Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Dec 26, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (A Thief Caught (9)

... Nate had not visited the neighborhood for a few weeks. It was two fold. He had been caught. And he figured he had enough cash to tied him over for a little while. And then there was the utter soreness that remained at his butt for several days after the ass slaughtering he had received by the beast Jerome. And even though he ended up loving the whole thing after the fact. He remembered the pain. The scorching pain of the ass raping he had received at the hands of the brute.

"Not about to get on that horse again" he said to himself "Not for a long while"

But the thing was that his mind continued to wander as the weeks passed. The pain that he had received was still the greatest sex he had ever received. The man (Jerome) was a stud at the highest level. And he still pondered how awesome that sex had been. So incredible that it left him unable to walk briefly. Legs a tremble after it. Heck his legs quivered even now at the thought of the man. The man that was every gay mans wet dream. Pure male sensuality in a rough and tumble way. Also there was the needs to replenish financial resources. He was a their after all. He had to return to the neighborhood for at least that. So he planned on getting to that older couples house finally. The ones next door to Jerome. His initial target that was fumbled by his mistakenly going to the wrong house. But he knew which one it was now.

"Yeah I will get in there tonight" he said "Rob the old fucks" "Then.."

His mind pondered coming back to get some more ass play with the giant dicked Jerome. Yeah it was sex like no other. The man was stud personified and deserved to have what ever hole he wished to have. And Nates was no exception.

"Maybe I will" he then said to himself. "Go back and see that stud again" "Cannot deny his sex appeal"

Well he went back to get the old couples goods that night. The need for funds was greater than almost anything. So he came back and broke in to their home after 11pm. Buy he was surprised to get confronted in the night by a trigger happy old man with a gun. Nate rushing out the back and over the fence to avoid getting shot. He ended up in Jerome's back yard. The man coming out just as the back door to Jerome's house opening. And Jerome waving Nate in. He must have heard the commotion and shouting.

"In here boy" Jerome called out

He rushed inside and Jerome stayed at the door. He then heard Jerome talking to the old guy next door. He had said that he saw some guy jumping the fence after hearing the gun shots. Jerome then said that they should be calling the cops. The old man thanked him and then went back inside. Nate presumed to do just that. Call the cops. He had to get out of there. Had to get out and go home before the cops showed up. But he was currently safe in Jerome's. And he assumed that maybe, just maybe the hot man would keep him safe until the cops left. Or at least he hoped he would do so. Then as jerome came back in mate saw the man in what was just boxers. And in then was the 'thing' he remembered from before. Jerome's massive dick. It was moving around in the guys underwear. Just sort of bouncing about in them. Then jerome came over to him. He reached down and pulled at his huge junk. Then said that Nate should be okay there into the cops left. And that they should be around soon. Especially after all the robberies lately.

"Great man. Thanks" Nate said

Jerome smiled and hefted his junk again. Nates eyes falling down upon the bug meaty pushing at the material of his boxers.

"Well if you are gonna hang around here a bit" jerome then started to say "You might as well thank me boy"

And then he grabbed the leg of his boxers and pulled up. Our fell that mammoth dick at Nate. His eyes bulged from the sight. He had almost forgotten how big and thick the fucking thing was.

"Shiit!" He chirped as he stared at it

But then he knew what he was going to have to do. He was going to have to give himself to the man. Certainly if he did not want the guy to grab him and Chuck him outside to be caught by the cops. He was going to have to suck that fat log as well as probably get fucked again. His head screamed that he was gonna get slaughtered. That this man would have his way with Nate until he was satisfied. He would fuck Nate until he wanted no more if him and his ass. Then he would toss him out.but not before the cops left. Jerome grasped at his fat dick and then shook it at Nate. The action telling nate what he was to do. Then the man suggested he get over to him and suck his cock. That it was payment for saving his ass.

"Come on boy" Jerome huffed "I hide yer pussy ass" "And you give it to me" "Fair fucking deal if you ask"

Nate gulped down spit as he stared at the fat tube in the mans hand. It was already semi hard and frightening in size. And he knew it would grow only more to the huge ass wrecking schlong that had savaged his hole before. But he did what the man said. Better and ass fucking by this hit stud rather than a gang bang in prison. So he moved iver to Jerome as he stood there by the counter in his kitchen. He reached for the fat dick and grabbed hold of it. It was swelling up fast in his hand. And the heat that was coming off of it was pretty intense. Yup he was gonna get wrecked again tonight. But it was truly the least he could do for this hot stud of a man for hiding him out for a few hours.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

More to cum

Next: Chapter 128: Jeromes Junk 1

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