Neil and Rocky


Published on Sep 1, 2019


by H.T. Bruhaus email: September 1st, 2019

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Neil and Rocky: Chapter 5


After we shower, we return to our room.

Neil is standing naked in front of his bed. "I'm exhausted. It's been a long damn day for me." He checks the time. "Fuck Rocky, it's almost four. I'm going to bed."

I watch Neil as he crawls into his bed. I get one last glimpse of his beautiful ass before it disappears under the covers. "I knew it was late, but I had no idea it was that late." I get into my bed too. I'm also still naked. Both of our lights on our nightstands are on. I look over at Neil. He gives me a smile. Then I say, "I'm glad you're back. I was getting a little lonely."

"As much as I enjoyed going home, I'm glad I'm back too. And we get to spend New Years together."

"That's right. Too bad the Jack Daniels is almost gone."

"Are you sure about that?" Neil gets out of bed and goes over to his closet.

I hold onto my cock under the covers as I look at Neil's ass. I can't believe I had my finger inside of it not too long ago. His ass is so damn hot. It really makes me horny. I know I've told you this before, but I think it's worth repeating. What I'd really like to do is put my cock inside of that hot fucking ass.

Of course, my cock is rock hard again. While Neil has his back to me, I slowly stroke my erection. Then Neil turns around and I let go of it. My covers are tented up with my boner. I discretely mash it down so the covers are lying flat.

Neil is showing me a half gallon of Jack Daniels. "A Christmas present from my brothers."

"Your bothers are awesome."

"I know." Neil puts the Jack Daniels on his nightstand. "Do you mind if I crack the window? It's hot as balls in here."

"Sure, go ahead. I've been sleeping with it open too. I don't know why they can't turn the heat down at night."

While Neil is opening the window, I strain my neck to get a good look at his soft dick. If I didn't know already that it was warm in our room, I would be able tell just by looking at Neil's balls. His nut sack is stretched out and his balls are hanging really low. Maybe that is what they mean when they say, "Hot as balls". I find myself wondering what his balls would smell like right at this moment. I suddenly have the urge to put them in my mouth.

Neil cracks open the window. He looks down on the quad. "It's really coming down now."


Neil gets into bed and turns out his light. "Yeah. It's a full on blizzard. At this rate, I bet we get a lot more than 18 inches. We might even be snowed in by the time we get up tomorrow."

I turn out my light. The room gets dark. "That would be fucking amazing. Goodnight, Neil."

"Night, Rocky."

I hold onto my hard cock and close my eyes.

I wake up shivering. The room is just barely lit by the morning light. Neil is silhouetted in his bed. He looks like a lump under his covers. Then he moves. "Rocky, are you awake?"

"Yeah. Why is it so fucking cold in here?

"I think the power went out. Does your light work?"

I turn on my light. Nothing happens. "No. Is the window still open?"

"Yeah, you should close it."

There is no way I am getting out of bed to close the window. As cold as I am under the covers, it's a hell of a lot colder in our room. I think I can see my breath. "Fuck that. You should close the window."

There is a pause before Neil answers. "Okay, I'll close the window, but I'm getting into bed with you right after. Be ready."

Before I can process what Neil just told me, he jumps out of bed. Grabs his blanket. Slams shut the window. Lays his blanket on top of my blanket, then quickly jumps into my bed next to me. His body pushes against my body forcing me over as far as I can go before I am stopped by the wall.

The bed is way too small for both Neil and I.

Neil says, "Fuck it's so fucking cold. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Neil is rubbing his chest with his hands.

I am stunned. I have always had this fantasy of being in the scouts and having to get into a sleeping bag naked, with another naked scout, in order to prevent hypothermia and save a life.

Despite my being cold, my cock gets rock solid hard. Of course it does. At this point, I'm sure you wouldn't have expected anything else.

Neil says, "That was way too fucking cold, but it was worth it. Now we can share our body heat and warm up."

"Like in the scouts."



"Okay." Neil puts a hand on my chest and starts rubbing it up and down. "How's that?"

"I'm warming up. Thanks."

Then Neil crosses his leg over my leg and starts rubbing my foot with his foot. "We need to generate some friction."

I can't talk. Neil's hand rubbing my chest keeps getting closer to my cock, which is fully hard and resting face up on my stomach. A few inches lower with his hand and he will have to discover it.

I start rubbing Neil's chest. I'm hoping to distract him. Then Neil's hand gets below my navel and slides under my hard dick. His hand goes up then quickly comes down again and stops. His knuckles are touching the back of my erection.

I quit rubbing his chest. My hand comes to a stop right on top of his nipple.

Neil looks at me. I can't meet his eyes.

Neil grabs my cock. "What's this? Morning wood?" Neil nods his head in the direction of his crotch. "Check it out, me too."

I slowly slide my hand down over Neil's abs. My hand gets under his cock. I look at Neil.

"Go ahead."

I grab his cock. It is rock solid hard. I can feel it pulsating in my fist.

"See?" He starts stroking my cock very slowly. "I know how we can generate some friction."

I look into Neil's eyes. He turns on his side facing me. His dick comes out of my hand. He pushes it against my thigh. I reach back down and start stroking it.

Neil stops stroking me and grabs my wrist. "No Rocky. You relax and just let me take care of you."

I let go of his cock.

Neil starts slowly humping my thigh. He looks into my eyes as he leisurely strokes my cock under the covers.

I lay back and look into Neil's eyes. His body heat and his stroking me has warmed me up some. I relax and just enjoy being serviced by Neil. It feels amazing. "Fuck that feels good."

"You like that?"


Neil keeps humping my leg with his hard cock. He closes his eyes. He has a slight smile on his lips. I really want to kiss him, but I don't dare.

He opens his eyes and continues to stroke me slowly. I want him to stroke my cock faster. I already feel like I'm getting close. I whisper, "Faster."

Neil doesn't change his pace, if anything, he slows his stroke down a little.

"Please." I am so hard right now and I really need to cum. I want to fucking cum. I just need Neil to stroke my cock faster. I start moving my hips up and down. Neil's hard cock rubs against my thigh. He pushes it even more forcefully against me. I feel his precum leaking out. My leg gets slippery. Neil's cock starts sliding.

He moans.

My cock spasms. "Please Neil, go faster."

Neil doesn't say anything, he just smiles while he continues to slowly stroke my cock. I can't take it. I move my hand down and try to grab hold of my dick.

Neil whispers, "No," and pushes my hand away. He doesn't change his pace.

I start moaning. It feels so fucking good. Why wont he go faster? I'm getting very close now. I feel like I could cum if only Neil would stroke my cock just a little bit faster. "Please go faster."

Neil ignores my plea. I implore him with my eyes. It is excruciating.

Then Neil casually puts his lips against my lips and kisses me.

I start cumming.

Neil's tongue goes into my mouth.

I arch my hips as my load shoots out of my cock and onto the underside of the top sheet. Neil's stroke stays steady and it feels like I am cumming in slow motion. My orgasm is intense. I keep shooting my load in long powerful spurts as our tongues rub together. I shudder and convulse. The sheet gets saturated. My stomach and chest get flooded with my jizz.

My cock quits shooting.

Neil continues to kiss me for a moment longer then stops. He lets go of my cock. He brings his hand out from under the covers. It has a bunch of my cum on it. He smells it then wipes my cum on his blanket. He puts his hand back under the covers and reaches across my chest and hugs me tight. He closes his eyes and starts humping my thigh faster. His breathing gets louder. His warm breath is on my face. He starts moaning. He grabs my hand and puts it on his ass. Then he wraps his arm across my chest again and goes back to squeezing me.

I grab his ass cheek and then I push a finger into his butt crack and against his hole.

Neil moans. He humps me faster. He whispers, "Put your finger inside."

Neil's ass is tight. I don't have any lube on my finger. I am unable to penetrate his hole. So I use my finger to wipe up a large amount of my cum from my stomach, then I move it back to Neil's asshole. My cum has done the trick. I am now able to slowly slide my finger inside of Neil.

"Fuck!" Neil speeds up his humping of me.

I pull my finger all the way out. I let it linger on the rim of his hole, then push it all the way back in.

"Fuck that feels good."

"You like that?"

"Fuck yeah Rocky, I like that."

I move my finger in and out faster. I realize my cum is now inside of Neil. I think of the term, "Breeding".

Neil's eyes are closed. His breathing gets faster. He humps my leg faster. My finger keeps moving in and out of his hole. I look at his beautiful face.

Neil starts making little grunting sounds. They get louder.

Then I kiss Neil. I put my tongue inside his mouth.

Neil opens his eyes. We look directly at each other. Then he starts cumming. We stop kissing and Neil tucks his head into the crook of my neck as his cock shoots out big wet spurts of cum onto my leg. He just keeps cumming. It is hot and sticky and fucking awesome.

Neil finally stops cumming. He grabs me as he rolls onto his back, forcing me to roll on top of him. He wraps both of his arms around me. My spent load gets all over Neil's abs and chest. Then we kiss again as I put my full weight on him.

I'm not cold anymore.

Neil seems perfectly content to just let me lie on top of him.

His body heat and his body feel really good. I am also perfectly content to just stay here. I close my eyes and enjoy the contact and the warmth.

I hear, but mostly feel, Neil's stomach rumble. I open my eyes.

Neil is looking at me. "I'm hungry. Let's see if the cafeteria is open."

I roll off of Neil, but neither one of us seem eager to get out of bed and step into the cold air of our dorm room.

My hand goes down to Neil's cock. I just rest it there. Neil seems to be okay with it. I feel some of his left over ejaculate as it oozes onto my palm.

I think about that initial kiss Neil gave me. I wonder if he just got caught up in the moment and the kiss didn't really mean anything, or if maybe there was something more to it. Probably it didn't mean anything at all to him. Neil just seems to be very casual about sex, like it was no more significant than eating breakfast.

Neil finally stands and wraps his blanket around himself. I get up and wrap my blanket around me. It is way too fucking cold in our room. We go to our closets.

Neil cleans my cum off with a towel, then gives the towel to me. I use it to wipe his cum off of my thigh and my cum off my stomach. I clean myself up as fast as I can. Our room is freezing. I toss the towel into Neil's closet.

"Rocky, do you have any thermals?"


"Here, you can wear these." Neil hands me a pair of his long underwear. "They might be a little big, but they're better than nothing."


I never had to wear long underwear before. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put my briefs on first or what. I'm freezing my ass off, but I stall a moment to see how Neil dresses with his long underwear.

Neil puts them on without anything underneath. I do the same.

Then I quickly finish dressing before I freeze to death. I put my jeans and a sweatshirt on over Neil's thermals. I put on two pairs of socks and tuck the legs of the thermals into them. I can just barely get my feet into my hiking boots. Then I put on my hoody and wrap my scarf around my neck.

Neil puts on a pair of jeans and an oversized cable knit sweater over his thermals. He steps into a pair of really nice insulated boots. Then he puts on a big heavy coat and a beanie. "Do you have any gloves?"

"Nope." I put the hood over my head and my hands in the front pocket of my hoody. "I'm good."

Neil looks at me in my makeshift winter outfit. "It's cold outside, Rocky."

I shrug. "We're just going to the cafeteria. I think I'll survive."


Before we head out, we stop at the bathroom on our floor. Neil and I stand side by side at the urinals as we empty our bladders. I look at Neil's cock from the corner of my eye while we pee. Then we wash up. There isn't any hot water.

We take the stairs down eight flights to the lobby. The emergency lights are on and the whole building is freezing inside. The automatic doors aren't working, so we go out a side door. Both Neil and I have to push against the door in order to open it just enough for us to squeeze through.

The snow has drifted up high on this side of the building.

There is a cold steady wind blowing small snow flakes across the quad. They look like little white dots. The quad is all white and featureless. The area where we were building our Snow People is completely gone. It's just a bit of a rise in the snow. It is fucking awesome. Despite it being cold and windy, I'm excited.

Neil and I head for the cafeteria. I let Neil lead and try to follow in his footsteps. The snow goes up to my knees and even higher in some spots. My hood keeps blowing off.

Neil notices. "Here, let me fix that for you." Neil takes off his gloves and ties the draw strings so my hood will stay on my head.


We continue to plod towards the cafeteria. There are whole drifts of snow almost as tall as Neil. We have to make several detours to avoid them. It's not easy for me to keep my balance with my hands in the pocket of my hoody.

We finally get to the cafeteria, but the door is locked. We look inside. It's empty.

Neil looks at me. "Do you want to head into town? Maybe the power is on there."

"Yeah, it'll be like an adventure." I'm cold, but I'm excited. All this snow is a new experience for me.

We go off campus and walk in the middle of the street towards town. There is one set of tire tracks here. We walk in them. We try to see if the power is on in this area, but it's not obvious if it is. The wind is not so bad here, but there are lots of fallen limbs due to the heavy snow. At one point we follow the tire tracks around a dead tree that was partially blocking the road.

We also see one of the Power Company's trucks go by.

We make a turn and I see a porch light on. "Look. They have power."

"Alright!" Neil and I high five.

As we get closer into town, we start seeing other people out in the snow. Some seem to be heading into town too, others are just playing around with their families and dogs.

A group of kids are building a snowman in the middle of an intersection. It looks like the whole town is on vacation.

Neil points down the street. "Look at that guy riding his bike in the snow."

I look to where Neil is pointing. There is this guy on a bike, about a block away, heading in our direction. The bike has huge fat tires. As it approaches, I recognize Cody from the other day. He stops in front of me and Neil, blocking our way. "Hey Guy. It's good to see you." He looks around at the snow. "Isn't this amazing."

I'm kind of wondering how Neil will react to Cody. All semester long I never really had any friends, and now here is this twenty-five year old who obviously knows me well. "Hey Cody. Yeah, it is amazing. Do you have power at your place?"

"It went out in the middle of the night, but it's back on now. I just tried going to work. They're closing for the day." Cody touches my arm. "Do you want to come back to my place and warm up?"

Cody's meaning is very clear when he says "Warm up". He wants to fool around again.

I look over at Neil. I'm sure he didn't pick up on that. I look back at Cody. "Thanks, maybe some other time."

"Okay, I'll call you."


Cody rides off, heading away from town.

Neil looks at me. "Who was that?"

"Just a friend."

Neil looks like he has more questions, but he doesn't say anything else.

I'm relieved. I'm not sure how I can explain Cody to him.

We turn onto main street and into town. The power is on here, but the streets are not plowed. I think this huge amount of snow is unusual, so I suspect the town doesn't have much in the way of snow removal equipment. Most of the businesses are closed, but there are some people shoveling sidewalks.

Then I hear someone yelling, "Hey Guy."

I look across the street. Oscar is in front of his Uncle's pizza parlor, shoveling snow off the sidewalk. I wave back. "Hi," then I continue walking. I'm hoping to discourage Oscar from wanting to chat.

"Hey, wait up." Oscar comes running across the street with the shovel in his hand.

Neil stops, forcing me to stop too.

"Guy, it's good to see you." Oscar gives me a little one handed hug. Then he looks at Neil.

I say, "Oscar, this is Neil." They shake.

"So this is Neil."

Shit, I forgot I had told Oscar about Neil. That was right before Oscar gave me my first, and only, blow job ever. At the time, Oscar told me he thought I was in love with Neil.

"Yeah, well we got to get going. See ya." I start heading down the sidewalk. Neil has to jog a little to catch up with me. I'm sure Neil wants to know what that was all about, but he doesn't say anything.

Shit, what's next? I'm half expecting to see that red speedos water polo jock come around the corner or even Terry and Conan back from Cleveland.

We get to the cafe without running into anymore of my recent "lovers". Thankfully the cafe is open. We go inside and stomp the snow from our boots. It is nice and warm. There is a short line of people waiting to be seated.

Two seats open up at the counter. Neil asks the other people ahead of us if they are going to take them. They're all waiting for tables, so we sit there.

I have my fifty dollar bill. "I'm buying."


We get coffee and order breakfast. I order french toast, two fried eggs and a side of bacon. Neil gets a four egg omelet with practically everything in it, a side of sausages, two slices of toast, a short stack of pancakes and a large glass of milk.

The breakfast is really good, but I can't eat it all. Neil cleans his plate then commences to finish off my left overs. I can't believe how much Neil consumes.

I just sip my coffee and watch him.

When he is done, we get up and I pay the bill at the cash register. We go outside. Most of the sidewalk has been shoveled, but the street is still not plowed. There are a few tire tracks in it and some four wheel drive vehicles parked in various spaces. Some of the businesses have opened too.

We walk by the drugstore. I remember we need lube. I say to Neil, "Stay here, I'll get us some more lube."

I go inside. Neil follows me. "No way I'm staying out in the cold."

I'm embarrassed enough buying lube by myself. I have no intention of buying lube with Neil standing right next to me. I quietly say to him, "Okay warm up, but go over there. I'll look for the lube on my own."

Neil ignores my instructions and walks right up to the cashier. "Where do you keep the personal lubricant?"

"Aisle two."

As Neil heads down aisle two, he says, "It's down here, Rocky."

I follow Neil.

At the end of the aisle there is a large section just dedicated to lube and condoms. I had no idea there were this many different brands of condoms or lube. Maybe it's because we're in a college town, or maybe it's because there's a whole lot of people out there having a whole lot of sex. I don't know. It's all relatively new to me.

I'm a little overwhelmed by the choices. I remember Cody was using Astroglide. I pick up a small five ounce bottle. Shit, $9.95. I take the Astroglide and head for the front of the store.

Neil says, "Hold up, let's see what else they have." Neil is taking his time looking at the different brands. He smells them, reads the backs and compares labels.

Finally, he settles on a 64oz bottle of something called ID Glide. He takes the 5oz bottle of Astroglide from my hand and gives me the huge container of ID Glide. "Here, take this."

I wasn't expecting it to be so damn heavy and I almost drop it. I look at Neil. "Do we really need this much?"

"The way you go through lube Rocky, yes I expect we do, and besides it's a good deal. Sixty-two cents an ounce. Can't beat that."

I look at the price. $49.95. "Neil, I don't have enough money."

"It's on sale, twenty percent off. I'll pay half."

Neil gives me a big smile. I look at his handsome face. I can't argue with him. "Okay."

We go over to the cashier. I plop the container onto the counter. A middle age woman looks up from a magazine. She sees the large container of lube and looks at me and Neil.

Neil wraps his arm around my shoulders. "It's our anniversary."

She smiles. "How nice. Happy anniversary, boys." She rings it up.

I can feel myself turning bright red as Neil puts $20 on the counter.

I pay the rest.

"Would you like a bag?"

Neil says, "No thanks."

At the same time I say, "Yes."

She looks at both of us.

I say again. "Yes please, a bag would be nice."

She puts the lube into a thin plastic bag. It's a translucent white with the words "Thank you" printed in large red letters.

I lift the heavy bag off the counter. I can clearly read the label through the plastic.

Neil puts his arm around me as we walk out the door. He waves back at the cashier. "Thanks."

We walk down the sidewalk heading back to campus. I shrug his arm from my shoulders. I'm a little pissed at Neil's anniversary joke.

Neil has a big grin on his face. He clearly thinks it was funny.

I hand Neil the bag of lube. "Here, you can carry this, since you have gloves." Then I put my hands in the front pocket of my hoody and we continue on towards the college.

On the way back, we see another truck from the power company, but when we arrive on campus, there still doesn't seem to be any power.

As we approach the cafeteria, we see some lights on inside. I hear the sound of an engine running somewhere nearby.

Neil says, "Sounds like they have a generator."

We go inside the cafeteria. It is warm. Hot meals are being served. There are blankets piled up on one of the tables and emergency candles on another table. There is a charging station with various phones and tablets charging. Half of the room has been cleared out and a bunch of cots have been set up. The T.V. is turned on and maybe a dozen or so students are gathered around it watching the weather report.

We stand near the T.V. and watch it with the other students. Apparently, instead of this weather system passing through quickly it has stalled right over the middle of the state and just continues to dump snow in this one spot. It seems they're expecting another six to twelve inches in the next twenty-four hours.

When the commercials come on, we walk over to the table with emergency supplies. There is a person sitting at the table and appears to be in charge.

Neil asks her, "What's going on?"

"We're not sure when we're going to get power, in the meantime students can stay here, or you can take extra blankets and candles back to your rooms."

I swear she looked at the bag of lube.

"Thanks." Neil turns to me. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's take some of this stuff to our room for now. If it's not too cold, I'd prefer to sleep there tonight."

"Me too. Hopefully the power will be back on by then."

The woman in charge says, "We're looking for volunteers to shovel sidewalks."

Neil says, "Great, as soon as we take this up to our room we'll come back and help."

I grab a pile of blankets and Neil stuffs some candles into the bag with the lube. We go outside and head to the dorm. We follow a path in the snow that was stomped down by a bunch of students. It appears to be our original path from earlier this morning.

The rest of the day we spend outside shoveling sidewalks around campus or inside watching T.V. Then we eat an early dinner and head back to the dorm. It is pitch black out and lightly snowing. I use the flashlight app on my phone to light our way back to the dorm and up the eight flights of stairs to our room.

It is still fucking freezing inside. We take off our coats and boots and light all of the candles. I can't help thinking how romantic the candlelight looks.

I sit on my bed and watch as Neil pours Jack Daniels into two plastic cups. Then he pours some Mountain Dew on top and hands me one. He sits on his bed facing me.

I say, "Mountain Dew and Jack Daniels?"

"It's a family tradition at Christmastime."

I sniff it. "Really? What do you call it?"

"We don't actually have a name for it." He holds out his cup. "Cheers."

"Cheers." We clink our cups.

I take a tentative sip. The sweet soda and the harsh whiskey makes a delicious combination. I smack my lips. "It's good." I take a bigger sip. "This really deserves a name." I take another drink. "Maybe you should call it...Jack Dew. No. Mountain Daniels. No. Wait. I know." I pause.

Neil is looking at me.

I take a big swig. Then stand. I hold the cup above my head. "Jack Mountain!"

Neil spits out a bunch and sprays my sweatshirt. The candle on my nightstand sputters. He is laughing and choking at the same time.

I sit back down. I'm a little hurt Neil is laughing at my excellent name suggestion.

He finally composes himself. "That sounds like the title to a gay porno. Jack Mountain. Starring Dick Hard-on and Peter Butt-fucker."

I have to admit, it is a bit funny. I take another drink. "Also starring, Harry Cocksucker and..." My mind draws a blank. "And..." I might be drunk. "And...and..." Neil is looking at me. "And-lick-my-asshole-with-your-tongue-while-jacking-my-cock..." I stand and raise my cup in the air. A bunch sloshes out. "...Jones!"

Neil just starts cracking up. We both can't stop laughing. He stands and we clink our cups together spilling more. I say "bottoms up" as Neil is drinking. He spits out some more. We finally manage to empty our cups. I sit back down.

Neil sits next to me. He takes my cup. "May I make you another Jack Mountain, Mr. Butt-fucker?"

"Yes you may, Mr. Cocksucker." There are tears in my eyes from laughing.

"First, lets strip down to our thermals. These jeans are too uncomfortable."

We get up and undress at our closets. Neil removes his sweater and steps out of his jeans. I pull off my sweatshirt and my jeans too. We are now just wearing the long underwear and socks.

My cock has no support inside the borrowed thermals. I feel it flopping around as I walk back to my bed. I stand next to Neil and watch him while he makes us two more "Jack Mountains". He hands me one.

I take a sip and then sit on my bed with my back against the wall and my legs crossed in front of me.

Neil hands me his cup. He makes an adjustment to his cock through his long underwear then takes two blankets and covers us both as he sits next to me. I give him back his cup and we both take a drink.

Neil's body is touching my body and I lean into him. He smells like stale sweat from our exertions shoveling snow all day. I don't mind. I'm sure I stink too.

The room is cold, but I feel cozy in the long underwear beneath the blankets with Neil. I have a feeling the "Jack Mountain" is also helping me keep warm.

We don't say anything. We just sip our drinks. The room is dimly lit by the candles. I watch as the flames dance and flicker.

I am feeling very mellow and happy. I realize I really am in love with Neil. It suddenly seems very important that I confess I am gay.

"Neil, I need to tell you something." I can't bring myself to look at him.

Neil senses the importance of what I'm about to say. He puts his hand on my leg under the blanket and turns his head. "You can tell me anything, Rocky."

I finally meet his eyes. I cannot believe how beautiful they are. "I've been lying to you."

Neil does not avert his gaze.

I continue. "Jennifer is not really my girlfriend."


"Actually. I'm gay."

Neil lets out a breath. Apparently he had been holding it. "Wow, Rocky. I'm honored that you trusted me enough to come out to me."


"I know it's not always easy to come out. I have two gay brothers."

"You do?"

"Yeah, and they both have husbands and kids. It's really great. I was worried you were going to tell me you were a Republican or something else just as bad."

I laugh. "I am a Republican."

"Fuck you, no you're not."

I'm relieved that Neil is okay with me lying to him about being straight. I just can't help myself from messing with him about being a Republican. I raise my cup in the air. "Go Elephants."

Neil raises his cup. "Fuck that. Go Donkeys!"

We drink.

We don't say anything. The room is quiet.

Now that I have come out to Neil, I wonder about his sexuality. I mean, he seems really straight, but he sure is comfortable with me and my cock.

I try to bring it up. "What about what"

Neil interrupts me. "You're wondering about me, aren't you Rocky?"

"A little."

"I wouldn't say I was bi. I've jacked off with other guys before, but I never really, you know, fantasized about guys that much. I did have a major crush on my Chemistry teacher my Sophomore year in high school.

"You did?"

"Yeah, and the whole time I was fucking Lauren."

"Really?" I want to hear more about the Chemistry teacher, but I'm also impressed that Neil was having sexual intercourse when he was 15. Damn. I'm almost 19 and I still haven't fucked anyone, unless you count that one blow job from Oscar. Or that one time I fucked Cody between his thighs. Those acts don't count as fucking. Right?

Neil continues. "Yeah. He was in his thirties, with a gorgeous wife and four kids. He was smart and funny and there was just something about him that I was really drawn to. I think I wanted to be like him."

"I guess that's normal at that age." I have no idea what I'm talking about.

"Yeah, I guess so." Neil squeezes my leg.

I remember now that Neil had told Lauren about us exchanging hand-jobs and that she thought it was hot. "So what about Lauren? You said she thought us jacking each other was hot."

"Lauren is really an amazing person. She believes she is pan-sexual and poly-amorous and she actually has been encouraging me, you know..."

"Fool around with me?"


"Wow." I am dumbfounded. I cannot believe Neil's girlfriend wants Neil and I to be sexual with each other. My mind backs up a second. "Wait, what's pan-sexual and poly-amo..."


"Yeah, that."

"The way I understand it, pan-sexual is when you are attracted to the person regardless of their sex, I think."

"You mean like bi-sexual?"

"I guess, but not just with both men and women, also with transgender and transitioning and all of the other different types of genders. The person is more important than the gender."

"I see." Not really.

"Poly-amorous means you have open loving relationships with multiple partners."

I have to think about that a minute. "Is Lauren actually with..."

"She's in an open relationship with a woman who is transitioning from a man."


I'm not judging here. I don't care what consenting adults do. I'm just having a difficult time following all of this. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

I do have to wonder if Neil is really on board with Lauren loving someone else, even if she still loves Neil too. Especially considering how much he loves her. Maybe that's the point. Love is love. It does not have to be confined and limited. It's free and open and boundless.

I should write greeting cards.

Anyway, it gives me the green light with Neil. I consider, just for a moment, initiating a little sexual activity with Neil right now, but I sense that it would not be good timing. See? Even I can demonstrate some restraint on occasion.

Neil finishes his drink. I finish mine.

Neil says, "I'm tired, let's go to bed."

"Good idea." I'm thinking that Neil and I should share a bed. Despite my being comfortable and cozy right now, our room is still freezing cold and sharing our body heat in bed would be a smart idea.

We both stand. I pull back the covers on my bed. It releases a waft of cum odor into the air. It's very pungent.

Neil notices. He feels the sheets. "The sheets are still damp from this morning. We better use my bed this time."

"Okay." I watch Neil.

He strips off his long underwear, then I do the same. He pulls back the covers and motions for me to get inside. I crawl in naked and watch Neil as he gathers all of the blankets and puts them on top of the bed. Then he hurriedly goes around the room and blows out the candles.

I stare at his cock. His balls have receded all the way up against his body and his cock has completely shriveled up due to the cold. It looks really small, but it's kind of cute.

Then Neil jumps into bed with me. He blows out the last candle on his nightstand. The room gets pitch black. His naked body is pressed up against my naked body. It feels nice and warm and soft and beautiful.


"Yes, Neil."

"I love you, buddy."

I love you too." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake up. The lights are on. I am sweating. The blankets are on the floor. The top sheet is pushed down to my ankles. I have a raging hard-on.

Neil is on his back with the side of his body pushed up against my side. He has one leg crossed over both of my legs. One of his hands is resting on the inside of my thigh. His fingers are just barely touching my nut sack.

I check out his cock. It is also raging hard.

I slowly turn onto my side facing Neil, causing both his hand and leg to fall onto the mattress. My cock is now pushed against Neil's arm. I check to see if I woke him.

He's still asleep.

I stare at his hard cock. I consider surprising Neil with a wake-up morning blow-job. The problem is that first, I have never given a blow-job before and second, it feels just a little bit rapey.

While I'm thinking about sucking Neil, he wakes up and gives me a big smile. "Morning Rocky."

"Good morning Neil." I look into his eyes. "I guess we have power now."

"Fuck, it's about time." Neil returns my gaze.

I give Neil a quick kiss on the lips. I can't help myself. It just feels like the right thing to do.

Then Neil rolls on top of me. Our erections are pressed against each other. He puts his hands on both sides of my face and with all of his 180 pounds pressing down on my body, he gives me a long, hard, passionate kiss.

I put my hands on his ass and kiss him back just as passionately.

We stop kissing. Then Neil starts grinding our erections together.

I moan. "That feels good."


After a few minutes of grinding, Neil lifts up onto his forearms, taking some of his weight off of me. He looks down at our cocks. "Rocky, have you ever noticed that our dicks look exactly alike?" He lifts one arm off of the mattress and slightly leans to the side, presumably so I can get a better look at our cocks. They are still touching.

Of course I've noticed. "Not really."

"Well, they could be twins. They're the same length and the same width and exactly the same shape."

I look down at them pressed against each other. "Yeah, I guess they are."

"I mean, mine's a lot harrier, and it's a little darker than yours, but other than that, they are identical. I think it's kind of cool."

"You do?"

"Yeah. If you were to fuck Lauren with that cock, she would not be able to tell it wasn't me."

This is getting a little weird. Does Neil want me to fuck his girlfriend?

Neil continues. "To Lauren, your cock would feel just like my cock."

"That is kind of cool." More like weird.

Neil puts his arm back on the mattress and starts grinding our cocks again.

I let him grind for a few minutes longer, but I have something else in mind. "Wait."

Neil continues grinding then stops. He looks at me. "What?"

"I'm gay, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"So, I've never actually given a blow-job before."

Neil starts moving his hips again, but just a little bit. Our cocks are barely rubbing against themselves. "You haven't?"

"No. I kind of think I should try it. Would you let me practice blowing you?" I can't believe I just asked Neil if I could blow him. I guess I'm getting a little cocky.

Neil rolls off of me. "Rocky, there's something you should know about straight men."

Shit, I really fucked up this time. "What?"

"We hate having our cocks sucked."

I look at Neil. He is dead serious. Then he bursts out laughing.

"Fuck Neil. You scared me for a moment."

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Neil props himself up on the pillow and puts his hands behind his head. His dick is sticking up and throbbing. "Rocky, you can do anything you want to me. If I don't like it, then I'll say something. Okay?"

I get on my knees straddling Neil. I hold onto his cock. I look up at his face. "Okay. Thanks." I can't help wondering if Neil really means that. It sounds like an open invitation to fuck him, but first, I guess I better try to suck this cock.

Neil says, "Take your time. Try not to use your teeth."

Now I'm getting blow-job advice from a straight man.

I start stroking Neil's dick. I look at his face. Neil is smiling. I hold onto his balls. I bring my head closer to his cock. There is a lot of precum oozing out of the slit. I open my mouth and taste it. Then I lick the head like an ice cream cone.

Neil gasps.

I stop licking and roll my tongue around in my mouth. I like the taste of his cock.

Neil puts his hands on my head. I let him gently guide me back to his cock. I open my mouth and bring my lips over my teeth. Then the head of his dick goes inside. My lips slide over his shaft. I keep going down until his cock hits the back of my throat. I gag a little and pull back all the way until his dick pops out of my mouth completely.

I look at Neil.

He smiles. "How are you doing? Do you want to keep going?"

I lick my lips. "Yes." This time I don't need any help from Neil. I bring my mouth back down to Neil's dick and wrap my lips around it. I move my head up and down, sliding my lips over his shaft.

"Fuck that feels good." Neil's praise encourages me.

I move my head faster while gently fondling his balls. I can feel Neil's body tense up. I stop. I just let his cock rest in my mouth. Then I try to deep throat him. I gag, but I manage to bring my lips all the way down to the base. His pubic hair tickles my nose. I'm proud of myself for being able to deep throat Neil. I'm sure it helps that Neil isn't too big.

"Damn, Rocky. You're a natural."

I might be a little offended if someone else called me a natural cocksucker, but it's different coming from Neil.

I take his cock out of my mouth, but I continue to slowly stroke it. I move down to his balls. I stick my nose in them and inhale. They smell musky and sweaty. I lick them both, then put one in my mouth.

Neil moans.

I suck on his ball a little bit before I move back up to his cock.

I start sucking him again. I remember when Oscar did it to me. He had this technique that really felt amazing. I decide to try to duplicate it.

I wrap my fist around Neil's shaft and move my hand up and down. I follow my fist with my mouth. On every up stroke, I twist my hand a little around the head of his dick


Neil seems to like it. I continue. I realize I am actually enjoying sucking Neil and giving him pleasure. I'm a little surprised.

Neil starts moving his hips. I think he might be getting close. I continue sucking him.

Then Neil says, "Wait."

I stop sucking and look up.

"Let me try blowing you now. I mean, if you don't mind."

I'm surprised again. "Neil, there's something you should know about gay men.

"What's that, Rocky?"

"We LOVE it when straight guys blow us."

"Very funny. Let's switch places."

So Neil and I change positions. I am propped up on the pillow with my hands behind my head and Neil is on his knees straddling my legs. He has one hand wrapped around my shaft and one hand holding my balls.

"Take your time. Try not to use your teeth." I'm the cock-sucking expert in the room now, so I can give advice.

Neil smiles. Then without any hesitation, he starts sucking my cock.

"Shit. Oh my fucking god."

Neil rubs my balls with one hand while he holds my cock with his other hand and moves his lips over my shaft. He slowly moves his head up and down.

After a short time he stops. He takes my cock out of his mouth and slides his fist back and forth over my slippery shaft. Then he puts his mouth back on it and brings his lips all the way down to the base, deep throating me. My pubic hair is in his nostrils. He looks up and smiles.

This is a proud moment for both of us.

Neil goes back to sucking me. Then he just pops his lips back and forth around the edge of my cock-head.

"Fuck that feels good."

Neil is very good at cock-sucking. I suspect he is better than I am. I believe all the years of Neil having sex with Lauren has really honed his pleasure giving skills.

It's just a matter of a time before I am right up to the edge of orgasm.

Then Neil suddenly stops.

He takes my cock out of his mouth. "Let's sixty-nine."

"Okay." That's a good idea. I should have thought of it myself.

Neil gets on his back. I lay on top of him in the opposite direction. As soon as I'm in position, Neil starts sucking me again. Then I start sucking him.

We go at it slowly, no sense in rushing now. I cannot believe how good the sensation feels of having my cock sucked while at the same time sucking a cock.

Neil begins moving his head faster. I try to match him.

He speeds up. I speed up.

His cock pops out of my mouth. His dick hits my nose and cheek, and spreads saliva and precum around my face before I put it back inside.

I like how that feels. I purposely take his cock back out of my mouth and rub it on my face some more. Then I go to sucking him again. It's good.

We are both moaning and grunting. Loud sucking noises seem to be echoing off of the the walls of our dorm room. I'm hoping no one can hear us.

I'm getting close. I don't know how I know this, but I can tell Neil is getting close too.

Then Neil starts cumming. An instant later, I start cumming. I close my lips tight around his shaft and try to suck the cum out of him. It is so intense and there is so much of it, that his load spills out from around my lips. I swallow as much as I can.

Neil is swallowing my load too. It also leaks out from around his lips.

Then we are done cumming and I collapse on top of Neil.

We lie there for a short time. Then I roll off of him.

Neil crawls forward on his knees towards me. I believe he is about to kiss me, but he doesn't. Instead he, licks the cum off of my face. His cum.

"You have cum on your face too." Then I lick my cum off of Neil.

He looks me in the eyes. "Fuck, Rocky. That was the best blow job I've ever had."


"Yeah, by far."

I've always heard that women don't like performing oral sex, but I never really believed it. Maybe it's just Lauren who doesn't like giving blow-jobs and is bad at them, which makes me wonder if Neil's only been with one woman.

"Thanks. I've only had two blow-jobs now, but I can honestly say, yours was better than Oscar's."

"Oscar? You mean that kid we met yesterday in town?"

"Um, maybe."

"Wow Rocky, you never cease to surprise me."

I change the subject. "I bet there's hot water. Let's take a shower."

"Good idea."

Neil and I find some fresh towels and wrap them around our waists. We walk down the hall, side by side and go into the shower area. I grab a shower first and Neil picks one right next to me.

I now know that I truly am in love with Neil, and as much as I want to fuck his beautiful tight ass, I realize it's not just about sex, it's also an expression of my love for him.

I have to admit, that surprises me. I've never been in love before and I never knew how sex and love were related. Sex and love are two different manifestations of the same thing, caring for someone. I would even let Neil fuck me. I want Neil to fuck me, because that's how much I care for him.

It sounds corny. I know.

I really should write greeting cards.

H.T. Bruhaus September 1st 2019.

I have one more chapter to write, then I am going to close the book on Neil and Rocky. At least for now. I have other stories to work on. Lots of other stories, and as you know, it takes me a long fucking time to post a new chapter. It's been over two months since I posted chapter 4. Damn.

But on a positive note, my Christmas decorations have been taken down. Yeah!

Also, please help support Nifty by making a donation.

Feel free to contact me. I like the feedback. It really helps to keep me motivated and as an added bonus, I will email you back when I have posted a new chapter. See, it's a win win.

I am doing a survey of where everybody is from, so if you send me an email, please include the city you live in, if you haven't already.

Thanks, H.T. Bruhaus Portland, Oregon, USA

Next: Chapter 6

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