Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jul 18, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (A Thief Caught (5)

... Nate of course came back the next. Song I if not collect any loot from last nights romp wit the gay guy. It was great fun, but that was it. He would come back and fuck that guy again. But tonight he needed goodies. So he came back and scoped out the neighborhood again. He came around the next block this time. Iver to where that hit man lived. Of course that rough looking dude was not someone he would consider trying to rob. The guy could easily break him. And he looked like he would too. So he moved up the block. But it didn't take him long to find a target. There right next door to the beefy studs house was a nicer looking house. The design looked similar but it appeared neater and tidier.

"Hmm" he sighed "Older couple"

That was when he saw the older couple come out of the house. They had to be approximately in their late 60's at the least. It made him smile as they would be an easy target.

"Yup. This is the house" he said "This is my target for tonight"

He was pleased that he had found a house to rob. He was getting low on funds. And he hoped this older couple would have a butt load of goodies to take. Mayne some old jewelry that's worth a nice amount. He looked at the house and its numbers. Those were hard to see as the thing was worn a bit. But he wrote down the numbers he thought they were. And he put the info into hus pocket.

"Yup. See ya later old farts" he huffed

Then he left the area and headed back out. He would again return in the evening and get this old couple while sleeping. Rummage through their things to find some things he could get a pretty penny out there Evening came and he came back. It was late as usual. Probably near 10:30. He again parked a few blocks away and then walked up the blocks to his target street. He turned the corner and looked at the houses. He looked at the one he thought it was. But this block seemed darker than the other. But as he reached the houses. He moved up closer to the one he was sure it was. Checking the numbers he wrote down. And they matched. So he was glad that he had written down the right numbers

"This is the place." He said to himself "Looked better during the day though" "Kinda dark and 'blah' looking at night"

He ignored the little voice in his head asking him if he had gone to the wrong house. He went around back like always. Quietly opening the latch to the gate and stepping into the back yard. The back was also looking cruddy. Junk all around and the bushes and trees unkept. He was about to actually tho k that he was at the wrong house. But that was when he looked over to see that there was a window cracked open in the back side of the house.

"Hmm. Now that us interesting" he said to himself "Making this easy for me"

He went straight to the window and saw there was a screen over it. But knew he could easily get that off. So he did. Unlatching at the sides of it and carefully removing it. Then he proceeded to pull up the window. Slowly as it creaked some. He peered inside with his flashlight. Found it to be a den or something like that. So Nate pulled himself in through the window. Then onto the floor of the room. The. Looked around better. It was a den. There was a desk and stacks of papers around and on it. So he figured this was a place to start. Maybe there was a safe there or something.

"A lot messier inside that i figured ur would be" he said

Then he looked around the room. In the drawers and in the cabinets and bookshelves. He found some sports memorabilia. So he figured he could get something there. So he stuffed them in his bag. Then Nate moved through the house. The kitchen and living room before moving down the hall to the bedrooms. He figured the one at the end of the hall was the old couples room. And he would confront them last. They were old and one id them may have a coronary. He was here to rob them, not kill them. So he would move cautiously and hope they would not awaken as he went through their place. But then he opened a room to see it was a child's room. A little girls room at that. Dolls and doll house and such in corners of the room. But what he did not see was the child. It was a child's room that the bed was made up and no little girl there.

"Shit. Whis house is this?" He then realized. "I am not in the old folks house" "Am i?"

Well wherever he was, he was here now and he had to find stuff to take. He didn't think he would find anything here. So on to the next room. A teenagers room. Posters on the wall and such. But again empty bed and no youngster.

"Where are these peoples kids?" He wondered

Then he began to wonder if anyone was home at all here. He continued to rummage around in the teens room. And he did find a small chest with some jewelry and money stashed in it. He stuffed those in in his pocket. There was a laptop in a small desk in the room. So he grabbed that too. Then to the main bedroom. And as he got closer he realized someone was home. There was somebody there in the people empty house. And they were snoring. He stopped and waited at the door for a moment. It was obviously a mans snore so he had to think whether or not to go further. As he now knew he was not in the older couples house. Who ever this guy was he had to be younger. Who was the guy and was he alone. But he needed more stuff. So I took a deep breath as he felt hus heart race in his chest. Then he pushed the slightly ajar door opened. The door creaked some and he stopped it. Then waited as he worried he had woken some on up. But the heavy snoring continued.

"Heavy sleeper" he surmised "Well lets get to this"

So he pushed the door opened more. He looked into the room and there was actually a light coming in from outside. As that window was opened too and the curtains were drawn. He stepped in to see a body laying on the bed. A solitary one at that. It was a man and he was just laying there on the sheets t-shirt and boxer shorts on..thick meaty legs spread and a very noticable lump at the crotch area. Nate instantly felt a twitch at hus crotch as he moved in closer. And then he saw the mans face. It was that rough looking dude of the neighborhood. He was in his house.

"Fuckk!" He chirped out "Im in his house"....

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to cum

Next: Chapter 121: The Kids Teacher 8

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