By Apollo

Published on Jan 27, 2002



This is an original story, all rights reserved. You may freely copy, download, and post this story. This is the third in my "Naughty" series. Apollo


I scratched off a ticket at the burger place hoping I might get some free fries - I couldn't believe that I had actually won a two week trip on a Carribean cruise liner. Sure I had to double occupancy with another winner, but this was the opportunity of a lifetime for someone who had never been outside of Nebraska.

I opened the cabin door and walked in, meeting my roommate Christopher. Couldn't tell if he was a geek or what, but he could do with some sun and lift a few weights, seemingly thin and frail. I saw a flash of red as he finished stuffing his clothes into his chest of drawers but didn't think much about it.

The first night was worthless. All the girls were either too stuck up, going steady, or not the best looking. I figured we'd pull into a port in a few days and my luck would change. Meanwhile I just got hammered on the open bar while it was available.

I cleared my head enough to stumble back to the room. Christopher must have figured I was going to spend the night elsewhere with a conquest because he was passed out in his bunk -normal except that he was wearing a red bra and panties. Great, I was rooming with a queer. I slammed the door, he sat up startled and I started to chew him out -but he just started to cry and it wasn't worth it anymore. I tried to ignore the wailing but I guess I had overdone it, nothing I said calmed him down. I finally just walked over and hugged him like you would a frightened kid, head against my stomach. That was a mistake.

I'm hugging him trying to sober up somemore when he starts mouthing me through my pants. At first I had no clue about what he was doing, like he was still trying to cry but nothing would come out. But the rubbing is exciting me and I'm starting to get hard. I want to step away but I'm drunk and horny so I just stay standing next to him. Christopher must have taken the lack of offense to be a sign of interest, because he zips down my trousers and goes against my cock now straining against the white cotton briefs.

He pulls them all down and greedily swallows my cock as deep as he can. Using rapid thrusts with his mouth and hand I get very close to bursting. I look down and see a blond head, red bra and I explode into his mouth. He licks off the cum with his tongue and for the first time looks up at me. My eyes are glazed over, my knees are weak. I mustter something, stumble backwards, and fall backwards into bed, where I passed out.

Oh my head. Watch out for those sweet tropical drinks with umbrellas, they sneak up on you. I notice Christopher was gone as I head for a hot shower. Did I remember last night clearly, was it just a bad drunk? If it really happened then did I really enjoy it? I wrap a towel around me and go into the cabin.

I open his drawers and find the regular guy clothes but also tons of female garments. Oh great, it was not a drunken dream, it was for real.

Just then the door opens and Christopher walks in catching me going through his stuff. He puts down a small shopping bag and asks how am I? I say OK, what else is there to say? He walks over and I expect him to shut the bureau drawers, but instead he picks up a pair of hot pink short shorts and a matching pink crop top. Christopher asks me if I like girls who wear hot clothes that show off, I mumbled yes, then quickly added but you don't really wear those clothes, do you? Christopher just laughs, says just wait, grabs a couple of other things and heads to the bathroom. I start taking out my clothes and put them on my bed, I think I'll go with swimming trunks and a muscle T-shirt today, maybe go oggle girls down by the swimming pool. Then I heard the door from the bathroom open.

Christopher had combed out his shoulder length hair, and put on a lot of pink lipstick, like he had rushed through applying it. He was wearing the pink clothes but the big change is he must have put on a padded bra because now there was some reasonable curves in his life.

I'm just staring as he walks across the room and gives me a hug- his head is about up to my chin. He says something about thanks for not beating him up, and I don't know what to say. So I just hum him back, thinking OK, it's over now and I will forget everything then move on. My fingers instinctively find the bra snaps, I don't want to start something, so I react my bringing my hands down. That was a mistake, now they are on his ass, which I feel through the thin pink cotton shorts. I'm starting to heat up again and had pretty much decided to walk away, but then he slides to his knees pulling the towel down with him.

My cock springs to half staff but this time Christopher takes it slower. He just tlooks at it, then he starts to tongue the sensitive helmet. Now I'm sober and I don't know why I'm letting a guy dressed like a hot chick go down on me, but the next thing I know I reach behind his head and gently urge him to mouth more of the cock. Christopher needs no more encouragement, and greedily attacks my nine inches. I look down and see a blonde bobbing up and down my shaft. He pauses at the tip, looks up to me and our eyes meet. You can see pink lipstick smared on his lips and on my cock. I just say something like that's good baby and he plunges down the shaft. Back and forth, gathering speed and moist friction until I blow my load into his face.

I stumble over and sit naked on his bunk. He half crawls over then pulls himself up beside me. The cum is still trickling down his chin but he has a smile - and I guess I have a sheepish grin. I don't know what to say, but he goes in to wash up. He comes out and sits by me again, the lipstick is freshened up. He tells me he goes by Christine, or some places just Chris. I start to tell him that I'm not gay but Chris interrupts to say that when he's dressed then he's not a guy, but I see a woman, so I'm with a woman, so it's all OK. That makes sense at first, oh well I guess so, I think.

I ask him if he dresses up a lot, his eyes sparkle and he says just wait and see. He pulls stuff from the drawer and carries them off into the bathroom.

I decide to forgo swimming and take a cat nap instead.

Chris dropped something in the bathroom and I woke up. Wearing nothing put my swim strunks, I sat down in one of the large chairs. I didn't have long to wait. Out of the bathroom stepped an incredibly sexy woman. She was dressed in an off the shoulder back dress that was cut to reveal just the tops of her breasts -at least I thought that they were breasts. The dress was short, riding up her thighs, and she had on dark nylon stockings and two inch heels. What surprized me the most was the detail of her face - the eyeshadow, eyelashes, blush, lipstick -all were perfect and alluring. She even thought to put on finger nail polish.

I just sort of stood there, so Chris walks over and smiles. I feel a rush and my member is at full attention. Chris looks down and licks her lips, then looks into my eyes. I'm staring into the sparkling eyes and I feel her hand gingerly reaching out for my cock. I lean over and kiss her, she opens her mouth and I hungrily french kiss her, all the while she is pulling on my cock and giving me a hand job. She starts little kisses on my neck, to my chest, to my flat abs, and then kisses my cock. I look down just as she looks up, and she willingly puts my cock in her mouth, almost laughing. She starts going down on me and my knees get weak, so I sit back on the bed with my eyes partly closed, watching a blonde head go up and down, licking the helmet, tantalizing me. She keeps at it but suddenly stops. She stands up, hikes up her dress and turns her back to me.

I see a well greased asshole which she guides onto my really aching pole. She goes up and down, turning just enough so I can reach out for her globes. I don't think they are falsies, I think I'm getting the fuck of my life, I stop thinking and soon explode. She lets me shrink then goes over and sits next to me, we cuddle which must be OK since I feel her quiver in my arms. She must have just came herself just thinking of what she had been doing for us.

After a day or so of lust, it became evident to me that Chris was painfully shy as Chris, had never ventured out of the cabin or any room, and not even had been with someone before, but hell she had been practicing. Chris had many pretty things, but had not tried them all on yet, building up courage on some more than others. I decided it would be in both our best interests to loosen Chris up some.

I started by having Chris wear some different outfits, then model just for me. Lingerie, business suit attire, Daisy Duke shorts, more lingerie, Chris was estatic. Of course, after each modeling session we fell into a fit of love making and just animal lust. I was very greedy and she accomodated me everytime. Finally after dressing in hot pink shorts and a halter top, I stopped her from our regular lust and told her to put on sneakers. She did so willingly if not confused. Then I gave her a hug, started steering her out the cabin door. She froze in panic, but I talked her into going since I would be there and I promised that she was definitely a passer. We just walked down the passageway, took the elevator up and went to the pool area, then returned. Just enough to give her a thrill and get over the panic, but I don't think she was totally comfortable yet. When we got back to the cabin I gave her the reward she wanted, she seemed to have sex with almost a desperation.

In the elevator we had noticed a poster advertising the upcoming "costume ball." Normally I would have thought this was a lame production, but now my eyes twinkled with anticipation. I took a break and went down to the ship's gift shop and my eyes locked on my target. I rapidly purchased it and presented it to Chris. There were almost tears in her eyes when she saw the box with a big bow, but she was stunned when she opened it. Inside was a classic maid's outfit. I explained to her that I would be going as a rich tycoon, wearing my 3 piece suit, and she would come as my maid. Later on of course I planned to come in my maid, but she just started to lift the dress and such out of the box. Given it was a cruise ship, it was a pretty normal black dress, not showing too much leg or breasts. I fixed that by having her hem up the bottom another 6 inches, so now it rode just over her butt and showed the garter and tops of her stockings. I also stuffed her bra a lot, making her look like a 42E just for the night. That forces out the polite dress top, now she looked lewd. Not enough yet, I had her put on slutty makeup, then the rest -gloves, 4 inch black heels, the headband, and the neck choaker. She almost started to cry from fear but I assured her that everyone would be looking pretty awful because of the lack of choices of what to wear, and she would just fit it.

We went to the party and walked in. Of course, she did stand out compared to the ghosts, witches, and more common costumes. She quiverred when all eyes went on her, but to get her mind off it all I took her out to the dance floor. She hid her face in my chest as we did a long slow dance. She felt me grind into her and I whispered naughty things in her ears. After a while of dancing and a couple of drinks, she was loosened up and we also necked on the floor. We slid out back to the cabin where I slid into her. I made her give me a head job and I fucked her on her back with her legs in the air. We both passed out.

The next day we were in a tropical port so we went out on the town. I let her relax, wearing jeans and a blouse, she was more comfortable in public that way so we did the town. I did make her tie up the blouse so it showed her belly button. She actually had fun doing the tourist stuff. As it got toward night we went bar hopping. She didn't realize that I had done my homework and I took her to a gay/lesbian nightclub. After a few minutes at the table she was sober enough to realize where she was. I let a couple of other guys come over and ask to dance with her, she said no at first but with my encouragement she soon was out getting other cocks ground into her belly. She was well warmed up when we got back to the cabin.

It was almost like another person altogether. She ripped off my clothes and pushed me back on the bed. She barely had her shorts down then she was up on top with my cock up into her cunt, riding me as I laid back. She did all the work, going up and down, moving around. She was tight, the friction was great, and I exploded into her. She sat on me quivering. Then she started to work on me again, and later that night I fucked her again.

Last night was great with Chris aggressively making love to me, but I didn't want her to get in the habit of being in control for fear that I would lose her if she became too independent. So I decided it was time to reign her in a bit. I started by asking Chris to wear some clothes I laid out. S/he complained that they didn't match well, wow I was a guy, but I talked her into it to please me. She went into the bathroom and came out later. S/he was wearing a white blouse that buttoned down the front, which looked very tight. Underneath there was a black bra definitely showing through the white blouse. She was very self concious and embarrassed, shifting from side to side. She was also wearing a white miniskirt over red panties which showed through. You couldn't tell but the panties were crotchless and she was wearing them to allow access to her ass. She also had on thigh high fishnet stockings that came up about 2 inches above the knee but also 2 inches below the miniskirt. She was trying to balance in the 3 inch clear heels. She had her hair done in two piggytails. She had on a lot of red lipstick, eye shadow, eye liner, and blush. She didn't need the blush because she was already really red from embarrassment.

I told her I was thinking of bringing her out on deck that way, she froze in fear. Then I backed off, saying we could stay here if she would rock my world. Much more at ease of that, she sways her butt over to me and sits next to me. My arm goes around her as she leans in to kiss me, her hand going for my cock. I ask her what she wants. She says I want your cock. I said that was not good enough and push her hand away, and I sit upright. She says she wants me to fuck her as she leans into me again. I push her away and say what else? She seems confused then she gets it. She gets on her knees in front of me with her chin in my lap, looking into my eyes she says that she wants me to do anything I want with her. I give her the nod and tell her to start sucking my cock. She licks it eagerly and deep throats it. I hold back on purpose, then I tell her to lean over the chair. Her skirt rides up her ass, exposing the slit in the panties. I fuck her with no more foreplay, just ramming it in, in and out, over and over until I am almost raw and she is completely fucked, then I explode. I make her stay in those clothes and we go to sleep. Sometime in the night I wake up with a hard on and make her pay one more time.

After a lot of rest and recovery, I have Chris put on a bikini. Luckily the top was gel filled so she looked good. We walked the ship again, and every guy leered at her. The younger and the older men all just wanted her, and she knew it. She kept hanging on to my arm, being closer to me. I was her defense. We went into the swimming pool, we cuddled and hugged. I pulled her hand to my cock underwater as we hugged, she pulled on me and no one could see. The ship had set up little cabanas for naps, I pulled her into one and closed the flap. I pulled down the bikini bottoms but made her keep on the top to keep the illusion as I fucked her again. She struggled not to make nay noises that everyone could hear, but I know a moan or two escaped.

We get back to the room later that day, I make Chris wear the maid's outfit for me. By now the fishnet stockings had a tear in them but I didn't mind. I just leaned her over making her grab her ankles as I fucked her fully clothed. This was such a rush that I made her wear other costumes or outfits -a school girl, a bar maid, and a hula dancer -we could improvise most of this from the clothes that she had brought with her.

The last night was the big formal dance, Christine went all out. In her formal but still little black dress with long gloves she was killer to look at. Guys came out of the woodwork to dance with her, and I made her accommodate all of them. I don't know how many cocks she had brushed up against her that night, but she must have felt every shape and size. There was a congo line and I saw one guy lean into her backside giving his cock a warm home next to her ass. It looked like to me that she pushed her ass back into his cock and rubbed it through his pants. She was exhausted from all the dancing, but I took her back to the room and fucked her. She didn't even have time to take anything off, I pushed her on her back, pulled the panties to one side and fucked her. Then I was so hot I put her on her hands and knees and came into her again.

The next morning as the cruise came to an end Christine confidently walked off the ship in a hot skirt and blouse, blonde and busty, eager to explore Florida. That was the last I saw of Christine, and the last the world saw of Christopher.

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