Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Dec 20, 2019


This is a supplemental story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind' story

It is told at the point of view of one of Jerome's Fuck holes. The young buck Wade. And what he gets out of the experience. With the daddy stud

Again this is only fiction as the man is married and has kids. And I would not surmise he would try a gay experience. But I'm sure Wade would love it.

Enjoy.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me. (Wade's Tale (16)

... Wade waited for Danny to push his hard dick into him. Danny moved around behind his ass. He pulled a few times at his raging cock. Then he pushed it at Wade's hole. Hitting the gate and rubbing his hard head at it. Wade cooed as he felt the guys dick back there. Then groaned as Danny pushed into him. Thrusting several hard inches into Wade. Both men moaned at the action. Both loving the others organ

"Awee fuck" Danny moaned "Great ass. Awee fuckk"

Then he started to fuck Wade. Thrusting deep into the younger guy. Wade cried out as both pain and pleasure took him. The pain of the hard thrusting of Danny taking his ass. But even though it was a nice dick, it wasn't the huge dick he was used to feeling. And that was Jerome's. But this hot guy would so for now. So he called back and told Danny to fuck him harder.

"Give it to me stud" he yelled "Slam me harder man" "Gimme that fucking cock" "Ughn, ughn, ughn"

And Danny did Fuck him. That hot ass on his cock was great. So he picked up the pace and started to really give Wade a hard fuck. Wade moaning as the guy slammed his butt.

"Hmmf fuck. Yeah man. Yeah" he cried "Give it to me man. Give it to me hard" "Awee fuckk"

And Danny did give it to him. Pumping his butt harder and harder as he progressed in the sex he was laying onto Wade. His cock tightly held by the ass he was fucking. Wade just groaned and grunted as he was taken. Feeling Danny as he thrust and pushed and ground his dick into him. The ass on his cock pulled and pushed at him. Urging him to plow harder, to really fuck, and eventually to breed. But men knew it. Its what They both wanted. A hard wet eruption. m "Yeah man. Yeah!" Wade yelled "Do it man. Do it Danny" "Hmmf. Fuck, fuck. Awee fuck" Danny crowed "Fucking great ass man" "Fuckk!"

Soon Danny was edging closer and closer to the inevitable. He pushed harder at the hole on his dick. Faster and faster he pounded at Wade. His balls making a 'rat tat tat' as he continued to drill at Wade. "Awe fuck. Awe fuckk!" He cried out "Love this fucking ass"

And again Danny was digging his raging cock into Wade. Banging away at his ass. Giving him what he wanted, dick. And lots of it. Tightly holding to Wade and his fucked him.

"Yeah man. Aww. Fuck yeah buddy" he huffed "Gonna fucking give it to you" "Gonna fucking bust into this hole" "Yeah man. Do it Danny" Wade shouted "Do it. Cum in my hole man" "Com in there!"

Danny did. The sensations on his dick. That hole that Wade had that was both tight one moment. Pulling at his cock as he slammed into it. Then next loose enough to allow him to glide in smoothing and quickly. It was one of the best holes he had ever felt on his dick. It was even better than pussy. Better than his girlfriends pussy.

"Awee fuckk!" He huffed "Aweeee fuckkk!""getting soo. Ughnn.."

And that's when Danny's balls pulled up tightly to his body. And that's when he exploded. Shooting multiple blasts into Wade Wade felt each and every hot molten bullets as it fired into his bowels. Drenching his insides.

"Yeah Danny. Awee fuckk yeah" he shouted "Gimme that com stud. Gimme"

Danny's hips thrust hard and brutally at Wade's body. Making sure he gave him every fiery drop of his cum. He grunted until he was done. Then his body slowly stopped pumping at Wade. Then he just held his cock in there, in Wade's ass until it softened. Then he just slid out if the fun filled hole. Sighing deeply as he pulled out.

"Fuckk. That was so fucking great" he said

Then as he pulled back from Wade, the young guy got up. Up to his knees. Then Wade grabbed at his own hard on. All that was slamming had gotten his own dick hard again. And Wade jerked himself off as he leaned back. His body pressed to Danny's. So Danny held onto Wade as the guy pumped his dick to his own explosion.

"Yeah man. Mee too Danny!" Wade shouted "Gonna cum too stud. "

And Wade did. He shot out in front of him body. Several bullets that shot near six feet away from his cock. Splattering the wall before him.

"Yeah man. Yeah!" He shouted..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 94: Big Delivery 5

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