Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Feb 8, 2007


This story is submitted for the Gay: College section.

This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Chapter 9: More Naked than Naked!

I was awoken from a dead sleep at some ungodly hour by Tony shaking me. "Up an' at `em!" he pronounced cheerfully. "I have to supervise the first day of your new You!" I reluctantly dragged myself up to sit on the side of the bed.

"How can you be so cheerful and wide awake so early?" I croaked.

"Just good living and a sweet disposition. Now, get in the shower, and use this instead of shampoo and soap ^Ö do your whole body with it, and don't forget to use plenty inside your bumhole!" He handed me some kind of whole body wash product and shooed me out to shower. I must admit the stuff smelled good, sort of fruity. When I got out of the shower and dried off, my skin felt soft and smooth. I found that rubbing my hand over my now hairless body was an erotic experience. The skin felt almost like velvet to the touch and I felt more naked than naked, it that's possible!

When I got back to my room, Tony was prepared with body oils and hair product. He spent about ten minutes thoroughly rubbing my body down with some lightly scented oil, and then he spent about fifteen minutes on my hair.

The result, when I was allowed to look in the mirror, was spectacular though I do say so myself. I had never really paid too much attention to my grooming before. I was clean, but that was about it. Tony had trimmed my hair into the latest short buzz cut around the sides, with a longer `flick' of spiky hair at the front. On top it was engineered to look messy, but when I touched it, it didn't move -- it was locked solid! The colour was somehow different too. "Highlights," said Tony, when he saw me peering closely at it, "just helps to give some interest without being too drastic. My hair was now several shades of blonde. I liked it.

My body too, was now different. Hairless of course, but also sleek and glowing with a look of deep health. Though he had used oil, the skin was not shiny at all. It seemed to have seeped into the skin to produce an almost matte sheen. The colour of my skin was subtly rosier and the colour was evened out all over, so I had no remnants of tan lines anywhere -- I was just one slightly bronzed even colour all over. My `treasure trail' was a nice little line leading down to the neat patch of pubic hair over my relaxed and full-looking cock.

"Wow!" I said, waking up finally. "This looks great!"

"Glad you like it, beautiful!" Tony smiled at my reaction. "Now go out there and knock `em all dead!" He picked up his stuff and left.

I looked at the clock. It was still early, but breakfast would already be available, so I decided to go down. Only a few students were in the dining hall, and I was able to walk right in without much of a line. The ladies behind the counter looked at me with wide eyes, "Well, ain't you the pretty one today?"

I took my food over near a window on the far side and sat down alone on the little towel I had taken with me. Soon Alan and Geoff joined me. They were bleary-eyed and it took them some time to notice my transformation. "Oh my god!" said Alan, what did you do to your hair?" Then his eyes traveled down my body, "Hey, stand up a minute," I stood and spun slowly around. Several other students nearby were watching my modeling performance. "Wow, Davey, you look great!" he exclaimed. Geoff, mouth full of eggs, nodded agreement.

I told them about Tony's work. "Well, he is a fag, but boy, he does great work," commented Geoff.

The dining hall was packed by the time we left, and the head table was full of professors. All eyes swiveled in my direction as we left. Having Alan and Geoff with me and having had a relaxed conversation with them, my penis was behaving itself for a change, and so I just sauntered out feeling like the cock of the walk. My body felt lithe and sensuous, and I felt somehow as though I was dressed up and ready to be seen. Gone, at least for the moment, was my embarrassment and the instinct to scuttle out of sight as quickly as possible. I walked proudly out the door, and as we exited, I heard a ripple of applause.

Standing outside, leaning nonchalantly against the wall, was Tony. He gave a slow lazy clap as I approached. "So how does my prize model like his new look?"

"Tony, I just love it! How can I ever repay you?"

"Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something." A mischievous emphasis on that last word caused Alan and Geoff to frown and glance at each other, then at me. "Don't worry about it," he continued, noting the glances, "you are the best advertisement for my business. When the word gets around, I'll have more than I can handle." I could see my friends visibly relax.

With my newfound confidence, the day seemed to fly by with me in a kind of happy-back-to-normal feeling. Except of course, it was not normal. I was still totally naked, still had my private parts on display. More on display, really, since the bush had been trimmed back, my balls were hairless, and I was trimmed and preened all over. People stared at me everywhere I went. I'm not sure what surprised them more, the change in my appearance or the obvious lack of embarrassment at my predicament. Whatever it was, they noticed although there were still smirks and muttered insults as I passed, but none of it bothered me now.

My professors tried to pretend either that I wasn't there, or that I wasn't naked. Several could not look me in the eye. A few looked at my cock instead of at my face when talking to me. None of that bothered me either.

So the days went by. My classes were going well, and it even seemed to me that I was doing better than I had before my enforced naked punishment. Shop classes took a bit of getting used to. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to wear the usual aprons and lab coats, so I didn't. I did take to wearing some old running shoes in the metal shops, after I got a nasty cut from a scrap sliver of metal.  No way was I going to ask the Principal permission for anything at this point. If there was to be some decision about protective clothing in the wood or metal shops or the pottery classes, well, let it come from him. I was on a roll now -- I would remain as he had commanded, he would be the one that would have to come to me to end it or change it! My revenge was going to be in absolute literal compliance with his order. Nothing at all would deter me from following through on this.

Then it got cold!

September is a funny month. It can be a long warm easement into the cold and rain of October, or it can suddenly change and plunge you into gales and rainstorms. I had been lucky for a few weeks. One morning I woke up and looked out the window. Low scudding clouds and an incessant gentle drizzle, that just looked cold, fell to the wet ground. I groaned; Now for the real test of my resolve.

That first day, I ran to the dining hall for breakfast, barefoot as usual. I was lightly covered in rain when I arrived. The jog helped me keep warm, but I could tell that it was going to be impossible for me to be outside for more than a few minutes at a time in this kind of weather. I wondered if I'd still be naked when the snow came. If it came, it doesn't always.

Sitting on my towel with my friends eating breakfast that day, I glanced at the high table. The Principal's eye made contact with mine. He had a slight sardonic smile on his lips. I held his gaze with a straight face until he was forced to look away. I think the vibes in my brain were giving off the message, "Do your worst, you bastard!" I don't know if he got it.

So the days became a series of short runs from one building to another. I took a couple of towels with me now, rolled up in my book bag. One I sat on, the other I used to give my body a brisk rub whenever I got inside. It didn't matter if I was wet or not, the rub was enough to warm me up. My feet were the worst. Not only were they in contact with the cold wet ground, but they were also filthy dirty from the moment I stepped outside. Still, I persevered.

Over time, it became clear to me that a number of guys were really turned on to me. They would smile at me as I passed, and would sometimes ask thoughtful questions as if to make me aware that they were concerned for me. How was I doing? Is the cold getting to be too much? And so on. I began to suspect that some of them wanted to get to know me better but were kind of intimidated by my nudity. I realized it's one thing to tentatively start up a new friendship and to gradually get to know the other person, and then to feel comfortable enough to move the friendship forward. However, it's quite another thing to try to know someone who is quite famous (even if only within the tiny world of the campus), or should that be notorious? Not only that, it's not too common to have to get to know a guy whose totally naked body was the first thing you saw!

Then I caught a royal, stinking cold. I went to the infirmary. The nurse took one look at my red eyes, runny nose and general hang-dog expression and said, "Well no wonder you're sick, running around all day with no clothes on," as if it were my fault. I was tempted to say exactly that, but as part of my self-imposed acceptance of the punishment, I didn't say anything. I just coughed. She listened to my chest, looked down my throat, then cupped my balls and told  me to cough again. "Okay, into bed, go right through there and just get into that bed. Here, put these pajamas on." She handed me a folded set of flannelette pj's.

I was really tempted to get into them, they looked so warm and snuggly, just what I needed right now. "I don't think I'm allowed," I said.

"Oh, for goodness sake! What's the world coming to! Get into bed then. I presume you can have sheets and blankets?" The last was quite sarcastic.

After I was in bed, she brought me a hot lemon concoction, and in no time I was fast asleep. The doctor saw me later that day, and pronounced that I had narrowly averted pneumonia, and would have to remain in bed for a few days, and then when I got out, there would be, "no more nonsense of strolling around the English countryside stark naked in winter!" So there!

I suppose it was inevitable that word would eventually leak to the outside world. After all, none of the students were sworn to secrecy about my naked punishment, so they had probably been telling their families and friends for some weeks that there was this naked student at college, who took all his classes sans clothing.

The first I knew of it was when I sat up in bed, feeling slightly better for the first time since getting sick, and picked up the morning paper that Nurse had left for me. Deep inside, in a local gossip section, I read the headline, "Student Bares All in Class." It was followed by the vaguest kind of report about a student, not named, who attended all his classes in the buff, with all kinds of innuendo and corny suggestiveness. Local gossip journalism at it's best. Good thing my parents didn't get this paper. I put the whole thing out of my mind.

Until I left the infirmary.

Next: Chapter 9

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