Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Jan 21, 2007


This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Last episode: I was in a holding cell in the local cop-shop. I dozed off squatting on the floor, and was awoken by the sudden silence ... In no time I was surrounded by some very horny, very ill-dressed and aromatic guys. Their hands started to paw my body. At first I pushed their hands away, but there were too many of them. They pinched my nipples, caressed my bum, even poked their fingers into my crack. They stroked my cock, massaging the copious amounts of clear sticky precum all around my dickhead. They pulled on my balls, stretching out the nutsack until I gasped.

"I think this kid is definitely up for it!"

"No, I'm not," I gasped desperately, imagining that I was about to be gang-raped with the entire prison population as witnesses. Someone behind me was fumbling with his pants and soon there was a rock-hard cock pressing urgently into my butt, nosing into my anus.

Part of the reason I was entering panic mode was that it all felt so damn good! I was beginning to realize that I could easily become a shameless slut. However, my embarrassment at being in this situation, naked, boned, totally vulnerable and unable to fight back to preserve either my virginity or my dignity, made me fearful of succumbing.

I struggled with little effect, my head now being dragged down to a rigid cock in front of my face, while the cock at my back door continued to press for entrance.

My lips were actually in contact with a slimy, piss-smelling, sweaty cock, and the rear-end cock was just beginning to enter my bum-hole, when suddenly a voice yelled out, "What the fucking hell is going on here?"

Chapter 6: Naked at Large!

Everyone stood up away from me, leaving me to drop unceremoniously on the floor.

"Get up, kid." It was the sergeant. I stood shakily, brushing myself down. The floor was filthy.

"You absolute slut, you're outta here!" he yelled in a disgusted voice as he unlocked the cage. I looked down to see that my cock was harder than ever, dripping an almost continuous stream of crystal- clear liquid onto my bare toes.

Upstairs in the office, Inspector Fanshawe regarded my naked, hard, dripping and now dirty body. "Okay, you're free to go. No charges. Get out!"

I breathed a sigh of relief. But. "Um, er, Inspector, how will I get home?"

"Sod if I care!" he snapped angrily, "hitch-hike!"

"Inspector," I replied reasonably, "I'm naked. I have no clothes to get home in. Won't your men arrest me as soon as I hit the street?"

"I suppose you're right," he admitted grudgingly. "Sergeant!" he yelled.

Moments later, after the sergeant dipped his hand into a `lost and found' box, I found myself attempting to get into a pair of cut-off jean shorts that must have originally fit a twelve-year-old.

"It's no good," I gasped, having managed to pull the stupid shorts only half way up my thighs before they became utterly stuck.

The Sergeant sighed in exasperation and got a pair of scissors. He cut off the waist band altogether and then cut up the seams on the legs. I just managed to get them up over my cock. My ass was partly showing, and the slits up the side revealed most of my ass cheeks. My cock would not stay inside the leg, so I had to push it sideways where it made a huge obscene bulge.

"You look lovely," snarled the Sergeant, "now leave."

I left.

Out on the street, I blinked in the bright warm sunshine. The sidewalk was busy. The road was busy. I took a moment to orient myself. I knew Egham a little, at least the main streets, and once I figured out where I was; I knew it was not too far to get back to the college. I wondered if anyone would let me hitch a ride, dressed as I was.

People started to notice me. Girls were giggling, boys ogling, women were open-mouthed, some men were sneering at me. Other men were openly lusting. I realized I had to move quickly.

I headed west in the general direction of the college, along the main street. Cars started honking. Guys were yelling redneck comments out their windows.

I passed an outdoor patio in front of a popular pub. It was still packed with the lunch time crowd. People stopped in mid-bite to watch me go by. I guess I looked like a young boy-whore, only more brazen than they had ever seen before. The piece of denim covering my cock succeeded mostly in outlining that diamond-hard organ, leaving nothing to the imagination. Not only that, but it was so close to popping out the top, that people were fascinated and could not take their eyes off it in case they missed the moment it broke free. As I looked down at my waist, I could actually see the penis flesh pulsing just below the ragged edge of the waist.

I looked at the patio crowd and then down at my feet, unable to take their combined stares. I hurried past, hitching the shorts up, since without a waist band they were continually sliding down. I pulled the shorts up hard, then realized with horror that my balls were now peeking below the ridiculously short legs. I pulled shorts down a little and my cock peeked above the waist. I poked down on it to shove it out of sight.

"Oh man," said a whisky-husky voice," I'd like to rip those shorts off your ass and fuck you here on the street!"

I looked up in surprise and aggravation. A burly guy with a short grey beard was leaning against a lamp post. He looked fit, but weather worn, hard-drinking, savvy. He regarded me with knowing eyes.

I suppose it must have been the frustration of the day, the stares I'd been getting, the lewd comments shouted from passing cars, the near-gang-rape in jail, the aggravation of trying to keep my private parts out of public view. I don't know what made me do it, but suddenly something snapped in me.

"Yeah right," I snarled sarcastically, "so what's stopping you big shot?"

Big mistake.

I passed the guy not giving him a second look. I was almost past the pub patio with the dozens of diners, when I felt a tug on the back of the fragile denim. It pulled me up short. I turned to see who it was, and of course it was the bearded tough guy. He grasped the already torn legs of the shorts on both thighs and ripped them up with a mighty force. The half-destroyed scraps didn't stand a chance. They ripped right off my body, leaving me in the middle of the main street outside a crowded open-air restaurant, and on a busy sidewalk, totally naked and in the hands of a thug who seemed hell-bent on fucking me in public!

My cock it seemed was less embarrassed than I was. Though I felt mortified with embarrassment as the air struck my genitals with a cooling breeze, and as I became aware of the stares of the crowds on my cock, it responded in typical fashion by getting instantly rock hard and began to drip. I stared down at it in consternation.

However, there was no time to think about that. My assailant had released his own rigid cock and he lifted me under the armpits and hoisted me up in the air as if I were a small child and impaled me in one swift motion upon his slick prong.

I noticed the crowd on the patio gasp in horror. I heard some jeering and honking from passing cars, as their brakes squealed and brought traffic to a stop. I even saw a few people snapping pictures!

The pain of the sudden entry to my virgin ass caused me to scream in agony. Yet even so, my dick continued to revel in the attention. I flailed my arms to escape, but there was none. He was way too strong.

He began to thrust his hips beneath me. His powerful arms held me and his tool pushed into me to the hilt. As the pain subsided I found that I was thrilled to the depth of my being. The sensation was utterly awesome. It was made more intense by the fact that we had an audience of several hundred people. Mothers were shielding their children's eyes and running away from the scene. Women stared with hands over their mouths in horror. Some men were obviously disgusted, but some were clearly not.

I entered a kind of sensory twilight zone. My ass was being pounded while I was being held up in the air like a child in the massive arms of a sweaty street bum. My cock was straining to burst out of its skin, it was so engorged and rigid. The precum was flowing like a faucet.

And the audience! The audience was the best part and the worst part. I was mortified and embarrassed, but at the same time more turned on that I had ever been in my life. This guy was forcibly taking my virgin cherry in the most public fashion imaginable! My prostate, never before touched, was being pounded over and over again, forcing streams of colourless liquid from my dick.

With a mighty convulsion and a great shout, my rapist came in great pulsating gobs of cum deep into my asshole. I felt it shoot inside me. That was all it took to take me over the edge. My cock had not been touched at all in this public performance, but the anal stimulation along with the erotic caress from the stares of the crowd were enough to get me off. I shot my load out over the sidewalk and onto the plate of one of the horrified diners on the patio. She was an elderly lady with blue rinse hair. She gasped and put her hands over her breasts, staring at the semen melding with her ranch dressing.

The man let me go to collapse in exhaustion on the ground. He took off running back the way I had come from. Shakily I got to my feet and looked around. I could see his retreating back disappearing into the crowd. People stared at my dripping deflating cock.

I decided it would be better if I left this scene. I didn't feel like another encounter with the local police. There was a laneway nearby that would get me off the street and away from the multitudes. I took it, trotting lightly on my bare feet.

There turned out to be a network of laneways behind the houses and stores. There were small parking lots, backyards and private garages. I zig-zagged for a few minutes until I was sure no one was following me, then I slowed down to a walk. I looked up and down the lane. It was deserted.

I became aware of an intense need to take a crap. Damn! Why now of all times? How could I possibly get to a washroom while I was naked? I kept walking until the need to go became overwhelming. I was squeezing my butt muscles together as hard as I could, but I could feel that my bowels were going to let go whether I wanted to or not.

Finally, in desperation, I squatted down at the side of the dirt lane beside an electrical pole after a quick check to see if anyone was around. No sooner did I get into the squatting position, than I let go. With loud explosive farts, some runny material ran out of my ass. I supposed it was the bucket-load of cum deposited there by my rapist. The mixture of shit and cum exploded noisily and was followed by an avalanche of very runny stools and more solid turds. It seemed to pour out for ages, until I was squatting over a spreading pyramid of disgusting, smelly excrement. I moved my feet to try to avoid getting swamped by the vile stuff.

Finally the worst seemed to be over. I thought about finding something to wipe my ass with and stood up looking around. Five yards away, just emerging from a backyard gate, was an elderly women staring at me with horror and disgust written all over her face.

"You disgusting ANIMAL!" she screamed, "get out of here at once, you utterly sub-human vile excuse for a man!" She drew herself up and announced, "I'm calling the police!"

I didn't wait to explain, but just took off, running as fast as my bare feet on the unsurfaced laneway would allow. After more zigging and zagging to lose myself in the maze, I slowed down to an exhausted walk, wondering where the hell I was and which direction I should be going.

"Hey, mister!" yelled a squeaky little voice from a nearby back yard, "why are you not wearing any clothes?"

"It's a long story kid," I responded.

A boy of about nine came to the fence and looked over at me. "You got a big penis," he stated matter-of-factly. He sniffed, "You stink like poo."

"Thanks, kid, I needed that."

"Hey Mom!" he yelled over his shoulder, "come and see this!"

I took off running again. This was no good. I was going to end up in jail quite soon if I couldn't get out of the town and back to my room at college.

Finally I reached a main road and got my bearing by peering around from the shelter of some bushes. I could see where I was and surprisingly was well on the way I needed to go. I was near a roundabout on the edge of town. I could see the road up the hill towards the college. I could also see the wooded hillside that was the beginning of the escarpment overlooking Runnymede. If I could get there and follow the forest trails, I could make it all the way without being exposed to the traffic on the roads.

But how to get over there? I guessed I could just run and hope for the best. Or perhaps I could borrow that bike over there? So that's what I did. It was a bit gross sitting on the saddle and feeling the sliminess of shit slipping under my bum. I didn't dare think about the owner finding his bike with a shit-covered seat!

I pedaled hell-for-leather around the roundabout, cars honking, people jeering, but I made it in just a few minutes, too quick for anyone to call the police. I jumped off the bike and hopped over a fence and was soon lost to view in the trees going up the hillside.

I made it to the college grounds by early dusk. Slipping from building to building, I crept into my dorm and managed to get to my room unseen. Grabbing a towel and my wash things, I high-tailed it to the showers to clean up.

Finally, feeling somewhat more human, I returned to my room to get dressed. I was starving and I was late, though I might still make if for supper. I opened my closet and was stunned to find it empty! I ripped open all the drawers. Nothing! Not a shirt, not a pair of pants, not even any underwear!

Next: Chapter 6

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