Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Oct 25, 2017


This is a supplement to the popular 'Neighbor Behind' story. It has gotten sopuch a great response. I a feel I cane write another story about the hot hung man

This one is for Jerome's nephew. Kid about 12 or 13 from what I saw briefly in their back yard at some family barbeque. And obviously a gay boy.

Again this does not pretend to guess that Jerome would partake of a gay encounter. But I am sure his nephew wouldn't mind

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (3)

It was the following week that Billy was dropped off by his mom at Jerome's on Friday after school. He was going to go fishing with his uncle Jerome He ccouldn't wait to spend time with his uncle. That big hunky daddy man. His mind was in that day he saaw Jerome and his mom. The sex they had. The sounds, the moans the screams from his mom for taking Jerome's big dick. A duck he hadn't quite seen in full yet. Only glimpses. That big bulge was what he wanted to be on.

"Hmmm daddy Jerome" he said to himself in the car as it pulled up

His mom had packed a small duffle bag with his things in it for the weekend. The minute he walked into the house there was sounds of people!e arguing. Something that wasn't a are occurance here. Billy was sat down in the living room and told to stay. While the adults talked. He had seen that before. Its so they could talk about him and nit have him hear. Be he could still hear them, even though they tried to speak softly

"You gotta take him off my hsnds for the weekend" he mom said

"Yes Jerome. " came the voice of his aunt

"We girls need time from you boys"

"He won't be any trouble"

"Fuck. Alright then" Jerome conceded

Did Jerome not want him there. He lowered his head in sadness. Did no one want him. Then Jerome came out to see him. Billy looked up to see the hhot man and all his sorrow washed away. All he saw was this big hunky daddy. In the usual snug jeans walking towards him through the dinning room. He could see the big dick move over on the left side of his snug crotch. Billy licked his lips involuntarily. Jerome then smiled at him

"Hey buddy" to the man said

"Glad you're here."

"Sorry about the confusion."

"But will be happy to have you along tomorrow."

"Just gotta get up early is all"

Again all his doubt washed away as the man's deep soothing voice caressed his ears. That and the huge bulge he gandered at between Jerome's legs as he crouched there before him. How he wanted to just drop to the floor between the man's legs and go for that dick.

"Cool" he smiled

Then Jerome stood up and patted the kids head. He also reached down and adjusted his cock in his jeans. Billy stared at him as he did that. Jerome looked down at Billy as he gawked at his crotch.

"Sometimes my thing gets all bunched up in there" he stated

Billy's mom was behind them as Jerome turned. Jerome's wife was in the other room. So Billy's mom leaned in and whispered something to Jerome. Her hand reached down between them Billy knew where she was going. He thought his mother such a slut when she did that. Had she not respect for her sister who was married to the guy. Probably not. Then she let Jerome pass her and she came over to Billy.

"Now you be a good boy for Jerome" she said

"I told him to tan your hide if it you are bad"

"So don't embarrass me. Okay"

"And don't be a sissy either"

She leaned in and kissed his head. Billy wanted to push her away. Again she seemed unconcerned with him and more concerned about what other people think. The. She turned and left. She called out to her sister.

"I'll see you tomorrow after the boys leave" she said

"OK" came the reply

Billy stayed in one of the girls rooms as they bunked together. He sat down to dinner with the family. His eyes constantly stealing clances at the hit daddy Jerome. His strong arms and those thick legs trapped in his jeans. Not to mention the numerous times he caught sight of the man's big crotch.

Jerome was throwing down beer after beer that evening too. Then Billy herad Jerome and his aunt arguing again. Words exchanged. She was pissed that he had been drinking so much.

"If I wanna have some beers I fucking will" Jerome yelled

She yelled back at him. Billy looked at his cousin Penny. She just nodded her head at him.

"They are always like this" she said

"Just ignore it"

He smiled at her awkwardly. He didn't like the yelling. It reminded him of his own house. But then the shouting quieted down after a bit longer. With Jerome and his wife coming to an agreement.

"Fine" he yelled

"I will sleep downstairs God dammit"

Jerome passed him and went down to their basement. He had a six pack of beer with him. He was grumbling about her 'being such a cunt' all the way down. Billy wanted to go down there with him. Just to be near the stud. All he saw was Jerome's jeans covered ass go downstairs.

Sometime later when Billy was told by his aunt it was time for bed. She called down to Jerome to remind him of tomorrow.

"I know" he yelled back

Then he came up the stairs. Jerome was wearing black shorts now. His thick man thighs in plain sight for Billy to see. He felt a tingle I his loins. Jerome went to the kitchen. Billy looked at the man's fantastic ass. Big and bubbled. Stretching at the material of his shorts. When he came back out if the kitchen, Billy felt his spduck spring up in his pants.

Jerome came back through the room holding more beer. But at the front of the shorts. Billy realizing they were boxers now. Very snug ones at that. But at the front was his big dick, just bouncing around in them as he walked. The heavy tube oulling at the material over his thigh. The outline of the massuve dick rightbthere for all to see. Billy's eyes grew wide and his mouth agape at the sight. Jerome smiled down at him as Billy stared at the man.

"See you int the morning kiddo" he said missing the kids hair

Then Jerome went back down stairs. Billy swallowed as he got up and went to the room he was sleeping in. He lay there in bed excited for tomorrow. He really couldn't sleep. Even after tossing and turning for over an hour. He got up and went to go pee. After relieving himself he went to the kitchen to get some water.The hall was dark and all seemed to be asleep already. He got to the kitchen and poured himself a glass.

Then as he headed back to the room he passed through the living room to head back towards the hall to the bedrooms. That's when he heard sounds like voices. I paused for a moment as they were faint. Then he moved towards the sounds. It was coming from the basement.

"Jerome must still be up" he said softly

He figured he could go down and hang out with his uncle. So he went down the stairs. It was dark so he went slowly. He could see the light coming from the basement on the right at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs slightly creeked as he moved down them.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he turned into a half finished basement. There was a living area. And then beyond it an opened space where the washer and dryer were. There in the living area was a big TV on a stand. He saw Jerome's head on this side of a big couch there.

"Uncle Jerome" he said softly

"I can't sleep...."

He couldn't finish his sentence as that's when Billy looked up at the TV. What he saw on it was a man and a woman having sex. It was porn Jerome was watching.

"Ohh shit" Billy blurted.

He was about to run upstairs. Afraid he would get yelled at by Jerome for being down there. But then he stopped when all he heard from Jerome on the couch was a huf f and snort. Then a light snore. Billy froze in his tracks. Then he looked over at Jerome. The man was laying on the sofa, one leg down off it and one up on the cushion. Then he saw it. Jerome's bulging crotch. There was the man's cock almost tenting the boxers he wore.

"Ohh my God" Billy said softly as he stared down at the man

Then he softly called to his uncle again.

"Uncle Jerome" he called again

This time no sound. Nothing more than the soft gentle snore off the man asleep in the couch before him. Then Billy remembered something his aunt had said once when she was pissed at Jerome. Something about she can never get him up sometimes.

"The man sleeps like a God damned stone" he over heard her say

Billy felt his heart start to beat heavy in his chest as he decided to get a closer look at the hunk laying there asleep. He breathed in deep to get a good breath before holding it. Then he moved across the room to the other side of the couch from Jerome. He passed in from of the porn on the television. But he barely even looked at it.

Billy didn't care what was on TV. All he cared about was the hot uncle laying on the sofa. Then he dropped to the floor just feet from Jerome's big foot and lower leg. Billy swallowed a big gulp of saliva as he was able to look up and between the mans thick legs.

"Ohhh my God" he let out

Then he exhaled. His body quivered for a moment as he stared at the junction between Jerome's massive legs. He breathed in deeply and crawled forward. Closing the gap between him and Jerome. He looked up the the huge bulge in those boxers. With Jerome's Jerome's legs spread as they were he could see how the snug boxers held the man's very big package. The big tube pressed and straining against the man's thigh. The bug dick seemed to be trying to crawl to the leg opening.

"Fuckk" Billy said to himself

He then moved up and knelt better between Jerome's legs. He could feel his heart pounding in his. The thumping threatened to bust through him

"Oh my God. Oh my God!" His mind kept screaming at him.

"Look at it Billy"

"Look at it"

Billy licked his lips as they seemed parched.

"Touch it. Touch him" his brain cried out

Billy then moved. But there was an ache in his groin. He then realized his dick was the hardest it has ever been. He got up on his knees so he could take out his own dick from his shorts. He pulled it out of his own boxers to free his raging boner. He touches it and his body quivered.

"This is the hardest I have ever been" he said

"It's so hard it hurts"

"Fuck. Daddy Jerome. It's your fault"

He looked down at the gorgeous man laying there snoring. His eyes moved over his hot body. Jerome had a T-shirt on, but his big chest pressed at the material. Billy could see the shape of the man's chest through it. He looked back down to those huge thighs and that big crotch again. Again he swallowed. His head was starting to throb a bit as his heart continued to pound.

Then he reached for Jerome's body. This would be the very first sensual touch he would hàve of the man. He moved his hand to the man's thigh. Billy could see his hand actually shaking. His nerves were a wreck. But he had to touch the man. His hand found the big hairy thigh. The heat off of Jerome was almost scorching. Then Billy's shaking hand made contact. He touched the man's thigh. His hand seemed tiny next to it.

"Ohhh God. He is so warm" Billy stated

Then he took in a deep shaky breath. He planned on going forward . he needed to touch the dick he so desired...............


Next Billy touches it

Next: Chapter 27: Jeromes Nephew 4

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