Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Jan 20, 2007


This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Last episode, I was standing naked in my principal's office, having just shot cum all over his face and his clothes ... He stood back from me, at last out of range. My cock had shot perhaps eight or ten voluminous blasts. Eventually, it subsided. I felt weak, my legs trembling.

The colour drained from his face. Now he looked like pale marble. I could see the effort he was making to slow down his breathing. Another drip of cum fell off the end of his nose.

He turned toward his desk and picked up the phone. "Miss Phelps, kindly ask Inspector Fanshawe to come here as quickly as possible. Tell him it's an emergency."

Chapter 5: Naked Jailbird!

My eyes must have got as big as saucers. "Sir?"

"I am not going to pester you with questions, Jones," he said. What happened to the `Mr?' "I will let the authorities deal with you. Later I will decide your future at this institution."

He sat down behind his desk and pulled out some paperwork, ignoring me. He made no attempt to clean himself up, nor did he invite me to sit. My cock, now deflating somewhat, was dripping long strings of semen into the clear pool of precum that had formed between my feet.

I stood awkwardly wondering what I should do. The Principal worked at his papers without paying me any further attention.

My cock softened to the point where it was drooling the last remnants of cum coldly, miserably down my leg. Vacantly, I wondered if I should wipe it up with my hand, but before I could take any action, the phone rang.

"Yes?" barked the Principal impatiently. "Very good, send him in."

The door behind me opened, and in stepped a tall, imposing figure dressed in the uniform of a police inspector. Behind him hovered a young constable, carrying his helmet under his arm.

"Come in, Inspector, come in," crooned the now smiling Principal.

The two officers entered the room, the Inspector sitting on the chair before the Principal's desk, the constable remaining standing in front of the closed door behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see the young constable looking at me in sheer amazement. The Inspector turned to regard me also.

Their attention produced the inevitable effect upon my dick. It twitched again, and with a sinking feeling I realized it was starting to swell. Glancing up at the Inspector again, I saw his eyes riveted upon my errant cock and he watched in fascination. The Principal, who had been bumbling some kind of small-talk, stopped in mid-sentence to also regard my penile performance. I became aware of a shift behind me and looked sideways, to see the constable moving around beside me to see what the others were looking at.

"Cripes!" he said.

"So, Mr. Marshall," said the Inspector snapping out of his daze, "am I to assume that your call is somehow connected with this naked, and well-endowed, young man?"

"It certainly is, Inspector Fanshawe. Mr. Jones has taken it into his head to stop wearing clothes, and walks naked around my college. As if that's not bad enough, look at this." With that he stood up behind his desk so that the cum-stains down his suit could clearly be seen. The cum on his face, which he had not wiped away, had dried up but he leaned close to the Inspector and pointed to his nose with its crusty, nearly-dried deposit. The Inspector peered closely and took a sharp breath.

"He did that to you?" The Inspector turned to study my face with an unreadable expression on his face.

The young constable moved a little closer behind his Inspector and looked at the Principal. "Jesus!" he breathed and looked at me with the faintest trace of a smile.

"I see," said Inspector Fanshawe. "And I expect you wish to lay a complaint regarding this behaviour?"

"I certainly do! Is there something you can charge him with?"

"I expect we'll think of something, I'm sure," intoned the Inspector. "We might even go as far as sexual assault. Nudity charges are difficult these days. No-one seems to regard simple nudity as a problem."

After some more chat between the two, Inspector Fanshawe rose and faced me. "Mr. Jones, you are under arrest. You will taken to the station where you will be charged."

"Do I get to say anything?" I asked, curious and somewhat offended that I had not been required to speak at all during this procedure.

"There will be plenty of time for you to have your say later. Do you have a lawyer?"

"Ah, no."

"Well perhaps you'd like to call your parents to get you one?"

"Oh, no, I don't think I want to do that!" I responded in panic. Let my parents know that I was naked in public and shooting sperm all over my Principal? I don't think so! I could not imagine what Mom would think about her `good little boy'!

"Very well. Smithers, take the gentleman in charge and escort him to the car." The young constable moved beside me and lightly gripped my right bicep. My cock twitched mightily in response to his touch. He looked down at the movement and his grip tightened slightly. I looked at his face. We made eye contact and he grinned at me.

"Um can I get dressed?" I asked in consternation, imagining that they couldn't possibly walk me naked out to their car and down to the local cop-shop.

"That won't be necessary," the Inspector stated flatly, "let's go."

They led me back through the office area, where the women were standing around gossiping. As we passed through they were watching with hawk-like eyes zeroed in on my crotch. My cock was back to it's full upstanding height, bouncing stiffly as I walked, red-faced to the car outside.

I sat in the back, with the two officers in front. The drive into town was uneventful, and no-one said anything very much. They pulled in behind the police station so I didn't have to run the gauntlet of walking across the busy public sidewalk. Nevertheless, there were many people inside the police station who stared curiously at me while I continued to blush over most of my body.

I had to stand in front of a sergeant's desk with my feet on two painted footprints on the floor. He took down all my personal details and dutifully wrote them down. When he was done, he looked at me and said, "I guess we can dispense with the strip search," and he grinned wryly.

I was put in a large cell with a whole bunch of other people. All eyes were staring at me as I entered the holding cell. I looked around for somewhere to sit, anything to get my rampant cock somewhat concealed. Whenever I moved towards an empty bench area, the people sitting nearby moved to block the seat. I quickly realized that no one wanted to have a naked guy with a swollen, pulsating, oozing penis sitting next to them. In the end I just sat on the floor as far away from anyone else as possible. I wrapped my arms around my legs and lay my head down against my knees.

Gradually conversations started up around me and I relaxed a little, content to be ignored. I must have dozed off a bit. I awoke with a start, still in the crouched position. After a second I realized that what had woken me was the silence. Tentatively, I raised my head to look around. All eyes were on me again.

"Get up, fag!" snarled a burly looking guy. He looked like a street bum, probably jailed for drunkenness, I guessed. Now he'd sobered up and was looking for trouble.

Not liking the size of his fists, I stood up, back against the bars.

"Take a look at that thing!" he exclaimed, laughing. All eyes including mine went down to my dick. He was hanging there limp and long, but of course once I felt the eyeballs on it, it began to grow. Soon it was pulsing and erect, with a clear liquid drop poised on the tip.

The ugly, smelly guy grabbed his own crotch and said, "time for some fun, we'ze all bored `ere!"

I slid across the bars to sidle away from him, until I bumped against another guy leaning with a shoulder on the cage, facing me. He casually grabbed my erect cock, "My, my, that's quite some tool you got there boy!"

The feeling of his hand on my cock was electric. I almost sort of melted against him, until I realized that this might not be a good idea. He was unlikely to be harbouring affectionate feelings towards me.

"Ohho!" he exclaimed, "We got a real pussy-boy here!

In no time I was surrounded by some very horny, very ill-dressed and aromatic guys. Their hands started to paw my body. At first I pushed their hands away, but there were too many of them. They pinched my nipples, caressed my bum, even poked their fingers into my crack. They stroked my cock, massaging the copious amounts of clear sticky precum all around my dickhead. They pulled on my balls, stretching out the nutsack until I gasped.

"I think this kid is definitely up for it!"

"No, I'm not," I gasped desperately, imagining that I was about to be gang-raped with the entire prison population as witnesses. Someone behind me was fumbling with his pants and soon there was a rock-hard cock pressing urgently into my butt, nosing into my anus.

Part of the reason I was entering panic mode was that it all felt so damn good! I was beginning to realize that I could easily become a shameless slut. However, my embarrassment at being in this situation, naked, boned, totally vulnerable and unable to fight back to preserve either my virginity or my dignity, made me fearful of succumbing.

I struggled with little effect, my head now being dragged down to a rigid cock in front of my face, while the cock at my back door continued to press for entrance.

My lips were actually in contact with a slimy, piss-smelling, sweaty cock, and the rear-end cock was just beginning to enter my bum-hole, when suddenly a voice yelled out, "What the fucking hell is going on here?"

Next: Chapter 5

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