Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Feb 15, 2018


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is the point of view of Jerome's young nephew. He is about 12 or 13 years of age. And obviously gay from the brief moments of seeing him when I saw him over the fence one day

This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (8) Goin Fishing... Continued...

...... Billy had to have it. It's all that mattered anymore. Jerome's big man cock is all that mattered. The man may wake from sleep to find his nephew slurping and sucking on his cock. And all hell would come down on Billy. But he just had to have him.

"Hmmm soo good" his head said as he swallowed that dick again

"Want his big dick forever"

Billy slurped up that semi hard cock again. Taking in most of it as it wasn't at its full length and thickness. He grabbed it at the base and then licked at the head of Jerome's big dick some more. It was so damned delicious. The precum had pooled again around Jerome's cock head and Billy sucked it up greedily.

"Soo good daddy" he moaned again

"Gimme that daddy cock"

He went back down the thing again and again. Soon Jerome's cock was stone hard once more. The huge thick slab too thick in his small hand again. The fat flared head of that dick swelling to fist sized. At least Billy's fist. He swallowed down several thick inches as he licked at the fat head again.

Billy then grasped the thing with two hands now. The huge veiny dick seemed even bigger than it had been some time ago.

"How much bigger can this get" Billy then said

"It's a monster"

"Such a big gorgeous monster"

He leaned back in and kissed at the fat head again. Jerome's body twitched as Billy's mouth touched at the pee slit. Then he decided to play with that now. Billy presses his tongue to that opening. He tried to dig his tongue into the slit. Jerome again jerked. The huge cock was thrust forward and into Billy's mouth. Jerome's huffed in sleep as he must have felt it. But Billy didn't stop this time. He wanted it too badly to do so.

"Hmmmff" came the grumbled from Jerome above

Billy was about to pull off as he was concerned the man was waking. But then he felt Jerome's hands on his head. Both of them. They grabbed his skull and he was pulled down Jerome's huge cock. The massive tube was thrust into his throat and he gagged.

"Yeah baby" came the grumbled voice of Jerome

"Feels soo good baby"

"Suck it all up bitch"

Then Jerome pulled Billy's head up off his cock.and just started to fuck his face like that. He tried to push off the man by his thighs, but couldnt. Billy couldn't breath as the man's strength held him to the giant dick in his mouth.

"Glarph, glarph, glapfhh" were the gagging sounds that came from him

He thought that he would die as the huge dick cut off all oxygen. And as Jerome raoed his face like this he would lose consciousness and die right there lodges onto the man's dick.

"Yeahhh!" Jerome shouted now

"Take daddy's fucking cock you whore"

That's when Jerome woke and looked down. His eyes shot opened wide as he saw not his wife, but his nephew attached to his dick. He pulled the kids head from his dick and pushed him off. He stammered back in the tent, freaked out by what he had just seen. His young nephew was the one sucking his dick.

"What the fuck!" He yelled

Billy, meanwhile was on the ground coughing and gasping for air. Trying to suck in oxygen into his lungs. He head down and drool hanging from his mouth. Jerome just stared in disbelief.

"Gghug. Ghuff." The boy continued to gasp

Then Jerome by instinct tried to cover his quickly dwindling hard on.

"Billy. What the fuck were you doing?" He then shouted

"You were sucking my dick"

"Fucking little faggot"

He wanted to reach down and smack the kid.but then he remembered what his mom had said. Then all the looks Billy had given him in the past few weeks. 'She was right' her son was a queer.

"Get the fuck away from me" he then yelled

Pushing Billy aside as he crawled out of the tent. Naked with a spit covered cock. He had to get out of there.

"Noo uncle Jerome" Billy shouted

"Noooooo. I love you daddy"

"I love you"

Then Billy sat there and started to cry. His breaths that had started to return to normal after near choking on his uncle's giant dick, turning to heaves from his sobs. He lay his head in hands and just started to bawl he couldn't believe that his desire for his hot uncle had turned so quickly from just a blow job.

"Noooooo" he huffed amongst his sobs.

And when Jerome didn't come back after 20 minutes, Billy just crawled into a ball in the corner of the tent. Then he cried himself to sleep.

Jerome hadn't gone anywhere though. He had been outside all the time. Listening as his nephew cried himself to sleep. He had been freaked out that this had just happened. Pissed off and then just numb from it.

It's not that he hated gauys. He didn't. Hell he has had a guy or two suck his cock in the past. It was actually hot. And he sure liked to fuck a gay ass now and then. Much tighter than a pussy.

"But this is my fucking nephew" he grumbled

"My nephew"

He didn't know what to do. This was new territory for him. A gay in his family. It was somewhat alien to him. They were all out there somewhere. Somewhere else where he had control.

Billy was gay. Obviously. And he shouldn't get pissed at him. He actually cared alot about Billy. He knew if anyone should look out for the kid it was him. Not his bat shit fucked up mom. So Jerome sighed deeply as he sat outside staring up at the beautiful night.

"Poor kid" he said to himself

"Your uncle Jerome just made thing a whole lot harder"


Then he got up and went back into the tent. There he saw his nephew in a ball in the corner. He moved in towards him and then grabbed the sleeping boy. He picked him up and pulled him into his arms, and just held him.

"Sorry Billy" he said softly

"Your uncle's a shit hole"

"Soo sorry"

Then he kissed the kids head softly as he held him. He then remembered the sobbing cries from a while ago. Before the kid went silent.

"I love you to buddy". ..............


To be continied

Next: Chapter 40: The Knockout 4

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