Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Jan 26, 2007


This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Last episode: I had been in jail in Egham, and finally made it back to the college - naked! I made it to the college grounds by early dusk. Slipping from building to building, I crept into my dorm and managed to get to my room unseen. Grabbing a towel and my wash things, I high-tailed it to the showers to clean up.

Finally, feeling somewhat more human, I returned to my room to get dressed. I was starving and I was late, though I might still make if for supper. I opened my closet and was stunned to find it empty! I ripped open all the drawers. Nothing! Not a shirt, not a pair of pants, not even any underwear!

Chapter 7: The Naked Student

Bewildered, I stood in the middle of my room and turned around as if expecting to find all my clothes stuffed somewhere in a corner.

An envelope propped up on my desk caught my eye. I ripped it open, noting it was addressed to, `Mr. Jones.'

It was from the Principal.

Dear Mr. Jones,' it began, I called Inspector Fanshawe and requested that he drop any and all charges. I also discussed with him what would be a suitable punishment for your behaviour that would be sufficient for me to feel that you had earned the right to continue at this institution. We are both agreed on the following:

You will remain as you are - naked - until further notice. This applies night, day and weekends. You will be notified when this punishment is to end. I alone will tell you when that time is, and you will not, repeat NOT, at any time appeal to me for release from this condition. To do so will result in immediate expulsion. You will attend all your classes, you will take all your meals in the dining hall, you will not skip any meals, you will attend every student morning assembly, in other words, your activities at this college will continue exactly as before, including your sports activities. Your marks in all subjects will not fall below your present average.' It was signed with his usual illegible flourish.

I stared at the paper aghast. I had to stay naked? And continue to do everything, naked? I thought about dinner and how hungry I was, had been. The Principal knew I'd been released, so he'd be expecting me right now! Oh god!

I had to attend every sports event? Did he realize I played on the college basketball `B' team? We had a match tomorrow at another college! Did I have to be naked for that?

The ramifications slowly began to sink in on me. I looked at the floor of the closet. My shoes had gone! It was September, and here I was going to be naked walking around campus during the soon-to-be typically wet and cold English Autumn! Naked! The word echoed in my head like a toll of doom. NAKED!

Surely this was illegal? What did he mean that he and the Inspector had `agreed?' Did that mean they could legally compel me to do this? If I refused and I was expelled, I could probably sue them, though of course it would take years to resolve. And money. And my parents would have to cough up the dough. Which meant they'd have to know about all this! Forget it!

Still, then everyone at college would see me naked all the time. The students, the teachers, the cleaning staff, visitors, other student's parents!

The clock on my desk showed I had five minutes to make it to the dining hall if I wanted to eat. Not that my appetite had survived this shock. But Mr. Marshall would be sitting at the high table waiting to see if I showed.

Damn him! I'll show!

Without giving myself time to think, I turned and left my room, trotted down the stairs and out into the cool night air. I made it to the dining hall with two minutes to spare. Picking up my tray I headed along the servery counter to endure the astounded, open- mouthed stares of the kitchen staff. I held my plate out for the evening's entré. I have no idea what it was. As I walked into the dining hall proper, the conversations all around the hall gradually tapered off as people caught sight of me. I glanced surreptitiously at the high table, to see Mr. Marshall staring at me impassively.

In total silence I walked to the far side of the hall towards the only empty table I could see. I sat down and regarded my dinner with a stomach made of lead.

Gradually conversations started up again, with a lot of laughter and high spirits. I deliberately tried to avoid hearing what anyone said, shoveling forkfuls of utterly anonymous food into my mouth.

I kept my eyes down the whole time, enduring until it was over. The only good thing was that my cock, that had gotten me into so much trouble, remained limp and flaccid.

I felt it stir at the thought. Shit! Why did I even think about it?

Slowly, it crept up from it's cowering pendulosity between my legs, to finally bump it's head against the underside of the table. Now how was I going to get out of here?

I finished eating and pushed the plate away.

"Hey, Dave," said a timid voice behind me. I turned and saw my supposed friends Alan and Geoff, holding their trays with half- finished meals.

"Hey," I responded without enthusiasm. These were the two who had instigated my aerial pilgrimage to the back of the lunch line-up, thereby initiating my naked adventures of the day, and resulting in my current predicament.

They sat opposite me, glanced at each other and stared back at me. I looked down to my discarded meal. "So, er, how come you're still naked?" asked Geoff, seeming genuinely puzzled, and looking around as he spoke. Many people were looking towards our little group. I felt a bit like hitting him he was so dense. Still, to be fair I guess he couldn't have known what had happened to me following the Principal's command to follow him to the office.

Curtly, I explained the Principal's letter.

"JeeZUS!" breathed Geoff.

"Look, we're really sorry," Alan chipped in, "we just meant to have a bit of fun. We'd no idea it would turn into such a big deal! I'm really sorry, Dave."

I just shrugged and continued staring at my plate

"What the hell are you going to do?" asked Geoff. "You don't really have to stand for this, you know. You could complai

I looked up at him. "No," I said, "I've made up my mind. I'll go through with it, make my marks and get out of here with a good record. I don't want to screw anything up either here or with my parents. I don't want them to know anything about it. I also don't want to end up in the papers.

"But how can you spend the next few days, or even weeks! Naked? It's gonna get cold soon, to say nothing of the embarrassment. What about phys ed classes? What about the away basketball matches?" Geoff's tone was rising somewhat as he spoke and began increasingly to take in the consequences to me of this diabolical punishment.

"What about shop classes?" Alan asked. As this was an engineering college, we were taking many classes that involved woodwork and metalwork, heavy-duty power equipment and lots of dirt. I actually hadn't thought about these classes. The idea of wielding power tools, metal sheets and grease whilst naked, did not seem to be very appealing. I had also enrolled in an optional vehicle mechanics evening course and I had a sudden picture of myself naked, sliding underneath a car on the mechanic's dolly. Head under the car, lying on my back, my cock and balls would be totally exposed and vulnerable to anyone passing by. Engineering students are not a very sensitive lot!

"Oh, God!" I moaned, feeling sick.

"We'll go with you to the Principal and explain what happened," offered Alan.

"Shit, don't do that!" I snapped. "The mood he's in, you'd be expelled."

"Didn't he ask you how it happened in the line?" asked Alan, "surely he knows about the passing back?"

"Yes he did ask me. What the hell was I going to say?"

"Well, what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, or rather I said that I had nothing to say."

"My hero!" said Alan in a voice filled with mock awe, "you saved your friends from a fate worse than death!"

"Oh shut up!" I grinned at last, feeling some of the tension of the day ebbing from me.

As I loosened up, I began to tell them about the trip to the police station in Egham. I told them about the shorts the cops gave me when I was released and about the jeers and catcalls I'd had to endure on the street. I even told them the story of the guy who ripped them off me, but I omitted the bit about being fucked so publicly. They hung on my every word, totally blown away by the unimaginable sequence of events. I even confessed to taking a dump in the alley and the old lady's reaction, though I didn't tell them why I'd got the overwhelming urge to go!

I noticed the Principal leaving the head table and I watched him and some other professors exit the dining hall. I had hoped that, seeing me obey his orders, he might relent and come over to release me from this ordeal. It was not to be.

"Well, do you wanna go?" asked Alan, "we'll walk you out, might be easier than coming in."

Every single head in the hall followed our progress to the garbage and tray drop and then out the doors of the hall and into the chilly night air.

"Fuck," I said, "guess I won't be taking part in much night life for while!"

Up in my room, I sat on the bed wrapped in a blanket. At least I still had bedclothes!

We talked about mundane things, but eventually the conversation turned to what was coming up tomorrow, which classes we had to attend, and the fact that the basketball match was tomorrow night.

"You better take the Principal's letter with you to all the classes and to the coach," suggested Geoff. "Otherwise they might think you're being smart."

"Good idea," I said. "Christ, I need a beer."

"Why don't we go down for a quick one before bed?" said Alan reflexively, without thinking.

I glared at him.

"You can borrow clothes from us," suggested Geoff. "If you wear my anorak with the hood up, no-one will recognize you."

I thought about it for a moment. "No," I said, "like I say, I want to exactly comply so there can be no grounds for him to expel me or fail me. I'll do it by the book."

"Well, if you can stand the cold, we can drink outside, the landlord need never know about you being naked."

"The Barley Mow has that little outside fire pit, perhaps we could ask the landlord if we could light it, that might take the chill off."

So that's what we did. Three students, one naked, jogged out of the college grounds and across the dark grassy commons over to the Barley Mow pub that bordered the commons on the opposite side from the college. There was one main road to cross, but it was never very busy in the middle of the evening. I was glad that for once my cock swung between my thighs, slapping from side to side with an audible, though soft `thwack' and did not inflate itself to embarrassing proportions.

We sat around the firepit, logs merrily cracking, with our pints of beer in hand. I felt a whole lot better. I was warm, I was with my friends again, I was not alone in the world. I was, however, still naked!

The chat moved from my predicament and how outraged we all were, to more general topics. The beer flowed. One good thing, since I had no pockets and no money, I could not buy any rounds! Besides, I think Alan and Geoff were both feeling guilty enough about what they'd done to me they wouldn't have let me buy anyway

Not that I was really counting, but after about three beers, my absolute limit, I was feeling quite happy and the others decided that based on my past record, I should go home. We were gathering ourselves together, when a voice from the darkness said, "Hey, you guys are not leaving are you?

I spun around, forgetting my nakedness for a moment. It was Charles, a guy I'd seen around the college but didn't really know. We exchanged smiles when we met, but had never had a real conversation. Charles in my mind was an absolute god! He was good looking, with blonde wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. His lips were full and kissable. I knew from gym class that his body was well developed and hairless, though I'd never seen him more undressed than shirtles

Charles was one of the few guys I actually fantasized about

"My, my, we are dressed informally tonight," he smiled at me as I had stood up and turned around at his greeting. His eyes dropped to my cock. Which of course, immediately responded by twitching a few times then rapidly rising up as if in salute to someone he urgently wished to know!

Charles raised his eyes to mine, with a twinkling smile, "Someone's happy to see me!"

The other guys frowned and followed his gaze to my face then down to my tell-tale cock. They both looked sharply back at my face in surprise.

"Oh, er, hi," I said lamely.

"Yeah," said Geoff, "Dave's had enough to drink, we're taking him back."

"Oh," said Charles, "well, I'm off too. If you two guys want to stay, I can see him safely back."

My heart skipped a beat. The fabulous Charles actually wanted to escort me back to the dorm? Who knew what might happen? The thought left me all warm and dreamy. My cock, of course, betrayed my innermost desires by becoming totally rock hard and beginning to leak.

"Uh, that okay with you?" Alan looked at me.

"Oh, sure," I said as casually as I could.

Alan and Geoff looked, as one, down at my cock. It twitched and exuded an enormous glob of slime that ran down a silver thread to the ground, bouncing rhythmically as it descended, in time with my heartbeat.

"Okay, Dave, let's go," said Charles, grasping my arm and leading me away from my nonplussed friends. I turned self-consciously and allowed myself to be led away from them, away from the warmth of the fire, and out into the dark chill of the night. I shivered. Charles surprised me by putting his arm around my waist and pulling me tightly to his body. I reveled in the warmth of the contact, and also in the unexpected intimacy.

"So, I guess it's true?"

"What's true?" I said.

"You have been commanded from on high, to be naked for the remainder of your college career?"

"Oh," I laughed, "well, let's hope it's not that bad, but yes I have been told to be naked until further notice."

"And you're going along with it? Not challenging it?"

"No, I'm not gonna challenge it. I'll beat him at his own game." I smiled into his face, just inches from mine, "unless I die of pneumonia first!"

Charles laughed, his eyes twinkling, his delicious lips curving up to reveal his pure white and even teeth. I wanted to lean in and kiss his mouth. I didn't, but I held my breath.

He pulled my body tighter to his. His hand slipped down from my waist towards my right buttock. My cock was throbbing painfully and almost pouring precum in great streamers towards the ground. It dribbled down my legs and splashed on my feet. I looked down at the purple head, pale in the low light, and saw the streamers of silver viscous liquid catching the scarce light. Some of it blew in the gentle breeze and attached gossamer threads onto Charles' pant legs.

He followed my gaze. "Hmm, I wonder if we should do something about him?"

I looked back up into his eyes. I felt myself melt and almost drawn into him, as if my very being was about to merge with his. Our lips were suddenly less than an inch apart. I could feel his breath on my face, I could smell the sweetness of it.

Our lips brushed together with the most feather-light touch. Electrical charges sparked between us. I gasped and pulled back. He stopped and turned so we were face to face, putting both arms around my body, grasping both my buttocks and pulling me tightly towards him. He crushed his lips on mine with an intense passion. I kissed him back with passionate surrender.

My slimy cock was crushed against his groin, soaking his pants instantly. I could feel his own erection grinding against mine from within the material.

He broke the kiss and, grasping my hand dragged me, running behind him. We fled the night of the common, in the tremendous urgency of our desire, to reach my dorm room and fling ourselves in delicious abandon into a mutual naked embrace.

My heart was pounding. I had dreamed of a moment like this. I had dreamed of this moment with HIM! He was the creature of my most erotic fantasies, and now here we were, fleeing headlong into our destiny! My heart was pounding, fit to burst. I had never done this before. I was a still a virgin. Well, except for my public rape in Egham earlier this very day! Was that only a few hours ago? How could I go from utter misery, shame and humiliation, to absolute ecstasy in half a day?

Yet here we were. We pounded through the college gates, ignoring the open-mouthed stares of students, girl-friends and others. We reached my dorm and flung open the glass doors to the foyer.

"Ah, Mr. Jones!" an authoritative voice brought us to a bewildered and confused halt. We turned to find ourselves facing Mr. Marshall, Principal of Shoreditch College.

Our chests heaving with the exertion of our lust-driven race across the campus, we had no breath to answer, but just stared at him.

"I was hoping to run into you," the Principal stated, ignoring our obvious bewilderment, "I just wanted to congratulate you on your courage and obedience in following through on my orders. I must say, I half expected you to resist. I am glad to see that you are willing to atone for your behaviour. And I see that you have supportive friends." He glanced down at the soaking wet front of Charles' pants. "I take it as a favourable sign of your character, that you are able to overcome your shame and to carry out this punishment. Well done, keep it, er, up." He smiled. Mr. Marshall turned on his heel, then hesitated, turned back and said, "Ah, Mr. Jokinen, perhaps you would come with me for a moment?" Then he left.

Charles Jokinen looked at me in the consternation of deflated lust. "Later," he whispered, and followed the Principal into the darkness.

I watched him disappear, then turned and walked up to my room. I flung myself face down on my bed, wallowing in thwarted desire.

I was, of course, fairly drunk and soon fell asleep. I dreamed of incredibly passionate lust and sexual intercourse. I awoke with a start thinking a naked Charles with a rampant horse-like cock was anally violating me in a public street. I found I was lying in pool of cooling uncomfortable cum. I crawled under the covers and slept fitfully until it was time to get ready for breakfast and the first classes of my new nude status.

Next: Chapter 7

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