Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Dec 20, 2016


This is a fictional story of the neighbor that lives behind me.

I have lived there for several years and until recently never really took notice of the guy.

But the snug jeans on his nice lower body and relatively handsome face have finally sparked something in my loins.

This is only fiction as he is married and with kids. So I darn not assume of him participating in a GAY encounter.


My Neighbor 'BEHIND' Me (next chapter)

....... I had come back to my place after watching Jerome fuck his wife silly. My stupid actions and cumming to soon as I hid in the bushes ruined his finishing his wife pounding. I was saddened not by the fact that they were arguing because of my interruption. but because I didn't get to see the stud finish. He was sure a rough fucker though. I was up in my room looking back towards his yard shortly after. I was gazing out the window after I finished cleaning myself off from my mess I had made. There as I looked out my window was Jerome in his back yard. he was strutting around doing much of nothing. But I could see his big crotch. Still semi rigid from the earlier events. He actually reached down while out there and groped his big covered dick. I looked at his hot package intently from my window view of his yard. It was such a nice bulge too. Then he looked up and saw me at my window. I got scared and kind of pulled back, even though he had waved at me.

"Fuck" I said to myself

"He saw me"


But then I realized he had no idea that I was peeping in his window before. So I had nothing to fear. So I looked back out and he resumed doing whatever he was doing out there and then went back in the house shortly after. I later saw his wife get in her car and drive off as I myself was outside. Jerome was back outside when I saw his wife leave. He saw me and waved me over. I looked at the hot stud as he stood at his back gate.

"Hey man. Whats up" he called out

"Nothing" I yelled back

He then came over to me when I didn't respond to his motion for me to go to him. I gulped up a huge swallow of spit as I watched the nice full package in those lucky jeans as he strode over to me.

"I am sorry if you heard any loud yelling earlier" He said

"Me and the wife..." He started to say

I cut him off so I wouldn't seem like I had heard much.

"I understand" I said to the hunk

"Been there before in my days"

"Its why I alone now. Me and ex just couldn't see eye to eye on anything"

"But it really ain't my business Jerome"

"I am sure you'll work it out. Or not" I added

I gazed up and down the hot man as he stood there. He smiled and almost laughed.

"Yeah. Most times we are good.:" He stated

"Just one of those days"

Then he shifted there as he stood. His bulge in his jeans looking ever so delicious as I glanced back down at it. I had a flash of fantasy as I stood there listening to him though. This hot freaking man standing there in my back yard and reaching down to grope at his beautiful bulge. His sexy face looking at me with longing. His tongue coming out his bearded face and licking at his lips as he stood there pulling on his groin. Smiling at me and urging me to do what I so desired. His eyes lowering to lead me down to his hand covered crotch.

"Come on" Echoing in my head as his hand continued to stroke his crotch

"I know you want it"

Lust then taking over and my dropping to my knees before him. Just there on my knees staring right at his magnificent crotch. That bulging covered cock pushing at those lucky cotton jeans. Licking my lips in anticipation of what was to come. My hand reaching for his full basket. A slow motion act as it closed the gap between us. Touching his covered dick through the jeans. The sensation of first touching it. I could almost feel it in my lust filled head. My hand caressing his lump as Jerome stood before me. Up and c down the length of his confined member. My want for him pulling me to him. Edging closer and closer to his bulge. Then my face moving in to go for the bulging crotch he owned. My head spinning at what would transpire. Then my mouth opening up and covering his meaty cock filled jeans.

"You okay" Came his voice

It boomed in my head and I woke from my trance. I found my mouth was opened as I looked upon Jerome. He looked back at me strangely.

"Hey you okay man". he again said

"Ummm. ohhh yeah" I finally said

I had to quickly come up with something so he wouldn't think me crazy. My head rushed through ideas of answers for him.

"No. I am good man" I said

"Just felt the beginnings of a migraine is all. "

Then I stood there trying desperately to explain my sudden headache to this hunk.

"I get then now and then." I stated

" Its always in the same place. So I know they are coming"

"But when it happens. I just get loopy for a moment"

"Sounds scary" he said in that sexy deep voice again.

"But maybe its all the crazy shit at my place doin' it to ya" he added

"Haha. Nah. Not that at all man"

I decided to leave him there to pretend I ha to get to some aspirin or something.

"Well let me get inside so I can pop a Tylenol or something" I said to him

"Feel better neighbor" He then said as I turned to walk back to my house.

I quickly went back inside and slammed the door shut. I peered through the window as he was still back there. Then I looked down and Jerome actually did reached down and grope himself. Then he turned and I gazed at his full ass as he walked back to his house. I had such a raging boner now. I went up to my room and jerked off. I was the closest to my neighbor I had ever been. Just a foot or so from his handsome face and that big bulge in his pants. I wailed at my dick until I blew a heavy nut blast.

"Aweee fuckkk me Jerome" I finally said in orgasm...........................


more to cum

Next: Chapter 3

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