Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Aug 21, 2019


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

There were times that during summer I would see Jerome walking his youngest daughter to school. I believe her name is Megan. Her elementary school is just a few blocks up. This is from a gay teachers perspective of seeing this hunk of man walking his daughter to school. Once again, this does not suggest this hunk of maleness is gay or would play gay.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (The Kids Teacher (1)

Martin is a teacher in a Midwest elementary school. He has always loved his job. The feeling and pride of helping young minds learn and grow is something he has always been proud of doing Yeah you think that it doesn't pay the best and sometimes some kids aren't so appreciative if your efforts to teach tgem. But for the most part it had been rewarding. And he likes teaching smaller kids. Being a teacher in elementary he is able to teach a wider variety of subject s. Unlike the middle and high schools where teachers are more focuaed on ine subject. Also the smaller kids are less ruly.

"Ahh. Another year starts" he tells himself at the beginning of the school year.

He will stand at the window to his classroom each morning. Coffee mug in hand and watch the kids mulling in from buses, cars, bikes and sometimes walking to school. Then there are the occasions that parents walk with the kids. At least those that live nearby. Thats when he gets to see the families together. The mother's mostly. And sometimes the dads as the drop there kids off.

"Hmm. The dads" he sighed to himself. "I have seen some hot dads fropping there kids off here"

Martin would reach down and groped himself at the thought of the fathers that he has come across in the 6 years he has been here at this school. And there have been a few times in the past that a teachers conference had brought him in contact physically with those men. But thats another tale entirely now isn't it. This is about one man in particular. The man of all men that Martin had come across in his years at this school. The man that he found was the funniest and meanest dude in bed he had ever encountered. Jerome.

"Holy Fuck me" he had said the first time he saw the man.

It was a few weeks into the knew school year when Martin was doing his usual of standing at the window of his classroom. Staring out to the front of the school. Here he watched the kids mulling in from the buses. The parents dropping them by car. Like I said, mostly mothers and the occasional father. He had Megan in his class. Megan was daughter to a slightly heavyset woman with blonde hair. Her name escapes hom atvthe moment. He just knows she is in the medical field. A nurse maybe, for the scrubs she wore everytime he saw here.

"Who is that man?" He asked when Megan walked to school one day "Is that Megan's dad?"

Martins eyes locked onto the beefy hunk of maleness walking up the street with Megan. It was the first time he had seen Jerome.the man wore jeans that even from a distance showed off his legs. The man had a plaid shirt on though. Not that it was bad. Is showed how thick and strong the man looked. But the shirt was untucked, so it covered the crotch area. So there was no chance of seeing if the guy had a nice pacakge. But his rugged face was a wet dream for Martin.unshaven unshaven, but no full beard. Almost grungy. But it was something Martin found ever so sexy.

"Damn he is handsome" he said to himself "Lucky girl she is to have a daddy that so hot"

He watched as the two disappeared as they walked to the doors of the building. And then a few moments later Martin saw the man leaving the building. He paused some 20 feet deom the school to reach back and grab for the phone in his back pocket. The shirt lifted up just enough for Martin to get a look at the mans ass.

"Holy fuck!" He chirped "Look at his fucking ass" "Amazing!"

It wasn't a long look as Jerome's shirt fell down gain over his butt as he started to walk again. But enough to gwt an image of the mans big delicious ass. Martin could feel his dick bounce in his pants as he watched the man walking away. The thick legs the man has stretched at the jeans as he walked off. Martin reached down amd pulled at his crotch as it was so far an incredible sight.

"So they live nearby" he said "I wonder how far"

The remainder of the day had Martin pondering Megans dad. Megan, the adorable girl in his class room this year. He had images flashing across his head of her sitting in her fathers lap. So close to his hit meaty body. And maybe sitting against the mans crotch. He found himself adjusting his ass in his seat as he thought of it. For there was a strange and wonderful tickle in his ass as he thought of the man he had just seen this morning. The first sight of the man that he would lust over and want over the next year.

"Megan sweetie" he found himawlf asking the small girl "What you daddys name?" "I saw you walking together to school"

She looked up at him and smiled. Then she told the man that was her teacher what he wanted to know.

"Jerome" she said "My daddys name is Jerome"

Martin sat back after that. Reaching down behind his desk to rub at his crotch again. Feeling his dick again bounce around in there.

"Hmm. Jerome" he sighed....... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 83: Jeromes Nephew 21

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