Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 7, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (A Thief Caught (3)

... Well Nate hung around the neighborhood for the next day or so. Pretending to be someone who lived there. He was walking down the block when he saw the woman he had robbed and assaulted talking to her male neighbor next door. The guy was aghast as she told him what had happened to her. He just barely overheard and kept walking. He was not worried as she would not recognize him. He had had a mask on and gloves. So there was no fear of her seeing him and saying anything. He just waved lightly at then as he passed. The guy with her waved back as well. The standard wave to someone you down not know lived there. Nate walked off buy got enough to know that she had called the cops and they had come to her house. She said that the cops had not found any finger prints, so she was screwed.

"Can't even be safe in my own neighborhood" she had said

She had warned the guy to lock doors and get an alarm as ahe was investing in one.

"Hmm. He had no alarm" Nate said to himself as he moved on. "Next target"

So he figured he break into that guys house next. He would have to bring a knife or weapon or something. Because it was a dude and not a woman. But the guy was average and would be okay if he took him by surprise. Then he noticed something about the guy. He wasn't sure but it was like a vibe he got as he watched the guy talking and being utter sympathetic to his neighbor.

"Hmm. I think that guy is gay" he thought to himself "I don't know what it is. But I think he is" "So definitely, next target"

Well nate moved on and prepared to strike at the guys house next. Maybe tomorrow as he was not feeling it today. Besides. Everyone was in watch mode after the woman's break in. As he moved around the block he saw the beefy guy again. He was out and in his garage. Working on his car. The stud was in baseball pants. You know the ones that players had on during a game. Off white or maybe grungy. Whatever they were they certainly showed off the guys lower half. Those poor and or lucky (depending on how one saw it) were struggling to hold in the guys big meaty ass. Nate felt his crotch twitching again at the second sighting of this fucking hunk of a man.

"Jesus what a fucking ass" he said to himself

Then the guy turned when he saw nate walking by. This showed of for a split moment the guys silhouetted crotch. The big lump from the side looked like a baseball players with a cup in there. And nate really doubted the guy was wearing a cup. So he of course surmised he was very hung

"Hey" Jerome said acknowledging the guy walking buy "Hey man" Nate said back waving "Nice car"

He tried to act natural and friendly as he just tried to act like someone walking around casually in his own neighborhood. Commenting in the guys classic muscle car. He smiled and then continued on his marry way as the hot stud thanked him. He rushed on after leaving Jerome. Turning around the block again to get to his car. He had a hard on by the time he got to it. The hit man with the car setting him off. Again not understanding why these feeling were coming up. Hot for a guy was not usually his thing. But there was I my one thing that could be thought of when seeing such a guy. A need to worship him.

"Damn" he said as he groped himself and drove off.

The next day he drove around the neighborhood again. Just making sure he remembered which was the house he was going to get to that night. He saw his last victim walking outside she passed the hedges that he saw her chatting with that guy he thought was gay.

"Yup. That's the house." He reminded himself. "Gonna see what that dude has in there" "Probably nice shit if he is gay"

He wrote down the address and headed back to his car. He drove off and around the block again. Seeing the studs car outside. But no hunk of man. He presumed the guy was inside the house. Yet even though he could not see the guy his dick twitched in his pants. Remembering the guys awesome ass and bulge in those pants yesterday. His mind posting up and image if the mans big bulge. That side view that was almost mountainous. All he could do was imagine his face shoved into the dudes very big bulge. Feeling the huge lump against his cheek. Feeling the size and heat that he knew would be down there.

"Fuck. Stop it!" He shouted at himself. "Its a fuckbeg dude man. Stop!"

But he could not stop. His head and the lust dropping around inside it was stronger than conviction. He wanted to have that due. But knew it would not happen. He again drove off and prepared for his return that evening. Have some food and stuff before heading back late that evening. Like before he parked down one of the side streets. He sat there for a few moments, then got out. He walked down the street and he passed that hot studs house. He looked up and saw a window opened woth curtains drawn. Then he saw the hunk pass in front of the window. He was shirtless and looked delicious. A meaty looking chest with light hair on it. He moved passed and hid behind a tree when he was the guy look out through the window. That was when he saw the man reach down and obviously grab at himself as he stood there at the window. Nate could not see the lower half because if the size if the window. But he knew the guy was adjusting himself

"Fuckk" he huffed as he saw the man for another moment "Look at that big fucker" "He is a fucking man"

He felt his own dick throb in his pants. And thus was enough to get him horny. Yeah. This dude made him horny as a jack rabbit. He too groped himself. Then he heard a woman call at the man from inside. The name Jerome was shouted at him.

"Jerome. Hmm" Nate repeated to himself "The stud is called Jerome."

Then the curtain was drawn and Nate headed in his way to the gay guys house. Turning the next street and moving up a few houses to the one he knew it was. Nate quietly moved around and to the ba k of the house. Carefully opening the gate to the back yard. With only the slightest squeak being heard. Ince in the back he looked for an entry. There was a side door that looks like it lead to the kitchen. So he worked it and heard the door click opened. Holding his breath as he prepared to open the door Then he gently pushed the door to open. Sighing when he was able to breath.

"In" he said softly.

Then he stepped into the house. Looking around in the nicely decorated kitchen. Then he clicked on his flashlight. Stepping into the living room. Another nicely decorated room.

"Yeah. This guy is a fag" he said to himself "Bet he likes cock"

He pondered this. Then remembered seeing the neighbor Jerome. And the horniness returned. He knew he had to get off. And he figured he would take this gay guy was while he was here. Groping himself as he moved upstairs.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to cum

Next: Chapter 119: A Thief Caught 4

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