Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Apr 6, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (A Thief Caught (1)

Nate thinks of himself as a smart young guy, a sly thief. He has been able to go from neighborhood to neighborhood in the last few months robbing people's homes just because he could. Using only his ability to unlock doors with ease. And using just a knife to threaten anyone that may be in the home she he did find himself confronted with them. But also Nate would choose the home that was his target with care. Seeing who lived there and whether or not they posed a threat to him in his actions. And as he was an average sized guy and in good shape, he could overwhelm someone smaller than himself. And he had once ir twice. But so far he has been able to get away with his burglaries. And the thing was, when the cops started to cone around in the neighborhood he had been terrorizing he would pick up and move elsewhere.

"Stupid cops" he would say "Never gonna get caught" "Fuck all ya'll"

Now Nate hadn't always done this. Stealing that is. Its just that after he and his dad broke and he left home, the jobs weren't easy, or he just hated being there. And now at 24 he was doing this. Robbing people for a living. With what he took from homes and such. Selling off to pawn shops what he could he made pretty good money. Better than any stupid job. So thus was what he did. And it seemed to work well. Again nate would move from where he assaulted areas once the 'heat' was on

"Well. Better move" he said after his last string of robberies

So Nate took his trade to another area again. It was a big city and lots of suburbs to attack. So he moved to the north to see what there was there. Driving around some areas to see what posed a nice place to hit. Then he pulled around a corner into a fresh neighborhood. Looking to see kids and mothers in the streets. Nice decay looking homes that promised to have lots of goodies that he could pilfer out and make some money from. So he decided that this would be the new target. This would be the neighborhood to assault with his talents. As he was leaving he turned down another street and saw this thick scary looking dude in his yard. The guy was average height but looked built like a lack truck. The jeans on the guys lower body hugging some majority thick thighs. And hus gruff amd mean looking face was one he decided he was not going to mess with. But as he gazed at the guys big full butt he got a strange itch in his loins. A strange yet familiar itch that he hadn't felt in ages. But he brushed that off as he drove around the block again. Triggering his first target up the street from the rough looking dude.

"I'll be back to check this out" he said to himself.

And he was. After heading to talk to a friend of his about stuff he would requiring in the near future, he had some lunch at a local taco place he liked alot. He came back some time later to actually walk around the neighborhood better. To get a lay of the land. Seeing what houses were worthy of his work. Especially the house he had his eyes on. He had seen it briefly as he had driven by earlier. Nice two story with a very nice car in the driveway. Some silver luxury machine. There seemed to be a woman there by herself. At least he saw no man around. So it seemed a prime target fir him. And she was pretty. Long brunette hair and a slim waist as she stepped from her garage back towards the house. Nate found himself all if a sudden grabbing at himself. His dick was starting to throb in his pants for some reason. So this was his target. This woman that probably lived alone. Maybe he would take liberties with her as well as rob here. Its something he rarely did. But for some reason he was a bit horny. He would come back later that evening and break in to this woman's house. Then take her things and take her dignity. And he could get his rocks off.

"Yeah. That's the place" he said again "That's the place alright"

He left again to come back that evening. Going through his daily routine of just staying at home after casing out a place to rob. Sitting in his tiny apartment and playing video games. His mind wandering about things as it did on the nights he 'worked'. Wondering what the woman had in her place. She had a nice luxury car in the driveway so that was a tell she might have something worth his time. Then as he thought about the job that night he again got horny. Reaching down to grope himself as he pondered that part if the equation. But what was odd was when he thought about raping that woman. His thoughts were not on her. His thoughts strangely went to the burly guy up the street .the meaty intimidating looking guy with the awesome looking ass and thighs. The guy was scary yet there was something about him that was turning Nate on. Maybe it was the guys rough imposing looking face. Handsome yet a face of someone who would beat you senseless if need be. Or maybe it was how his clothes for him thick meaty body. How those poor yet lucky jeans stretch over the dudes big full ass and thick as tree trunk thighs. But whatever it was. The guy had him on. And Nates dick was actually raging thinking about the guy.

"Fuckk!" He huffed to himself as he sat there pulling at his growing crotch "Haven't thought about dudes in years" ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 115: Big Delivery 11

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