Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Feb 18, 2007


This story is submitted for the Gay: College section.

This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Chapter 10: Naked Celebrity

In the five days I spent isolated in the infirmary, my only visitors were Alan, Geoff, Tony, and several of the shy guys who were my `admirers from afar'. The Principal never showed up. I'd half expected (hoped) that he would get into trouble and be held responsible for my illness, but nothing transpired as far as I could tell.

I came out of the infirmary on a cold, blustery day, with intermittent rain. As I stood inside the door dreading having to do my naked dash back to my room, the nurse said, "I hope you are not even thinking of going out like that!" Well, of course, I was.

I'm still under the punishment," I said. She gave a sigh of exasperation and went into her office. I heard her pick up the phone and dial a number. Not wanting to be involved in whatever kind of intervention she was planning with the Principal's office, I took advantage of her absence to dash out into the rain. It was freezing!

I'd only taken a few steps when couple of guys came up to me, one of them snapping away with a camera. "Mr. Jones?" one of them enquired. He was quite young, maybe 25 or so, just a little older than me really, and bundled up in a heavy overcoat, scarf snugged around his  neck. He had spiky black hair which he clearly didn't want to mess up with a hat. Rain glistened on his forehead.

"Er, yeah," I muttered, trying to keep moving forwards. No way did I want to be held up outside for more than a few minutes.

"Perhaps I could have a word about your nudity?"

"I don't want to talk about it, and if you'll excuse me, I need to get indoors. It's cold if you hadn't noticed!"

"Okay, we'll walk with you. Then perhaps we can continue the interview indoors."

"I said I don't want to talk." I continued at a fast walking pace, breaking into a jog when I could see I wasn't going to lose him that easily.

"Well," he puffed beside me, "seems to me you can tell your side of the story, or we can print any kind of story that suits us. Either way the story gets done. You don't have a say in that. Which would you rather?"

"What do you mean?" I was trying to speed up, and he was getting more and more winded. Not in very good shape I could see.

"Could we please stop?" Good! It was working!

"No, I told you, I'm not giving an interview." The cameraman had run ahead of us by now, and was shooting us approaching him. I noticed several shots aimed deliberately at my swinging cock.

"How's this for a headline," panted my companion, "Student Pervert Shocks Nation!" He grimaced at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "You can't print that!"

"Watch me!" He bent down at the waist, trying to recover his breath.

"But it's not true!"

"So, that's exactly what I'm saying! Tell me what the truth is. How will I know otherwise?"

Maybe he had a point. I tried to imagine my mother seeing my totally naked photo on the front page of some national gossip rag, under the caption "Naked Pervert" or some such. I didn't doubt that they would actually publish a full frontal shot of me without censoring anything. It had become the norm now to show complete nudity of both male and female in the more racy tabloids.

"Okay," I said, "I'll do the interview." And I led them into my dorm building and up to my room. I rubbed myself down with a towel, while they removed their wet outdoor wear, the cameraman wiped his camera down, and they got settled.

"We're with the Weekly Star," the reporter started, "though this piece will probably be syndicated across Europe." I groaned inwardly. Just the kind of tabloid I'd feared. Not one my mother would ever pick up, so if the picture was not on the front cover, maybe she wouldn't see it.

"So tell me about yourself," the reporter began. I suppose it was his way of helping me relax into the interview. I went along, and he asked where I was from, what I was studying, what I hoped to do after graduating. If I would ever graduate now!

Finally, he said, "So tell me how you have become England's only full-time naked student!"

I laughed at the characterization. "It started as a prank." I told him about the tradition of `passing back' in the dining hall line up, how I had been an innocent victim and it had turned into a simultaneous pass-back and stripping.

He laughed. "Who started that?" I refused to tell him, since I had never revealed the names for fear of what our crazy Principal would do.

When the reporter realized that in fact I had endured this punishment from the Principal rather than tell on my friends, he became quite enthusiastic.

"So you are really the Reluctant Naked Student?" He seemed to speak in headlines from time to time.

He went on to ask me about my attitudes towards nudity, and when he began to understand how excruciatingly embarrassing it had been for me, he said, "The SHY Reluctant Naked Student! It gets better and better!"

He got me to talk about what it was like to have to go to classes naked, and then when I mentioned the basketball matches, he was nearly delirious with excitement!

He asked what other public expeditions I had been on. I did not let on about the visits to the pub, since I figured I'd never be able to do it again if the Publican saw his bar featured in the tabloid. However, I did mention in passing the events in Egham. That led to questions about why I was there, and when he realized that the Principal had me arrested to teach me a lesson and that the police had let me go with only those ratty shorts to get back in, he became like a bloodhound on the trail. He wanted to know how I'd lost the shorts, so I skirted carefully around the attack on the street in which my shorts had been forcibly ripped off my body. I had then been publicly fucked right there on the street, of course, but I did not hint at that.

"Wait a minute!" he suddenly cried, "there was a report of that a few weeks ago, but no-one in our office believed the story! A young guy was stripped naked in front of a busy sidewalk pub restaurant! I only remember a few details, since the boss decided it was just a hoax story."

I was acutely embarrassed now, and wondered what details of the event they had on file. I had noticed several people snapping pictures, so I guessed there would actually be some photos of the event if this reporter cared to dig deep enough. Should I tell him the whole story, in the hopes that he'd be on my side if he had all the facts from me. Would he turn against me if I hid stuff from him that he was going to find out anyway?

"Um, Trevor," I fumbled my way through it, "there are some details of that day I have never told anyone, not even my closest friends. If I tell you, can you do anything about protecting my identity?"

His jaw dropped, "There's more? Oh my god, I don't believe it! This is turning into a pretty sensational story you know!" He looked at me speculatively. "Tell you what. If this part is really sensational, then you can be an anonymous character in the story." He paused, "However, I should warn you that once the story breaks, all the other papers will be all over you, and you are not likely to remain anonymous for very long."

I figured that was the best I could do, so I began my story, "Okay, so I left the police station wearing these falling-apart cut-off jean shorts that were way too small. They'd cut off the waist band, and ripped up the legs just to get them to cover the essential parts. I got called names all down the street, so when this guy starts yelling at me, I just wanna rip those shorts off you and fuck you right here!' I'd had it! So I yelled back, Oh sure, so what's stopping you?' Next thing I know, my shorts are ripped off and I'm picked up bodily by this guy -- he's much bigger and stronger than me. Then his big slippery cock is poked up my bum and I'm being fucked right there in public!"

Trevor looked at me astounded. "You're kidding!" But clearly I wasn't. "Oh, my god, the stories were true, but they seemed so far-fetched!" He was scribbling madly in his notebook. "There were people who said they had photos, but we never followed up."

"Do you still have the contacts?" I asked, and he thought they did. "So you could still follow up, just make sure I can't be recognized by my parents!"

"There is something else, too," I ventured tentatively.

He looked at me in absolute amazement. "There's more?"

"Just one tiny little thing," and I told him about the effect on my bowels of being fucked, and how I had been forced to take a giant crap in the alley-way, right in front of the old lady.

Trevor laughed for several minutes and had trouble getting his breath back, and when I mentioned the young boy who said I smelled of poo and called his Mum, I thought I was going to lose him to apoplexy. "Kid, you are really something else! I can't imagine anyone else being this open and upfront about the most bizarre story in history. I am so gonna do my best to protect you." He then set up a series of appointments starting about a week later. The whole session would take three days, he thought, and that would give him enough material for several articles in a series over the next couple of months. A week from now, we figured, and I'd be well recovered from my sickness. I was to stay close to my room for the next few days and was not allowed to attend classes.

I slept most of the time to recuperate. A very consoling Tony, who touched me up' to maintain what he described as my spectacular' appearance, visited. He also rubbed me down with some kind of lotion that provided a more even all-over slightly tanned colour, something he said should be repeated weekly. He said this with archly raised eyebrows as he was massaging the lotion into my cock and handling the balls, massaging into every conceivable crevice!

Eventually I was up and about. My pet reporter and his cameraman returned and I began classes. He did not film everything, but stayed for a few minutes in each class to film me settling in and participating. He also followed me around campus as I dashed from place to place in the rain or cold. I had a woodshop class in which I was working on some dining chairs of my own design. Trevor was amused at the way the wood dust stuck to my skin, coating my body with a light mahogany-coloured furry texture. Also when I produced woodshavings they would stick onto my pubic hair, giving me a bizarre set of pubic curls reminiscent of a nude Greek statue! Naturally they shot a lot of pictures of this, though I could not imagine the paper publishing them. When I mentioned this, he said, "Well, you never know kid, if these articles take off, we could be in for a whole publishing gig -- magazines, even a book!" This had never occurred to me, and my head was suddenly full of thoughts of untold riches!

Trevor tried to get an interview with the Principal, but was refused not once, but many times. Many of the teaching staff, the domestic staff were interviewed and Trevor seemed happy with the results. He was annoyed that he was unable to get any kind of policy statement from the Principal, though, and eventually realized that there would be no balancing counter-viewpoint so he would have to speculate, which of course could lay him and the paper open to a law suit.

On the last night he offered to take me to the pub, since I had confessed to my two experiences. He came alone with me and brought a tiny hand-held digital video camera, with which he hoped to film surreptitiously, without attracting too much attention.

The pub was not very full, and he encouraged me to walk in, bold as brass. As far as I knew the publican -- the owner of the pub -- was completely unaware that I had already visited his establishment completely naked on two previous occasions. So when I entered I was unsure what to expect. When he saw me enter somewhat sheepishly and Trevor with camera in hand behind me, he boomed across the bar, causing all heads to turn in my direction, "Davey me boy, come in, come in, I've been hearing all about you, wondered why I hadn't seen much of you lately!" He grinned at his own joke, "Now we get to see so much more," he laughed out loud, "and boy oh boy, is there a lot to see!"

He brought me to the bar and presented me with a pint of my favourite beer, and with a flourish, he chinked glasses with me as we both drank. Trevor was busy in the background, filming all this. The evening passed pleasantly with a steady stream of customers coming and going. Well, coming mostly, since the bar gradually filled with mostly male customers all wanting to shake my hand, get their picture in the paper and to enquire after my health and how I was enduring this naked punishment. 

Many of them put their arm around my shoulder, or stroked my back. Some patted my bum affectionately. One or two got more personal and lightly brushed my cock with the back of their hand as if by accident. All this touching produced the inevitable reaction, and soon I was surrounded by guys with their hands lightly touching me, with a solid boner. They were all suitably impressed, making many raunchy remarks and jokes. I felt a couple of hands run inside my upper thighs from behind, and they parted my butt cheeks and fingered around my hole. This cause my cock to jerk visibly and to touch hard against a couple of hands at the front, hands that once touched, held on. Hands up my butt, hands stroking my nipples, hands cupping and massaging my balls, hands all over my cock.

Meanwhile I was continuing to drink the endless supply that was put into my hand. I was lost in a haze of alcohol and sex, not quite knowing what I was doing. Trevor was in there somewhere. I saw his excited face once or twice, in fact one time he was so close I was sure that it was his hand on my cock!

When I came, several hands were ready to catch my load, and as my knees buckled, many hands supported me, "that's a boy, let it go, let it out!"

Eventually, when I was quite tipsy and satiated with sex, the Publican called time, and everyone drank up and drifted out. Trevor and I left together, "Come again anytime," the Publican waved cheerily at me with a big wink.

With goodbyes being yelled into the night sky, Trevor and I began to cross the common back to campus. It was a chilly night, but I was not feeling the cold somehow. "Is this where you met the twins?" he asked. I had told him truthfully now about every encounter I could remember.

"Yeah, just over that way," I pointed to the clearing where we had our three-way sexual encounter. He steered me that way, his arm around my waist as he supported my somewhat staggering walk.  I noticed that his hand slipped lower until he was cupping one of my buttocks. I snuggled a little closer almost unconsciously. We arrived in the middle of the clearing and stopped at a large smooth fallen tree. Trevor pushed me back to sit on it. He stepped back and raised the camera, taking some shots of me. Then he indicated that I should lay back on it and continued the photo shoot. He continued to arrange me in different positions, playing with my cock to get it to lay just so. Then he played with it until it swelled to his satisfaction. He moved around me taking shot after shot. Finally he put the camera down and began to play with my cock in earnest. He stroked it and massaged my balls. There in the brightly moonlit clearing, he gradually began to remove his own clothes, until he too was as stark naked as I.

Our love making became more passionate as I began to respond to all this attention. He sat astride the log, with both our legs draping down to towards the ground. Our balls were ground together and our cocks touching their whole length. He grasped them around with one hand and began to slowly slide up and down, spreading my own pre-cum over both rods at once. I could feel his hardness through my own, and his fingers as the double-friction caused my cock to swell and pulsate with erotic sensation. I lay back and closed my eyes, just letting myself drift into sexual abandon.

I felt hands on my feet, hands roving up my thighs and massaging all around my abdomen and chest. So many hands! Wait a minute, how many hands can one guy have? I opened my eyes and was met by the broad smiles of the two naked twins, who had joined Trevor in the clearing.

"Just lay back, honey, and do nothing at all, just enjoy," said Tim, "there's more than enough of us here to take care of each other." And with that they sort of entwined themselves with Trevor and me, becoming a mass of arms, legs and cocks. At some point I was lifted from the log, which was becoming bit uncomfortable. I found myself laying in the soft green moss and surrounded by the warmth of three bodies as they explored every single inch of my body. Their mouths were everywhere, tongues probing, fingers inserting, lips plucking at me.

I once again lost all track of time as I wallowed in the sensations of the moment. I was so horny, I felt like a cat in heat. I allowed my legs to be pried shamelessly apart, exposing my asshole. I wriggled in delight as probing fingers explored around and inside it. I pulled my legs wider and up to my shoulders, to expose more and more of that tender spot. All the while, someone was licking my perineum and up around my balls. My cock would be tantalizingly left alone for long periods of time until I was nearly out of my mind with lust and desire. Then a finger would lightly brush the shaft of the beast and he would twitch and begin to pump in anticipation of more, but then the touch would be removed to leave me in an even more heightened state of craving.

A tongue lightly flicked my puckered and tormented asshole. I had never experienced that before! I gasped in surprise at the utterly wonderful sensation. I tried to push my bum right into the face of, well, whoever it was. I tried to almost inhale the tongue through my hole. I could not get enough of this! I became almost delirious with sex. Tongues licked and teeth gently chewed on my nipples until they became exquisitely tender and as erect as my cock. Something much larger than fingers inquisitively nudged my hole, and another cock rubbed lightly along my lips, leaking its clear liquid saltiness onto my tongue. I probed the head, feeling the ridge and testing out the slit. I sucked it all the way in and ravished the shaft with my mouth, while caressing the whole length with my tongue.

My hands were roaming constantly, finding taut buttock mounds here and secret inner thighs there. I found tight testicles and rigid rods. I smoothed glistening slippery juices all over velvet hoods and I reveled in the sheer animal lust I was feeling.

The cock at my entrance slowly worked its way inside and began to slowly fuck me. I arched my back to receive it and encourage it to probe more deeply. Another cock replaced the one in my mouth and another mouth pulled my own cock, ready to explode, into the wet warm endless throat.

The cock that was fucking me so gently at first began to speed up and was soon pounding me like a battering ram. It withdrew to the point of almost-withdrawal, then rammed in to the hilt with shattering force, causing me to gasp and gurgle around the cock in my mouth. Then he -- it was Trevor, I realized -- started to completely withdraw and with unerring aim, to reinsert and ram me even harder. Even without the mouth sucking my cock, I would have come with only a few thrusts of this, but with a cataclysmic final plunge, his cock swelled even more and began pumping its contents of cum deep into my bowels. That set my own cock to pulsating with cum and shooting deep into Tim's throat. As I convulsed in ecstasy, I felt Tom's cock swell and begin to pump deep into my throat. I grasped Tom's buttocks with both hands above my head, as we all spent ourselves one within another.

We broke apart finally, and lay sprawled on the moss, sweating and glistening in the moonlight, arms and legs all touching one another.

"Now that's what I call a sensational group fuck!" exclaimed Tom as we began to get our breath back and began to gently caress whatever body part was nearby.

"I think I just destroyed my impartiality as a reporter," giggled Trevor.

"Oh, I dunno," I smiled dreamily, "just think of it as really deep background research!" We all laughed like maniacs.

Slowly we got ourselves tidied up and all except me, got dressed, though Trevor did wonder if he should further his research by experiencing the same nude walk back to campus as me. In the end common sense prevailed. No need for him to jeopardize his job along with his reputation as well as his already shattered impartiality.

They all walked me to the campus gates, and then as I entered the three of them went their separate way, the twins went home, and Trevor said he'd find a cab back to his hotel. That is, I think they parted ways.

The photo shoot and all the interviews were completed about three weeks before the first article came out. Life for me returned to the `normal' of being naked and attending classes. It improved in the fact that I could now go to the pub without any problems, and so long as I made the visits either when the place was packed with students, or late at night in mid-week when there were not too many customers around, it seemed that nobody minded at all. In fact, George, the publican, said business was improving on those slow nights when I fell into the habit of going. After all, the local pub was my only form of night entertainment right now. I couldn't imagine going into the West End nightclubs like this.

I didn't see Trevor before the first article was published, though he did email his first draft for my opinion. It was really good. I corrected a few facts he'd got wrong, but all-in-all I was pleased with it.

I met up with the twins on many of the nights I crossed the common on the way home from the pub, and our romps became something that I reveled in and looked forward to. They seemed to also, though I'm sure they had sex several times a day with each other and their extensive band of friends.

Then the article was published and the sky fell in!

Next: Chapter 10: Naked Student 11 12

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