Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on May 6, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (A Thief Caught (2)

... No Nate had not thought about guys in years. Its because that time in his past a few years back was experimental at the least. Nothing that he would tell himself that he liked guys or was gay. Besides he had been only fucking women since his last guy hook up 3 years ago.

"I like girls" he said to himself "Not guys" "Fuck no. Too gay!"

So he stopped rubbing at himself as it was just 'fucked up' that that big guy was making his head wander. Especially when he had a task at hand. The woman was his victim tonight. Her and her jewelry and money. And whatever else he could take from her. Night time came and Nate headed out to get some money. He drove the 8 or so miles to get to the nice fresh new neighborhood he was stalking. He drove over and parked down the street from her home. Then Nate walked over and across to the house. It was after 10 pm so most people were laying down to bed. Nate wore black so as not to be seen. He went to her house and passed across the front yard. Looking around to make sure no one saw him. Then he went to the side where there was a gate to her back yard. He gently and cautiously opened it. Then he moved quietly along side the house. He looked around for a window he could get onto first. It would be easiest if she had left one unlatched. But no such luck. Then Nate went around the back to the back door. There was a short deck in back and a patio leading off of it. There were glass doors to what he presumed the kitchen or dining room. He looked through the glass as the curtains were slightly opened. But it was dark beyond them. He grabbed his flashlight and turned it one. Then pressed his face to the space of the curtains. Peering through the space with the light punching through it. It was a dinning area as he saw a table there. Then he pulled his flashlight aside and grabbed his gear from his bag. This was to be his 'in' into the house. After a few flicks and pushing the file into the lock to fiddle with it, he heard the latch click. He smiled and the. Put his things away. Then he grabbed the handle and pulled at the door. Slowly he unlatched it. Hearing the soft 'clack' as the door opened.

"All quiet" he said as he paused at the door

Then Nate stepped into the house. He moved through the dinning and kitchen area. Looking through drawers and cabinets for items to take. Softly pulling at them to get each one opened. Knowing the house resident was sleep upstairs. He moved swiftly throughout the place. Grabbing some items he found of worth. But he figured the best foods were upstairs. Jewelry and money and all dorts if things. So he reached the stairs and looked up the short flight. Then a turn to go up the rest of the way. He had to slow down considerably as the stairs creaked some as he stepped from one to another. Stopping periodically when he thought he heard a noise. Waiting with a racing heart to nake sure the woman that lived there did not get up.

"Not that I can't take her" he said to himself. "But she will scream if ahe sees me" "Don't want that".

He finally reached the top of the stairs and then started to move from room to room. He was not sure which was her room but figured that's where the jewelery was. He paused and opened a door. It made a slight creaking noise.

"Fuck"! He huffed silently.

Then again had to stop his movements. Then he stepped into the room. He clicked in his flashlight and looked around the room. It was like an office or something. So he went through the desk and found some checkbooks and such. Grabbing them to maybe pull money from her bank account. Then he grabbed a few other things he felt maybe have value from the room. Then he turned and headed up the hall. Moving to the next room. Going through that one as well. But as he was in that room he saw a light come on outside the window. He was intrigued as to where it was coming from. And that was when he looked out the window to see her neighbor. It was that big hunky dude he had seen before.

"Fuck. Its that guy,?" He said as he paused at the window "Damn!!"

He looked out to see the hot burly neighbor in his back yard. He had come outside to his back yard, flicked on the back lights and was doing something in his yard. But what really got Nate was how this dude was dressed. Or lack there of. The girls neighbor had come outside in a messed up t-shirt and boxer briefs. Yes boxer briefs. And Nates eyes widened and he could not help but reach down and grab himself as he looked at the hot stud next door. The man was solid and a brick shot house. Beefy in all the right places and thick tree trunk looking thighs in the those briefs. And those poor briefs were holding what looked to be a very sizable snake.

"Fuck me" he said as he watched the big hunk "Look at that fucker" "Fucking man if ever there was one"

The guy was out there for a bit too. And it distracted Nate from what he was doing. Because he could not take his eyes from the mans meaty frame. Especially those legs and that crotch. I mean even from the distance he was in the women's house the bulge was very intimidating as it moved in those briefs. Then the big hunk reached down to his crotch. As if somehow knowing he was being watched. He grabbed himself and hefted his very big junk. This only offered Nate an even better look at it. Seeing size compared to the mans big hand.

"Fuck me. He is big" Nate said as he stared down at him Bet he fucks hood with that thing"

And there it was. Nate could feel his desire build for the women's neighbor. Long lost desires dor men that had been stowed away and suppressed. That was until now seeing thia hunk if maleness in hus back yard just about 29 yards away from where he was.

"Fucking hunk" he said as he felt himself hard

Yes the hit neighbor had him hard and very horny. He was gonna need to get off. Abd it was at that moment as he was pulling at himself, standing there at the window gazing at the big guy in hus back yard when he heard something.

"Who the fuck are you?" Came a voice "And what are you doing in here?"

It was the woman that lived there. She must have heard him and came to investigate. Seeing him there looking out her window at something. Then as he saw her. This small and pretty woman standing there in her own small underwear and night blouse. He turned and came at her. She cried out and turned to run. He rushed after her as she went down the hall. She ran into her room and tried to close the door. But Nate slammed into it and knocked her over onto her bed. Nate rushed into the room and he jumped her on her bed. Hus hand grazed her breast in her blouse as she fought him. He turned her face down to the bed and then felt his dick throb against her backside. And so did she.

"Noo!" She screamed

Abd that was when Nate gut really horny. His thoughts on the hit guy that lived near her. That big hunk of bulging man that made him horny. And now the feel of her butt at his crotch area. Nate had ro get off. So he ripped her panties off and sexually assaulted her. Pounding aways te her as she screamed into the pillow he shoved her face into. And all the while Nate was imagining the hunk across the way.

"Thick fucking legs" he huffed "Big big bulge. " "Fucking stud. Gotta have him"

Nate blasted into her and then tossed her hard to the floor. She hit hard enough to knock her unconscious. Then as she lay there in a heap. He finished robbing her. Then he went to the other bedroom to see of the stud was still outside. He was not. So he left with his things and was off.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 117: The Kids Teacher 7

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