Navy Story

By moc.liamg@cohsyrk

Published on Sep 13, 2004


I am not a write, nor do I pretend to be one. If you like this story so be it, if not, then fuck off, because I don't need your criticism. I just wrote it in hopes someone would find it interesting enough to read.

I guess I should start by introducing myself. I'm Dennis, and I've been in the Navy for 2 years and 2 months. That's one thing I've noticed about being in the military, you always know how long you've been in for. I am 20, almost 21, and I have black hair and blue eyes. I guess you could say I have a nice slim build. I'm always told how nice my body is, but it just seems normal to me. I'm not overly muscular because I don't work out that often, I guess I'm blessed with good genes. Anyways, this story took place about 3 months ago, on my last 6 month cruise. I am stationed on a destroyer. I won't say which one, but I'm on the west coast. I never have considered myself gay, and still don't. It's just you get so fuckin horny being on a ship so long, so far away from home and girls you can trust. I found this site the other day, and figured this would be the perfect place to submit this story. I'd love to hear from you if you like it, so feel free to email me at

For those that don't know, being on a ship for so long with so many young horny guys with no privacy can get irritating. Some guys like to horse around and wrestle or fight to work off the energy, others just want to be left alone so they can wank in their bunk, which we all do by the way. It's sort of an unspoken rule if the curtain is closed you don't bother the person. I find it interesting how so many guys can wank in such a closed space and never have it really mentioned aside from the joking around that occurs. At night our bunk area smells like feet, and cum. The smell is so strong sometimes I have to put my face in my pillow. Maybe it's just the guy below me, he seems to jerk a lot and isn't quiet about it. Everyone sort of leaves him alone, he's the tough loner type, and seems kinda psycho to most of us.

We had been at see for 2 months, well in and out of various ports that is. A lot of the sailors like to go into the ports and find whores to satisfy their urges. I've always thought this was dangerous. I mean, a lot of stuff is curable but I have a cousin Kathy that is HIV positive, and has been for a while. It's just too scary to risk on sex. Usually I go out drinking with my shipmates, but when they hook up I head back to the ship. All my mates know how I feel about whores. I get some teasing about it, but I don't care. I'm not the one coming back with crabs, and other shit that they do. They also know about my cousin, who has HIV so they usually don't tease me too much.

One night in a port, I think it was a Japanese port, we were all out drinking. The guys as usual found some girls that were willing to party with them, so about 4 of them went off to find a hotel. I had just got over a virus so I had been taking drinking pretty lightly so I decided to head back to the ship. Japan is a really interesting country to me, so I took my time walking back, just looking around at the sights. I was feeling especially horny because I hadn't gotten off in a few days due to being sick. I figured I'd just jerk in the shower since I would be all alone. When I got back to the ship, I confirmed that it was virtually deserted with everyone on leave. I went back to my bunk and grabbed my shower kit, and a towel, and headed for the shower. I stood under the water, enjoying my privacy. You almost NEVER get a private shower on board. Privacy was definitely a luxury I missed. With the warm water running all over my body, my mind drifted to thinking about girls back home. I was thinking about one in particular I had been dating before I joined up. Her name is Heather. She was beautiful. She had it all really. Her family had money, she was blonde, and built like you wouldn't believe. She also had tits you've ever seen. We had fallen in love our senior year, and she was more than upset when I joined the Navy. I tried to explain my reasons, but she couldn't/wouldn't understand. She had broke up before I shipped out for basic. I was crushed, she was the first pussy I'd ever had, and I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else. Most if not all my masturbation fantasies still involved her. You just can't imagine the feeling of cumming together, which was something we both got very good at.

Anyways, I suppose my mind had drifted to her as I showered, because I suddenly became aware I was hard. I grabbed my cock and with my eyes closed started to jack off. I was a little hesitant because I had never done this before, and anyone could walk in, but I felt confident that all the other sailors were out getting their rocks off and wouldn't be back. I was just about to orgasm, when I heard a sound. I opened my eyes to find my bunk mate (the one below me) staring at me. Like I said before I hadn't talked to him much because he sort of kept to himself and everyone was a little scared of him. He was probably about 6'2" had dark brown hair and it was pretty obvious the dude worked out. He also was covered with tattoos, on his chest arms and back. As I became aware of what I was doing, I stopped and turned around. Of course this seemed silly since he had seen me clearly masturbating. When I turned around, he came closer and turned on a shower.

He laughed a little and said, "hey don't worry, we all do it."

I was totally red by this time. My ears were on fire, and I wanted to crawl down the drain away from him. Instead of running away like a frightened child, I figured I'd just finish showering. My cock was half way down from the embarrassment of getting caught, and it wasn't like he was bothered. What was his name again, Mark I think?

So to ease my pain, I said, "yeah, it's not like you get a lot of privacy around here."

Mark agreed and didn't say much else. I finished showering and went back to my bunk. Mark followed me into his shortly after I was settled. I decided to say something else to him. So I leaned over my bunk and hung down so he could see my face.

"Dude, I'm really sorry about that." "I didn't think anyone was on the ship from our room."

Mark was reading a magazine and looked up and smiled.

"No problem, like I said, we all do it." "I was planning on doing the same thing when I cau^ÅI mean saw you in the shower, he said."

Mark looked down at his magazine again.

"Oh cool, well I'll let you get back to your magazine, I said" "G'night."

I'm not sure why I found it so hard to talk to him. I could talk to any of the other guys, it was probably because Mark had seen me naked, hard and about to cum. Shit, I would fucking die if he had seen me blow my wad. How embarrassing! Needless to say, I couldn't jack off that night, with what just happened. Apparently neither could Mark because I never heard another peep out of him that night

The next morning I woke up early. I looked at my watch and it was 7am. Normally I can usually sleep at least until 9 on days I don't have duty. This was a long weekend though, so maybe all the guys not being in their bunks confused me. At any rate, I immediately thought about getting up and showering but this time finishing what I had started the night before. I gently eased my way out of my bunk, and when my feet hit the floor I suddenly realized that my morning wood was sticking out of my underwear. To my horror Marks curtain was open, and he laid there looking at me. The shock must have thrown me off balance, because I fell backwards as I was hurriedly trying to shove my cock in my shorts. Mark was there in a split second asking if I was ok.

Red faced again, all I could mutter was "yeah."

I then noticed Mark too had a hard on or at least a semi from the look of things. I don't normally look, but when I guy is standing over you and they have nothing on but shorts, and there is a big lump there, your eyes are sorta drawn downward. Still red faced from the incident, I started trying to explain that I was going to take a shower, and hadn't noticed my under wear situation and thought he was still asleep. Mark laughed, and said not to worry that he woke up that way too. This made me feel a little better, but Marks next comment made me a little nervous.

Mark said, "why don't you go to the shower and take care of it, you obviously didn't get off last night, and I'll make sure no one else goes in there."

All I could say was, "ok, thanks." On the way to the shower I couldn't help wondering how he knew I didn't jack off last night, and how he'd keep people out.

I guess I really didn't care, because I just wanted to get off. I had too much sexual energy built up, and Mark was making me a nervous wreck being around me while I expected to be alone. I got to the shower room, and turned on the shower, I tried fantasizing about Heather, but it just wasn't working, so I imagined Heather and a couple other girls back home together. That got me going. I was edging forward in my fantasy, but didn't last very long as I hadn't gotten off in days.

I was just about to enjoy a very nice orgasm, when I heard Mark say, "hey, are you almost done?"

FUCK, is what I was thinking, because he had once again fucked up my orgasm.

Instead I just said, "well I was about to be done."

I managed a small smile. It was then I noticed Mark was naked.

I said, "did you want to shower?"

"Yeah, sort of," he said. It was at this point, things changed. He sighed and said, "I have a question, and if you don't want to answer you don't have to." He said, "have you ever messed around with a guy?"

I truly hadn't, so I replied with, "no."

He seemed disappointed, and said, "oh ok, I was just wondering."

With my curiosity peaked I had to ask, "have you?"

His reply was, "no, never really wanted to."

"Me either, I said."

I couldn't help but think about why this shy guy was having this conversation with me as I started to shower for real. After being so close to cumming, I was really, really horny, so I decided to ask him a question.

"What are you curious about doing with a guy?"

Mark seemed shocked at this question and frowned. I figured I had really stepped over the line, and was in for it now.

He sort of tilted his head and said, "I dunno, I guess jacking a guy off or giving head." "Do you think that makes me gay," he asked?

In all honesty I really didn't know, I hadn't thought about gay guys much, so I said, "I don't know, I think you have to want it up the butt to be gay."

In thinking back to that day, it was a stupid comment.

Mark then said, "do you want a hand job?"

This was so quick and sudden, I just said, "sure."

Mark came over and turned on the shower next to mine. I noticed his cock started to spring to life. I had seen him several times in the showers before, but I guess I hadn't looked at his cock, because he had a tattoo at the base of his cock that said, "wrong way." Looked like the traffic sign. Mark got closer to me, and I was getting really nervous. I had never let a guy touch me before. I hadn't even thought about it. All I knew was that I had brought myself within seconds of cumming twice in the last 12 hours and hadn't gotten off, and I was freakin horny! My cock was semi hard at this point, and Marked grabbed on. His hand felt like a sun wrapped around my cock. I've only been with 2 girls and they had both said my cock was big, but I didn't have anything to compare it too. Mark seemed to think it was big too. Some time later I measured and I am just shy of 8 inches. Mark seemed fascinated with my foreskin. He didn't seem to really know how to jack me off, so I put his hand where it should be, and showed him. I never really thought about guys that were cut, needed lube or something. I knew as he began to jack me, that I wasn't going to last long. He seem to understand because he let go of me, and soaped up his own cock. His cock was a bit smaller than mine, but thicker. He also trimmed his pubes, as they were really short. Mark had a perfect body, for a guy. He told me I was in good shape, but he looked like a body builder, or maybe a gymnast. I envied his perfect 8 pack. You didn't see that on many guys in the Navy. He jacked himself off for a while, then asked if he could jack me off from behind. Being so much taller than myself, he said he could watch over my shoulder. I told him that was fine, so he got behind me and I could feel his dick touching my leg. This sort of grossed me out at first, but then when he started jacking me off, I didn't really care. He was close to my neck, and sort of rested his chin on my shoulder. I could feel his breathing and it seemed heavy. He was jacking me slowly now, trying to enjoy it I suppose, and it was driving me crazy. Mark suddenly took his chin off me, and kissed my neck, right below the ear. I felt electric shocks go through my body. I know I wanted him to stop, but I just didn't care, I felt like I was floating I was being stimulated on so many levels. I then felt his tongue in my hear, and felt his cock slide between my ass, so that the head was pointing up my back. As he continued to slowly jack, he started sliding his cock up and down my crack. No one had ever touched my butt during sex so this feeling was new, and I liked it. With him sucking on my neck and ear, I started to cum. I felt as though it started at my toes, and came up and out my cock. My body went rigid and I looked down and I must have shot cum out 3 feet. My orgasm seemed to last forever, until every drop of cum was out of my cock. Mark kept squeezing my cock getting all the cum to drip out. I suddenly became aware of what I just did, and instantly became freaked out. I moved away from him and got under a different shower. I made sure the cum was all washed down, and that I was fully rinsed and left the shower, with Mark just staring at me with his own erection in hand. I couldn't get out quickly enough. I got back to my bunk, laid down, and closed the curtain. I heard Mark come back shortly, and he knocked on the side of my curtain.

He said, "hey are you ok?"

I said, "yeah, I'm ok, just a little freaked out."

He said, "don't worry about it, I'm not freaked out, and I did more than you." This seemed to make me feel better. It's not like I touched him or anything. I only allowed a guy to touch me.

He said, "well I hope we can still be friends, I don't make them easily, and I hope this doesn't get in the way." "You seem to be a little smarter than the average seaman."

"Yeah, sure," was my only reply.

Mark closed my curtain and went about his business. I think he had duty that day as I didn't see him until that night. I pretty much stayed to myself. I was pretty freaked out, and I did lots of thinking. I also made sure I wanked a few times thinking about women, so that I'd reassure myself about my sexuality.

Later that night, after I had eaten, I saw Mark going into the shower room. I decided I needed to shower to, so I figured what the hell. I didn't want him thinking I was freaked out even though I was really. I grabbed my stuff and went over. I opened the door and found Mark facing a wall, masturbating himself. I started to back out, but then realized I could have my revenge. I watched him jacking himself without noticing me coming in. I could tell he was about to cum, so I walked over and turned on the shower. He practically jumped out of his skin.

I said, "sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."

Breathlessly, he said, "oh it's ok, I just didn't hear you."

As I began showering I noticed that watching Mark had given me a half erect penis. Mark noticed this too.

"Want some help with that again," he quietly asked?

"No, it's ok, maybe some other time," I said.

While I stood there watching him wash his hair, I began to feel something I hadn't felt before. I couldn't take my eyes off of his biceps as he rinsed his hair, and they flexed. I was transfixed by the whole scene, I was lusting after his body. I quietly moved over closer to him, and decided to just do what I felt came naturally. I grabbed his cock. Mark jerked in shock as he hadn't seen me move closer.

"What are you doing," he exclaimed?

"Just returning the favor," I answered.

I started jacking him slowly at first, then I got into it, and based on his reaction went quicker. I got behind him, and although I couldn't see over his shoulder, I jacked him off with one hand and touched all over his body. It was so unusual. I felt his chest, and traced the line of his muscles, I then touched his stomach, and it was so hard. I was truly amazed how someone could be so muscular. I grabbed his ass, which was rock hard, and he moaned. I realized he wanted me to go further, so I began to massage the outer part of his asshole. As we weren't in the shower anymore, I began to feel pre-cum oozing all over my hand. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I also tried not to think about it too much. All I know is that I was hard as a rock and really enjoying pleasing another guy. Mark did something unexpected then. He turned around to face me, grabbed me and kissed me deeply. I can't express the shock I felt. Another man was trying to kiss me. I could feel his tongue touching my lips wanting to be inside my mouth. I started to resist, but he held me in place, and slowly I relaxed and let his tongue come inside. As we kissed, and our tongues rubbed against each other, I noticed that we were both hard and leaking. I don't think I've ever been turned on so much. I was fondling Mark and found myself wondering about sucking his cock. Wanting to please my friend, I decided that I would try it. I leaned down to his surprise and soon found myself sitting right in front of his hard very wet penis. He looked down at me, and looking at his expression and his eyes, I knew what he was about to say was heartfelt. It was the most tender moment I've ever experienced with another man.

He said, "you don't have to do this, I'm happy with whatever you want to do."

I said, "I want to do this for you, you've been so nice."

With that, I plunged my mouth around his cock. I still remember the taste to this day, it was salty but sweet. The odor around his balls was very manly, I instantly knew what the "musky" scent I'd heard girls talk about was. I don't have the same smell, I've always had sort of a neutral smell. The smell was intoxicating. I thought I might cum right there and then. Mark moaned out in pleasure when I tried to deep throat him. I couldn't do it, and gagged on my first attempt. I suddenly had a new found respect for my ex girlfriend. With a few more attempts, I felt while I couldn't go down all the way that I had mastered not gagging while taking most of him in me. With all of the floor play, I knew it wouldn't take long before he was ready to cum. I wondered if I wanted to try swallowing (which I preferred girls to do) or if I would just jack him off. With my hormones practically shooting out of my pores, I decided to try and swallow. The taste now was pleasant, so why wouldn't the cum be. Mark was meanwhile thrusting his hips forward fucking my face. He then said two words, that I still can jack off to today because it seemed so hot.

He said, "I'm cumming."

I prepared myself and felt my jaw tighten, and at the same time felt his penis harden even more than before and his balls retracted up close to his penis. The first shot of cum, went straight down my throat, and the rest filled my mouth. The taste was different than pre cum but still not bad, I swallowed it all, and loved it. I couldn't imagine why my girlfriend didn't like to do this. I sat and sucked the remaining cum out of Mark. I also noticed how attractive his hairy muscular legs were. I guess with all that went on, I hadn't noticed. He was standing there with his eyes closed. I looked up and he was smiling down at me.

He said, "wow, that was fucking hot!" "You're turn."

He looked like a kid in a candy store. I stood up and he began sucking me immediately. Whatever I thought a blow job was, was completely thrown out the window. Mark was an expert, or least it seemed that way.

I said, "you've done this before."

He said, "yeah, but not really by choice, it's a long story for another time."

I've always heard about your eyes rolling back into your skull but I hadn't experienced this sensation until today. I felt like everything was being sucked out of me. In what seemed like a couple minutes I realized I was going to explode in Marks hot mouth, and I couldn't have stopped myself if I had wanted to. When I was cumming, I thought I was going to fall over, because the intensitiy of my orgasm was unbelievable. Mark must have realized this, so he grabbed onto my ass and held me in place. I was powerless and having the best orgasm of my life.

After I was sucked dry, Mark stood up and said, "thanks."

He immediately went to get under the shower and started soaping up. I was a bit confused, I dunno I figured we'd say something, but he acted as though nothing had happened. I showered myself as I had become quite sweaty and we went back to our bunks for bed.

We have 4 months left on this cruise, and I can't help but wonder what else might happen between us. Only time will tell I suppose. Hope you all enjoyed this. Be sure to email me if you did.

Next: Chapter 2

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