Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 5, 2019


This is a supplemental story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind' story. It is . told at the point of view of one of Jerome's fuck toys. This one is per the new guy in the neighborhood. Daniel and his girlfriend moved in next door to the stud Jerome. And this is hos tale and what he gets out of the experience with the daddy stud

Again this is only fiction as the man is married and has kids. And I would not surmise he would try a gay experience. But I'm sure Wade would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (a New Neighbor (12)

... Well, Danny was going to get his wish. After that fun the other day with Jerome again, Jerome called him over the fence a few days later. He winked at Danny as he saw him. Then he reached down and grabbed at his crotch. Shaking his crotch at Danny. The man then mouth the words. 'For you' to him. Danny could feel his ass tingle at the thought of finally getting slammed by Jerome. He was so dying to feel that huge dick in him. And he hoped this would be the time he get it.

"Okay man" he said to Jerome. "Sure I can help you out"

He said it loud enough so that his girl could hear him. He wanted her to know that Jerome needed his help. He turned to see her looking back at him. Making sure he got her approval before going over to Jerome's place.

"Be right over Jerome" he then called back "Great man. Thanks" Jerome said back "Really need to fill that hole"

Danny looked back as he heard that. Did the man really say that out loud. But she just smiled back.and shooed Danny to go help Jerome. He had to almost cover his crotch because he was starting to get a hard on. Then he kissed her amd headed iver to Jerome's. He went out tye back fence and then over to Jeromes yard. Jerome placed a hand on his shoulder amd squeezed. Then he lead Danny inside his house again.

"So where is your wife today?" He asked

Jerome looked at Danny and grimaced. Then he said where his wife and the kids were.

"At her mom with the kids" Jerome answered "I dont go, cuz that Bitch hates me" "But thats cool. Cuz I hate her sorry ass"

Then jerome started to say that his older daughter wanted to stay too. She didn't want to go to grandma's house. Then he said something that almost bothered Danny.

"But I think its cuz she just wanted to stay with me" Jerome added "She wants daddy's big cock" "She likes daddy's big dick."

So Danny then realized this dude didn't stop at fucking just gay guys. He slammed young teen girls. His daughter of all people. He found that disturbing and hot all at once. But I don't surprise him. Jerome's daughter seemed like a little slut when he jad seen her the few times he did. And she probably had access to her dad's dick more than anyone.

"Fuck man" he blurted out" "Its ok. She is a whore" Jerome then said

Jerome then hefted at his big crotch again. Adjusting the log in his pants. Then jerome reacjed for Danny's cock again and grabbed at it. He sighed as he felt it.

"Let's get this show goin" he then stated

With that, Jerome started to go for Danny's pants now. He qas going to free Danny's dick. Danny stood there letting him. Then jerome quickly dropped to his knees and yanked down the pants and the underwear beneath.

"Let's get this big boy out" he stated "Gonna first give you a nice blow son"

Danny geared it was going to lead to the same thing again. Him fucking Jerome. But once Jerome's mouth was on his dick, there was no protest. Once he felt the older guys mouth he was all in to why was happening.

"Hmm. This is such good dick" Jerome chirped "Best fucking cock" "Gonna fucking drain again. "

Danny could just moan as the man slobbered on his hard dick again. Moving up and down his cock like a whore. He moaned as the mans mouth continued to suck on his cock. He lovwd the eagerness if the beefier man as he worshiped his dick. Making such sounds as he sucked Danny off.

"Fuck yeah Jerome" Danny cooed "Suck my cock dude. Yess" "Suck it man"

Jerome continued to slobber on Danny. Feasting on the younger mans dick.moving up and down his dick fast. Sliding his hand tightly over the guys dick. Danny continued to moan as jerome sucked on his cock. Thrusting back at the mans head. Hearing Jerome gag again and again. But he would stay on Danny. Not stopping his sucking.

"Godd. Ohh fuckk, Jerome" he cried "Gonna fucking bust if you continue"

But Jerome did continued. He was gonna get Danny to bust a nut. Slurping over the guys dick like a greedy whore. His sucking sounds getting louder and louder as he moved on with his suck. Then Jerome pulled his fingers up to Danny's ass. And thats when he thrust not one, but two into his ass. Danny's body lunged forward as he gave into orgasm.

"Hmmff Fuck. Shiit!" He winced "C-c-cumming. Fuckk"

Then Jerome went back down the cock as it slammed n back into his mouth. Then Danny shot and shot and shot. Pouring his cum explosion into Jerome's mouth. Groaning and whimpering as he did. Jerome just slobbered and sucked. Siphoning the cum from the younger man. He was quickly overwhelmed by the dump. Having to spit up the guys dick as cum spilled feom his mouth. He gasped as he had to get air. But once he did, he grabbed the cock again and returned ot to his mouth. Finishing his drink.

"Fuckk. Thats some sweet cum" he stated "Nest fucking cum man"

Danny then just lay back in a heap. The orgasm getting the best of him. He lay there panting after the blast. Jerome was still licking clean his dick.

"Fuckk Jerome" Danny huffed "That was fucking nuts" "Well we ain't done yet boy" Jerome growled

Thats whem Jerome stood. He pulled out that huge dick and aimed it at him. Then he grabbed Danny and pulled him up. Then pushed him down to his knees

"You wanted her daddys dick boy" Jerome them said "So get on it".

Danny looked at the big semi erect dick before him. He licked his lips and then reached for it.

"Finally" his head chirped........

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 72: Jeromes Nephew 18

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