Nassau Delights

By kyle stuart

Published on Mar 10, 2003


Part 1. Seek and you will find... (bi m/f & m/m)

When I tell someone I have lived in the Bahamas, I note an immediate change in their attention. The expression on their face portrays one of interest and wonder, and some even feel I must be wealthy, for one usually is, to afford a life-style in one of the world's most glamorous islands in the sun.

However, would you believe, I arrived in Nassau with a little over US$5.00 change in my pocket, one suitcase containing all my worldly goods, and of course the clothes on my back? Oh, and a good measure of self-confidence!

This period in my life took place in November 1965, having just turned the ripe old age of 26. Not many of my contemporaries had moved about as much as I had done at that time. Nor were they game to venture out and take the chances that beckoned those few like myself who thrived on a challenge and the unknown.

In those days I had a burning desire to succeed and felt I could overcome any obstacle and achieve any task. I had never read a book or heard a speech on positive thinking; but looking back I can see I used all the ingredients associated with those factors. I just never thought of failure in anything I tried, and somehow seemed to evoke the good will of people with whom I came into contact.

I found I could usually get myself any job I truly felt I could muster, indeed anything I sought, with a show of confidence, and making use of my sexual prowess did not go astray either. I would look for and use any opportunity that offered a chance to not only engage my mind, but my body as well. I was always horny! If I could turn a situation to my advantage through the use of my nine-inch cock, I was game to rule the roost. But I digress...

The taxi driver took all my change for the trip to the address I gave him from the airport, which turned out to be less than a ten minutes drive. I alighted from the taxi onto a gravel driveway through tall graceful palms and thick bushes of flowering hibiscus.

Four bare footed children stopped their play to stare at me in appraisal as I approached them from the departing taxi.

The taller of the two boys who I took to be about eleven or twelve, stepped forward and gave me a friendly smile just as I was about to ask him if his parents were home.

"My father is away on one of the out islands" he volunteered, as if reading my thoughts, and without any hesitation continued, "and my Mum is out shopping." Then as an afterthought went on to say, "but she should be home any minute".

I smiled back at him as I took in his expressive handsome face, and turned slightly to include all the children now huddled behind him. "thank you, I said, "I'll wait and see your Mother". They all returned my smile, and made way for me as I walked between them to take shelter from the hot sunshine under the wide and spacious porch.

I had barely made myself comfortable in a cool cane chair near the double door entrance, when I heard the squeal of tyres, and out of a cloud of dust emerged a late model Ford station-wagon which crunched to a halt just a few feet away from the children.

They all scrambled to open the driver's door, and out stepped a tall elegant woman who I estimated to be in her early thirties, attired in a simple white cotton dress that showed off her golden sun tan. She wore "Audrey Hepburn" style sunglasses as worn in "Breakfast at Tiffinies" and clutched a wide brimmed straw hat together with a shoulder bag, as she instructed the kids to bring in the many assorted packages of groceries and other articles piled up on the front and rear seats.

I emerged from the cool shadow of the porch and walked over to greet her. With a stretched out hand, I half smiled and searched for her eyes behind those dark sunglasses. "I'm Kyle Stuart, a friend of Isabel Knight, I began, "who I believe you know as a dear friend of your mother," I hesitated, and began to feel foolish. Then added, "I've just flown in from Toronto... " And wondered what she must make of my cock and bull spiel.

"Yes, yes, I know Mrs Knight well," and she politely touched my proffered hand, but I barely felt her finger tips, as she walked on without breaking her stride. "You had better come in", she added, and then as she spied my large suitcase on the porch she turned to face me again, and lowered her dark sunglasses as if assessing me, but said nothing further.

She moved on into the house, and I followed her into a large comfortably furnished room of well-worn lounge chairs, a high ornate sideboard, and various side tables, lamps, and vases of fresh cut flowers whose fragrance filled the air.

"Please make yourself comfortable, eh Kyle," she looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded, "I've just got to see to the children... I'll send the maid in to get you a drink" her voice trailed off as she disappeared from view.

This was obviously the family room I thought to myself as I noticed toys strewed all over the polished wooden floor and threadbare scatter rugs. There were also mainly family portrait photographs on the otherwise bare walls, but the room was well ventilated, cool and of course fragrant from the abundant freshly cut flowers. I felt very comfortable as I seated myself in a massive high backed leather armchair, and could so easily have slipped into a tranquil doze had I not felt just a little apprehensive about whether I would be allowed to stay for a few days in this stranger's home.

It was still only mid morning, but I was a little tired from the long flight. The air was balmy, the chair so comfortable, and my eyelids were heavy and ready to close when light footsteps roused me from drifting into oblivion. She was ebony black with a head of tight curls, big shiny brown eyes, small broad nose, and thick moist lips which parted in a wide smile exposing perfect white teeth. "Enchanting," I thought, as she seemed to float towards me with hips swaying from side to side, and I could imagine her on a dance floor weaving her spell.

"Wow!" I almost blurted out, and now fully awake, this woman was all woman.

She just exuded sex with every movement of her body. With an extended hand she offered me a drink from a glass placed on a small silver tray.

"Kool drink Sar, she said, and grinned at me with sparking eyes that bore into mine with such a suggestive look, I immediately felt an itch in my crotch as it started to bulge. She knowingly lowered her eyes from meeting mine, and stood staring at my now very obvious erection, licking her juicy lips as she did so.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed softly to myself. And my mind was flooded with thoughts of this sassy damsel, whose fire down below would probably engulf me in an instant. I took the tall chilled glass from the tray, and had a sip of the freshly squeezed limejuice loaded with a heap of sugar, and thanked her.

"Anythin els I ken do fur yo Sar?" she voiced sweetly, but her eyes said it all, and I knew she was mocking me. "Jus cal me. "Anna's me name Sar" and she swayed her hips, her ample rump shifting provocatively through the thin cotton print dress. She gave my crotch one last long searching look, then sauntered from the room with those rumba style dance steps that rolled her ass like Jell-O.

"Thanks Anna" I called out as she left the room, lay back, and continued sipping my very sweet, but refreshingly cool drink, with thoughts of black Jell-O, and the promise of a hot sticky night!

I had finished my drink and lolling in my chair when I was again awakened from surfing my horny thoughts. This time it was my host, Mrs. Clarissa Campbell, whose name and address my dear friend and ex-landlady Isabel Knight had given to me. I was fortunate enough to reach her by phone, when I called her home from the airport departure lounge in Toronto, just minutes before my flight was due to leave for Nassau. Call it providence! I guess the Gods were with me that day.

"Well Kyle", Clarissa Campbell began with a thin smile, looking very cool and elegant in a soft, rose colored chiffon shift that trailed to the floor, and which made her look years younger, not to mention alluring! "Err, what is your story? I take it you have a message for me from Isabel?" she paused with a pout on her lips. Then noticing my empty glass she inquired. "Would you like another drink? "Perhaps some Bacardi and lime juice? "I have it all the time" she continued softly, while at the same time her eyes gauged my reaction, or was it my erection? Any way she now really smiled for the first time.

With a smile on her face I thought she looked quite beautiful, and even sexy as she reclined on the sofa opposite me with her dainty feet drawn up under her. Her gown had parted slightly down the middle and offered me more than a glimpse of her pale skin, untouched by the sun's tanning rays. Her perky milk white breasts were taut and seemed to glow, just as her pink nipples were enlarged, hard and clearly outlined beneath the flimsy material of her revealing dress.

She was obviously well aware of my arousal and the direction of my gaze, as I licked my dry lips and said, "yes, thank you, I would love another drink".

"Why don't you help yourself," she cooed, "and mix a Bacardi and lime juice for me too. "You'll find some ice in the bar fridge," she added, waving an arm.

I extracted myself from the comfortable armchair and walked over to the discreetly hidden bar and fridge in the tall ornate bookcase, which easily adjusted to a sideboard. Well, well, what have we here I thought to myself? A neglected white lush and a sexy black nymph. Play your cards right Kyle boy, and you'll have all the nooky you can handle! I made up the drinks and handed one to her outstretched hand.

"Thanks", she said, as she arched her body forward to take the drink from me. The elegant movement parted her revealing gown to the navel, and all but flopped out her enticing breasts. "Come and sit next to me Kyle, I don't want to shout to you from across the room," she smiled and patted the sofa. It was a very knowing smile with a seductive glint in the eyes. I obligingly moved over and reclined very close to her, with a bare knee touching her as I sat with my legs spread wide apart. I also made a show of adjusting my Bermuda shorts, for they had ridden up my crotch, and the seam was cutting off my water. I was in near agony, as my swollen cock and balls sack were painfully restricted from any movement. Normally I would have discreetly adjusted my equipment to a more comfortable position. Instead I openly shoved a hand up one of the narrow leg opening in my shorts, and pulled at my underdaks. The bulge in my crotch was now much more pronounced, as my jewels were freed up and swelled. I found it hard not to break into a grin of satisfaction as our eyes met, for I had made it clear I was up to her game of seduction.

She now patted my thigh brushing up against hers and said, "Tell me Kyle, what brings you to Nassau?"

I looked down at her slim cool hand still resting on my thigh, and then at the long well manicured blood red fingernails poised on my smooth bare flesh. I could feel my temperature rise as my aroused cock tented my shorts.

I gulped my drink down and made a quick decision. She was obviously interested, and ripe for a fuck, go for it I thought.

"I've lost all my money and need a bed for the night" I blurted out. "Can you help me?" and placed both my hands on the one she had resting on my thigh, as I turned my body to face her squarely, and looked into her bright blue eyes. I was delivering my most searching and imploring expression. The little lost boy look I'd found usually got what I wanted from women like her. "I'm going to fuck you!" I all but shouted the thought as our eyes locked, and I knew she was reading my mind!

"Why, of course dear boy", she responded gaily, and made as if to hug me to her bosom. I completed the gesture for her as I also moved forward and pressed myself to her alluring body, and felt the tingle of her hardened little nipples. Her arms went around me as I gently pushed her back on the cushions and nestled my head between her divine breasts.

"Mm... we both gurgled as she expertly manoeuvred her body so that I got one of her teat's in my gaping mouth, and began to suck on it hungrily as she squirmed, and rewarded me with soft moans of her pleasure. Her skin was so creamy white and soft in contrast to the pink and rubbery texture of her nipples, which she begged me to continue sucking, and nibble gently. She was like a bitch in heat, and looked on me now as a sexual instrument for her pleasure.

I was also caught up in a fever of sexual lust, and literally tore off the flimsy material that made a mockery of covering her, and then not too gently ravaged her body. Devouring her delicate looking flesh with my mouth and hands. I could tell she was revelling in my youthful vigour and aroused maleness. Rough sex it would seem, was the way she liked it! She also soon had me naked, as she stripped me of my brief clothing, got a firm hold of my throbbing staff with one hand, and cupped my overflowing balls in the other.

Our foreplay was getting rougher as we marked each other's flesh with love bites. My balls were also squeezed non-too gently, but I almost reveled in the pain as in turn I pinched her nipples and spanked her bottom! I could see our bodies being marked black and blue by the end of this frenzied sexual romp, our ardour heightened as we thrashed around. A kicked over side table had dislodged a heavy vase that crashed to the floor. But we didn't care, nor anyone else seemed to care, or want to investigate the thumps and the groans we expelled. The noises we so gutturally made must have vibrated throughout the house.

It was probably about the height of our thrashings, that she chose to have me enter her, and almost lovingly guided my meaty appendage into her very hot and moist vagina. Her incredible suction muscles drew me in like quicksand. I was lost in her body, and yet never felt so alive. In less than a blink of an eye it seemed she let me back in control. Stiff and throbbing! I filled her void as I shafted her long and hard with a fury! There was no tenderness or love in this encounter, just raw sex, which made her wreath and squirm in exquisite agony. She loved me entering her every which way. Pulling out of her pussy I'd ram my rod up her ass and fill her steamy void with my fingers to cries of ecstasy. She reveled in my pounding, and it seemed she could never get enough. She was also an expert cocksucker... and could relax her throat to take my swollen member right up to the hilt. Now that's a deep throat!

I blew my load just as I whipped out my rigid penis, scattering my seed in creamy wads all over her squirming body as she also convulsed, but still wanted my cock back in side her. However I had had enough, and made for the bathroom and a warm shower. She followed shortly afterwards and joined me under the shower, showing an almost motherly concern as she gently traced my scarred flesh with her finger tips, and was extra careful not to brush me with her gouging nails.

After being patted dry in luxurious fluffy towels, she continued to coo around me as she expertly anointed my wounds with soothing creams. I was exhausted. She had drained me like no other woman had. This was not typical of my many sexual encounters. With this woman I had reached another level, and I felt wiped out! We got dressed in terry towel bathrobes, had more drinks, and then thankfully I was shown to a spare bedroom. It was simply furnished, but quite spacious and airy with a pleasant view of the garden.

I must have really been beat up as I pretty well passed out the moment my head hit the pillow. I had stretched out wearing only my boxer shorts, as I lay on top of the smooth cotton sheets made up on a well-sprung double bed. My last meal had been only a light snack on the plane, and the half dozen or more Bacardi mixes had had quite a tranquillising effect on me.

I slept soundly, and the next moment I can recall was being gently, but compellingly shaken by the shoulders. Small firm hands had been placed on my shoulder blades, and a massage like pressure movement roused me from a deep slumber. It was a glorious feeling and I remember thinking it was rather erotic as I felt my penis swell and stretch up to touch my navel.

Many a chum had taken an admiring glance at my tool in the communal showers at Boarding School. Soaping up my genitalia invariably captured an audience, and made me realize how lucky I was to be so generously endowed. It was just great to see the look of approval, and hear the compliments from all those who classified me well hung.

But I digress again! Back to my being shaken out of my deep sleep. I'm roused by warm hands massaging my naked shoulders, now slightly moist from perspiring, as the tropical heat permeated my body. I felt hot, and my member felt huge, as I turned onto my side and faced the youth that draw back his hands from my shoulders and stared apprehensively at me. He was the boy who had first greeted me on my arrival.

He has such big blue eyes, widely spaced in such a beautiful angelic face. I caught him looking down at my crotch, and noticed his eyes bulge. I looked down at myself and noticed my penis had escaped through the opening in my boxer shorts. It was stretched upright like a flagpole and swollen with pride. It must have looked every bit as inviting as an ice cream cone to a hungry kid. The boy involuntarily licked his cupid bow lips as his mouth gaped open. He was salivating! And I noticed him shiver! Could he be experiencing sexual excitement? It seemed to me he was obviously attracted to my erect appendage. In fairness, I must say I was more amused than embarrassed with the whole situation.

"Oh my God"! He exclaimed, "yours is bigger than my Dad's... and my uncle Hank," he ventured as an after thought. "It's so huge!" He spluttered.

His wild explicit words made me sit up in one jerky movement as I tucked away my naked member of throbbing passion. This was no dream, and I must make sure it does not turn into a nightmare.

"Thanks for the compliment kid", I said, trying to make light of his remarks. "Is it time for lunch?" I retort with a grin, changing the subject. I felt refreshed, sexually satiated, and ravenously hungry.

Just then, before he could answer me, I heard someone's deep rich voice call out: "Danny! Your Mum wants you to clean your self up for lunch. "An bring along Mister Kyle with you!"

"I'm coming uncle Hank," piped up the kid now back in my doorway, and he took one last look at me as I was hastily getting dressed, before dashing from the room and called back, "lunch time mister, follow me".

Lunch was a simple affair and was served on the back verandah. There was no sign of Anna, but my attention was drawn to the big handsome stranger seated on one side of Clarissa Campbell. He was such a hunk! Along with Danny and the other three children, they sat around a large picnic table, helping themselves to cold roast chicken pieces, which looked mouthwatering. I was later informed the preparation was done in the local Bahamian style. Hot and spicy! Together with an array of fresh green salad, and soft bread rolls that just melted in ones mouth. I was soon pigging out, much to the amusement of Danny and his younger siblings.

"Hank, this is Kyle... a friend of Isabel from Toronto," Clarissa Campbell began her introduction. I took the proffered hand in a firm handshake from the handsome stranger who also stood up to greet me. "And this is my younger brother Hank," she continued, indicating the muscular arm stretching out, as she looked at me with a kind of pride associated with ownership. We were all smiling, but my eyes were locked onto Hank's. He was also giving me the once over with a look that made me feel naked, for I was sure he was mentally undressing me.

Deeply tanned, he stood about 6' 2", broad shouldered, tapering to a small waist of about 30 inches. He also had great arms and Herculean legs. I was sure he worked out regularly to have developed such a magnificent physique. Probably on steroids sprang a thought, but dismissed it, as my eyes rested on the huge bulge in his cut-away shorts. Well I'll be buggered! This guy was hung like a horse! What a great lay he would make! I bet he drives the women wild. Could he be Bi? Looks like a tough guy. All manner of thoughts were racing through my mind. But I just smiled all the while in a stunned, transfixed way, as he continued to strip me with his eyes. My feelings for him were obviously reciprocated in the way that he looked at me. Which left me feeling just a little concerned that Clarissa must notice the strong current of lustful feelings surging between us. It was so utterly transparent.

I ate ravenously, and felt Hank's eyes boring into me all the while. Every time I looked up from my meal and glanced at him, I would catch his eyes on me. Also his mouth would be in a grin as he licked his lips sensuously. Clarissa's eyes were on me too and so maybe she failed to notice her brother's intent interest in me. However I sensed young Danny seemed to notice his uncle's overtly seductive behaviour from the way he would also smile at me. It was a conspiratorial look so full of guile for someone so young, which made me wonder if he was as innocent as he looked. The kid would be a great catch for someone in another five or six years. But right now I must discourage him. Jail bait was not my scene, and in no way was I going to be snared by this cute under age teenager. His uncle Hank on the other hand was entirely another matter. He was the very essence of the type that made me feel weak in the knees. Not to mention making my hole weak!

I'm usually a top, and love to fuck ass, and the occasional pussy. But with a guy like Hank I would surrender my whole body, and especially my love chute. I imagined his cock to be about the size of mine, or even bigger, in spite of what Danny said. I very much doubt if he had seen his uncle's penis in an erection, and I can hardly wait to investigate the awesome bulge so brazenly displayed in his sexy shorts.

I was pondering over thoughts to get him alone when the chance was offered to me by Clarissa when she suggested I might like to join them that evening to see the new Bond movie "Thunder Ball" at the local cinema. As I was broke, Clarissa had even offered to pay for my movie ticket. Now I guess you're thinking that the three of us going out together would not allow me to see Hank alone. And you would be partly right. However I could see there could be a need for Hank and I to go to the lavatory at the cinema, thus affording an opportunity to quite naturally expose our appendages at the piss trough for one another to size up and may be take things further.

Hank was treating us both to dinner at the Montago Beach Hotel prior to our taking in the later show. He also quite charmingly bought all the rounds of drinks after hearing of my empty pockets. He was loaded it would seem, and money was of little consequence to him. I was later to learn he had won half a million dollars on a lottery ticket three years ago, and that he had successfully multiplied this win-fall through well-planned investments. Yep! He was definitely my kind of guy.

Feeling our thoughts were so in tune with each other, I was sure he would make an excuse to visit the 'Gents' at the cinema, especially since we had downed quite a few beers. Speaking for myself, my cock was ready to burst and piss in my pants. It felt so heavy and painfully swollen as I occasionally clutched my crotch in the vain hope of stopping myself from peeing as the urge to relieve myself took hold.

Hank could easily see my discomfort, and probably wanted a piss as desperately as myself, so it was with little ceremony he ushered Clarissa to our seats in the cinema, and took off with me in tow to the nearest lavatory. I had my cock out before reaching the urinals, and from approximately six feet away unloaded a wide stream of hot amber liquid, which easily reached the stainless steel splash back. Fortunately for me perhaps, there was no one else around beside Hank of course, who was also relieving himself of an equally strong spray of piss, which splashed back at us as it struck the urinal. The look of relief on our faces was almost comical as we sighed, tugged and shook our respective appendages, draining the last of our exquisitely felt drops of piss through our still swollen knobs.

Looking down at each other and ourselves we had to smile, for we seemed to know just what the other was thinking and feeling. Yeah, fuckin horny! And would you believe that is just where we got it on together for our first sexual encounter. A fuckin Public Toilet. Yeah, I've had many a jerk off and blow job in these hopelessly unattractive places. I would seem to be drawn to them like a moth to a candle flame. And yeah I got burnt, but not in this story.

"Quite a big one you got there!" ventured Hank with a humorous look on his face, his eyes directed openly at my now pulsing member.

"Yours is pretty big too!" I quipped, not wanting him to realise how much I admired his thick meaty tool. It was an amazingly beautiful uncut cock; its proud head now fully unsheathed in full erection glowed with a most attractive deep pink hue. It took all my effort to stop myself from drooling... it was so mouthwateringly inviting. My mouth all but gaped, and my knees felt like buckling under me. I felt so in awe of this hunk of a man beside me.

With barely a glance at the exit door, Hank reached out and held my shoulders in both hands, squaring up to me as he did so, so that his still exposed cock lanced with mine in a most provocative gesture as he kissed me full on the lips. His tongue invaded my mouth before I could gather my thoughts, and I felt like putty in his strong but gently controlling hands.

"Fuck Hank!" I gasped, when he finally broke our marathon like long kiss. "Someone could come in and catch us like this..." I spluttered. Not really wanting him to stop or care who came in to find us in this most compromising of situations.

Just then the men's room door did open, and in walked a youthful Bahamian, who smiled at us as we not too hurriedly squared ourselves up with the urinal in the pose of taking a piss. He was athletic in build, and his light brown handsome face retained a smile as he sidled up to me at the urinal and unzipped his tight fitting cotton shorts.

"Wow!" I could not help myself from exclaiming, as I found myself gaping at the monstrous cock he was nonchalantly holding out from his open fly as he began emptying his bladder.

"I like yours too!" he exclaimed in a deep warm voice, openly appraising my appendage, and then took in Hank's still outstretched penis and licked his lips as he did so.

"Yeah, this is where all the knobs hang out" voiced Hank with a grin and a chuckle, giving his thick cock a good long shake. We were all grinning now at one another, and began pulling and stroking our cocks provocatively. Our cocks were soon hard and throbbing as our eyes feasted on the display we were providing for each other with lustful thoughts of a threesome orgy. I was really getting into it and could not take my eyes off the monstrous erection of our younger companion. I had never seen a black man's cock till now, and this one lived up to every inch and more of what I had thought a cultural myth. This Bahamian Adonis beside me had an unbelievably huge cock. In full erection now it must have been all of 12 inches long, and as thick as my wrist. No way would I be able to take that salami up my ass, or into my mouth... as much as I relished the thought! But then again, I could be in heaven trying!

Sorry to say that was a far as we got, as the door opened again and in rushed a couple of boys who looked to be in urgent need of a piss. Just as well we had not got it on any further. Zipping up our swollen members and still feeling hard and horny, the three of us made for the exit without even stopping to wash our sticky hands.

Our well-hung companion gave Hank and I a cheeky grin before parting from our company at the exit door. We in turn also smiled back at him as we hurriedly, and almost sheepishly made our way back to join Clarissa in the stalls.

"Fuck Hank, have you ever seen anything like the length of that young dude's meat?

Hank gave me one of his know it all and seen it all smiles before he answered. "Didn't get as good a look as you did chum, but I've seen many a young hung stud on this island, and most are Bi, like you and I."

"Wow!" was all I could think of to say in reply. But then my grin and the glint in my eyes said it all!

We were now back in our seats and found myself placed in the middle of Clarissa and Hank who took the isle seat. Almost immediately I felt the heat and pressure of Hanks thigh brushing up against mine as he also casually rested his right hand on my knee. Clarissa meanwhile wasted no time in also snuggling up to me and fortunately settled with just holding hands. I felt like a piece of meat in their sandwich. However I'm sure being eaten up could never feel so good.

I took a break in the toilet during the movie so as to relieve myself not only of some more amber liquid, but also a quick wank to ease the ache in my balls. Yeah, "Lovers Nuts" I believe was the problem... needed to drain them boiling sacks of cum juice.

Now would you believe I got a helping hand when I reached the piss trough? No not Hank, but the young Bahamian dude we had encountered earlier at the same urinal. Yeah, the handsome youth sporting a well-hung dong. Did I say it was about 12 inches? Well I had no tape measure, but you may be sure it was all of that and then some. And now here he was again beside me flopping it out.

"Touch it if you like" he said casually with a cocky smile on his mischievous face.

"Don't mind if I do" I respond with a grin, looking him in the eye and reaching over with my right hand to get a fist full of his pulsating meat. Wow! It felt so thick and silky smooth, warm and lively. It seemed to have a mind of its own and trembled in my hand as it grew thicker and harder. It was indeed a joy to hold and caress.

"Simon", he said when I asked him his name after giving him mine, flashing his eyes at me as he did so and taking my rigid tool in his left hand slid the foreskin over it lovingly. He had a masterful touch, which sent shivers up and down my spine with such a simple manipulation. He had me or more literally my privates in the palm of his hand, and knew he could do whatever he wanted with my wanton body. I was his for the plucking... or should I say fucking.

"Come lets get out of here Kyle," he said as I started to lean over to him, my knees feeling weak and ready to collapse. "I have a place we can finish this in more comfort" he went on to say.

"Sorry Simon", I broke in before he could say anything more. "I have to get back to see the remainder of the movie with Hugh and his sister I am staying with." He gave me a strange look as I told him this, but then smiled radiantly as I went on to give him my address.

"I know where you live" he broke in on me this time. "I have been there before. The Campbell's have a sexy maid called Anna".

"You know Anna!" I ask incredusly?

"Fuck her all the time!" he grinned at me with pride. "She can't get enough of my meat!" he boasted good naturedly, waving his thick long appendage to emphasise his point.

"Ok, so you know the layout of the house?" He nodded in response. "Well you will find me in the guest bedroom. Come over around midnight. All should be asleep by then but we will have to keep it quiet". We chuckled and grinned at each other with the absurd thought of trying to keep quiet in a sexual romp, and I slapped his cheeky rump playfully as we zipped up our flies and exited the toilet.

The movie was over by ten, and we decided to return to the Montago Beach Hotel for a nightcap. We sat out on the main terrace overlooking the hotel's private beach, and listened to a calypso band as we went over the `Bond' movie we had just seen. The ambience was just perfect. The bay was bathed in soft silvery moonlight, highlighting the snow-white peaks of the rolling surf along the shoreline. The pink painted hotel blazed brightly in a glow of twinkling room lights, looking like a giant birthday cake, as we danced to the rhythmic music and sipped our concoction of mixed drinks. Hank was playing host and insisted on picking up the tab once again. That I would pay him back later in other ways was an unspoken and mutually accepted understanding. Yep! I could hardly wait to pay my dues. He can plant his meat up my Kyber and take my meat down his throat anytime! And vice versa! Oh what 69 bliss I could dream and look forward to!

All too soon it seemed the clock struck twelve, and we were yet to slow down and go home. Clarissa was sloshed, that is a drunken paralytic, and had to be carried home with the combined effort of Hank and myself. We were not too well hinged ourselves, and wobbled and weaved our way in a most disorderly fashion, but finally made it back to the house now in total darkness except for the porch light.

I was thinking of Simon skulking around somewhere waiting for me, as I helped Hank place Clarissa gently down on her queen-size bed. We only removed her shoes and pulled a light cotton sheet over her. She was out cold, but snoring! We had to smile, and almost giggled like silly school girls as we tip toed out of her room and made for mine, discarding our clothes in a tell tale trail before we flopped onto the double bed in unison. Naked now except for our boxer shorts, we wrestled feebly as we also discarded these remnants of modesty, and grabbed a hold on one another's cock. I felt dizzy and yet at the same time euphoric as I gave way to an invading tongue between slobbering lips which enveloped mine before I too entered the world of total oblivion. Heavy drinking is definitely not conducive to good sex.

It was still dark when I felt a compulsion to get up and relieve my aching bladder. Yeah, I was dying for a piss, but had to remove Hank's arm from around my waist before I could make my call on the toilet. There was only the glow of moonlight streaming in through the bedroom window to help me negotiate my way to the door, and from here I was unsure of my way to the bathroom. Was it one or two doors down on the left, but then on second thoughts was it to the right of my room. It was a big rambling house, with corridors like a rabbit warren, and I was still half-asleep.

I made for the first door on my left only to find it ajar and gently pushed it open. Bingo! I had found the loo, and eagerly pointed my python to the porcelain and relieved myself, sighing blissfully, as I gently tugged and shook the last few drops from my swollen appendage. It was only then I realised that I was naked, and my cock was not only just swollen but also as hard as a rock. It was sticking out at a right angle and begging for some action. Hank sprang to mind as I hastily retraced my steps and there bathed in moonlight lay the sleeping form of my heart's desire.

Fuck! You're a sight for sore eyes I thought to myself. And indeed his nude body was a sculptor's dream. My eyes were drawn to every muscular curve of his perfect symmetry. He was lying face down, and so my eyes were not able to devour his pride and joy, that statement of manhood that made me feel weak in the knees. But his bubble butt is a joy to behold. I moved around to view him more closely from the bottom of the bed.

His legs were splayed apart exposing a spread of his massive balls, and I have to control myself from not jumping on him there and then. I resisted the temptation to drive my rigid pole down between the inviting crease in his gorgeous ass cheeks and plough his secret entrance. What a joy that would be presses a lustful thought. It would be like entering paradise screamed my dick, and the battle was lost as my knees melted and ended up collapsing onto the bed. Smiling wickedly, I found myself with my nose in his butt crack and greedily open my mouth to fill it with his protruding balls, slobbering over the silky sack as I did so.

My hands were also busy stroking and caressing his gorgeous twin orbs of prime flawless flesh. I was in my element and relished the feel of this hunk of a man, whose body filled my senses with euphoric bliss. Nothing it would seem could top my heightened senses, but then he turned over displaying his manly jewels. He was groaning with the pleasure I was giving him, making me gasp and drunk with wild desire as I beheld his swollen member in full erection. My mouth involuntarily opened and uttered the understated obvious "perfect" before gobbling the crown, and taking it down to the back of my throat. "Mm!" there was nothing more I could say? But hey, what a feeling!

Hank squirmed in ecstasy, revelling in my oral administration of his fabulous cock. It was just such a turn on to watch and feel him enjoying my labour of love with gut wrenching groans, deep sighs and a contortion of facial expressions. Finally he was there; at that point of eruption we all wish to last forever. The climax to a beautiful ride, or as in this case, a deep-throat suck-fuck. Yeah, what a sight it was to behold him shoot his creamy load high in the air after the first salvo exploded in my gaping mouth.

He just kept coming! Landing money shots all over my smiling face, hair and torso. His lips then went down on mine sharing his precious pearl like drops of pure nectar, the drink of the gods. His gorgeous body was also spread over mine cementing our heated flesh in the love juices of our passion. What bliss! Utter bliss!

It was at this point that I also came. I had come close to shooting my load several times while playing with his organ. Now with his body squirming over mine and the feel of his cum slick cock rubbing up against my own throbbing appendage, the sexual excitement was too much to control, and the impending release was euphoric, adding my cream to the slimy goo already binding our crotch and lower torso. We lay entwined in each other's arms and legs, enjoying the after glow of our first sexual climax together, drained and happily satiated.

Continued in Part 2.

Next: Chapter 2

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