Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Apr 27, 2017


This is a supplement story to the "NEIGHBOR BEHIND" story. It's gotten such good response I figured let's tell the side of someone else who gets Jerome and his big cock.

The young buck Wade. How he sees the happenings and events with the brutal fuck Jerome.

Again this is only fiction and does not pretend to assume any of these guys would engage in gay sex.

Enjoy..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (Wade'sTale (1)

.. Wade started to go out with tthis girl Penny resently. Penny was a grade below him in school. Yet they were the same age of 17. He actually thought Penny was a tease and a whore. But Wade had alternative reasons why he wanted to start to date her.

Wade was getting into adulthood soon. He was finding himself and what he likes. And one thing he found was he was bisexual. He liked both boys and girls. He had dated two other girls before Penny. And he had sex with one of them once. He had not really jad sex with another guy yet though. He and his ex friend Matt had jerked each other off in the gum once. But after that it git weird.

He had also given nd receievd a blowjob by a guy in school once. But never anything really sexual with guy. Whether it was based off fear or the gay stereotype he just hadn't. Besides he seemed more attracted to older guys. The coach at school was hot. But a complete fuck tard.

"What an A-hole he said once about him.

Penny was an obvious sex feind as he heard about her and several other guys in school. But once again it was it wasn't her that had made him really want tomgo out with her. It was because of that one day that she was dropped off at school by her dad Jerome. When Wade saw her getting out of her dad's car and walking off one day at school. It wasn't the fact that she had slammed the door on his car, but when Jerome called out to her in his deep manly voice. Wade looked over to then see her dad get out of the car with her backpack. He came around the car and shoved it out there for her.

" Hey. You forgot this" the big hunky man said

Wade looked at the big intimidating beast. His short almost buzzed hard. The five o'clock shadow facial hair, and the one size to tight jeans on the man that really caught his attention. There before Wade, not more than 30 feet away was a true man beast. The type that wade had always desired. And those jeans that hugged the mans meaty thighs and ass. Not to mention the nice sized bulge in the front. Wade felt his young cock almost shoot through his pants.

"Holy fuck daddy" he grumbled to himself.

From that moment Wade decided he had to get closer to the stud. Even if it was just to see him. So he started to try and get together with the slutty daughter. If he could hook up with her, there may be a chance he would see the hunk again. Maybe even get invited to their house.

Wade later on when he got home beat off to the image of the big daddy hunk. Crawling in the bathroom and locking the door so his mom couldn't bother him. Then he would jerk off to the image in is head of Jerome.

It didn't take long for him to hook up with her. He was the older of the two and it helped as she liked the guys in the grade above her at least.

"So" came the question after many weeks of plotting his scheme

"So you wanna go out. Maybe hang" he asked her

"Sure baby" she said

They ended up going out after school that day and hanging out. He wanted to go to her house to pick her up. That way he my see the big hunky stud.

"Nah" she said

"Let's just go after school"

"I'll tell my mom I'm hanging with some friends"

"That way she doesn't suspect."

Then she paused before saying the work he wanted to here.

"Or it getting to my dad" she added

"He is such a fucktard"

Wade's head pounded at the phrase. The word 'fuck' used when she mentioned her dad. His mind pondered the big daddy doing just that. Fucking. When he picked her up after school he had a hard on. She obviously noticed and assume it was for her. While in the car she reached for Wade's dick as he drove.

"Someone is ready for fun" she said

Penny rubbed his crotch as he drove. Then ended up making out , but not really fucking in the back seat of his car after they got to the park they decided to go to. Penny practically jumped him in the car. She grabbed his bulge. She the. Did give him a blow job though. Penny dove for Wade's crotch after the long make out session. She hauled out his rigid dick and went down on him.

"This is a nice one" she said

"Not the biggest i have had. But a nice one"

He felt odd that she had just downsized his dick to other guys. But he knew his slim cock was not huge. It got him by, he thought.

"Just suck me off Penny" he commanded.

And she did. And she was very good at it. She knew how to stroke dick as her mouth worked the head and shaft. He moaned from the warm wonderful mouth on his dick.

"Yeah that's good baby" he cooed

"Keep sucking me like that".

" it's soo damn good"

And Penny sucked on his dick like she was trying to siphon it. He hot wet mouth and tongue raked along his hard shaft. Then she reached down and past his balls. His fingers pressed against his scrotum. Thats when he could take no more. Wade grabbed her head and plowed his dick into her face. His balls samshed up against her mouth.

"Awee fuck man" he howled

"I'm gonna cum girl. I'm gonna cum."

Penny spit out his cock and just stroked his to his orgasm. She let the juice spray on her cheek and over her eyes. He licked and sucked for a good 20 seconds before he stopped his orgasm. Then Wade just laid back in the cars back seat. He breathed heavy as his body slowly returned to normal. Penny grabbed a nakpin from the front and wiped her face.

"Damn boy" she stated

"Couldn't hold it just a bit longer"

She seemed almost disappointed. They he figured she wanted to get fucked. That would have to wait for another day.......................


Wade meets jerome next

Next: Chapter 10

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