
By willadams

Published on Nov 10, 2004


A prelude to her 14th birthday party

By Will Adams and Mark

Thirteen-year-old Natasha Natoli lounged back in her favorite recliner and gazed down imperiously at Amber's two daughters as they knelt before her. The two naked blondes, formerly known as Allison and Alexandra, now known as cuntlap and asslick, were industriously applying their tongues to their owner's feet. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations as two slut tongues lapped along her soles and in between her toes. Life was as it should be. Sluts like these two served no other purpose in the world than to worship any part of Natasha that she ordered.

Natasha's nude body in repose was a stunning sight. The languid grace of her precocious curves and her heartbreakingly beautiful face combined to produce an effect that was positively angelic, betraying no hint of the twisted cruelty that lurked within. "Suck," she commanded, and two slut mouths began eagerly slurping and sucking her toes. Life was good. Her training of Amber's daughters was progressing nicely - in just a few weeks she had whipped their oral talents into something halfway acceptable. Technically there was room for improvement, but they had learned the hard way what Natasha expected of them in terms of oral endurance and enthusiasm.

Natasha had drifted halfway toward sleep under the relaxing ministrations of her foot slaves when her tummy rumbled, reminding her of the ongoing experiment. Natasha's body was preparing a punishment meal. Dinner last evening had been take out from an Indian restaurant, an assortment of dishes all featuring hot curry sauce. Breakfast this morning had consisted of huevos rancheros and a side of frijoles topped with grated cheese, all topped with plenty of hot sauce. Lunch today had been a large cheese pizza, with a double topping of jalapeno peppers. Her tummy rumbled again and she rudely shoved her slaves away, by thrusting her feet forward into their faces. Natasha rolled out of the recliner and stood with feet spread wide. Grasping the twin white globes of her delectable ass, she spread them to expose her exquisite little anus for the admiration of her sluts.

"Cuntlap," she commanded, "brown nose." cuntlap scrambled forward on her knees to fit her face deep into her owner's asscrack, eager to press her nostrils against the beautiful asshole that now totally ruled her life. Natasha grunted and released a long, slow fart into cuntlap's waiting nose. cuntlap greedily filled her nasal passages and lungs with her owner's holy essence, and then groaned involuntarily because she could inhale no more. cuntlap was truly amazed at how she worshipped everything that came from Natasha's perfect body, particularly her intestinal wastes. Amazed at how she felt that she was in the presence of a divine being when she gazed up raptly at Natasha's perfect asshole. She shuddered as she realized that she had come to believe Natasha's shit was holy and that Natasha was indeed a living Goddess, truly a deity.

"Asslick," Natasha ordered tersely, "pussy. cuntlap, asshole." A few minutes later Natasha was on the verge of orgasm, as one slut tongue worked tirelessly in and out of her asshole and a second slut tongue darted over her large, engorged clit. Her hands were knotted cruelly in the sluts' long, blond hair, pulling their faces deeper into her demanding pussy and ass. Her erect dark nipples, tensed muscles, and rigid, quivering tendons in her thighs marked the onset of orgasm. Natasha tilted her head back and gave herself over completely to coming on her sluts' faces. She came so intensely that she didn't even try to control her bladder, pissing freely into asslick's mouth. asslick managed to swallow most of Natasha's Goddess juice, but the flow was so copious that she couldn't keep up, causing some to run down her chin and over her naked body.

Coming down from her intense orgasm, Natasha shoved her sluts away roughly. She glared down at the choking, cringing asslick. "Damn you slut! How dare you waste a single drop of my sacred piss? cuntlap, fetch the pussywhip."

Just a few weeks ago these two young women were typical high school students from an affluent middle-class family. Never in their wildest dreams would they have thought they would be so eager to worship at Natasha's body, but now Natasha knew she had them and that they were her total sluts, willing to do whatever she demanded. Right now, she was in the mood for verbal abuse. "You two fucking shitbags are the most worthless pieces of shit in my menagerie, why I even spend a moment with you is beyond me," Natasha said. "I do get some enjoyment from debasing and humiliating you, but you two like it too much."

Natasha lovingly caressed the fancy, jewel-handled pussywhip - a diminutive cat o' nine tails, custom-made, with miniature metal-tipped scourges - a gift from one of her rich toilet sluts. She swung the pussywhip several times, enjoying the sound of the multiple flails cutting through the air. Each time she swung the pussywhip asslick flinched at its evil sound.

She ordered asslick to position herself on the couch lying on her shoulders with her back up against the back of the couch to elevate her hindquarters to a comfortable height for punishment, comfortable for Natasha that is. "Now, spread your legs along the top of the couch. Spread wider asslick! I want that pussy completely exposed to the whip. cuntlap, push down on her thighs and hold her in position."

cuntlap leaned over to push down on asslick's thighs to completely expose her nether regions, then waited as Natasha prepared herself for the beating. Natasha looked down at asslick's blond furred pussy and knew she was going to beat this worthless piece of shit within an inch of her life. 'Or perhaps,' Natasha thought, 'I'll take her life.' Natasha was becoming increasingly taken with the concept of killing one of her shit slaves. She thought about the fact that she already had more lesbian scat whores than she could ever provide shit for and thought, 'Why not kill one of them?' The thought of removing one of these worthless shitbags from the face of the Earth made her pussy tingle. She knew she would soon give in to the craving.

Natasha raised her arm and then brought the whip down furiously. At the first strike asslick let out a loud shriek and then burst into tears. Natasha never paused as she raised her arm and swung the pussywhip again at asslick's exposed pussy and asscrack. The second blow drew blood and it impacted Natasha much as blood lust often does. She went berserk with lust, trying to draw more and more of the red fluid as she rained blows on her whore's weeping body.

cuntlap also began to weep as she watched her sister's crotch turned into a bloody swamp. Shortly, the blows caused asslick to pass out and Natasha ordered her sister to fetch a glass of cold water and smelling salts. While she awaited the return of cuntlap, Natasha again surveyed her handiwork. asslick was bleeding nicely, her entire crotch area covered in the now drying blood. The lacerations, Natasha thought with glee, would take months to completely heal. Once again the thought of finishing the stupid cunt off crossed her mind. And once again she wavered from taking a life, but she knew it wouldn't be long until she actually did it. When cuntlap returned, Natasha grabbed the water from her slut and threw it in asslick's face. Once the slave girl was awake, Natasha continued with the beating.

"cuntlap, spread her asscheeks apart. Wider. I want to whip her asshole." Natasha spent the next hour whipping the shrieking, blubbering girl's cunt and asshole, bringing her back from unconsciousness several times with water and smelling salts. Finally, she quit, more because her arm was tired than she had tired of abusing asslick. Natasha ordered asslick to kiss her asshole to thank her for the pussywhipping, then ordered her sister to clean her up and apply some medication to help salve the wounds. asslick then crawled slowly to a corner of the living room and curled up on the floor like a whipped dog, unable to manage anything beyond that.

But cuntlap was eager to experience her Mistress's shit and she began begging her superior Goddess. "Please Goddess Natasha, I am craving one of your shitloads, can I have it now?," she wailed. But Natasha decided to deny the little worthless cunt that special treat. Instead she had a better idea. She'd feed her shitload - and she could feel that it was a massive one - to the slut's mother and make both daughters watch as Amber debased herself in shit heaven.

Natasha called Amber at her workplace. "Hey shitwhore," Natasha barked into the phone, "get your ass over here, I have a particularly disgusting chore for you today." Despite the humiliation she felt, Amber felt her cunt go completely damp with the excitement of more abuse from her favorite little girl. Amber knew she had long ago gone off the deep end with her debasement at the hands of Natasha, but she just loved it too much to quit. She made up a phony excuse about one of her daughters being sick and rushed out to see her beloved Natasha.

When Amber arrived, she was horrified to find her daughter Alexandra laying on the floor, moaning in pain, barely conscious from the severe pussywhipping she had received from Natasha. 'No longer Alexandra,' Amber reminded herself, 'because Natasha decreed that from now on her name is asslick.' She recalled her first beating at the hands of Natasha and shuddered at the memory of its brutality. But, she knew that despite her severe pain, asslick was in ecstasy that such a beautiful Shit Mistress as Natasha would spend time with her, even if it was only to beat her. Amber's pussy clenched with the memory of her first beating - Natasha's casual brutality had proven her total ownership of Amber beyond any possibility of doubt or denial.

Natasha wasted no time getting to the point. "Amber, you disgusting shitbag, I've decided to honor your two worthless brats far more than they deserve by taking them on as full-time, live-in slaves. Starting right now cuntlap and asslick are dropping out of high school and moving in here. These cunts have no need of an education, their role in life is settled. They are my shit slaves and nothing else, worthless for anything other than serving as toilets, and toilets don't need an education."

"Amber, you will notify the school that your daughters are dropping out to be home schooled. Do it this afternoon. Also this afternoon, you will be taking your daughters to the tattoo parlor to have them permanently marked as my property. You will have "cuntlap" and "asslick" tattooed across their foreheads in big red letters. You will have their worthless tongues pierced and metal studs installed to improve their pathetic oral capabilities. You will have their clits pierced and metal rings installed so I will have a handy place to attach their leashes when I take them out of the house. You will pay cash for the tattoos and piercing, but you will also show your gratitude by eating out those fat Lesbos at the tattoo parlor, and you will also eat their shit if they so desire."

At first, Amber's impulse was to refuse to assist Natasha in the further degradation and destruction of her daughters. "God no Natasha, I can't do those things, these girls already serve you as slaves, I can't completely ruin their lives," Amber wailed.

Natasha, however, was not to be deterred. She stepped forward to confront Amber. The voluptuous, raven-haired beauty towered over the slender blonde by a full five inches. Her face hard with anger, she glared down into Amber's beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly she brutally backhanded Amber across the face. "Don't ever argue with me you shiteater," Natasha screamed at Amber. "You'd think you would have learned by now that your lives are nothing to me. I could walk over there now and kill asslick and feel no guilt at all, in fact I'd come if I did. Your life is worthless but to serve me and my whims. The same is true of your daughters and you will do as I have commanded. And don't ever bother mentioning God, because, in fact, I am your god, the only god that matters to you."

Natasha delivered a short, powerful jab to Amber's midsection then expertly executed a leg sweep, dropping the woman to the floor. Rolling Amber onto her back, Natasha then squatted over her face. Gazing up in awe at Natasha's exquisite ass, dominant little asshole, and full-lipped, black-furred pussy, Amber realized that she had no choice. Amber was moved to tears by the beauty and superiority of Natasha's hindquarters. Once again, it was driven home to Amber that she was totally owned and ruled by Natasha's pussy and ass.

Natasha gave Amber a few moments to be completely enslaved by the sight and proximity of her pussy and asshole. "Slut, you may now, with utmost reverence and respect, briefly kiss my glorious asshole. Then you may pledge your total submission to my asshole and cunt and most humbly beg to be allowed to aid in the total degradation and enslavement of your worthless brats. Once you finish begging, I'll reward you with a huge shitmeal," Natasha said.

Amber caved in. Weeping with the intensity of her submission, she raised her head to respectfully kiss her owner's asshole. "Oh, please forgive me Goddess Natasha. I know you are right, you are always right. I am totally owned by your glorious pussy and asshole. I live only to serve you and my girls are privileged to do the same," Amber blubbered. "Of course I'll remove them from school and have them permanently marked as your property."

And Natasha was true to her word, beginning to force out the hot shit meal from her glorious sphincter. Amber watched as the teenager's anus blossomed open and began to birth a huge, dark turd, one that would burn her mouth with its foulness. The first rope of thick crap -- tainted with all Natasha had eaten in the last 24 hours -- coiled its way to Amber's waiting mouth. Amber was wracked with her first shit-induced orgasm as the brown colon roll entered her mouth and quickly pushed into the back of her slut throat. Amber had eaten a lot of Natasha's crap, but had never tasted anything as spicy as this one. Natasha looked over at asslick and cuntlap and loved it that they knew their shithole mother was consuming the spicy bowel fruit that they so craved.

Amber, for her part, was having trouble forcing herself to swallow the first huge turd. Not because she didn't desire Natasha's special gift, but because it burned her mouth and throat as she chewed and swallowed. With mouth watering copiously, eyes tearing, and sweat breaking out across her face and scalp, Amber finally swallowed the first turd down completely. Amber couldn't believe she could handle any more of Natasha's hot shit, but knew that she must.

Natasha, noticing Amber's sweat-soaked face and tearing eyes, summoned cuntlap to her mother's aid. "Cuntlap, squat down over your worthless whore of a mother and wash down my tasty log with some of your slut piss." Amber then finished off three more huge scat rolls, with each washed down by piss from the two daughters who only a few years before had rolled out of her birth canal. Amber orgasming repeatedly, getting off on the humiliation of her own flesh and blood providing the relief in piss from the hot shit rolls.

After releasing the last log of her hot shit, Natasha stood and gazed down at Amber laboring to chew and swallow the last of her huge shitmeal. She spread her buttcheeks, exposing her filthy anus. "Cuntlap," she commanded, "cleanup."

Natasha allowed her three sluts to clean themselves up and then shooed them out of the house, telling the two daughters not to return until the red badges of their enslavement were on their foreheads. Permanently. "And while you are out," Natasha said, "contemplate the fact that you will not be allowed to eat any of my scat for the next several weeks leading up to my birthday, although you will be allowed to tongue my asshole frequently."

Author's note: Sorry for postponing the birthday party, but Mark came up with this great interlude and truthfully did most of the excellent writing. So for the birthday party, there have been plenty of suggestions, please vote for your favorite below and we'll go with the winner:

  1. Natasha kills one or more of the shit slaves while others watch. 2. Lacey Wilson becomes Natasha's subservient as well as "Linda Smith" (and daughters) and the 2 of them (that is Lacey and Linda) become Natasha's second in command of her expanding empire. 3. Natasha makes a movie with Lacey the Goth girl and to get revenge on her she eats Natasha's shit and also dog, horse and other animal shit as well as her own shit. 4. Lacey returns at Natasha's 14th birthday party, which was planned as a chance for Natasha to use all her shit whores, but Lacey domes Natasha and turns her into her slut and all of the whores shit and piss on Natasha in a bathtub and Natasha loves it because Lacey tells her what to do. 5. Natasha's cousin comes to visit and the two shit on all of Natasha's whores. 6. Natasha has three celebs (Avril Lavigne and Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen) kidnapped and force-feeds them after they blow out the candles on Natasha's 14th birthday cake. 7. Lacey returns to become Natasha's slave at her 14th birthday party, without becoming her second in command. 8. Natasha has a painful, humiliating competition between several of her favorite toilets. She has teased and denied them for several weeks leading up to her birthday, perhaps by allowing them extended analingus then forcing them to watch another toilet addict step in to consume the bowel fruit they are hopelessly addicted to. They are all insanely desperate for a Natasha scat meal, but only the winner will get to swallow Natasha's chewy birthday treat. 9. Natasha forms a church so her supplicants can actually worship her.

So those are a synopsis of the main recommendations that have been received, please vote for your favorite by sending an email to and we'll draft a story with the most preferred alternative.

Next: Chapter 21

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