Navy Story

By moc.liamg@cohsyrk

Published on Jul 8, 2007


I know it's been far too long since I've written Navy Story Parts 1 thru 3. I have had an incredible amount of email from all over the world, which is really cool. I appreciate everyone that's responded to me, with compliments and even a few suggestions on writing, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to write it, so I could improve my writing. I intend to continue writing other stories so please look for me in other sections at Nifty.

When I woke up I immediately looked over at Mark and thought about what I did the night before. Surprisingly I wasn't horrified, I felt pretty good about it. I remembered what it felt like to have Mark's cock in my ass and how good and right it felt. I remembered how horny I was for him, how primal I felt when I had sex with him. It was nothing I had ever felt with a female before, not even remotely close. The other thing I realized was that I had developed some feelings for him. I mean when you read it, it's obvious what was happening, but at the time, I didn't really realize what was going to happen with me. As soon as I realized I had some feelings, I panicked. What am I doing? What will my friends say? What will Mark think? OH MY GOD, what have I done.

I laid there in a panic wondering what was going to happen next. I hadn't realized that Mark was awake and looking at me. He had a grin on his face. I couldn't help wondering what the hell he was grinning about.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh nothing, you look as though you're about to throw up, how are ya doing?"

"I'm fine, I just....well I am kinda feeling weird about things."

"That's normal, you probably need to use the bathroom after what we did."

"It's not that!" Although I did need to go to he bathroom.

"Ok, what's wrong with you then?"

"I don't want to talk about it, I'll be OK" "I'm going to make some coffee."

I got up and went over to the table the coffee pot was on and got the coffee going. Mark got into the shower. I was terrified to talk to him, but the butterflies in my stomach demanded that I bring it up. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and was deep in thought when Mark came up behind me and sat behind me hugging me.

"Dennis, I don't know how to say this, so i'm just going to say it, so don't interrupt me until I'm done." "You know that I said I was probably bi, and that I don't consider myself gay, but I've never had sex with anyone like we did last night, and while it's the hottest sex i've ever had, it was more for me than just having sex." "Shit, I feel stupid, um, well I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have some feelings about you, and I um, well I don't know what's going to happen, but I um, I don't want this to end, I want to keep, um....well I want to see you more, like spend time with you more....I really like you, alot. "I haven't felt this close to someone before."

You could have knocked me over with a feather. He said everything that I was thinking. Could this be anymore perfect or easy I thought. He was still sitting behind me, so I hadn't been looking at his face the whole time he was talking. I turned around and faced him. His face looked like an innocent teenager, he was obviously very nervous about what he had said.

"Mark, I woke up in a panic today because of the feelings I was having for you." "You have said everything I was feeling." "I mean I don't know where this is going to go, but I know that I want to definitely get to know you more and see what happens."


Needless to say Mark and I didn't leave the hotel room except to get food for the rest of our leave. Being in the military of course we had to keep secret what was going on. Back on the ship life went back to normal, we worked opposite shifts and so we got together in the shower when we could, but it wasn't often. We didn't want to ruin our military careers, because we both honestly loved Navy Life. We took leave together when we could, but again, we both had a few friends, and didn't want to draw attention to ourselves. A few of my friends did notice I was hanging out with the "psycho guy" and asked me about it. I told them that I had felt sorry for him on leave once, and got to know him. For now that seemed to work.

Once the ship returned to port I went back to my apartment that I shared with a couple other guys and really felt very lost. I wasn't sure what the next step was going to be for me or Mark. Was I gay now? Do guys date? I really felt completely unsure of my life. I did know I was anxious to see Mark, and we had plans to go to dinner that night. Over dinner we discussed things and decided that once our leases were up, that we'd move in together. It seemed normal to us, but in looking back, it was pretty strange. I think both of us looked at it as having a new roomate instead of moving in with a lover. In fact when we did move in together the first night we both went to sleep in our own beds in different bedrooms. Then we both realized how dumb that was. That was 3 years ago, and we're still in the navy, and we're still sharing a bed. Unfortunately we remain in the closet to those around us, and maintain our "two bedroom" apartment for the friends we have in the Navy. So far no one is the wiser :-)

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