and pinned my gaze to his.

"I mean it, Scott. If it's too rough or you need to have a break, you let me know. That is an order."

I saw genuine gratitude wash over his face. A smile appeared at the corners of his lips. "Okay, I will, I promise, thank you, sir."

Scott's cock was partially flaccid now, but mine was hard as ever. Protruding from the front of my boxers, it was hungry and drooling pre-cum like a basset hound.

I allowed him to watch as I rolled the candy-red condom over my sizable hardon, all the way down to where it pinched the base.

Scott couldn't help himself. He reached down and gave my manhood a hard squeeze as I had done to his so many times. I let out a gasp as a current of pleasure shot through my body. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. My flesh was alive and alert.

I positioned myself behind Scott and locked my hands onto his bare thighs. "Okay, Scott. Remember, push out. Keep your tummy tight." I placed a hand on his stomach until I felt him tighten it. He was ready.

"Ah...ah..." His mouth opened wide as I guided myself into him. "Nice and slow, nice and slow," I said soothingly. Scott shut his eyes. Legs spread as wide as they could go, he pushed back against me.

The truth was I was probably a little bit thicker than our four fingers, but I believed Scott could take it. He felt amazing as I slid up into him. He fit around me snuggly as a glove. I could feel the suction pull of his anus around my cock, a second mouth stretched completely taut.

I had known it all along. Gorgeous as Scott's ass was, rimable as Scott's ass was, it just had to be perfectly fuckable as well.

I began to pump. Slowly, forward and back, in and out. He made mild sounds of protest. I held fast to his hips. "Breathe, Scott," I reminded him, panting.

As I moved inside of him, his protests of discomfort slowly turned to coos of pleasure. Much as he'd enjoyed getting rimmed and fingered, I knew he was going to love this once we got going.

I made long, powerful thrusts in and out. I drew myself out almost to the head of my cock before pushing all the way back in.

Before long, I was moaning almost as much as he was. He was hot and tight around me as I pumped.

Soon, my motions grew faster. I pushed deeper as his ass accepted me further in. I went in and out with mechanical rhythm, pushing up nearly to the base of my cock. Riding Scott's oily, bubble butt felt fabulous, making a nice spongy cushion as it slapped against my pelvis.

"Faster now," I said.

"Yes," Scott panted.

I wondered if he was alright, if he needed a break, but the movement took hold of me. Scott called out as he had when I fingered him, his inner porn star in full possession of him: "OOOH GOD, OH GOD!" If there were any neighbors at home, they surely heard everything.

I slammed into him now, his anus closed around me; a hot, slippery orifice between silky, flesh cushions.

It really didn't take long at all. It was me who called out this time. Plowing into him as deep as I could, I erupted. Gushing. Filling him up with wave after wave of my hot cum.

I had him pinned against the wall, my body all but crushing his. The muscles in his cheeks squeezed desperately, trying to clench his sphincter, but my cock was stretching it to the max.

I was in such ecstasy that it took me some time to notice Scott, face pressed against the wall, biting into his arm. Tears streamed down in his face from the mindblowing cyclone of pleasure and pain I'd just put him through.

Gasping for air, I patted his shoulder. He sucked in his breath once more as I dislodged my big, spent dick from inside of him. It had been an effort for both of us and it looked for a minute like Scott might pass out.

I guided him into the bedroom, the semen-filled condom still on my dick. We climbed on the bed together, side by side and collapsed, still breathing hard. I reached over and gave Scott a pat on the back. I barely knew what to say, except "wow."


It was nearing four o' clock in the morning. The sky outside my bedroom was growing pale with the light of day.

After the intensity of his first fucking, I allowed Scott a little bit of privacy to shower and get all that rubbing oil off his body. I did, however, insist he keep the shower curtain and the bathroom door open, so that I could look in on him as I pleased.

When I heard him shut off the water, I came in with a fluffy white towel to dry him off. He'd lathered up every inch of his body as I'd requested and he smelled of shampoo and fresh soap.

Once he was toweled and dry, it was my turn to shower. I made Scott stand just on the other side of the bathtub as I washed myself, back to me, hands behind his head, and eyes closed.

Even after that explosive orgasm, my desire for his body was growing again. I didn't make him sway this time, though. I could see his legs were still trembling from what we'd done. Mine felt a bit like jelly, as well.

The shower was wonderfully refreshing. Once finished, I got out and dried myself, making sure Scott's eyes were closed the whole time.

"Have you earned the right to see another man naked, Scott?"

"No, sir."

"That's right, but other men have the right to see and enjoy your naked body, don't they?"

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me."

He drew in his breath, keeping his eyes clenched tight. "I haven't earned the right to look at other men, but they have the right to look at and enjoy my naked body."

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and positioned his hand around my thigh. I wanted us to walk to the bedroom this way, half so we could support each other in case either of us suddenly stumbled.

I looked down and saw Scott's cock stiffening at having contact with my bare skin.


"We sure gave that hole of yours a good stretching, didn't we, Scott?"

"Yes, sir."

"Does it hurt? You can tell me."

"Yes, sir, it feels very sore."

"Like being split in half, right? It's always that way the first time. Don't worry."

I was dressing myself in a fresh t-shirt, boxers and my plaid, baggy pajama bottoms. Scott was on his knees on the floor facing away from me. His forehead pressed against the carpet once again.

He was reaching back and parting his cheeks with his hands as I commanded, pulling them open as wide as he could.

Where his pink anus had been at the beginning of the night was now a gaping red mouth, fucked raw and stretching wide. It looked very nice that way, especially with his hard banana between his legs, oozing onto the rug.

"Those buns of yours were just made to be pinched and slapped, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, sir."

"And your hole fit around my cock so nicely, just like it was designed to have a nice, big dick in it."

I sat down on the bed and looked at his succulent rump as his fingers dug into it. My cock wanted it again. "Your hole will be fully recovered in a few days. But I hope this is just the beginning. That you'll give lots of men the pleasure of using your exquisite ass in the future."

"Thank you very much, sir," he said, voice muffled by the rug. He sounded genuine, there was not a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

I cocked my head. "For what, Scott?"

I saw his stomach expand as he drew in his breath. His straining penis flexed.

He spoke clearly so I could hear him. "Thank you for using and abusing my body all night tonight...thank you for taking my clothes and making me your naked plaything..." I watched a long strand of pre-cum descend from his dick and connect with the carpet. "And thank you for pinching and squeezing my bubble buns for your enjoyment and for spanking them when I was a bad boy and didn't listen to you...and thank you for stretching my tight hole with your fingers and then fucking it hard with your was a great honor, sir, and I hope you enjoyed it half as much as I did."

I was amazed. Scott certainly was an apt pupil. He had learned fast and knew exactly what I wanted to hear.

"I did enjoy it," I said, my hardon almost bursting from my pajama bottoms. "I enjoyed it very much." I figured that enticing little monologue was worthy of some kind of reward (as I'm sure was his objective). "Is there anything I can do for you now, Scott?"

He drew in another breath. I knew what his request would be: "If it's not too much trouble, may I please cum, sir..?"

I still had not allowed him to orgasm. I'd kept him on edge all night, denied him the right to spurt his load again and again. Earlier, I thought he might lose his mind if he couldn't unload. Yet, he endured it all the same.

I left him hanging for a moment, then rose. My erection was huge in my pajama bottoms.

"Ask me again, Scott."

"May I please cum, sir?" he exhaled. I went over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Get up."

I helped him to his feet. He looked at me, blue eyes glazed with fatigue and lust, his cock jutting out proudly before him. I reached out and squeezed the length of his shaft in one hand. "Ohh," he moaned.

I led him by his hard cock across the hall and back to the bathroom. It was still steamy, with the fresh aroma of shower and soap.

I positioned his hands on the sink and stood behind him. "Ask me again."

"My I please cum, sir?"

I began stroking his shaft. Slowly at first, then picking up the pace. In the foggy mirror before us I watched in amusement as his eyes rolled back into his head with pleasure. As I had never actually looked into his eyes while stimulating him before, this was the first time I noticed this.

"Again, Scott," I demanded.

His breaths were increasing as my hand moved faster on his shaft. I could feel his heartbeat as the blood pumped through it. My hard cock in my pajamas rested atop the crevice of his ass like a hot dog resting between two buns.

"May I please cum, sir?"

"Again, keep asking me."

He closed his eyes. "May I please cum, sir...may I please cum, sir...may I please...ah...AH!" I cupped my other hand in front of the firing line and he shot three heavy, hot spurts into it.

"Aaaaah," he sighed, a shudder of release running through his body from his chest to his legs. They trembled once more and I held him so they didn't give way.

Two more spurts, then three. Scott filled up my hand with a pool of his hot milk. I caught every last drop.

The look of spent gratification on his face was almost comical, like a puppy who had just been rubbed in all the right places.

I leaned over and tasted some of his semen in my hand. I enjoyed it as much as I had last time. But of course, it was not for me.

"Taste yourself, Scott," I held my hand to his lips. He looked down at it. With almost no hesitation this time, he lapped up his spooge, eagerly and obediently, every last yummy bit of it.

I still saw mild revulsion on his face as he registered the taste. He clearly was not enjoying it, but that did not stop him. He was doing it because I ordered him to. Because he was grateful I finally allowed him to cum.

He sucked it off my fingers. Ran his tongue between the crevices of my cupped hand.

"You taste good, don't you, Scott?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, sir," he said, giving my hand a final scouring with his tongue, "yes I taste good."

I repositioned his hands back on the sink. "Stay there now, Scott." I let out my big, hard tool and thumped it against the small of his back. Being this close to his perfect peach of a backside had gotten me excited again.

He flinched. "No, wait, I can't do it-" I hushed him and patted his shoulder. "Relax, Scott, I'm not going to fuck you again, I know it still hurts. I just want to jerk off into your hot, bare ass."

He relented after a moment and got back into position. "Yes, sir...sorry sir."

As I stroked myself, I reached down with the other hand and squeezed one of his cheeks. "MMF," he protested, closing his eyes. I gave it a slap, knowing how sore it was. He hissed in discomfort.

"Move for me, Scott," I said, "Move those gorgeous man buns of yours."

He swayed his ass as he'd done many times before. Just feeling the movement of his naked body against my dick was enough for me. After a few heavy moans I blew my hot load onto his back, the second of the night for me. It ran down the curve of his spine in three long, milky streams.

I scooped up as much of my own cum from his body as I could. "Here," I held it up to him, "you can compare the taste."

After a moment's hesitation, I felt his spongy, wet tongue press into my palm once again. I stuck each of my fingers into his mouth so he could cleanly suck off all the juice.

"Well," I asked, "what's the verdict? Whose jizz is more tasty, Scott, yours or mine?"

Scott was blushing crimson again at being asked this question. His voice was muffled by two of my fingers. The edges of his mouth curled downward in distaste. "I'm not completely sure, sir."

I grinned, "that's okay, I'll let you think about it."


The sky outside was a pale blue now. Saturday morning was in full swing as we finally crawled into bed.

I got underneath the blanket and Scott lay on his stomach on top of me, straddling me with his legs. Even then I wanted his body uncovered. I'd gotten the blindfold from the living room and repositioned it over his eyes.

Scott lay with his face close to mine. The scent of all the cum I made him swallow was strong on his breath. Exhausted as both of us surely were, I could still feel the adrenaline pumping through me.

So we lay and talked. I made light circles on his back with the tips of my fingers. Positioned on top of me as he was, I could feel his cock again snaking up to his belly. I figured he wouldn't mind cumming once or twice more.

Of course, we still barely knew each other, but after I pressed him, Scott revealed some things that I suspected all along.

His reluctance to be kissed by a man. The fact that he was thirty-five and an anal virgin before he met me. Not to mention he was completely straight-acting.

He had, in fact, spent most of his adult life dating women.

"So, have you ever been with another man before this?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"A few," he said, shifting his weight on top of me. "I met a few guys online before. We mostly just jerked off together. Sucked each other off a little bit. Nothing like this..."

I chuckled, "I'm sure it wasn't." I reached down and gave his sore, red ass an appreciative squeeze.

"So then, do you consider yourself straight or bi or...?"

Scott sighed. "Most of my life, I've pretty much liked girls. But for a long time there's been this part of me that liked guys, too. That was curious about guys. I guess these days I consider myself about thirty percent gay or so..."

"Well, we'll see if we can get that number higher," I joked. I clapped my other hand down on his butt. "OOF."

I was careful to stay away from his hole, which was surely still throbbing with pain and would need time to recover.

I asked him many questions and he answered honestly. He told me about his long time interest in exhibitionism. The idea of being shamed and even dominated had long thrilled him, but he never had an outlet to actually experience it until he saw my ad earlier that week.

He told me about his ex-girlfriend Jennifer, who he'd been with almost three years. He'd convinced her to spank him a few times, but she was never really that into it. Thought it was kind of strange.

I squeezed the bulbous, red mounds of his ass. "You mean she had this masterpiece of yours in her power all that time and she never took advantage of it? That's just tragic..."

Scott chuckled. I could practically feel him blushing.

I leaned forward and entered him with my tongue. He moaned as I gave his ass a few more slaps. Harder than before. He exhaled his hot, mushroom breath into me.

"So, you've enjoyed what we did tonight, then?" I asked.

He really didn't have to answer. The defined shape of his hardon pressing against my belly told me everything I needed to know. But he gave me a definitive "Yes, sir."

"And you'd like to continue this, after we have a good long sleep, that is?"

He swallowed, thinking about it for a moment. "Yes...yes I think I would."

I inhaled deeply, constricted by the weight of his body. Who would ever have imagined?

This good-looking guy with a tight body and the nicest bubble butt I had ever seen who loved being rimmed, fingered, fucked, dominated and spanked. What on earth did I do in my previous life to deserve him?

"Get some sleep, Scott," I said, giving his ass a last appreciative squeeze with both hands. "I think you've earned it."

Next: Chapter 5

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