Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Feb 28, 2007


Hello everyone I am so sorry it took me so long to get this chapter here but I have been very busy and with school about to start I will be even busier, but I promise I will keep the story going and will be sending you guys more chapters to read.

The same old rules apply to this chapter, don't read this if you know you're not supposed to or have problems with homosexuality.

Thank you all for the nice comments and I hope you guys like this.

Chapter 6 -- Boyfriends?

It had been over a week since Nate and Luke's first sexual activity. They had blown each other a few times more after that and they were already settling into school a little bit more. Luke loved his anthropology introductory class because it mainly consisted of fieldwork assignments. In addition, Nate could not be happier with the amount of reading that he had, of which he had already read most. Becca had already gone out on a date with Michael. After a brief dinner, a walk around campus and after he had walked with her towards her room, Mike kissed her and she felt like her knees were shaking, she lost herself into him and the next thing she knew they were holding each other while still passionately kissing.

"We could go to my room." Mike told her.

"Yes we could." She answered while nodding emphatically.

"I mean we could stay here, but from what you say of your roommate we shouldn't. Mine is gone for the night so..."

Before he could finish she had jumped up and grabbed his head pulling him down and then planted a kiss on his lips. "What are we waiting for?" She said.

They ran for his room and before even closing the door the two of them were already disposing of their clothing by tossing it around themselves on the floor while they moved towards the bed. Then as they were standing right in front of the bed on the left side of the room, which Becca figured was Mike's, she was already left only in her bra and panties, while he was shirtless and in his boxers, she looked down and was thrilled to see the nice tent that formed in Mike's boxers, then he moved towards the door and saw it was still opened.

"We wouldn't want anyone coming right?" He said and then he laughed nervously, while closing the door.

"No I think the two of us will do just fine." She said while licking her lips.

They began to kiss and he reached for her top, she began to pull his boxers down. She loved how he looked, the way his narrow waist contrasted with his broad chest and shoulders, the little patch of black hair right in the middle of his pectorals, which she realized were very nicely built. The sparkling of his blue eyes while he kissed her, it was just like he didn't want to stop looking at her, not even while they kissed.

"I must be dreaming." She said when she pulled apart to take some air.

"Then what a nice dream this is." He said with a devilish grin on his face.

He pulled her down on the bed and she knew she was lost.

As they sat at the dining hall, he saw a familiar face walking by and it took him a few minutes to recognize Martin, their RA. He was standing in line to get some food and so Luke decided as soon as he'd see him walk towards a table he'd call him. After all he thought it would be good to introduce him to Nate, knowing that besides him and Becca, Nate probably didn't have that many friends. They were having lunch together, now they had managed to coordinate a schedule so that they could have lunch or dinner several times a week together so that nights wouldn't be their only time together. Then Luke realized that Martin was already walking towards a table, not far from them, Nate almost fell backwards when Luke yelled out for him.

"YOOOOO MARTIN!!" Luke yelled while waving.

"Fuck, Luke you could've told me before scaring the shit out of me... Who's Martin?" Nate asked while trying to clean some mayo that fell out of his sandwich when he bit on it too hard startled by Luke's yell.

His question was answered as Martin approached the table and shook Luke's hand while balancing his tray on his other hand. "Hey Luke, hadn't seen you in a while." He said, then he laid eyes on Nate and he reached to shake his hand as well.

"You're our RA aren't you?" Nate said while shaking Martin's hand. He nodded while he looked from one to the other, from Luke to Nate and then from Nate to Luke.

"So Luke, aren't you going to introduce us?" Martin asked.

"I'm Nate; I'm Luke's room..." He couldn't finish because Luke jumped in.

"He's my boyfriend." Luke said, while smiling.

Nate's eyes widened and he felt a knot forming on his stomach. Now it was his turn to look from one of them to the other. He looked at Martin who looked disappointed and was making a smirk and then he looked at Luke who was still smiling, he felt like yelling at him until Martin spoke.

"I knew someone was going to catch you! The hot ones never are single for too long." Martin said while shaking his head.

Nate's jaw dropped, he looked once again to Luke and when he saw the stupid grin that he was giving him and how he looked away from him, he riddled it out.

"You knew he'd be cool with it but decided to scare me anyways didn't you?" Nate asked Luke. Luke burst out laughing at him.

Martin started laughing too. "You've got a boyfriend with a very wicked sense of humor here Nate." He said while cleverly devouring his meal at the same time, and yet his words were all intelligible.

"I'm good in bed too, right baby?" Luke said as he ran his hand up Nate's thigh.

The sudden attention directed to his thigh made Nate gasp and Martin laughed even more. Nate felt so embarrassed that he slapped Luke's hand. Luke withdrew his hand from under the table and pouted at him.

"Just to think of the two of you going at it..." Martin said while looking into the air, he took a deep breath and a smile drew across his face.

Now Nate knew that he had gotten as red as a tomato. He started mumbling, trying to say something and then he heard both Luke and Nate start laughing.

"He's so cute!" Martin said, while smiling.

"Ask me, I get to cuddle with him... that's the best." Luke said while beaming and Nate saw that Luke actually blushed a little.

He was stunned to hear Luke speaking of the two of them like this to someone else; it was bad enough that he had sneaked out with Becca to give her details of their sex, while he was still in the room and they were in the restroom where he could still hear the two of them. But to tell some guy and right in front of him... That he was going to pay for. But still Luke had blushed, something he didn't see him do too often, which made him think that he was actually saying it without any malice.

"You two are very lucky to have found each other." Martin told the two of them before shoving some salad in his mouth.

He had to admit it, Martin was really nice. "Thank you Martin, now are you two going to tell me when did you meet? Because after that lecture you gave us on the floor I don't think the two of you started hanging out." Nate asked the two of them.

"I went to read outside, remember it was on our first few days here, and I saw him talking on his cell phone, well more like complaining on his cell phone..." Luke said, then Martin laughed and jumped in.

"Yeah I know, I was complaining for having been assigned to you freshmen, I'm a junior and I had freshmen last year, this is my second year as an RA." He took a sip of some orange juice he had on his tray. "Freshmen are always harder to deal with, but some of them, like you guys are actually worth the whole experience."

"You just say that because you'd like to get us in bed." Luke said while shaking his head at Martin.

"Well the three of us in bed... That would be fun." Nate said, and it was now Luke and Martin that fell silent in shock of what Nate had said.

"So you liked Martin?" Luke asked now that he and Nate were alone in their room.

Nate looked at him and furrowed his brow. "Well yeah, even though you tried to scare the shit out of me with all you said to him." He answered.

Luke looked away from him and back to the book that he was reading. He didn't want to think of himself as jealous but he couldn't help it, he had felt this way ever since hours earlier when Nate had expressed his thoughts on having sex with Martin. He had to admit that he did want to make Nate a little scared by spilling out some info on Martin, but mainly so that Nate could see that they could tell people and that people would accept them. But he hadn't expected him to go and say something like.

"Ok, I don't know you from so long but I do know something is wrong so, say it." Nate said breaking the silence that had come after his answer for Luke's question.

Luke blushed; he didn't know that he was being that obvious. "Well...No forget it, it probably is nothing... I'm just... Well you..." He couldn't pick the words and Nate was now smiling at him.

"Now I'm sure something is wrong." Nate said, he got up and out of his desk, then he moved towards Luke's bed and he sat next to Luke, looking him straight in the eye. "Now calm down, remember you can tell me, if I get pissed I promise not to stare at you like I did a few weeks ago." He smiled but the look he got from Luke told him that his attempt at humor had failed.

"Ok not funny and I think I just feel... You know... Well jealous." Luke said and quickly looked away from Nate.

"Jealous? Why would you feel Jealous?" Nate asked, and as Luke wouldn't look at him, he reached with his hand and pulled Luke's chin so that he was now facing him.

Luke's face reddened. "Well you know you sort of implied that you wanted to have sex with Martin..." He looked away again.

"Oh so, you can go ahead and tell him that we are boyfriends when I don't even know who he is, and scare the shit out of me, but I can't flirt back to him after I meet him and like him? Come on Luke, besides if I'd wanted to fuck him or be with him don't you think I would've picked a different time to tell him instead of saying it in front of you?" Nate spoke so fast that at the last words he was running out of air.

Luke got so red and angry that he didn't know what to say, every time that he would open his mouth he wasn't able to actually say something, it took him a few attempts and after he saw Nate chuckling it was that he actually managed to speak up. "This is all just because I told him that we're boyfriends, that's why you're mad!" Luke managed to get out.

Nate stiffened and the look he gave Luke was just as bad as the one he had given him repeated times a few weeks before. "If you want to act like a stupid kid then go ahead but leave me out of it, I don't really have time for this." Nate said and got up. He moved back to his desk and he sat and went back to his work.

"Ok don't worry I get it, you don't want us to be boyfriends, that's okay, I guess..." Luke said struggling to fight the tears that he felt coming.

"Is that what this is all about? Is it because you don't know what we are?" Nate asked once again getting up and moving towards Luke.

"Well you've never said anything, what do you want me to think?" Luke said, starting to sob.

Nate got on the bed and tried to wrap his arms around Luke, Luke struggled a bit but then he just let Nate hold him. "Of course I want to be your boyfriend, why wouldn't I?" He said to Luke's ear, trying to calm him down, and then he gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know, I mean you never said anything..." Luke said, and then sobbed a little more.

"Well you didn't ask me. But if you ask me I do want to be your boyfriend." Nate said and then hugged Luke tighter.

"I do want you to be, I mean I always have but I didn't know..." Luke said, now calming down a little.

"Well neither did I, neither one of us can read minds, so if you had asked then you would've found out from the beginning." Nate said.

"Ok then how about this one, do you still want to have sex with Martin?" Luke asked.

"No, and I never said I wanted to, I said it would be fun to, and I was joking, I knew that would put the two of you in your place. Let's just say it was some vengeance for scaring me. You're the only one I want to have sex with you idiot." Nate answered, and then he leaned closer and kissed Luke on the lips.

After the kiss, Luke smiled. "I think I like that answer"

"Ok, so you and that hot piece of straight ass had sex on your first date?" Nate asked not believing what he was getting from the info Becca had just given him.

"After our first date actually." She corrected him.

"Dayyyyyyyyumn." He said wide-eyed.

"It's not like I don't have needs you know, a girl's gotta get some loving every once in a while you know!" She said while blushing and trying to suppress some laughter.

"Yeaaaaaaaah I know, but still on a first date..." He could not finish because Becca punched him in the shoulder.

"Finish that sentence and I'll kick your butt down all the way back home to your folks." Becca said while pointing her finger at him and glaring at him.

"Ok, ok I'll be good I promise..." Nate said while holding his hands up before him acquiescing to her aggressiveness.

She visibly calmed down and started to look at their surroundings, the dining hall was crowded with people and after about a month of being in school, she was already starting to get familiar with the faces that frequented the dining hall. Then a thought came into her mind and disturbed her, she stayed silent for a few minutes as Nate started to devour the salad that he had on his plate and then he moved on to his mashed potatoes. She thought it was best not to ask, but then she thought if she tried to ask and make it sound funny then Nate would probably react better.

"Talking about your folks, how are Mr. Redneck and Mrs. Hick?" She asked after picking the words that they used the most back in high school to talk about Nate's parents. Nate choked on his food and she immediately regretted it and thought he was about to storm out, but then she saw him smiling and heard him begin to chuckle after he managed to swallow the food in his mouth.

"I dunno... Haven't heard of them in a long time and I am in no hurry to go and call them. Just as long as they don't mess with me I won't mess with them." Nate replied and then he started eating his mashed potatoes again.

She smiled now that she realized that being at a big distance from his parents Nate had begun to relax and had stopped worrying about them as much as she remembered he would back in high school.

"So are you and Mike just gonna be getting it on or are you planning on having something serious with him?" Nate asked before taking a sip of his ginger ale.

She pondered about it for a few seconds and then remembered the last boyfriend she had in high school. "Well, I think I'm going to just have fun with him and then we'll see where it goes."

Nate smiled and nodded. "Well if you get knocked up Luke and I can adopt the kid you know."

He got up and started running before she even had a chance to punch him this time. "I'll get you for that one Nate!" She yelled to him as he reached the exit and placed the straps of his back pack on his shoulders.

"You were always to slow for me Becks." He said grinning and then he blew a kiss to her as he exited.

A few people in the dining hall had turned their heads and were looking at them, and now that Nate had left their attention was now on Becca. "God I fucking love that idiot." She said while sitting back down.

Next: Chapter 7

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