Neon Genesis Evangelion

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Mar 15, 2005


Neon Genesis Evangelion 04 By David T/t, oral, anal, celebrity, science fiction Author's Notes: All characters with the exception of "David Morgan" and "Diggory Pearson" belong to Gainax Studios.

Neon Genesis Evangelion 04

I stood in the command center after having left the emergency room, my mind working on the current problem. I wanted to know who these guys were, and how the hell they got into the house. Maybe Section Two would get it out of them. I looked up as Commander Ikari walked in. I knew he was pissed. I turned to Ronnie and he nodded at me. It was his turn now. He walked out of the command center and I knew I would get some answers within the hour. If not, oh well. I was tired and sipped at a cup of cold coffee. I made a face and Shinji grinned.

"You no lika coffee?" he asked in an exaggerated Mexican accent, making me laugh as I tried to keep from spitting the coffee out. People grinned as Shinji smiled. Ikari merely raised an eyebrow and sighed. He gave me a slight nod and went up to his office. I dropped the remainder of my coffee into the nearby sink and walked up to Ikari's office a moment later.

"Commander," I nodded as I stepped into the light. He looked up and gestured to a folder on his desk. I picked it up and began to read.

"Diggory Pearson, age 14, location, Australia. He is now the Sixth Child. Australia Nerv has his Eva completed. Diggory is a hand-to-hand expert, knife throwing specialist, and aces wrestler. Sometimes has a tendency to show a temper," I read out loud. "Reminds me of someone we all know and love, neh?" Ikari muttered something and looked very uncomfortable as I grinned.

"Your assignment is to fly out of here Monday morning 0900 hours. Your personal security crew will join you. That's all," Ikari growled. I walked out of the office and went down to the pilot's ready room and found everyone there. I reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a Coke. Misato was there.

"Ronnie get anything from our guests?" I asked.

"No," Ronnie growled from the doorway. "Bastards checked out first." I sighed. This was not good. I scratched my face and thought. Then the solution came to me and I smiled. I nearly fucking missed it. Kensuke Aida. The kid was genius at computers, and hacking the net. If anyone could find something, it was Kensuke.

"Ronnie, prep your crew for a flight to Australia. We go wheels up at 0900 hours Monday morning," I said. He saluted and left the room. I turned to the others. "Business as usual."

I found Kensuke Aida the next morning. He was hanging at the gate checking out the girls as they walked in.

"Asuka was right, you are a dirty minded kid," I said as I smiled. Kensuke looked up and smiled. "Kinda get me in the right frame of mind, ya know? Keeps my mind occupied during class." I had to laugh at that. I took him by the elbow and steered him towards the smaller building that I knew would be empty this time of morning. I looked around as we walked up to it and then slipped inside. Nobody saw us go in.

"What's up?" Kensuke asked me. I sat down on a chair. "Ever heard of a group calling themselves the Sons of Heaven?"

"No. Are they after you guys?" he asked.

"Yes. Two attacks in three days. Can you go sneaking and peeking around the net for these clowns?" I asked him. Kensuke grinned. "Consider it done."

"Good. You report to me and to me only. Nobody else is to know this. This is on the sly," I said. He got the message. I knew he would keep his mouth shut. We headed off to class.

Monday morning rolled around and the plane was ready to go. Security was extremely heavy there and nobody was taking chances. Kensuke Aida had gone to ground and nobody knew where he was. I knew and wasn't saying anything. I hoped that Kensuke would find out a lot of things. I climbed on board and we took off into the morning sky for what would be at least a two-day journey there and back. I didn't want to stay away too long. By early evening we landed at Australia Nerv. I was bone tired and was looking forward to some down time. The Nerv commander looked me up and down but didn't say anything. Fine with me.

"Hi. Nice to meet you, sir. Is Mr. Pearson around?" I asked him politely. He turned a slight pale at the mention of the name. "He's around here somewhere."

"You can find him at the Officer's Club, working the pool table sir. Just don't bet him. You'll lose more than your shirt," a security officer said. Ronnie and I looked at each other. I was starting to wonder if there was more to this guy than advertised. Ronnie sighed.

"Let's go find the guy," he said. The Commander and a Major escorted us to the Officer's Club on the base. We found Diggory at a pool table, cleaning it up and taking money as he won the game. He looked up as we walked up.

"G'day, mate!" he called out. He was dressed in typical Aussie style, hat, t-shirt, leather vest, jeans, a leather belt, a huge knife off his belt, and thick boots. He was cute, too. He had short blond hair with a shock of the hair falling down across his face. His ice blue eyes were breathtaking. He leaned against the pool table and smiled.

"So yer the Young Dragon I've heard about," he smiled. "Nice ta meet you." He shook my hand and motioned to a table. I sat down and sighed. I had Coke while Ronnie had a beer and Diggory knocked back a Coke as well. We made small talk before dinner arrived at the table. Talk about world-class steaks, those were the best I'd ever had. Australia had become a world power when it came to livestock and other things. Their economy had gone up and now they were much better off than they had prior to 2I (Second Impact).

"Ya wanna see the beastie?" he asked, sitting back.

"Sure," I said. "I want to make sure it's being loaded properly, then head off to bed. Going to be a long flight, and I want to go wheels up at 0500 hours."

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight. Diggory's Eva looked like an oversized Koala Bear. I blinked at the sight and then grinned.

"Ikari's gonna freak," Ronnie said, grinning. I roared in laughter at that. So did Diggory and the rest of the security crew. This certainly was going to be a lot of fun.

"I'd give anything to have a camera for that," I said. We watched for a few minutes and then headed for the VIP cabins to turn in for the night. I sank gratefully into the soft bed and went right to sleep. I was going to need it.

We were off the ground right on schedule. I settled back after making my usual announcements and smiled. The ride home would be a smooth one. The flight home was boring (aren't all flights like that?) and quiet. It wasn't until we approached Japan in the early evening that the radio operator yelled out a condition red.

"Angel on Japanese soil!" he yelled. I thumbed my mike button. "All hands to battle stations. Diggory, better suit up. Your handle is Koala Bear."

"Roger that," his voice came back calmly. I turned back to what I was doing. I listened to radio traffic and discovered that Shinji and Asuka were out already with Rei on deck.

"Young Dragon to Red Devil," I called. Asuka's voice came back. "Red Devil here. We just engaged it. Information being sent to you. Glad to see you back."

"Roger that. I'm ready to rock," I said.

"Purple Beast to Young Dragon," Shinji's voice was next. I smiled. "Hey, you okay down there?"

"So far so good," Shinji said. "Your target is located in the beach area. Good place for an attack run." Shinji was thinking. I got nods from the gunner's mate.

"Good plan," I said. "I'll use it. We'll have a clear field of fire."

"Rockdog to Young Dragon. This Angel has extremely long flexible arms. Conventional guns are out, recommend laser and energy guns," he said.

"Shit," I swore. "Be advised I have an M2 mine on board."

"Tophat to Young Dragon, use only at my order," Ikari's voice came in.

"Roger that," I said as the target came into view. "All guns fire at will, pick your assigned targets and fire." We took the Angel by surprise, hitting it with concentrated fire as we passed overhead. The computer informed me that Diggory was now on board his Eva and activated, ready to drop. I had a sudden idea.

"Young Dragon to Ladycat, do you know location of Angel core?" I asked.

"Sawbones to Young Dragon, center of back," came Ritsuko's voice.

"Information locked into targeting computer," Diggory reported.

"I'm going to make a second pass and drop Koala Bear onto target. He'll go for the kill while Red Devil and Purple Beast provide distraction. White Lady can play sniper to keep target busy," I said.

"Agreeable," Rei said. That's what we did. Asuka and Shinji did hit and run attacks, doing throws, kicks, and punches while Rei fired on it. I popped the cover and it flew off, to be retrieved later. I felt a change in the plane the minute I had done that. Diggory was providing me with a drop count. As soon as he yelled mark, I released his Eva and the plane moved upward, free of the cumbersome weight. He assumed the skydiver's pose as he fell out of sight. I pulled the plane into a right turn, coming about once more. Asuka and Shinji saw him coming. Asuka drop kicked the Angel backwards and Shinji jumped, ripping the AT field apart as it passed him. Diggory landed dead on and ran his progressive knife right into the core. It exploded, knocking everyone back. I grinned. "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner, hailing from the Outback in Australia, Koala Bear!" I heard a round of applause in the background as the Nerv battle stations cheered. Then I heard Asuka.

"Mein Gott!" she exclaimed. "That Eva looks like a teddy bear!" I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. I wondered just what the bridge crew was thinking when they saw it. I knew I'd get so see the tape later. It was time to land this bucket.

I arrived at the debriefing and found the pilots waiting for Misato, the Commander, and Kozo. I grinned as I walked in. Diggory had wasted no time making himself at home, his bush hat at an angle, his Alligator boots on the corner of the table, and a smile on his face.

"Hey," I said as I sat down. "The plan worked out real good."

"Teamwork carried the day," Diggory said.

"I agree," Ikari's voice said. We turned to see him walking in with Misato and Kozo behind him. "Now let's replay the battle." We did just that and examined things from different angles. The plan I had come up with had worked very well, considering it was the best course of action. Diggory offered his thoughts, proving to me he was more than just a hotshot pilot. He'd work out well.

The cell phone woke me the next morning. I reached out from under the covers and grabbed it.

"Better be good," I grumbled.

"Greetings," Kensuke's voice came through. I woke up fast. "Be at Howard's in an hour, rear of store."

"Done," he said. I hung up and then made a few calls, requesting a secure conference room and heads of departments and pilots to be there. I arrived at Howard's and picked up Kensuke. I shook him down for any trackers and then cuffed him. I pulled a black hood over his head and secured it.

"This is for your own safety," I said.

"I understand," he said. I got him inside the conference room and waited for everyone to show.

"What' going on?" Gendo asked as he spotted Kensuke sitting quietly with the hood over his head.

"Just have a seat and everything will be explained in a moment," I said. Once everyone sat down, I took the podium. "This meeting is classified. We all know of the people calling themselves the Sons of Heaven. This gentleman here has gone tiptoeing through the net for them and he has discovered much. Meet Kensuke Aida." I pulled the hood off Kensuke and he grinned as Shinji, Rei, Asuka, Toji, and Hikari reacted. I moved over and nodded to Kensuke. "Show is yours." Kensuke stood up and connected the laptop to the overhead screen and started showing us what he'd found. He had a great deal of information to share, a lot more than what Section Two had collected. Once he was finished with his presentation, Ikari fired off a number of questions and Kensuke answered them all. The head of Section Two stood up.

"Commander Ikari, requesting permission to hire this young man," he said. Ikari nodded. "Granted. Once his Eva is ready, he will be joining the pilots in the field as part of the B-team. His secondary assignment will be information gathering through the net." I thought Kensuke was going to go delirious with joy.

"Mr. Aida will move into the Pilot's House immediately," Ikari said. I nodded. "There's a large room by his that can be used for all of his computer gear."

"Good. Section Two and Ritsuko will see to it that Mr. Aida had the top of the line in equipment to pursue his work," Ikari said. "Thanks to you, we now know more about these bastards than we previously did." Kensuke handed Ikari the laptop. "Here, it's yours." Ikari accepted it. "Thank you."

Within the hour Kensuke was setup with his own room and the computers were being setup in the next room. Diggory chose his room down the hall next to Asuka's. I wondered how they were going to get along. I went to my own room and found Shinji in there. He smiled as I walked in. He patted the bed and I smiled.

"Want a little massage?" he asked with a smile. I started stripping. "Sure. An excellent idea." I sighed as his hands started working on my back. That was the last thing I remember.

I woke up to find Shinji in bed with me. He had his arm across my tummy and his head on my chest. He had a slight smile on his face and there was no doubt in my mind he was happy. I felt warm inside. I looked down to see his eyes open and look up at me. We kissed, his soft lips on mine. I was feeling very good and I hugged him close to me.

"Morning love," he said. I smiled. "Good morning to you too. I guess I was a lot more tired than I thought." Shinji nodded. "We all were. All of us crashed with the exception of Kensuke. He's at work in his computer room."

"Well, let's drag his ass out of there and take him for breakfast downstairs," I said as I got up. "Showers first, though." We invaded his quarters right after we left my room. We found him sitting in his leather office chair reading a printout. He looked up as we approached him.

"Hey guys. What's up?" he asked

"Came in to see if you wanted breakfast. Asuka's cooking," I said. He put down his paper and followed us out. As we walked into the kitchen, we could hear Diggory talking to Asuka.

"So that's why I air painted my Eva to look like a Koala bear," he said. I grinned. "Must have been a good story," I said. Both of them turned to see the three of us there. Asuka groaned.

"It's three of the Four Stooges," she groaned. All three of us guys smiled at the same time.

"We aim to please," Toji's voice came from the other doorway. We looked up to see Toji and Hikari standing there, looking happy together. If there was a couple that deserved to be happy, it was them.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I'm all settled in. Hikari helped me out a bit," Toji said, grinning. I nodded. "It's better this way. All of us are safe here." Toji nodded. "Good. Hikari and I feel safe here already." Misato walked in. "Good, you're all here. Synch tests today, so eat up. It's going to be a long day." All of us teenagers didn't hesitate to clean off the table. I'll say one thing for Asuka, she cooks a mean sausage omelet.

We reported in at nine thirty and went to the briefing room next to the pilot's locker room. Ritsuko was there with an unhappy Misato. I had a funny feeling something was up.

"What's going down?" I asked. Ritsuko answered without looking up from her clipboard. "We want to try the test in a different way than usual. All of you will be going into the locker rooms and then going into a shower to clean off good, and then getting into your entry pods naked." I didn't hesitate to plug my ears quickly as Asuka exploded. "YOU WANT WHAT?" Ritsuko looked up and met Asuka's look with hers. "We want to know if you are able to synch better with or without the plug suits."

"NO WAY IN HELL!" Asuka roared. "I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE A BUNCH OF PERVERTED HENTAI STARING AT ME, ESPECIALLY THOSE FIVE MORON HENTAI STOOGES!" Ritsuko returned to her clipboard, not even bothered by Asuka's rant. I really had to admire the lady.

"There won't be any cameras in the hall or the entry plugs. Communications are reduced to audio only," Ritsuko informed me. I nodded. "Works for me." I headed off to the locker room and got stripped down. I hit the shower as Shinji, Diggory, and Toji walked in. Diggory reacted to the sight of my tattoos while Toji stared at the snake on my cock.

"Diamondback Rattler, Toji. Gives a whole new meaning to the term playing with your snake," I said. Toji blushed. "Sorry for staring."

"No biggie. It's a common thing for guys to check each other out," I said. Diggory was a big kid. He had muscles on top of muscles and he sported a Koala bear tattoo on his left shoulder with a cigar in it's mouth and holding a big handgun. I had to smile at the sight of it.

"That's a cute one," I commented. Diggory laughed. "I got it after I joined up Nerv Australia. Got toasted on me thirteenth birthday and got it. Kinda suits me." We left the shower and went through a door into a hall where the entry plugs were waiting. We got into the appropriate ones and the doors automatically sealed themselves. I felt my pod begin to move.

"I'm moving," I reported into my lip mike. Ritsuko's voice came back. "Good. Computer system is guiding machinery to place you guys into the test tanks. Nobody around to look at you guys."

"I ain't worried about that," Diggory huffed. "I ain't got anything that nobody's seen before."

"Commander Ikari ordered the measures," Ritsuko said. I nodded. "Good enough for me." It felt so weird to be sitting there bare assed. I relaxed and waited for the test to start as the pod filled up with the LCL. Then it got underway.

I sank into the hot tub four hours later and sighed. Shinji got in on my right side, Toji and Diggory sat across from us. I closed my eyes and let my mind dwell on Shinji's hand in my right one.

"That was loads of fun," Toji commented.

"They want to make sure we're not losing our edge," I said. "It would be a good idea to have a group training session in the VR room, pair off against each other or go a free for all." Diggory smiled at that. "Be loads of fun, mate."

"That it would be, not to mention pull us together as a team," Toji said. Diggory leaned back. "So what do ya do for fun?" We discussed various video games and told him of the huge video arcade in town, told him about the band we had, and various other things. As we talked, things were happening upstairs in the Commander's office.

Hikari Horaki sat in Commander Ikari's office and listened to Ikari and Ritsuko offer of a place in Nerv as a pilot.

"You'll be helping humanity," Ritsuko said. Hikari nodded. "I'll be safe in it?"

"Yes. They are built to withstand a lot of punishment," Ritsuko said. "Yours will have brand new armor plating on it, something called adamatium. Very strong steel." She finally nodded. "I'll do it." Ritsuko smiled. "Good. Thank you for your bravery and sacrifice." Hikari was escorted to Section Two and given her ID card and other things. She was to move into Pilot House by the end of the week.

We came out of the locker rooms and found Hikari in the Pilot's lounge. Toji stood there for a minute and then he figured it out.

"You didn't," he said. Hikari looked down for a moment and then looked up at him. "Yes. I wanted to, to help you guys." I motioned for the others to follow me. "We'll leave you two alone to talk." Toji nodded. "We'll meet you guys at Tony's in an hour." As we left the testing facilities, Asuka spotted Ritsuko and walked up to her.

"Tell me you guys didn't force her to join up," the fiery German asked point blank, her anger clearly displayed. Ritsuko looked down at Asuka. "No I didn't. My word on that."

"Good. Cause if I hear differently, I'll be looking for you," she said and then walked back to us. I saw Ritsuko shiver and I knew she was a bit afraid of Asuka. Asuka can be very mean when she wants to, and very intimidating as well. I won't cross her. Not healthy.

Toji and Hikari beat us to Tony's. Tony's was a pizza place that made the best pizza and pasta one could find in Tokyo-3. After placing our orders, we turned to the both of them. They nodded.

"Everything's cool," Toji said. I felt relieved. "Good. Talk later. Let's have some fun." We did just that. It was nice to be able to cruise the mall for a few hours and act like ordinary teens, even though we were an unusual group. Nobody even gave us a second look. I still remained alert. I wasn't taking any chances. I knew the others were carrying, but Diggory needed to get qualified. I made a call and arranged it. We spent nearly an hour in there and I ended up buying a few CD's that I was missing from my collection. Shinji found some sheet music for the band, to which all of us agreed on. All of us bought a few DVD movies for the TV room. Then it was time to head on home. It had been a long day and I wanted to work out in the weight room.

It was a quiet evening at home and Shinji and I took advantage of it. I had my workout with Shinji. Then we headed out to soak in the Jacuzzi. We sat there together, holding hands and looking at the stars. It was such a beautiful spring night. Shinji snuggled up close to me and I put my arm around him and he sighed contentedly.

"Being here right now makes me feel like I'm miles away from everything," Shinji said.

"I know what you mean," I said. "I've been thinking of getting a mountaintop place to go to once all of this shit is over. It would be a place for you and me to rest at and heal together." Shinji smiled. "Sounds like heaven to me."

"Being here is paradise enough for me," I said. Shinji hugged me. We sat there for a bit longer and then we nodded to each other, agreeing to something only we could understand inside. Shinji led the way to his room and we went inside. He locked the door behind him and led me to the bathroom. He pulled my Speedos off me and then I did the same to him. We got into the shower and enjoyed soaping each other up clean. I loved to feel his hands on my body, moving everywhere and touching all of me. I did my very best to return the favor and was rewarded by his smiles and sighs of pleasure. After the shower we to bed together. Shinji had something else in mind though. I felt his hand take hold of me and begin to wank me. I felt my snake grow big and hard.

"He definitely wants to play," Shinji whispered. I had to smile. "Does yours?" Shinji took my hand and put it on his. Shinji was hard and erect. He definitely wanted to play. I moved into a 69 and both of us sucked each other's cocks into our mouths at the same time. We slow sucked each other for a few minutes until I felt something cold on my anal opening. I realized what it was. It was Shinji's finger with KY on it. I knew what he wanted. We had talked about it so many times and now he decided he wanted to consummate our relationship. He kept that up for a few minutes, getting me lubed and stretched out for the lovemaking.

"Are you sure, babe?" I asked him. He smiled. "Yes." I got onto my back and he moved up between my legs. He put himself there and pushed slow and gently. I could feel him open me up as his cock head slowly sank into me. This wasn't like what had happened to me. Shinji was doing it because he loved me so much he wanted to bond with me. He kept going until he was completely inside of me.

"You feel so good inside of me, lover. Feel so strong," I said, closing my eyes. Shinji began to move inside of me, his cock moving in and out of me. I didn't want him to stop. New and different feelings came up from deep inside of me. They were good feelings. I felt his body move against mine. I looked up into his face. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open. I could feel his erection deep inside of me moving faster and I knew he was getting close. I was feeling things deep inside of me and they kind of scared me. I felt something wet fall on my face and I looked back at Shinji and was surprised to see him crying. Then suddenly he stiffened up and shivered and I felt something run through his cock and into me. Shinji was having his orgasm. He was ejaculating inside of me and that moved me to tears. He started to move once more and shot off twice more. Then he sighed and settled on top of me. I held him in my arms until he slipped out of me. Then he snuggled into me and we went to sleep.

I woke two hours later. Shinji was awake, his fingers exploring my torso and tattoo. I slowly ran my fingers through his silky soft black hair.

"Hey there, sweetie," I whispered. He turned to me. "Make love to me please." I felt his hand take hold of my cock and spread the KY on it. His hand felt good on it. I took the tube from him and spent the next ten minutes getting him ready. I listened to him moan from the pleasure of having his anal gate stimulated. Then I lay flat on my back and he got on top. Shinji rose up on his knees and positioned himself right, and then slowly pushed himself down onto my cock. He took it slow and easy, stopping once he was sitting on my hips.

"Oh!" he cried, shivering in passion. "You feel so good inside of me!" I could feel my cock inside of him. It was like wrapping it inside a velvety soft glove. Shinji began to rise and fall on my cock. The feelings started to build up inside of me. I felt myself going to a much higher place. Then Shinji moved off me and I rolled him onto his back and slipped my cock back inside of him. Shinji moaned softly in my ear as I began the lovemaking once more. I joined with him once more and moved my cock in and out of him as the feelings grew intense. I suddenly realized I was crying, too. I didn't know why and it scared me. I kept going until the feelings got too much and I shot deep into him. Shinji groaned as he felt me cum into him.

"Yes... let me have you... deep inside of me," he moaned. I kept going until I couldn't cum anymore. Shinji held me in his arms as I rested, my tears running down his shoulder. We kissed as my cock slipped out of him. We went to sleep in each other's arms.

Our cell phones woke us up the next morning. I reached for mine from under the covers as Shinji groaned.

"Go," I answered. The voice came back. "Angel attack."

"Tell them to go home and come back in twenty four hours. This is Sunday," I snapped back. Aoba's voice laughed. "Wish I could." I groaned. "We're rolling." I got up and pulled on shorts. "Angel attack, love. Time to kick ass." As Shinji pulled on his shorts, I went down the hall banging on doors. I turned and jogged down the stairs and to the study. Shinji had opened the secret bookcase and was waiting down there for me. Rei was the next one down, followed by Asuka, Diggory, Toji, Hikari, Misato, and then Kensuke. We got into the roller coaster car and Shinji hit the button. The car started down, going through the corkscrew as I called it and then came to the drop. Misato turned white and hung onto her safety bar as we went over the edge. Shinji and I were grinning.

"I BLOODY LOVE THIS!" Diggory yelled as we passed the half mark. He had a huge grin on his face, his eyes alive with excitement. Kensuke had his eyes closed and was hanging onto Rei's arm. Hikari was pressed into Toji and he was grinning as well. I couldn't help but laugh. We pulled into the pilot's ready room and security helped us out. I ran for the locker room with the guys behind me.

"A-team to the deck, B-team suit up and go standby," the loudspeaker announced. Since Toji and Diggory were the only two of B-team to have Evas, they suited up and boarded their Evas. Rei was first topside. She analyzed the situation and delivered her report. I took cover behind a building with a long range sniper rifle in hand and sighed down the opticals at the target. I had it built with the idea of being able to give command a very close up look at the target. This one was very unusual. It looked like and upside down pyramid. The sides were flat and smooth. Something about this one bothered me, but I decided to wait for the others to voice their opinions.

"What the hell?" Asuka said as she appeared.

"What's that supposed to be?" Kensuke asked.

"Damned if I know," Shinji said. Rei's face popped up on my communications panel. "Are you locked in on target?"

"I am," I replied.

"Take the shot," she instructed me. I took a breath and let it out slow. I gently squeezed the trigger and the gun fired. I could see the huge round moving towards the target. Suddenly a bunch of tiny mirrors popped out of nowhere and the round ricoched off one of them. I suddenly had a bad feeling.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" Shinji screamed and a second later I rolled to my left quickly, automatically responding to the threat. The huge bullet came back at me with just as much force as I had delivered to the target. The building behind me went down.

"Fuck me," I said in shock.

"Advising retreat," Kensuke said. "I'm picking up radio reports of individuals at the top of buildings, possible rocket launchers in their possession." Rei returned to my communications window as the target moved closer, the giant upside down pyramid casting a long shadow over much of Tokyo.

"All units retreat. Young Dragon, are you okay?" she asked. I looked up at her. "Just fine, slight damage to my ego is all." I made the mistake of standing up. A moment later warning signals went off on my board as Kensuke yelled.

"Incoming warheads!" he yelled.

"Incoming missiles, countermeasures have been activated," the computer voice said as I started moving down to the ground. Most of the rockets missed but a few of them tagged me, doing slight damage. The pyramid stopped right above us and a beam of energy came out of the point and right into the ground. I realized what it was doing.

"The target is drilling through the ground to reach Nerv," I reported as I crawled towards an Eva hole, or a "Rabbit hole" as the techs called it. I got in just as another rocket tagged me on the back of a leg. As the elevator moved down, the armored plate moved into position, sealing the rabbit hole. I was safe. I sighed and started a self diagnostic program to see what the damage was. The only real damage was to the back of my right leg. Everything else was superficial.

Walking into the command center, I observed Misato, Kensuke, and two other men working the phones and the radio as they directed units to go after the shooters on the buildings. Those Sons of Heaven again. I sighed and turned to Hyuga.

"What's the word on the target?" I asked him. He turned to me. "Unless we find a way to finish it we're done for. We estimate by midnight tonight." I sighed and headed to the back of the command center and sat down on the bench. Diggory was using things to reconstruct the situation and I looked at it. Asuka was leaning back in her chair, a thoughtful look on her face. Rei was standing over Kensuke as he worked his laptop and the radio. Ikari was nowhere to be seen. I watched Diggory move around the table, working the problem from all angles. It was now a waiting game.

Proverbial light bulb clicked on inside the Aussie's head around eight that night. He went over to the missile command deck and started asking questions. He grinned as he returned to his crude mockup and looked it over once more.

"I have a plan," he announced. All of us gathered around the table, including Ritsuko, Ikari, and Misato. Diggory explained his idea and Ikari nodded.

"Make it happen. A-team is go," he said. Things started to happen as we rushed back to our Evas. Diggory helped to coordinate everything from the command center. I took a sniper rifle, Asuka had a heavy duty plasma cannon, Rei picked up another rifle and Shinji took an oversized rocket launcher. The plan now was that all four of us would open fire on the Angel once all the floating mirrors were destroyed by the missile towers, the missiles programmed to explode on contact before being deflected.

"Young Dragon to Kilobyte," I called.

"Go," Kensuke's voice came back at me.

"Any movements from our friends?" I asked as I crawled out of the rabbit hole.

"That's a negative. Japan Navy Seals are guarding rooftops," he reported. I sighed in relief. "Good. Let's get this party started."

Did it ever. For the next hour the missile towers worked to destroy all of the floating mirrors and created a firing zone for us. As soon as the smoke cleared, we opened fire with our weapons and managed to create a hole in one side. Asuka dropped her weapon and charged, Shinji and Rei coming in from the sides to assist. They grabbed the sides of the hole and pulled it apart more, allowing Asuka to reach in with her prog knife and destroyed it. The energy beam disappeared as the pyramid began to come down. I sprinted in and took the forth side and we caught it in our hands. Together we managed to carry it out to the ocean area and dump it on the sand. Rei detected an energy surge inside it and called out a warning. We managed to get away from it before it blew. Another mission completed.

Shinji and I relaxed in the hot tub in the guy's locker room. I was tired, and so was he. I requested the debriefing take place in the morning, but Misato said it was important to do it now, while memories were still fresh.

"Fine, but no school tomorrow," I said. "We need to recuperate." She finally agreed to that. After sitting through a two hour debriefing, we finally headed home. Shinji and I didn't waste any time snuggling up next to each other and going to sleep. We needed it.

It was late morning that we woke up. Shinji and I stumbled into the kitchen looking like hell. Toji handed us each a cup of coffee and I drank mine down and felt the caffeine go to work.

"Ah, much better," I said. "Who's in residence?" Toji looked at the board next to the refrigerator. "Kensuke, Rei, and Diggory. Asuka and Hikari went shopping with four female Section Two agents."

"Good. Let's go see what Ken's got cooking," I said. We headed upstairs and stood at the doorway to Kensuke's workroom, surprised at what we saw. Rei was sitting on Kensuke's lap and they were kissing. That was totally unexpected. Knowing full well what Rei was, I never expected Rei to be like this. Perhaps she was starting to shake off Ikari's influence. Rei was the one to see us standing there at the doorway. She smiled at us.

"Good morning," she said. I walked in. "Good morning to you guys. I think congratulations are in order." Kensuke blushed. "Thanks, I think."

"How long?" Toji asked, sitting down on a couch.

"For the last few weeks," Kensuke said. "We'd been working together on simulations for the VR training. I got to know her very well," he said, grinning.

"This feels so right," Rei said. "I am happy." I grinned. "That's a good thing then." Kensuke grinned. "That it is." We all laughed at that and took various seats around the room. Kensuke turned back to the computer in front of him.

"There's heavy talk in the chat room this morning. Various members are very angry that we weren't blown up last night. These folks are getting very serious. Hell, they know everything about the school, and they even have a layout of it. They know how many Section Two is there, when they change shifts, and who they are. I smell leak," Kensuke said.

"Do they suspect you?" I asked. Kensuke shook his head. "No. The only people who know about me are the bridge crew, Ikari, Misato, Ritsuko, and the head of Section Two."

"Okay. Can you troll for the leak?" I asked. Kensuke smiled. "Already threw out some bait to see who bites. Get him interested, and we take him down."

"Good. Keep two informed," I said. "In the meantime, I'm gonna throw some munchies on the table." Shinji, Toji, and I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and looked inside, and then started tossing stuff onto the kitchen table. I wondered if there would be an easy way to defend the school in case of an attack. Something I'd bring up at the next pilot's meeting.

Ikari's fingers drummed the table as he thought about what I had just said about the school, and the leak.

"All the more reason why all of the pilots carry weapons," he said at last. "By the time Section Two got it together, it would be too late." That made sense. "So let Ronnie hire more undercover former American Navy Seal."

"Budget is too stretched right now," Ikari said. Okay, time to stack the deck in our favor. I'd call a meeting of my own back at the house. I zoned out the rest of the meeting as I planned a few things.

"You want to do what?" Kensuke said as I explained what I wanted to do. The others just stared at me.

"Think about this," I said. "Where has all the pilots come from?" The light slowly came on in Toji's eyes the same time Misato figured out something. Rei beat them to it.

"Everyone in our class is potential pilots," she said. Diggory looked confused. "So why am I here?"

"Because you were a trained pilot for the Australia Eva," Toji said. Misato sat up. "I'll do what I can to get you the gear. I don't know anything." I grinned. "I like your SOP."

"I'll take care of the alarm system," Kensuke said. I nodded. "Good. Here's a map of the school. Here's what I thought we could do." We spent the next hour laying down the plans for the Saturday night ops. I crossed my fingers and hoped everything would go well. Of course Ronnie volunteered to help. He liked my idea of setting up gear just in case the school got attacked.

Sunday morning Shinji and I slept in. All of us were tired after the late night op. Everything had gone according to plan, and Kensuke even set up a back door in the alarm system in the event we needed to go back in and set up more gear. Hopefully they would never be needed, but with these crazies running around, anything could happen. It had been quiet after the last Angel attack a week ago. Having extra weapons and equipment scattered around the school in hiding places would give us an edge. Something we should have done long ago. Now it was done and that made me feel better. I looked up to see Misato enter the room and look around.

"Have you two lovebirds see the other lovebirds?" she asked.

"Rei and Kensuke? They're up in his workroom," I replied. Misato did a double take on that one. "Thos two?" Shinji grinned. "Yup. Surprised us too. If you're referring to Hikari and Toji, I think I saw them in the gardens."

"Leave them be then. I wanted to inform Hikari her Eva had arrived," Misato said, opening a can of iced tea.

"Her Eva?" I asked.

"Yes. Took me by surprise. Commander Ikari informed me that her Eva was built by China branch and sent here by ship. Ritsuko has gone over every inch of it and has declared it safe," Misato informed us. Shinji nodded. "Good. I don't want a repeat of what happened with Toji." I turned to see the door open and saw Hikari and Toji walk in.

"There you guys are," Misato smiled. "Hikari, your Eva has arrived." Toji looked nervous as Misato said that. Hikari turned to him and took his hands into hers and looked into his face.

"I'll be fine, knowing that you will be there to help and protect me," she said, kissing him on the cheek. Toji blushed as I grinned. "All of her friends will be there, Toji."

"No worries, mate!" Diggory grinned. Toji took Hikari into his arms. "I don't want to lose you."

"With you there to protect me, you won't love," she said.

Two mornings later, all of us were parked topside except for Toji. He stayed down in the cage with Hikari.

"Just relax. Everything will be fine," Toji said. I watched Hikari close her eyes and relax as the LCL closed over her head. She began to breathe normally and by the indications on my board she was doing fine. Then Toji and Hikari were moved topside just outside the pyramid.

"Activate the Seventh Child," came Ikari's order. I could tell Toji was nervous as his Eva shifted side to side. A moment later I heard Ritsuko's voice.

"Eva activated, all systems normal," she said. Toji moved up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hikari?" The Eva's eyes opened. "I'm fine, Toji. I just feel so different." There were sighs of relief and congratulations from all around. We watched Toji and Hikari move off together, starting to walk around the area. Their communication channels were locked off, and I knew they were having a private conversation. I turned to face the others.

"This turned out fine. Let's go celebrate," I said. We did just that.

Back at the house, there were lots of people there, including Toji's family and Hikari's family. I kept watching Hikari and Toji and both were smiling too much. I had the feeling they were up to something. A few minutes later Hikari stepped up on a bench and waved her hand. All of us went quiet.

"I want to thank everyone for their support this morning. It meant a lot to me," she said as we applauded. Then Toji hopped up next to her and took her hand into as his arm went around her.

"We have an announcement to make," he said. "Hikari and I are getting married." That set off a long round of applause. They stepped down and began accepting congratulations from people. All through the evening they stayed close to each other. I was very happy for them and I hoped they would be happy together. The next morning they came down together as I walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"Well, there's the happy lovebirds," I commented. Toji had to laugh. "Thanks, I think." He seemed much more relaxed then he had in the last few days.

"What do you guys have planned?" Rei asked. Hikari sighed. "Not much yet." Rei turned to a nearby desk and pulled out a legal pad and a pen, sitting down at the table.

"I would like to volunteer to help coordinate things," she said. Toji and Hikari sat down. I went back into the kitchen for cups of coffee for them and found everyone at the table when I returned.

"First off," Hikari began, "I want Asuka to be my maid of honor." Asuka got excited. "Thanks, Hikari!"

"Shinji will be my best man," Toji announced. Shinji stood up, walked around the table, and bowed. "I would be honored." Toji stood up and returned the bow. "Thank you, Shinji-san."

"What colors are you guys going to use?" I asked.

"We decided on a traditional Japanese Wedding," Hikari said. I smiled. "Very cool. I've seen them on TV."

"Here's your chance to be at one for real," Toji said. Misato sipped her morning beer. "Got a date set? Place picked out?"

"Not yet. We know we will have to talk with Nerv security about that," Toji said. Ryoji Kaji leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen. "Can I suggest the garden about a mile away from the pyramid, next to the lake? Could set up two tents there, one for the service and one for the reception."

"There's a garden down there?" Misato said in surprise.

"There is now. A few friends of mine and I have been working one down there for a few years. I have a small patch of flowers and watermelons," he said.

"Can we take a look?" Toji asked.

"Sure. A majority of the flowers will be in bloom in a few weeks," Kaji said.

"What about the priest? Can we get a Shinto Priest?" Misato asked. Kaji smiled. "I know one that is very discrete. He'll never say anything." I nodded. "Good. Let's get this thing rolling then." That broke up the meeting at the table.

Shinji and I started to plan Toji's bachelor party. We decided on the pizza place on the corner at the local mall. This one was a two story building, the restaurant on the ground floor and all of the hot video games up on the second floor along with party rooms. Only problem was that it wasn't really defendable. The secondary place was going to be the small resort on the beach in the next town over. That one was actually much more ideal. Shinji and I decided on a weekend there instead. We'd take a special Nerv train there, bringing everyone involved to a special pickup point known only to Nerv security, picked out in an hour's notice. That would be my responsibility, one I took on willingly. We'd go in on a Friday afternoon, go out deep sea fishing on Saturday, party on Saturday night, and return Sunday afternoon. I presented that plan along with a list of people for the party. Commander Ikari and Fuyutsuki Kozo had been invited, but they both declined due to their workload. Both of them would be at the Wedding. I hoped so.

Toji and Hikari went to see the garden. I went along to see it for myself, and all of us pilots ended up going. It was beautiful. It was beyond description. The best part of it in my mind was that it was situated in a way that you couldn't see the pyramid at all. We drove small jeeps to the site and were just stunned. Kaji was being too modest when he said it was just a simple garden. A few of the scientists had been displaced by Angel attacks and now lived down there full time. When they weren't in their labs, they were building the garden. The word soon got around and a large number of Nerv employees were walking through there on their lunch breaks. Both Toji and Hikari were delighted with it.

"No tent for the actual ceremony," Hikari said. "This is heaven." I had to agree. It was heaven. The second tent for the reception would be pitched nearby, on a bare patch of earth where the party would be held. This place was perfect. The security would be very alert and the entire security force would turn out for the event, including those who would have their days off on the actual date. So far things were going well. I kept my fingers crossed.

That night in bed, Shinji and I lay there together and talked about a great many deal of things. We kept touching and caressing each other, kissing and pleasing each other. Eventually Shinji reached for the KY and I knew he wanted to make love to me. I closed my eyes as he slipped inside me. I sighed in pleasure as I felt him slide deep inside me.

"Feels so good," I whispered into his ear. "Make love to me, sweetheart." Shinji did. He'd go fast one minute, slow the next. Shinji dragged it out as long as he could until he couldn't hold back any longer. I felt him cum deep inside of me and I loved to feel his orgasm inside of me. I sighed as he slowly pulled out of me. We kissed some more, our lips pressed together as my fingers found his gate and slipped inside. Shinji moaned in passion as I slipped my hard cock into him.

"Yes... slip it in... make love to me," Shinji moaned out loud. I kept pushing in until I was firmly planted inside of Shinji.

"This feels so good... let me put my peace inside your heaven," I whispered.

"Please," Shinji pleaded. I began the lovemaking. I really can't come up with the right words to describe what the pleasure felt like. All I can tell you is that we enjoyed it tremendously. We were one united, I was Shinji and Shinji was me. It got to the breaking point, and I felt my peace leave me and enter Shinji. Both of moaned in ecstasy as I ejaculated deep inside of him. We slowly returned to our senses and kissed each other as I slipped out of him. We snuggled up together and fell asleep in each other's arms. I dreamed of us being together in the mountaintop cabin, a cabin that we'd build together, far away from the Angel war and the Evas. It would be a dream I'd have many times, a dream I would share with Shinji and he'd get excited. I hoped it would become reality someday.


Next episode: The Sons of Heaven step up their attacks on us. Diggory and Asuka start a relationship. Toji's bachelor party. Angel attacks. The Wedding. More Angel attacks.

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