Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jan 2, 2019


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more. This is the point of view is from Jerome's young nephew. He is about 12 or 13 years of age. And obviously gay from the brief moments of seeing him when I saw him over the fence one day This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (13) Crying to his Uncle .....

..... That weekend with his uncle Jerome was the best weekend that Billy had ever had. Jerome had taken him several times that weekend. Billy's poor ass was swollen and sore for days after it. He had found it hard to sit down in more than one occasion. And a few times he feared that Jerome had tore up his ass so badly that he may need a doctor to look at it.

"Mom, my ass is all swollen" he would say to her "Why. What's wrong" she would ask

And then she would want to see it. She would see his destroyed hole and possibly put two and two together. Or he surmised she would look. Wonder what the hell happened to his ass. Then she would take him to the doctor , who would ask more probing questions. Asking if he had been inserting things in his ass. But all scenarios would return back to the fact that he had been fucked silly by Jerome. And then Jerome would be arrested.

"That won't happen" he said to a Jerome not there. "I would never turn you in daddy" "I love you"

So he kept the secret. And to his delight, his swollen hole did stop hurting and the swelling subsided. And he could barely wait to see his uncle again. But his mother did not take him by his uncle's house. Months passed and he had no contact with his beloved uncle. He even asked here when they would visit again. But she then said that they couldn't.

"Me and my sister had a falling out" his mom said "What..! What do you mean mom" Billy shouted angrily "I had great fun with uncle Jerome" "Why. What happened"

Then his mom tried to gingerly try to explain to him that her sister found out about his mom and Jerome doing it. That there were words and things thrown. And Jerome getting hell from his aunt about it. And even though he knew it had happened. He had seen it after all. He got angry.

"So you slept with uncle Jerome!" He yelled "My God Mom. What the Hell!"

Then she mentioned to him that they would have to move. Stating that they had nothing there to keep them. Billy protested. He didn't want to leave Jerome. He wanted to be near him, for always. But she rebuted it

"You have no friends Billy" she said "You are always getting picked on in school" "And I have no friends" "Probably because you sleep with everyone's man" he yelled "Shut your mouth boy"

Then she slapped Billy. He grabbed his face in shock. Then started to cry. Then he ran out if the room. Yelling at how much he hated her. He sat in his room crying out his eyes. He would have to leave. He would not see his uncle again. This big hunk of man he adored. The man who introduced him to sex. He would not see him again. And he hated it.

"I have to get out of here" he said in his bed. "Run away, so I can be with him"

So he figured he would do just that. Run away. He would grab some of his things and get in his bike and go. It was far to his uncle's house, bit he would go there. Ask them to take him in. Saying how much he hated his mom for what had happened. And they would gladly take him in. Then he would be with his big hunky uncle for always.

"That's it. That will work" he said to himself

The next day after school, he did not go home. He had already packed up things in his backpack and then headed out the 40 plus miles it was to his uncle's house. He would get there very late. But he would be welcomed with hugs and kisses. Especially by his big hunky uncle. He would hold Billy in his bug strong arms and keep him safe. It was late when he finally got to uncle Jerome's place. It had taken his several hours to get there. And darkness had fallen. There was alight on and he could see the broad dorm of his uncle moving about in the living room.

"Hmm. There he is" Billy said softly

Then he went to the door and knocked on it. He waited there, feeling good about this. Jerome would take him in and take care of him now.

"Just a sec" he heard the man call

Billy felt his dick start to twitch in his pants. He would rush in and hug his uncle close. Feel the man's bi delicious body against his. His big crotch against him. He may even grab at it if his aunt was not in the room. Then Jerome opened the door. The big hunk stood there in some baseball pants. Pants that did little to hide his big dick. Something he quickly caught eye of. The big thing pushing at the zipper area of those pants. telling that Jerome was wearing boxers.

"There you are boy" Jerome shouted "Get the hell in here"

Jerome grabbed him and pulled him inside. He seemed mad. Then Billy figure the word had spread fast of his disappearance.

"Yer mom has been looking all over for you" he growled "Where the fuck have you been boy?" "Sorry uncle Jerome to make you worry" "But I am running away"

Jerome looked down at the kid. He was upset. More so worried about Billy. But didn't understand why he would run away

"Running away. Why the fuck for?" He huffed "Mom says we have to move." Billy said with a saddened sigh "And I don't wanna" "Can I stay here with you uncle Jerome. Please!

Jerome looked at him like he was crazy. He had enough kids in his house.

Why would he want another. He then saw Billy starting to tear up. He sighed as he felt sorry for the kid. So he pulled him in and hugged him. Billy felt the heat of the mans awesome bifpdy and did as he wanted todo. He wrapped his arms around Jerome's waist. Then buried his face into the man's chest. He inhaled deeply as he pulled himself into the man's body.

"Billy, Billy, Billy," jerome then said "Wish I could take you son" "Cuz I think you are a great kid" "But ain't up to me what to do with you" "You are not my kid"

Then he pulled the kid from his arms. Even though Billy wanted to hold him all the more. Then he grabbed his face in his big hands. He wiped the tears from Billy's eyes and then told him what he didn't want to hear.

"Sorry buddy." He stated "But you have to do what your mom says" "I can't stop her from moving" "And things are pretty tense with your aunt and her"

Billy pulled back and was mad that he didn't get the answer he wanted. So he lashed out at Jerome.

"It's because you slept with my mom" he blurted

Jerome stepped back and looked at the kid. A bit of surprise as he hadn't expected Billy to get mad at him. And it was unfortunate. because he liked Billy. And he liked that weekend with the kid. And he really love his ass. The kids ass was the tightest hole he had every laid his log into. And he also knew that he had no choice in Billy's moms decision. But he also couldn't blame anyone for what was going on but himself. So he placed his big hand on Billy's shoulder.

"Look kiddo." he then tried to explain "If I had any say, I would keep you here" "You are a great kid." "But she is your mom, and you are still her son" "And until you are of age"

He pause for a moment. Looking at the tears that welled up in Billy's eyes again. The tears that began to flow again. But Jerome continued what he had to say to the boy. Hoping he would understand one day.

"Until then Billy my boy" he added "You are screwed"

And the tears exploded. Billy crying that he didn't want to go. He wanted to stay ere with Jerome. And how much he loved his uncle. Jerome pulled the boy into his arms again, and Billy wept. He grabbed onto his uncle tightly. So tight it actually kinda hurt. But as he held Billy, Jerome started to feel a stirring in his pants. His dick was responding to the stimuli of the boy grinding himself against his body. And that's when he felt the kids hand grabbing at his cock through his pants. Billy was also feeling the response to his hand as well. The big thick dick was pushing against his hand, and was quickly growing. Billy then kissed Jerome's covered chest. and again inhaled the mans smells once more.

"Take me uncle Jerome" he the said "Take me now!" "What, huh!.." Jerome blurted "What do you mean boy"

Billy stroked at the mans growing shaft again. Feeling as it grew more and more in his hand.

"If I have to leave you daddy" Billy then started "I want you to fuck me one last time daddy" "Pleasee!"

Jerome looked at Billy, then around the room as if he would be discovered somehow. The kid wanted cock again, His cock. He had become a horn dog for his uncles dick. Jerome pondered what the kid wanted. He pondered it hard. could he do this to the boy again. Fuck him silly. But the he remembered the tight hot hole Billy had. The tightest pussy he would ever have in his life. And how it had felt on his big cock. How it made Jerome explode unlike any hole ever had before. The he knew that his wife would be gone for hours. Be at the police office with her sister, even thought she hated her. But it was her nephew. So no one would find them for hours. And that feeling at his crotch was too much to fight off.

"Okay Billy" He then said "But just one last time"

Billy smiled at the man as he said this. Then the boy dropped to his knees before the older man........

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ to be continued

Next: Chapter 62: Jeromes Nephew 14

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