Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Jan 16, 2007


This story is submitted for the Gay: College section.

This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

Chapter 4 is where the real adventure begins ... the first three chapters are mostly true and illustrate what now seems to me my very odd ambivalent attitude towards my body and sexuality ...

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Chapter 3: It Happens To Me!

My school had no gym. We did daily Physical Education in the main hall where we also had daily morning assembly. The hall was surrounded by four large classrooms that opened directly into it. Needless to say we had no proper change rooms or showers. We did have a semi-underground change-area that was connected to the wet-weather playground, an open area under the next building. The change room was also completely open and consisted of rows of benches and partitions with hooks to hang clothes. One day I was wearing nothing but a pair of baggy shorts, and playing a game of tag with one of my classmates. I ran into this change area to escape him. It was dark and quiet in there. I was seized by the sudden desire to be naked in this place. Was I tempting fate? Did I have some deep desire to be caught? I don't know, but on that whim, I pushed my shorts down to my ankles and stood there reveling in my forbidden nakedness in this public place.

A voice from the shadows said, "Hello David," in the most seductive tone!

I must have yelped and instantly pulled my shorts back up. I knew the voice. It was Robert, also in my class and perennially excused PE for some reason. Today he would be known as the class fag. Back then we had no name for him, but he always managed to convey seduction in his voice. I knew he liked me. He was always kind to me. I suppose he maybe sensed a kindred spirit, or maybe he knew that I was late in developing my sexuality and he never baited me as he did some of the other boys.

I turned to see where he was, but it was too dark to find him, and in any case my antagonist in the tag game suddenly came roaring noisily into the change area and I took off thankfully avoiding the confrontation. Robert never ever mentioned the incident.

One time Robert said something to me that I never forgot. I cannot remember the lead-up to the conversation, but he must have said something to me and I responded, "I thought you were going to `do' me!" and he quick as a flash said, "Are you interested?" I gulped and wished I could have said yes, but "No!" came out of my mouth and I ran off.

So my attitude towards sexuality and nudity you could say was ambivalent,' to be charitable or repressed' to be honest.

You can imagine the kind of shock that it was when I was walking home from school with a group of friends, much as my brother was all those years before, and at some unseen signal between them, when we were in a piece of lonely scrubland, they suddenly set upon me.

"Take his pants off," said Laurie, my supposed best friend.

They held my arms and legs as I was pinned to the ground and ignored my furious yelling. I screamed louder as they undid my belt and began on the buttons to my grey school pants. My pants pulled off easily over my black shoes and there I was, wearing my black school blazer, striped black, red and gold tie and white shirt, with no pants on, the tails of my shirt covering my white underwear.

Near to tears and fearful of this, my eternal nightmare, being caught with my `bits and pieces' on display, I nevertheless began to get an erection. I blushed and tears formed in my eyes. My heart was yammering painfully in my chest.

"Take all his clothes off," someone yelled. The action was exciting them and it seemed I was not so much their friend anymore but an object of their mob hysteria.

My jacket was taken off and they began unbuttoning the shirt. It got pulled off from under the tie, so I was left with a bare chest but with the tie incongruously tied around my neck!

Some other boys from our school saw the action going on and came to see what was happening.

"Take everything off!" yelled one boy, his eyes shining with the joy of the chase. My shoes and socks came off. All that was left between my attackers and me was my flimsy old, near-transparent white briefs. My erection was now completely obvious to everyone. There was a pause in the action as they all saw the underwear tenting and the tell-tale patch of sticky wetness that oozed through the fabric. The knob end was soaked and as they watched, it wetted the underwear so much that the head became completely visible through the fabric, in all its purple glory.

"Wow, look at that!" said one of them. And indeed they did seem to gaze in awe at the sight.

There was a small boy tagging along with his brother. He was about eight, the same as age me when I tagged along with Terry. I could see in his eyes the same longing to witness the final humiliation, and one part of me envied him. I just didn't want to be the one who was humiliated!

The young boy's eyes lifted from my leaking crotch and our eyes met. He stared intently into my eyes, and without breaking eye contact with me, he tugged at his brother's arm and I clearly heard him say, "Please, take his underwear off!"

That broke the spell, and the whole crowd cheered. Several hands reached out to the waistband of my underwear and they were lowered slowly down my body. So many hands were on me and some took the opportunity to brush against my raging cock. Someone even grabbed it hard enough to make me wince.

The moment when my cock sprung free, slurping sticky wetness all over my stomach, brought a cheer, and then the underwear was gone and I was stark naked wearing only my school tie.

Now that I was defenseless and naked, the whole group released me and they stood back in a circle to observe me.

I lay there for a moment contemplating my fate. What could possibly be worse than this moment? My face must have been red and I could feel the hot blush moving down my body. Shakily, I stood up. Somewhere in my mind was the thought that I wanted to retain some sense of dignity. I could rant and rave at them and do what that boy did all those years ago, or I could simply pretend that I was not embarrassed and walk away as if I didn't care about what had happened. Unfortunately I was aware that I was blushing over most of my naked body. I was tempted to put my hands over my cock, but somehow I instinctively saw that as an admission that they had gotten to me.

I stood and faced them all, turning slowly round as if to fix the memory of every face in the crowd, there must have been about twenty of them now, and I straightened my tie! Then barefoot and totally naked, I started walking toward my home! I pretended that I didn't care about my clothes, that it was completely beneath my dignity to go scrambling around looking for them, much less to plead with them to give them back.

The crowd parted to let me through. I walked defiantly away from them, head held high. I walked in the direction of one of the woodland trails that led from the field we were in and went close to my house. What I was going to do when I had to cross the road and go indoors, I'd no idea.

I was still blushing with the embarrassment. All those boys had seen me naked! How could I ever face them again? My closest school friends had stripped me naked, how could I ever be friends with them again?

I should mention here that I had school friends and then I had `real' friends, the neighbouring kids who were much more important to me than the boys I knew at school. Only one of my close neighbourhood friends went to my school, and he was in a different class. Otherwise we were a mixed group of different ages, both boys and girls. All schools in the town were single-sex schools in those days. So I had a group of about eleven kids that I hung around with all the time. None of them were involved in my public stripping.

In the end I didn't have to worry about how to get home while totally naked. Laurie, who seemed to me to be the instigator of the whole episode, came running down the trail after me, with my clothes in his arms.

"What did you do that for?" I asked him bitterly.

"Sorry," he said. Then he looked at me straight in the eye, and added, "But you know you are a bit of an uptight git, don't you?"

I just stared at him. What on earth did he mean?

Laurie saw the look of total incomprehension on my face, and said, "We all know how scared you are of `being seen' and you're all stuck up about dirty talk, so we decided to teach you a lesson."

"Oh," I said tonelessly. I started to get dressed. My erection had gone down.

Looking back, I can see that I was a prissy good boy.' I never swore, I never indulged in the dirty talk with other boys. I suppose it must have seemed to them that I was too good for them. At the time, though, I had absolutely no idea what Laurie was talking about. My lesson' didn't change me in any way. As a matter of fact, I simply ignored the whole thing and the next day at school I never mentioned it and neither did anyone else. 

Looking back I can also see my hypocrisy. I was such a good boy, yet in secret I had what I conceived to be these dirty, perverted desires. Talk about a double life at a young age!

My cousin Peter was the same age as me and he lived in London. When he and his folks visited us for a few days, the parents put the two of us together in the same single bed. Duh! We'd done this for as long as we could remember. So naturally, given my predisposition, I devised a game in which we had to wrestle each other in bed and pull the other's pajamas off. The first one naked was the loser. I don't ever remember winning this game!

During this period of painful leaking boners, while Peter was still pre-pubescent, or maybe he just wasn't as turned on as I was by the game, I was naked and dripping in bed with him. He double-dared me to go down the hall to the bathroom as I was. Now in my house this was quite dangerous. We had a central hallway that sort of cut the house in half. Every room had a doorway onto this hall and the practice was to close every door, probably because of the lack of central heating. Anyway, our parents were all sitting in the kitchen talking and laughing and generally having a good time. But of course you never knew when anyone would suddenly come out to go to the bathroom or to one of the other rooms!

So I crept out of our room and down the hall to the bathroom. I tried to pee, but couldn't because of the erection. So I crept back again. I was pleased with rising to this dare.

Next day at dinner both families were all together around the table, both sets of parents, my brother, my sister, Peter and his sister Janet. I wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation, but I suddenly heard my mother say, "Oh no David is a really good boy."

To my horror, Peter suddenly chipped in with indignation written all over his face, "Oh he's not as good as you think, he was running all round the house last night with no clothes on!"

In the stunned silence that followed, I blushed the deepest possible crimson, tears flashed in my eyes, and I shot back with every ounce of vehemence that I could muster, "No I wasn't!" I scowled at Peter murderously.

"Oh, no not my David!" exclaimed my mother with total conviction. She was absolutely certain of this. She was also absolutely wrong about me! I always wondered what Peter's parents thought about this, since I'd effectively called their son a liar and my mother had supported that point of view.

There was another friend who was in my class, but with whom I did not play with often outside of school. Once in a while we would visit each other's house. One time when Paul was at my house, I devised a `slave' game, in which I was the slave and had to be ordered around and spanked if I did anything wrong. Naturally, as a slave I had to be naked. We were in my bedroom and I locked the door. I was in the process of crawling totally naked under the bed for some reason, when I heard my mother trying the bedroom door. Finding it locked she called out to me to open it. I must have broken the land speed record in getting dressed!

Shamefaced I opened the door and let her in. I told her I was playing under the bed, that's why it took so long to open up. Did she buy it? Who knows?

When I was sixteen I went for a month to an Outward Bound school in the Lake District. This was quite an honour in those days. I was selected by the local Board of Education to represent the town. The Outward Bound concept was quite new back then, having been established by the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen's husband, also known as Prince Phillip.

It was an adventure school designed to toughen kids up and give them a taste of outdoor wilderness life. Of course England doesn't really have actual wilderness any more, but to a boy growing up on the outskirts of a Sussex seaside resort, the Lake District seemed wilderness enough! 

The greatest shock to me in the life that we were quickly required to lead, was that we were woken at 5:00 am, donned nothing but a pair of shorts and shoes and then we had to jog around a cobblestone yard outside. Since this was March and there was still some snow on the ground, we were all freezing! Then one group of 12 at a time, we went inside for a cold shower. The shower room was a large place with twelve shower heads hanging down from the ceiling, three rows of four. No curtains, no partitions, we were just all there together. Each had a pull-chain that activated the shower above us.

On the Instructor's command we had to pull the chain and release the frigid water onto our heads for a count of ten. If anyone moved his head out of the water, the count started again for everyone! Needless to say, whoever was responsible for re-starting the count, never did so again!

The moment when I first realized that I had to get naked with all these other naked boys, I went into panic mode. Of course I wanted to see the other boys naked. BUT I didn't want them to see me! However, there was no choice. I dithered long enough that on the first day I was the last into the shower room. This earned me a reprimand from the instructor. I also had to run the gauntlet to reach the only free shower right in the middle of the room. As I passed the other boys, I got several slaps and pinches on my bum. One boy flicked my dick as I went by! I slapped his hand away and muttered, "Get out!"

It was during this period that I began to understand what masturbation was. I was on a top bunk in our dorm. Six bunks for twelve boys. The boy on the top bunk next to me jerked off every single night. He called it `wanking.' He did it under the covers, but it was quite clear what he was doing. He lay on his back and pumped away at his cock, tenting the blankets as he pounded his way to a climax.

I was horrified! This was so disgustingly dirty I couldn't believe it. How could he play with himself like that in full view of all twelve kids?

Although I had never masturbated in my life up to this point, I did quite regularly have wet dreams. Of course I also produced copious amounts of pre-cum, so I was almost constantly wet. Oddly, the sight of this kid jerking himself every day, did nothing at all for me. I didn't get horny because of watching him.

After I returned home and was reflecting on some of the things I'd seen and done at the Outward Bound school, the image of the boy wanking in the next bed, came back to me and I decided to try it.

I went into the bathroom and proceeded to pump my dick up and down as I'd imagined he was doing under the blankets. Quite soon I got that feeling that I was going to pee, so I pointed my cock down to the toilet and was quite flabbergasted to see this white stuff shoot down. It was accompanied by a very painful ache in my dick. The pain was so intense I decided that I would never do that again!

A few days later I did do it again, and the pain was less. Within a few weeks I was a regular wanker! However, it was still completely secret. I never discussed it with anyone, and in fact if the subject ever came up, I denied that I did it. I was much too good for that!

My nighttime naked wanderings around the woods and around the house, took on a new dimension now. I could now go out into the back yard, and stand naked under the bright moon, and I would jerk off to orgasm with the wind blowing coolly around me! There was no feeling like it!

I noticed that however horny or daring I felt, the moment I achieved an orgasm, I felt cold and scared and needed to high-tail it back into my bedroom window. I gradually learned that if I wanted to have a long drawn out naked adventure, I must put off masturbating until I was ready to go home. As a result I spent a lot of time naked outdoors with a rampant leaking erection that I had to struggle to resist.

Next: Chapter 3

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