Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Feb 3, 2018


This is a supplemental story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind' story. It is told at the point of view of one of Jerome's fuck toys.

This one is per the new guy in the neighborhood. Daniel and his girlfriend moved in next door to the atud Jerome. And this is hos tale and what he gets out of the experience with the daddy stud

Again this is only fiction as the man is married and has kids. And I would not surmise he would try a gay experience. But I'm sure Wade would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (a New Neighbor (1)

Daniel and his girlfriend Rebecca had just gotten their first home together. He moved into this nice neighborhood that he was told had a great school district. Rebecca had wanted kids. Daniel was not really sure about kids. Hell he wasn't sure about Rebecca. But he went through the !motions that his mother instilled in him from youth.

"Grow up. Get married and have kids" she had said

And after she passed away. He felt obligated to give her what she had wanted. Grandkids. So even though Daniel has feeling he had hidden from people throughout his youth and young adulthood, he did this for mom. And for many years he was able to suppress his hidden Desires for men.

He had experimented in his youth with guys from school and stuff. But when his mom found out she went in the Bible train. Cursing the thought of him being gay in any form.

"Homosexuality is a sin" she had said

"But.." Daniel tried to say

"No Danny you must repent from sin"

"Save your soul..!"

Then she got sick. So his guilt stiffled all his desires. And he went the way his mom had asked of him. So he was a gay man trapped in a straight body. Danny then found Rebecca. All seemed to be as it was supposed to be. He did fall fir her sweetness and she was pretty. And she had wanted what his mom had wanted. So he hooked up with her.

And now 5 years later they were planning a marriage and buying their first house. And all was well in the world. That is until he met Jerome.

"What's that noise" Rebecca said just 2 nights in.

"Sounds like someone yelling." Danny replied

"Ughh. Hope we aren't gonna have one of those neighbors "

Danny looked out the window and it was coming from his next door neighbor's house. He had seen the guy on move in day. Near 6 ft tall but mean looking. Rebecca had waved at him that day but he all but ignored the

The yelling continued for another 30 minutes, but then just stopped. Rebecca looked at Danny. He knew what she wanted him to do. He had to go over next door and ask them to keep it down

"I'll try and catch them in the morning" he said back

Well the night went on and he figured maybe it was just an isolated incident. He pondered not going next door. But then again at 2am it happened again. Danny awoke from a sleep as he heard the shouts. This onky lasted a few minites. But it was enough. So he decided to go over in the morning as planned.

"Damn it" he thought

He didn't want confrontation already. But Danny figured he is a tall guy. 6ft 1 and in great shape he could look intimidating. Most rough looking guys were pussies when confronted.

He got up and was getting ready for work. Rebecca was already getting ready to leave for the day. She kissed him and smiled the smile of confirmation he knew so well now.

"Are you gonna talk to the neighbor?" She asked

"You. Gonna give them a piece of my mind" he answered

"Now be nice." She added


They kissed and she was off. Danny finished getting dressed and walked over next door. He saw the wife leaving and tried to catch her. But she looked at him with a snarl before driving off.

Danny huffed as he would have preferred to deal with her. But then he looked at the neighbors house. Not the best kept house obviously. But he promised Rebecca. So he walked up to the door and knocked.He put on his tough face so as to hopefully intimidate the guy. Then Jerome answered the door.

"Yeah. What do you want?" came the voice of the man

It was a deep masculine voice too. And then Danny looked at the guy standing there at the door. He was unshaven and looked a bit unkept. T-shirt that appeared to have a few holes in it. But it showed off the guys forearms and biceps. He had a good body for sure.

Then Danny looked down and saw he was in baseball pants that were a bit to snug for his lower body. Danny saw the thick legs tightly pressed to them. And then his eyes fell on the bulge of the man's dick. It was not a sizable bulge too. And it was there at his crotch just to the left of the zipper.

Danny huffed as he just stared at the sight before him. He immediately was getting a long forgotten tingle in his loins. His neighbor was hot. And he knew what that had meant. His longings for men had returned. Or at least ypthis one in front of gim. His eyes then moved back up to the man's rugged face as he spoke

"Yeah.!" Jerome huffed

"What do you want?"

"Uhm. Err yeah" Danny finally said

He was woken from the sudden trance of staring at the guys crotch. Jerome's deep rough voice pulled him from it. Then he breathed and returned back to his first face. Trying to be Stern.

"Yeah" he then finally said

"Im your new neighbor Daniel"

"We just moved in next door"

"Ahh yeah" Jerome then acknowledged

Jerome then looked over the taller guy. He was younger, maybe worked out from what he saw. But Jerome knew that if there was a problem, he could take him. He was confident of that.

"Saw you guys moving in" he then said

"What can I do you for"

Danny pondered his words. He wanted to be firm, but not a complete asshole. He rummaged thrpugh words a ohrases to try and me stern but neighborly. But he couldnt think of one. So he worried that there might be words. But he got his nerves as he saw Jerome's stance.

"Its about the noises last night" Danny said

"What noises?" Jerome grumbled

"Well there was alot of shouting between you and i guess your wife"

"And it was pretty late"

Jerome regarded dann6 again. He could se the nervousness lurking under the guys countenance. So he acted as only Jerome could act.

"Family quarrel. So?!"

It wasn't and answer Danny wanted to hear. This guy was a prick. 'Prick' he thought.

Danny's eyes then couldn't help but moved down Jerome again. The man was a sturdy hunky beast. 'Fuck' he thought. 'Stop looking at his crotch man'. Danny have to yank his eyes from the big lump.

But Jerome noticed his eyes and where they were going. He knew that as per the usual there was gay in pretty much all guys when it came to him. And Jerome loved it.

"Fucking pussy" Jerome huffed

Then Jerome moved his hand down to his crotch and hefted his dick in front of Danny. It was a posturing motion to show his crotch was indeed as big as he figured the younger guy was thinking. Danny's eyes widened as he looked at the bulge.

"What?" He then said

"Your wife tell you to come over here?" Jerome said

"Makes you a pussy man"

"Pussy whipped. Right!?"

Danny looked up at the face of the man. Jerome had a smirk of contempt on his face. It pissed Danny off that the guy was such a prick so he leaned in and lifted his finger at Jerome, pointing to his chest.

"Just cut the noise" he said more aggressive!y

"Or I'll be back"

Then he turned and walked away from Jerome. Jerome almost laughed as he watched the guy walk off. Then looked at Danny's ass as he walked away.

"Do!" He shouted back

"Do pussy boy"

"Then I'll show you what a real man is"

Jerome pulled at his cock. He now saw another ass he wanted in........


To be continued

Next: Chapter 37: Wades Tales 9

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