Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Mar 27, 2018


This is a supplemental story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind' story. It is told at the point of view of one of Jerome's fuck toys.

This one is per the new guy in the neighborhood. Daniel and his girlfriend moved in next door to the atud Jerome. And this is hos tale and what he gets out of the experience with the daddy stud

Again this is only fiction as the man is married and has kids. And I would not surmise he would try a gay experience. But I'm sure Wade would love it.



Neighbor Behind Me (a New Neighbor (2)

.... it was that same day that Danny came back. He had gotten home early from work. Very bad day, so he was annoyed. Rebecca would not be home for hours yet. But he was home no more than a few minutes when he heard his obnoxious neighbor again. He was yelling at someone to get out of his house. Danny huffed in agrivation.

"What the shell now" he grumbled

He decided he had had enough. He was able to step outside when he saw a young kid leave Jerome's house. The youngster was maybe 17 or 18. He was running out and to his car at the corner. He had his shirt in his hand as he rushed from Jerome's house.

"What the fuck" he said to himself

"What does that guy have goin on next door"

Regardless of the shenanigans from Jerome's place, the noise had to stop. So he waited until the boy drove off. Then he stepped outside and stomped over next door. He was going to make Jerome shut up. He walked across the front lawn and to Jerome's door. Then he knocked. It was a firm demanding knock. He planned on trying to intimidate the guy.

"What the fuck" came the voice inside the house

"I said get outta here boy"

"Not gonna give you any more dick today..."

That's when Jerome opened the door to see Danny standing there. Danny's eyes were wide. He heard what he had heard. Did Jerome just have sex with that kid. That young kid that ran off. The thoughts and images of what had just happened here at his neighbor's house raced through his head.

He saw that poor kid bent over a chair or the bed. Ass up in the air and Jerome slamming dick into his ass. It was distasteful and hot at the same time. So naturally Danny's cock responded to it. He could feel himself getting erect at the thoughts in his head.

"Ohh. It's you" Jerome then said as he saw Danny at his door

"Now what the Hell is your problem"

"What did you hear Wade there screaming..."

Jerome then looked down to see Danny's growing erection in his pants. So Jerome finished his vile sentence.

"As I fucked him" Jerome then stated

Danny's eyes widened even more. The shock value of Jerome's statement hit hard. He had indeed had sex with that kid. How could he do such a thing? How could he subject that kid to male in male sex.

"What?!" Jerome then said as he looked at Danny's shocked expression

"He wanted it"

"He wanted my big ole cock"

That's when Jerome reached down and grabbed at himself. Danny looked down instinctively at the man's crotch. He was wearing those baseball pants again. But now the obviously huge dick was stuffed into them. A large mound under Jerome's big hand. His lips felt so dry all if a sudden, so he had to lick at them.

"I take it you want some too" Jerome added

"What... Err . what" Danny blurted

"Noooooo. What the Hell!"

"You are really a fucked up individual"

"Am I?" Jerome then said

He looked straight down at Danny's crotch. Danny's eyes followed and saw to his horror that he did have an erection.

"Seemed your the fucking perv Danny boy" Jerome stated

"Look at that hard on"

Then Jerome left his own huge crotch. Then he reached out and blatantly grabbed at Danny's. He squeezed hard on Danny's dick. Danny cringed as the hold on his cock was rough. Jerome groped and kneaded atnthe guys crotch. Pulling at the throbbing dick.

"Feels nice man" he stated

"Get in here boy"

"No. Fuck off" Danny shouted

He pulled himself from Jerome's grip. Then stepped back. It looked like he might want to slug Jerome. But then Jerome did something unexpected. Right there at the doorway to the outside. Facing the street, Jerome dropped to his knees and went for Danny's crotch. Danny was shocked at the mans forwardness at what was happening.

"If you're not gonna start it man" Jerome stated

"I will"

Jerome then did just that. He reached for Danny's crotch. Then started to feel up the guy right there. Danny tried to pull away. Batting at Jerome's hands.

"You can't fucking do this" he yelled

"Get off me"

"Get off....."

But he was cut off. Jerome shoved his face to Danny's crotch. He opened his mouth and just started to chew on his cock right there. Danny lost his fight as he felt the guys face and mouth in him.

"Noo" he said in a more muted tone

Jerome then grabbed at Danny's pants. Then he pulled them opened. Again right there out in the open. He then stopped as there was a car coming up the road. Jerome looked, then got up. Danny saw that Jerome had a huge lump in those pants.

"Get in here" Jerome ordered

He hefted his crotch and stepped back into his house. Danny stood there for a moment. His zipper and front of his pants were opened. He looked and watched as the car passes by. Then he looked into the opened door of Jerome's place. It was dark in there. He didn't dare. Did he?

This rude guy next door. This hot rude guy next door just propositioned him by trying to get into his pants in the opened. Danny liked the feeling in his crotch from when Jerome was there. 'No' his head said

"Fuck" he said softly

He remembered the huge lump in those pants Jerome wore. Rebecca wouldn't be home for a while. So he followed his wanton desire. He stepped into Jerome's house.

"Close the fucking door" came the voice

"Close it and get over here stud"

He looked over to the other side of the room. There stood Jerome. He had already taken off his shirt. Exposing a nicer body than Danny had imagined. His thick strong chest had hair on it. Not alot, but enough to accentuate the shape of his chest. His strong arms were at his sides, except for the one that was groping at the man's growing bulge.

"Damn that's big" Danny said in his head

Then he regarded Jerome's face. It was handsome, but he still looked unfriendly. There was a smirk on his face too. A smirk of conquest.

"Now get over here and gimme that dick Danny boy" Jerome commanded

The man was so hot, Danny could not resist him. He moved across the room to where Jerome was. Then Jerome dropped to his knees. Danny looked down at him as he grabbed for his pants. Then Jerome pulled them down. With a hardy tug, Danny's pants went down his legs.

Then Jerome pulled Danny's dick from his underwear. He grabbed hold of it and quickly went down on it. His warm mouth encased Danny's cock and Danny moaned softly

"Ughnn" he sighed

Jerome slid down his still not fully hard cock. Taking him down to his balls. He felt the older man's tongue on his dick. Licking up and down the shaft. It felt soo good too.

"Ya got a real nice dick here Danny" Jerome stated

"Don't usually drop for it"

"But I somehow knew you would have a nice one"

Then the man went back down Danny's cock. That's when Danny surmised he might be getting to fuck this hot daddy man. He sounded like a top who had found his flip. And Danny liked the idea.

He started to sway himself at Jerome's face now. The possibility of fucking this man's butt had him raging. And Jerome felt it in his mouth. The dick expanding as he sucked on it. He slurped back up the length of the dick in his mouth. The wet sounds filled the room.

"See" Jerome said

"Very nice dick for sure"

"What is it. Seven?"

Danny nodded in the affirmative. So this older guy was all wanting on his good sized dick. He reached for Jerome's head to fuck it. But Jerome swatted his hand away.

"Back that away buddy" he growled

"No skull fucking here"

Jerome squeezed at Danny's cock shaft. Watching as it swelled in his hand.

"Fucking nice cock" he said again

Then he went back down Danny's dick. Danny groaned again as the man's mouth slurped up his raging dick. He didn't think this guy would be that good at sucking, but he was. His hot, wet tongue licked up and around his cock head as he munched on his dick.

"Shit that's soo good man" he moaned

"Suck it side. Suck that dick"

Jerome then pulled off his dick for a second. Then he spit on his hand. A loud hack of saliva fell into it. Then Jerome went back down Danny's cock. He pondered why the guy had spit on his hand and not used it to grease uo his dick. But then jerome reached around and found Danny's butt. In an instant he knew what Jerome was planning.

"No man. Can't... Ughnn!" His words were cut off

Jerome!es hand had then thrust several fingers into Danny's ass. His hand reached back and grabbed Jerome's hand. But that's as far as he got. Jerome then started to dig into his ass with his fingers. Down deep in there too.

"F-f-fuckk!" Danny cried out

"What thee.. Ughnn!"

"Awwee fuckk mee"

Jerome then sped up his cock sucking. Moving quickly up and down Danny's hard cock. His other hand pumping the cock he was slurping on. His tongue again running up and over the head and upper shaft as he swallowed dick like a whore

"This is some good cock man" he stated

"You gonna give yer daddy yer cum boy?"

"Ughnnn. Fuckk! Danny moaned again

He was getting close for sure. He pumped at Jerome's mouth. Sliding his cock into the studs face fast and hard. Jerome slobbered on the dick like he was acjeap hooker in heat. He grabbed at the shaft and pulled on it again. His mouth just over the tip of Danny's dick. Licking and sucking on the head alone.

"Yeah Danny boy" he huffed

"Give daddy yer goo"

Then he slid down several inches again. Danny groaned again. Deeper now. He could feel as his balls began to pull up. Getting ready to blow their load at the man. His hips pushing harder at the mouth on his dick. Only the guys hand keeping him from driving his dick throat deep. But he sure tried.

"Fuuck Mann!" he then howled

"Gonna blow man. Gonna Blow!"

His hips locked up as orgasm took hold. Then Danny exploded. Shot after shot of his cum blasted into Jerome's waiting mouth. He bucked and bucked as his dick blew. Grunting madly as as he expelled his cum.

"Awwee fuckk. Awee shiit" he yelled

"C-c-cumming man"

"Awwee fcuukk dude!"

Thrusting at Jerome's mouth is all he could do. Emptying his nuts. His pants seemed endless as he pumped the older guys face with his cum. Bit Jerome lapped it up like a greedy whore.

Then after what seemed forever he finished. Jerome was still licking at the cum off his dick, but he was done. Danny was done. He soon was sighing as he was spent from his orgasm. He looked down at the hunk that had been on his knees sucking his cock. There was cum on his chhek and chin still.

"That was some great cum juice boy" Jerome huffed

Jerome then got up.

"No it's your turn" he stated.............


To be continued

Next: Chapter 45: Wades Tales 11

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