Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Feb 25, 2007


This story is submitted for the Gay: College section.

This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

This is the final installment of The Naked Student. 

The story so far: 

David Jones, the Naked Student has given exclusive interviews to Trevor, a reporter on a national daily tabloid. This had been looking up for David as he got more used to his imposed naked punishment ... Then the article was published and the sky fell in!

Chapter 11: The Naked News

Looking back, I should have foreseen what was likely to happen. The public of course ate the thing up. As word got around, the newspaper sold tens of thousands more. On the very first day, the other media picked up the story. Some professed, `shock and horror,' but that only served to increase readership as people flocked to see what the fuss was about.

Trevor had cleverly told enough details to be convincing, but did not identify either the college or me. This under the guise that, "The Principal of the college, the man who set this bizarre punishment, has refused repeated requests for an interview in connection with this story..."

As I watched the TV news that first day in the student residence common room, and endured the cheers and jeers of those present, I began to experience the first intimations of what was to come.

I can only imagine the efforts that were made by the media pullers-of-strings as they realized the public appetite for the story, to find out the full details. Trevor had published some pictures, but these were mostly shots from behind, so my face could not be seen, or shots from a distance. And the surroundings were suitably anonymous -- inside non-descript classrooms, or with college buildings mostly obscured by foliage. However, the temptation for other students to rat on me must have been overwhelming; there was clearly going to be a lot of money for whoever spilled the beans. The very next morning, two things happened. I received a cheque in the mail from Trevor's publisher. It was an initial `retainer' of £5,000. I was astounded. We had never discussed money, and truthfully I hadn't even thought about it, except when Trevor mentioned that if there was a good response, it might lead to a book. This would pay my college fees for the rest of my time at this campus. OR, it would buy me a pretty good car! Which seemed like a much more sensible option!

As I pondered my newfound wealth and was thinking I should get down to the dining hall for breakfast, there was a pounding at the door. I opened it. It was Geoff.

"Hey Dave!" he grinned at me, "you're famous, buddy, there's a bunch of reporters clamouring at the gates, looking for you!"

I was aghast. They'd found me already? It was only one day I'd been anonymous. Oh, god, my mother was going to find out. I would be photographed full frontal and with my face and everything showing! Especially everything! My MOTHER!

Comfortable as I was finally getting (what choice had I had?) with public nudity, it was quite another thing to have everything on display for all my family. Especially my mother! She who had been so emphatic when I was a boy that, "My Davey would never do anything like that!" when my cousin ratted on me for running naked all over the house as a boy.

Well, I had to get to breakfast, no sense in giving the Principal any ammunition to fire me for missing a meal against his express instructions. I made the dash to the dining hall, in a temperature that was well below 10ºC. The run kept my blood from turning to freezing slush, and I soon warmed up in line beside the hot food servery. My dick, which shrank somewhat in alarm at the temperature outside, soon relaxed and resumed it's normal plumpness, though it looked a little red.

I picked up scrambled eggs, beans and sausages with a pile of toast. A big mug of coffee completed the tray full I carried over to where Alan and Geoff were sitting. Well, I'm a growing boy, aren't I?

I sat and we discussed the apparent mob of reporters that were being held at bay in front of the guardhouse at the main gate. The campus was not really designed for security, and there were many ways to get into it, so it was not long before reporters were roaming the grounds looking for me. I picked up my books for the morning classes and furtively tried to speed from my residence block to the old mansion for my English class. I chose little pathways through the large rhododendron bushes in an attempt to avoid detection. When I broke for cover and trotted towards a side entrance to the building, a couple of men came running up to me, "Mr. Jones?" one of them enquired.

"No, he's some other guy," I quipped, watching their startled reaction.

"Mr. Jones, we know it's you," he responded, "by how you're, er, dressed."

"Or not," I said, stopping. "Look it's a bit cold out here, and I have a class to get to, so how are we going to do this?"

"Can we set up a time for an exclusive?" said the other man.

"Well, I already have an exclusive arrangement, so I'll need to go through him to give all you guys what you need." I could see other reporter-types homing in on us, and was hoping to get away quickly. It was not to be.

The two began to pepper me with questions anyway, regardless of my excuses, and then the whole mob of reporters caught up with us and I was surrounded by about twenty of them. Standing there in the early October chill of the morning, totally naked and being questioned by pushy reporters, who threw questions at me, quicker than I could respond, I suddenly realized that I didn't really have to respond. I began to slowly walk towards the doorway, as they hemmed in around me. I just walked quietly into them, forcing them to either physically restrain me, or to give way. They gave way, but not without contact. They touched my shoulders or my arms at first -- not to hold me tight, but just as if to indicate, `hold it there a minute while I ask this repetitive question that you haven't answered for four other guys,' kind of thing.

Some placed their hands on my chest, again not too firmly. I just pushed their hands aside and proceeded. Some comical questions made me laugh, and I began to relax. I felt some hands brushing my buttocks, and of course my cock began to respond as it always does. They noticed of course, and then the questions of a sexual nature began. "Is this whole naked thing just one big perverted turn-on for you?" "How has your sex life been since this began?" Oh, if only they knew the answer to THAT question!

I hoped that no one I'd had sex with in recent weeks would decide to cash in and tell all! I thought of the gay basketball team we had played and the shower scene afterwards.

Once my erection reached full extension, the pandemonium around me grew more intense. People were touching me all over and some were even surreptitiously brushing my cock as if by accident. Several crouched down with their cameras to blatantly photograph it at close range. There were many lewd and suggestive comments about my endowment, my sexual orientation and on and on.

I finally made it to the doorstep. I was hoping that they would not try to enter the building, but I wanted to try to bring an end to this mob scene. I stood on the step with my back to the closed door, and turned to address them all. I held up my hands for quiet. They gradually subsided.

"Gentlemen," they were all men I realized, "I'm sorry I cannot answer all your questions right now, but as you know I have a class in a few minutes, and in spite of everything you may think, running around naked is not my career!" they laughed, "I will call Trevor and see what he thinks about setting up a press conference as soon as possible and then I will try to answer as much as I can. As you know, I am naked not by my own choosing, so there are many questions you have asked that others need to answer. That's all for now." As I turned quickly the door was opened by Alan who had been watching from inside. I stepped inside the door and he and Geoff quickly shut the door and flicked the latch. We hared off down the hall and into the classroom before the reporters could get into the main entrance and find us.

It was difficult to concentrate on the lesson that morning, since I knew an even bigger mob would be waiting for me after, and this time I might not get away so easily. Geoff gave me his cell phone and at a break I called Trevor to tell him what was going on. "Oh no," he said, "sorry kid, I didn't buy you much time, did I? I'll get out to you as quick as I can and stick handle you through the media. But you're right we will have to arrange a press conference as soon as possible. However, I warn you there is nothing we can do that will keep them off you at least for the foreseeable future. There is no deal you can make that is going to protect you -- remember Princess Di? She could never get away from them, no matter what deals she did." I protested at the comparison.

"No I don't mean you're as famous as her, but you are news at least for today. Next week they might drop you like you'd never been born. That's the world I live in!"

I returned to class and hoped he'd be able to get here by lunchtime when I'd have to leave the building. He didn't. Geoff and Alan walked on either side of me as we headed back to the residence to drop off our books before going for lunch. We were instantly surrounded by upwards of fifty, including some women I noticed. The questions began again. If I tried to answer, it only generated more questions. It was like trying to chop off the head of the Hydra -- they just kept multiplying. In the end I was reduced to just saying, "Sorry, later," and my two companions held me on either side by my arms and tried to propel me through the crowd.

There was a lot of jostling, some of it quite rough. Alan and Geoff eventually lost contact with me and the crowd seemed to push them out of the way. They told me later it was as if they had been expelled from an organism, and much as they tried to get back to me, they were held at bay. Meanwhile the handling of my body became much worse. I was soon erect and dripping. People were now deliberately stimulating me by touching my ass, my body, my thighs and even massaging my balls. Several were photographing my genitals from every conceivable angle. I could feel myself approaching an orgasm in spite of my very real resistance. I could imagine my mother staring at a picture of me, naked, erect and shooting cum! The horror of it! You'd have thought that would be enough to calm me down, but no, it only seemed to make the erection more intense.

I was just at the point where I thought I could not hold off blowing my load for another second, when I heard a familiar voice above the fray, "Gentlemen, ladies, please -- make way there," and suddenly Trevor was by my side, taking charge of the situation. He looked me in the eyes and I saw the twinkle there conveying -- I don't know what, but affection certainly. He glanced down at my cock and smiled back up at me.

"Okay gentlemen, we are going through now, and will convene a special press information session at 1:30 this afternoon," he glanced at me and I nodded, "at the Barley Mow pub across the commons just outside campus." With that, he whisked me into the dorm building.

In my room we strategized. Well, Trevor strategized and I listened. Geoff and Alan joined us. "Answer questions that you get a nod from me on," he began, "I don't want you giving any information on your story that will be in the upcoming episodes of the article. If I shake my head, then let me answer the question. I'll give them the rules before we begin. It won't stop them asking the question though, but we don't have to answer."

All four of us dashed through the cold air to the dining hall. We got Trevor a visitor's meal ticket and I ate a light meal. I was getting nervous about the press conference.

We walked slowly across the common. It was the first time I'd done this walk in broad daylight. As we crossed the main road that bisects the commons, drivers stopped to gawk or honk their horns, or to yell stuff out their windows. 

At the Barley Mow, the meeting room upstairs was packed to the hilt with media folk of all types. Cameras and microphones were set up and focused on the long table that sits on the slightly raised platform at one end of the room.

Trevor called them to order and proceeded to lay out the rules. "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, and I use the latter term very loosely indeed!" Groans and jeers from the audience. "I am here in my capacity as the holder of exclusive rights to Mr. Jones' story. Based on a number of interviews recently concluded, my newspaper is publishing this interesting news story in a series of five episodes over the course of this week. As such, the material facts, perhaps I could say, the bare facts," more groans and laughter, "are therefore subject to copyright and those details will not be revealed until the appropriate time. Then all will be er, stripped away." He paused as more groans and laughter erupted. "Boo, get off the stage," yelled one, "take yer clothes off!" yelled another. The place dissolved into chatter and yelling.

Trevor held up his hand for silence and continued, "Mr. Jones will be guided by  me as to the questions he can answer without compromising the exclusive deal that we have." He paused again for effect, but before anyone could jump in he said, "Okay, within those guidelines, let's have your questions." Every hand in the room shot up accompanied by the voice attached to each hand yelling their questions. It was bedlam.

Unfazed, Trevor pointed to a man in the front row, whom I recognized as a roving reporter for BBC television. "Phillip, go ahead."

The distinguished reporter immediately launched into his question. As he spoke there was instant silence from the others.

"Mr. Jones," he began, "I understand that your nudity over the last several weeks is a punishment?" I nodded, "Tell me, what do you think of that?"

Nervously, I cleared my throat. "Um, well, I was very upset at first. I didn't see how it was possible, and I've always been shy," laughter erupted at this, "but I just had to get used to it. I decided to just do it so he wouldn't have the satisfaction of making me give up my place at college."

The uproar began again as everyone tried to get his or her question in, but Phillip Armstrong spoke again as if it was his divine right to pursue a follow up question, "So you have no intention of suing the Principal or the college?"

I hadn't thought of this, "Oh, no, I, er, that is," I tailed off in confusion and Trevor rescued me.

"Mr. Jones has made no decisions on that pending legal advice." Legal advice! This was the first I'd heard of that. But another reporter was acknowledged so I had no time to think about it.

"Mr. Jones, it was quite noticeable earlier today that when the press were talking with you, shall we say, you rose to the occasion." Laughter erupted from a few, but most looked puzzled, since they had not all been there at the earlier encounter. "Isn't it true," the reporter persisted in a harder-edged voice, "that you are simply a sexual pervert determined to get your rocks off in public."

There were several snorts around the room at this, but in general there was an attentive silence. This was clearly a test question they all wanted an answer to.

I glanced at Trevor and he almost imperceptibly nodded, smiling supportively at me. His eyes said, `I know you'll do okay."

I took a deep breath. "No, that is not true," I said more confidently than I felt. "You could ask any of my family how shy and actually prudish I have been from a very young age." Trevor kind of closed his eyes momentarily, and I instantly had a mental image of the press besieging my parent's home to ply them with questions about my prudish upbringing! Shit, why did I have to say that?

I tried again, "What I mean to say is that until a few weeks ago, I would have thought I'd have died rather than be seen naked in public. Because of this punishment I'm under, I have simply become more accustomed to it. But as I say, I am determined not to lose my place at college."

The same reporter, scribbling madly into his notebook, continued the questioning without looking up, "Were you or were you not, involved in a disgraceful sexual incident in Egham High Street, that was witnessed by hundreds of people including women and young children?" There were gasps of shock around the room.

Trevor instantly jumped in before I could even look towards him, "We don't deny that there is a story there, but as you will see in tomorrow's episode, the incident you refer to was none of Mr. Jones's making. He was a victim of brutal assault -- which your `hundreds of witnesses' did nothing to prevent. Next question."

"Is it true, that you defecated in public right in front of an elderly lady?"

"Next question," Trevor stated flatly, "Same reason."

The questions turned towards my feelings about being naked in public, and I was more comfortable describing my embarrassment, and my decision to in a sense fight the Principal through absolute compliance.

"You are saying, then, that the Principal is the one responsible for this situation, and that you hold no responsibility?"


"So why did he impose the punishment in the first place -- were you not naked in public to start with?"

This part of the story had already been told, so I felt free to continue, "Yes I was, but I was stripped by a whole bunch of students in the dinner line up. It wasn't something that I asked for, it just happened. The Principal came along at the wrong moment."

"Mr. Jones, you seem to specialize in being the innocent victim in this series of unfortunate events," general laughter, "have you thought about why these things just `happen' to you?"

"No not really."

"Do you think you are an unusually passive person?" Oh god, now they're going to psycho-analyze me!

I sort of stuttered, "Well I'm not aggressive, that's for sure. No not unusually passive I don't think."

"Are you gay?" The question came from left field.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I had a sudden vision of laying in full rut just yards from where we were now sitting, entwined with Trevor, who was here beside me now, and the beautiful twins. All of us naked as the day we were born, sticking our cocks up one another and in every orifice imaginable, and orgasming in sequential spasms of ecstasy. The image was powerful and strong enough that I had an instant erection, much to my consternation. Fortunately, the table hid it. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to focus on the question. What the hell was I going to say? Clearly I was coming to the realization that I was in fact gay. Not much doubt about it now. I certainly did not want to admit in the national media that I'm gay.

"Mr. Jones declines to answer that question at this time," announced Trevor firmly, and quickly selected another waving arm. After an interminable period of time, he said, "This will be the last question for today."

"Have you thought what this experience will do for your career, Mr. Jones?"

Actually, I hadn't thought, so I said so.

"I presume your attendance at this particular college is an indication that you will go into teaching?" I nodded, "and do you think that a teaching career will still be possible after this? What school will hire you? What parent will agree to the famous `Naked Student' teaching their child?"

I stared at the woman aghast. None of those thoughts had ever occurred to me. I barely at that moment began to glimpse the reality of my situation. I had called the Principal's bluff so I could remain at school and enter my chosen profession, only to discover that in doing so I might be forever closing the door on that option. Oh the irony, the irony!

"I think we will take that last question as a comment, and not something Mr. Jones needs to answer," the ever-helpful Trevor chimed in. And over the objections of one and all, we pushed through the crowd to the exit.

My erection had subsided somewhat, but with all the jostling, it was erect again before we could get out of the building. "Isn't there some kind of pill you can take for that thing," laughed Trevor.

"Don't I wish," I sighed ruefully. Then as we crossed over the common, still in bright daylight, I reflected on that automatic response. Would I really wish all this had not happened? The nudity, mortifying though it was at the beginning, the sexual escapades, the publicity, the impending discovery by my parents -- oh my god I should call them before all this breaks! -- the constant public erections and `accidental' orgasms in public induced by the touching of a prurient public, did I really regret these things? I realized that not only was I becoming inured to this way of life, but also I was actually enjoying it. It had brought an excitement to my life I'd never looked for nor suspected. It had given me a confidence in myself wherein I could care less what people thought about me (except good old Mum!), and my nameless fear of nudity and sex were dissipating as I began to realize that the imagined repercussions were not so terrible. Life goes on.

"Trevor, I have to call my mother pretty quick before this is on the evening news!"

He said, "Oh, shit! You're right!" and whipped out his cell phone.

The call I had been dreading since the beginning of this. Still better they hear it directly from me.

Chapter 12: The Naked Celebrity.

It was Mum who answered the phone.

"Hi Mum, it's me ... Oh I'm fine ... Yes, yes my marks are great ... I'm eating fine too -- listen Mum, there's something I have to tell you urgently ... no I'm not gay, oh, well actually yes I am, but that's not why I'm calling ... Mum, calm down, it's not the end of the world! ... Well, just don't tell Mrs. Lambert! ... okay, sorry. Listen there is something more important I have to tell you ... well if you listen a second you'll see what's more important. Sorry. Okay ... okay ... right. Mum, have you been reading about that Naked Student in the paper? ... yes it is a bit shocking ... but Mum, that guy is me! I'm sorry, but we were trying to keep it anonymous! ... I'm telling you now because all the other papers and the TV have got hold of the story, and I've just finished a press conference, so it's likely to be on the news tonight. I wanted to tell you before you saw it." My mother sounded as though she were getting close to hysterical. "Mum, listen to me a minute, no ... no ... listen. I'm sorry to do this to you, but I wanted you to hear it from me so it's not a total surprise. Yes I know you'll have to face the other church ladies ... yes I can imagine what they'll think, but it's not my fault Mum ... yes, I'm afraid they will show me with all my bits and pieces ... Mum! It doesn't jiggle, it just hangs there! Oh, yes well it may from time to time `pop up' as you say, but I'm not sure they'd be allowed to show a full-blown erection on TV ... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, well, that's what it is ... it's not a dirty word ... no they don't know I'm gay, well I didn't tell them anyway ... Mum remember this is happening to me, not you ... yes you will be criticized for my upbringing, I suppose ... but just tell them it's all the Principal's fault! Okay I gotta go." It took several more minutes to get off the phone. I handed it back to Trevor, "Phew, that was tough!"

He nodded sympathetically. Just then we were startled to hear some pounding footsteps running up behind us. I turned to see a young, slim man dressed in a business suit. He stopped beside me and held out his hand, hardly out of breath at all considering he'd just run almost half a mile from the pub. I recognized him from the press conference.

"Hi, I'm Roger Moon," we shook hands, "I wonder if we could talk about a business proposition?"

I glanced at Trevor, who shrugged his shoulders.

"What sort of business?" I asked.

"Well," he moved between us and clapped an arm around both our shoulders and we resumed walking toward campus, "I represent a publicity consulting company, and we are looking for a suitable, er, mascot if you will, to perform a number of public functions and to stand as our symbol in some of our advertising."

I stared at him in absolute befuddlement, and could not think of a thing to say.

Trevor stepped in, grinning at my obvious lack of any intelligent response, "We might be interested in this," he began, We?' where did we' come from? "However, we need a lot of details on the company you represent. But just for the moment, what kind of functions are you thinking of?"

"Right now we want to find someone to perform an opening ceremony for a new business location. I am not at liberty to discuss the type of business until we have concluded a few of the preliminary details of negotiation," Trevor nodded in agreement, "Other kinds of engagements would be modeling photographs, TV commercials, and attending gala dinners.

"Why would you want me?" I got my wits back somewhat.

"Well, of course you would be naked at all of these events," Roger stated calmly.

Oh my god! I could be about to embark on a whole career in which I would never again in my life wear any clothes! I got a little thrill of excitement at that thought. I had spent the last few weeks without ever donning any kind of clothing except for shoes. I wondered what it would be like to lead a very public life, always in the media spotlight and never, ever to wear any clothes! I also wondered about the opportunities for sex with all kinds of cute guys, at any time, in any place. A career in teaching seemed less enticing somehow.

Trevor looked at me, seeming to surmise something of my inner thoughts, "Tempted?" he asked quietly in my ear." I just nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Moon," he began.

"Roger." Stated Roger.

"Okay, Roger," we are willing to talk. I will act for the time being as David's agent until such time as a legal arrangement can be worked out. I am concerned here for David's best interests, and his long-term prospects. We need some discussions before we make a definitive response to your suggestion, but David is very interested in this proposal. When do you need an answer?"

"That's good, I'm very glad to hear it. I'd say I should conclude our business within the next two weeks. I have other options as you can imagine, but David is certainly my number one choice." So Trevor promised to have an answer for him by the next day.

Back at the dorm, it was too early for dinner, so I just lay on the bed. Trevor advised me to sleep and he sat on the bed beside me as I tried to doze. Later we talked about my future. I was concerned about my prospects of ever getting a teaching position following all the publicity. I was especially chagrined that it was looking as though the Principal had won. I now believed that this whole `naked punishment' was his way of forcing me out of the college. He had not communicated with me in any way for the entire period of time I had been naked. He was showing no signs at all of ending it, and winter was fast approaching. Though curiously, I was not feeling the cold as badly as I would have thought.

The discussion continued over another visitor's meal for Trevor and with Alan and Geoff. In the end I decided that I would continue at college for as long as there was a possibility of getting a teaching job, and I would investigate, with Trevor, the work suggested by Roger.

As the articles were published one by one that week, there was a constant stream of journalists hounding me. I took to going nowhere on my own. With the money from Trevor's newspaper, which increased daily as the readership continued to soar, I hired a couple of burly student football players to act as escorts and prevent the kind of physical intimidation I had suffered that first day. However, we could do nothing about the people tailing me and photographing me and interviewing other students. I discovered in other papers that there were many students claiming to be close friends' or best friend of the naked student.' These were all guys I didn't really know at all, and reading the published accounts of `life as the best friend of naked student Davey Jones' it was clear that either they or the reporter had completely fabricated their material. Still life went on.

The week after the articles had run, and I had put nearly a quarter of a million pounds in the bank, the Principal finally agreed to be interviewed by Trevor. There must have been tremendous pressure on him from his board, since the criticism of him in the responsible' national media had been intense. My mother had been interviewed on camera expressing her shock and outrage at my treatment, and how her boy' would never, NEVER, have so publicly exposed himself unless forced to do so by the disgusting, perverted Principal of the school. There were even questions in Parliament, asking the Minister responsible for Colleges and Universities why the government was not taking strong action against my treatment.

On the other hand, nudists were having a field day. Some years ago there was a guy jailed without a trial because he conducted naked protests in a campaign he called `the right to be human.' The authorities jailed him and refused to put him on trial for five months because he declined to get dressed, and they would not allow him to appear in court naked. Eventually they had to give in and he was acquitted at trial, walking naked out of the court to the awaiting press -- where he finally put clothes on because it was so cold! My case was compared to his, and the various nudist organizations were heralding a new day of freedom for nudists in Britain. People began to appear naked at shopping malls and in the streets just going about their business, admittedly this happened on the warmer days -- but I could imagine what would happen next spring and summer!

I agreed to appear in public for Roger's opening of a new holiday resort on the south coast. The opening ceremony was to be in early May, but in the meantime there were a number of preliminary functions to publicize it and to lead up to the grand opening. A fee was agreed and a one-year contract drawn up. I spent several weeks, mostly at weekends, being photographed for publicity brochures and TV commercials. At first the resort company had thought that it would be `cute' to have a totally naked mascot for their business, but when the impact of the public reaction to my story became apparent, they actually decided to make the entire resort clothing optional.

There was a gala dinner to launch the whole effort, which occurred in mid-December. The financiers backing the project were there, the board of directors, with their wives and families, and a long list of distinguished invited guests.  I spent weeks being coached in public speaking and working on my inaugural address at this event. My participation was a big secret and was expected to make a stupendous national impact, even an international one!

Trevor was going as my manager -- we had worked out a legal deal, and he reduced his journalistic activities in order to concentrate on managing me. Geoff and Alan were coming along as escorts, and my two bodyguards were coming as my protectors from the crowds.

Although the published articles were long finished, a constant stream of follow-up articles, letters and commentary maintained the increased newspaper readership. The merits (or not) of general public nudity were discussed from all points of view. With the colder weather, incidents of public nudity were decreasing, although I continued to attend classes and go about my other business naked. The interviews with the Principal, (he was interviewed by Trevor and also on a BBC television news show), did not really help his case. He came across as stiff, defensive and angry. He was clearly upset that I had not quit my program, nor had I given any reason for him to dismiss me from the school. Never once in all my own interviews, had I ever criticized him for his action towards me. My policy of `retribution through total obedience' seemed to have paid off big time. At this rate I would be able to start my own school anyway!

Many of the articles published in the tabloid rags focused upon my sexual activities. They were all fabricated, since none of my real sexual partners had taken advantage of their relationship with me to kiss and tell.' The more responsible papers, Trevor's included surprisingly, took the line that having been placed in this position, although some disturbing sexual encounters had taken place, I was portrayed as the innocent victim. I had been corrupted' against my will. Police inspector Fanshawe took early retirement when the account of my experience with the Egham police was published in Trevor's paper.

Several grainy photographs surfaced of the rape' scene on Egham High Street. Again I was seen as the victim. Acting belatedly, the replacement police inspector had the rapist' arrested, though I refused to bear witness against him and the charges were eventually dropped. In some ways, I had a lot to thank him for!

On the day of the gala dinner for the resort, I was dropped by limo at the back entrance of the hotel along with my entourage'. The meal part of the evening was over and guests were sipping their coffee and toying with dessert or brandies or whatever. I entered from behind a curtain at the back of a raised platform to one side of the head table. The announcement was made that a special guest speaker was to bring the keynote address, and without naming me, the MC waved with a flourish as I entered. The applause was tumultuous. I needed no introduction, everyone had seen my face -- well, they'd seen every other part of me too, in the multitude of articles and continuing publicity. I had received the special treatment' from Tony. Freshly re-waxed, hair cut -- in all the appropriate places, highlights abounding and skin nicely tanned at a salon, I felt and looked spectacular. I got a long standing ovation.

There was no podium for me. I held a wireless microphone and as I spoke, without notes, I walked around the stage and also down into the audience. I had practiced this many times for the last few weeks, so I had my `act' down pat. I made eye contact with individuals as I walked among the tables, I smiled a lot, I talked slowly and with a lot of humour.

My speech was a simple recounting of my naked experience at school, how it happened, my feelings about it at the time, the embarrassment, the eventual acceptance and feeling of comfort within my own skin, and what that had done to my overall self-confidence and sense of self-esteem. I talked about the general societal taboo regarding nudity and the scars that mark the psyche as a result -- citing my own case of extreme phobia about anyone catching a glimpse of my body.

The audience lapped it up, they laughed at all the right places, they applauded and cheered at the exciting moments -- such as my release from jail, though I did not dwell on the seedier aspects such as the rape.

There was no great moral to the story, and as I wound down, it was the intention of the sponsors that I leave people with a warm feeling about what I was saying, and that the sky had not fallen' because some student had been permanently naked in public for the last three months, so that in my closing moments I could make the announcement that the resort was in fact to be a fully clothing optional' facility.

There was an audible gasp as I made this announcement, and then the hall exploded into cheers and applause. I had another standing ovation even longer than the first. I waved, bowed and left the stage to sit at a chair by the head table where a towel had been thoughtfully draped especially for me. Also waiting was a large glass of white wine. People around the table congratulated me, and for the rest of the evening, many people came up and expressed their appreciation for my remarks. The sponsoring company executives were pleased with the event. Their cheque for an obscene amount of money went into my bank account, though from that I had to pay Trevor, the body guards, Tony who was now my official `body groomer' and I also made a substantial gift to my friends Alan and Geoff, that would pay their tuition for the rest of their education and more.

Everyone came out of it really happy. Except one person.

A few days after the event, when my own euphoria was dying down and I was back at class for the last few days before the Christmas break, and I was contemplating the fact that I could actually wear clothes again, I found a short typewritten note from the Principal under my door.

`Dear Mr. Jones, please see me in my office at nine a.m. today.' It was signed by hand.

First thing I did was call Trevor. This could be trouble. "Just listen to what he has to say, but say nothing yourself. Don't respond even if he's threatening to send you down. Perhaps take a little notebook to write down his main points, and then we'll get together later today and decide what action we should take. I have a lawyer lined up if we should need it."

After breakfast with Alan and Geoff, where I noted that the Principal was not in his usual seat at head table, I jogged over to the main building. There was the first light fall of snow on the ground and my entire body was flushed with cold when I arrived. I was thankful to get into the warmth and sat on my little towel outside the office.

At nine a.m. precisely, the door was flung open and the Principal stood there staring at me. He seemed somewhat startled to see that I was actually there. "Come in Jones," he snapped tersely and turned on his heel returning to his desk.

I stood before his desk, relaxed with my hands clasped behind my back clutching a miniature notepad with a pen stuck through the spiral binding. It was amazing to me how much had happened since the first time I'd stood naked before him. Then I'd had a raging boner that only got worse the more disgusted at me he got. And then I had ejaculated all over his face as he peered at it! I was nervous then and utterly embarrassed and humiliated. Now I was calm, collected and completely in control of myself.

"Jones," he began, "I find myself completely at a loss as to how to deal with you." Well, whose fault is that? I wondered. "I did not expect you to accept the terms of my punishment, but since you did, I cannot fault you for doing so. As far as I can tell, you have not once deviated from my stipulations." He looked down at what looked like a copy of that first letter to me, "You did not miss a meal in dining hall -- except when you were ill. You have not worn any clothes for the last three months, even at away basketball matches. Your grades have been maintained." This sounded like high praise indeed, but it was delivered in a tone that suggested he was extremely displeased, rather than the reverse.

I said nothing. He peered at me over his reading glasses. "Your actions outside of school, however, have given me a lot of headaches. I have been under mounting pressure from my board to dismiss you for bringing the college into general public disrepute. The publicity over this whole thing has generated a lot of negative press against the school and especially against myself. It has severely affected the recruitment drive for next year -- applications showed a remarkable drop from the moment this all hit the press!" He paused and gave me a sour look.

I regarded him with a steady neutral gaze, wondering where this was leading. He had brought everything upon himself. If he had once stopped to consider how this whole thing had begun and taken into account that I refused to rat out my friends, and he could have maybe suspended me for a couple of days, none of this would have occurred. Looking back, I was more than happy at the outcome for myself, though!

"At noon today, I shall be announcing my resignation as Principal." He stated it flatly as if commenting on the fact that it was snowing. I think my jaw actually dropped. I still said nothing. I did feel a little something for him, but again it was entirely his own fault.

"As a condition of my severance from the college, the board insists that I remove you from the college roll," `oh, here we go,' I thought. "Consequently, I am providing you with notice that you are terminated from this institution as of the end of this term. You are hereby also released from the conditions I set in September. You may remain until the last day of term and then go home for Christmas. Do not return. Your fees will be rebated, you will receive full credit for your academic grades, and you may apply to another educational institution, but not here. That's all." With that he handed me an envelope, which I assumed contained all this in writing.

I accepted the proffered envelope and said politely, "Thank you sir," turned and left, with an abruptness that matched his manner. As the door closed gently behind me, I stood and pondered for a moment. I had very mixed feelings. I now had enough money that I could do anything that I wanted. I might never need to work, though I could not imagine a life of idleness. I would miss my friends. Did I still want to be a teacher, or was a career in public motivational speaking opening up? Now that I'd been fired from school and would no longer be naked, would the public still be interested in my story?

I called Trevor back. "Hmm," he said, "do you want to fight this?"

"I'm not sure," I said, "on the one hand, yes I'd like the board to know they really have no right to do this -- they don't, do they?"

"That's what the lawyer would have to figure out."

"Yeah, but on the other hand, I need to re-think my career plans. So I don't think I really want an expensive legal fight."

"I had better call your sponsor -- I don't think this will affect your contract with them, but certainly the publicity you were subject to as a naked student was a big part in them wanting you. Let me call them and we'll talk again."

I went to classes that day in a somber mood. At noon the entire school was required to assemble in the auditorium for the announcement of the Principal's retirement. I remained naked for classes and for the assembly, a fact that caused the Principal to raise his eyebrows at me questioningly as I entered. The student body had been rife with rumours the whole morning, but I told Alan and Geoff what was happening. There was an audible gasp when the Principal made his resignation public to the school body. He did not mention me in his remarks at all, citing the reasons of health and a desire for a simpler family life, but many students turned their heads to look at me as if sensing the real reasons behind his decision.

Alan and Geoff were both curious about my decision to remain naked. Truth to tell, I was oddly torn about it anyway. True it was now getting very cold outside, but I had become so comfortable in my body that the thought of clothes gave me a feeling of confinement and claustrophobia.

Trevor called me back, "The sponsors are somewhat upset at this turn of events, and would like to amend your contract."

"Oh," I said, "In what way?"

"Well, you may not like this," did I detect a grin behind his voice? "They want you to remain permanently naked for the duration of your contract with them."

I smiled, `yes!' was my internal reaction. Out loud I said, "Oh I see. I need to think about that." It seemed my student days were over!

"Take your time," laughed Trevor.

"Okay, I've thought about it. I accept."

He laughed again. "That's my boy!"

-------------------------------------------- This concludes the story of The Naked Student. There will at some time be a continuation as David, in his new life, becomes The Naked Model. That story is not yet written. Thanks to all of you who have written words of encouragement -- you have no idea how much it helps!

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